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WP1.2 Coordination Meeting January 21, 2019

Javier edited this page Jan 22, 2019 · 2 revisions

Meeting Report WP1.2 ‘Modelica library for MPC’


Subject: WP1.2

Date: 21-01-2019

Location: Skype for Business

Minutes taken by: Lieve Helsen (KU Leuven)


Company/Organisation Participant

KU Leuven Lieve Helsen (WP Leader)

KU Leuven Filip Jorissen

KU Leuven Iago Cupeiro

KU Leuven Javier Arroyo

KU Leuven Jan Drgona

SDU Kzrysztof Arendt

LBNL David Blum

IK4 Jesus Febres

IK4 Susana Lopez

PNNL Chen Yan

PNNL Sen Huang

3E Roel De Coninck


3.1. Approval/Modification Agenda

Point added to the agenda by Krzysztof: presentation on how we could test MPC robustness to erroneous forecasts: : radar plot to visualize different levels of forecast errors and method to generate error profiles. The error does not seem to increase with forecast horizon (confirmed by Dave).

3.2. Status & further discussion where needed

a. KPIs: further progress? (Javier & Krzysztof)

Javier included his contribution on KPIs in the guide document and calls for review (Action all) Robustness towards forecast errors to be included? Not in the list of core KPIs, rather in the list of scenarios. Krzysztof develops and demonstrates his method for testing MPC robustness against erroneous forecasts in the Aachen meeting (Action Krzysztof). What are the required scenarios? To be discussed in Aachen.

b. Emulators: develop, document and review

Modelica template (standardization towards KPIs and input/output communication)

Dave elaborates on his progress in Modelica Signal Exchange Blocks  See Test Case 1 on BOPTEST Repository. Export FMU is done as post processing.

Peer review process: checklist for review (Filip)

Filip wants to start the process while reviewing the first emulators (Action Filip), a first emulator model is ready in IDEAS to start with. Dave: Requirements and guides document also contains a section that can be used to document the check list.

Unit test guidelines (Dave)

No progress yet (Action Dave)


Document ‘Development requirements and guide’

(items to be added and to be reviewed – ALL) Aim: finalize by Aachen meeting. There is progress in writing sections, call for review: responsible reviewer is assigned to each section and send around (Action Dave and responsible reviewers)

List of use cases

Make proposals/first list of use cases and scenarios (pricing scheme, yearly evaluation …) by Aachen Meeting (Action all) – decision is taken then.

Prototype test

(feedback and supervisory controllers, not yet MPC) – who has made further trials? Sen Huang tried the same test in a different language (Julia) to check the general usability

MPC description template: status? (Iago & Jan)

First draft is finalized by Iago and Jan and is uploaded in GitHub repository. Call for review (Action all). PDF is sent to all by Iago (Action Iago)

Modelica Library for MPC:

overview of available models (Filip, Dave & Iago) Filip made a list of available models based on IDEAS, some had to be modified. Dave still has to make this overview based on Buildings/IBPSA (Action Dave by next progress meeting). Making a joint library means we want to use the same models ;-)

3.3. Joint papers:

BS2019, Modelica Conference? Other?

a. BS2019 (Rome)

‘Prototyping a framework for simulation-based testing of advanced control strategies in buildings’.

b. Journal

Review paper ‘All you need to know about model predictive control for buildings’.

c. SBE19 (Graz)

IBPSA project 1 ‘BIM/GIS and Modelica framework for building and community energy system design and operation – ongoing developments, lessons learned and challenges’

3.4. Miscellaneous

a. Other initiatives?


1st World Championship in Cybernetic Building Optimization  they built an emulator with a BACnet interface and a BMS front-end. Their goal is to measure the skills of building operators using a realistic emulator. The competition is held on June 7, 2019, and the deadline for registration is April 12, 2019. More information on: KU Leuven and LBNL do not plan to attend. Javier sends the call to Roel and Krzysztof

Mission Innovation Montreal Workshop:

intention to set up an IEA-EBC Annex on the use of data in building operation Dave sends the report from the workshop in Montreal and keeps us informed about the new Annex

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