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Multiple Configurations

Pelle Nilsson edited this page Jul 21, 2018 · 1 revision

Inkscape remembers the most recent configuration used for each extension. If you have more than one project that you are switching between that might become a bit cumbersome for the countersheets extension, having to manually change the path to the data file and modify any other settings that can be different between the projects (different settings for registration marks or export options for instance).

There is a simple workaround though, although some care must be taken to repeat these steps after upgrading the extension.

Find the countersheet.inx file where it was installed, and make a copy of it. Name your copy for instance mycards.inx if you want to have a configuration for a card game you are working on. Edit the new mycards.inx file using any text editor (even Notepad should be fine). You only have to edit lines 2 and 3, the first being the name of the extension (set to eg Create My Cards) and the second any unique id ( or whatever you want; it is only used internally by Inkscape to tell different extensions apart).

Now if you start or restart Inkscape you should have a new extension availaboe in the menu. If you use that extension the configuration you use will be saved separately from the normal countersheets extension.

This can of course be repeated any number of times. You can have multiple different configurations for the same game, for instance to quickly be able to switch between different data-files or other settings.

Just remember that when you install a new version of countersheet.inx you will also have to create new copies. You probably want to make sure the same ids are used so that any old configurations are still kept by inkscape.

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