🚀 Features
angular: update component generator to use a single string styles
or styleUrl
property (#20146 )
🩹 Fixes
angular: update jest-preset-angular fixing an issue with component single string styles and styleUrl props (#20205 )
angular: fix misc issues with migration replacing the nguniversal usages (#20209 )
angular: set the correct target version for package update (#20219 )
angular: improve express server setup for static files in mf remote apps (#20218 )
angular: use esm2022 for secondary entrypoints in ng-packagr-lite executor (#20130 )
angular: display template error when cache is disabled in ng-packagr executors (#20277 )
angular: generate component with as-provided format when generating a library (#20306 )
angular: fix builder/executor resolution in ngcli-adapter (#20307 )
core: pass workingDirectory to executed schematic, if found in schema (#19371 )
js: filtering of local dependencies when running nx release version
(#19995 )
misc: fix project-name-and-root-utils type imports in schemas (#20305 )
misc: @nx/web:file-server should not error on destructuring null (#20318 )
module-federation: add tsconfig file for linting with TS webpack #20150 (#20210 , #20150 )
nextjs: read nextConfig path correctly when provided as an option. (#20241 )
react: types should be in compilerOptions of tsconfig.spec.json (#20290 )
testing: target defaults migration should not throw if workspace contains inferred projects (#20189 )
vite: vitest versions alignment (#20215 )
❤️ Thank You
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