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2019 11 08 library development

Michael Wetter edited this page Nov 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

IBPSA Modelica Library Coordination

Date: November 8, 2019, 8am-9am Pacific Times The purpose of this meeting is to coordinate the development

Meeting information

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Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,6614042296# or +16465588656,6614042296#

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Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 661 404 2296 International numbers available:


  1. Condensing coil model.
  2. Regression testing
  3. Actuator model revision (
  4. New media in Pull Request for R410A, R134a, R290 and R744 from Aachen (Christian).
  5. Geothermal model
  6. Open pull requests and issues at


Antoine Gautier
Jianjun Hu
Klaas de Jonge
Filip Jorissen
Donghun Kim
Brendan Sullivan
Michael Wetter


Condensing coil model

Discussion of

Donghun presents slides about Fuzzy Modeling approach applied to cooling coil model.

Donghun to look into and discuss with Filip offline.

Regression testing

Need to design how/where to store results on a server. Antoine to make specification and share it with Michael Manns.

Actuator model revision

Latest revision at

Antoine will enter an overview of parameter changes to be clear what changes, and afterwards make the change.

Antoine to run the large models in the Buildings.Examples package to verify that model is robust.

Antoine to benchmark C1 implementation of pressure-independent damper. For MPC, may need to replace this model with a C2 model (that does not output the actuator position).

New media R290

No update since July. Christian Vering to address

Geothermal model

No update.

Student of Massimo will start in September.

Open issues


New action items


Previous action items

Antoine to make PR to change "Nominal condition" to "Nominal conditions", and "Flow Coefficient" to "Flow coefficients".

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