2.0.0 (2020-10-22)
Bug Fixes
- adapt recommendation logic (9e64fc5)
- add french translations to data transformation (afc4e74)
- add info text (67e3237)
- add missing CSS file (7217ef0)
- add missing data to test fixture (315d9b0)
- add missing legend info for Mendrisotto (44fbcce)
- add new case to baumartenlogic (8ba2213)
- add ol.css to fix event handling for new OL release (1a00f7f)
- adjust font sizes to improve mobile UX (4e21953)
- allow access to JSON files (7c01224)
- avoid missing forest type options (555856d)
- avoid missing Redux devtools (179b75a)
- catch empty projections (46af026)
- catch missing information about forest type height (ff2a659)
- catch missing language for old versions (e5bfe73)
- catch missing terrain and latin data (e3e6958)
- catch unsupported languages (04c0137)
- change color for sameAltitudinalZone message (0ab74e3)
- check for treeType options (33b3d54)
- check if tree-lib version is available (e0ba6d0)
- clone lists to prevent outdated information (e6ee6dc)
- close ecogram popup on outside click and improve text rendering (70875a6)
- data transformation was wrongly grouped by relief (b0515e6)
- disable search for aspect and slope location filter (f01cdec)
- do not copy target forest type to location forest type (de6e91d)
- do not download PDF files (fa2950b)
- do not use isMulti for negative recommendation (440077e)
- fall back to first option for field additional (1f76e2e)
- fall back to first option for secondary projection fields (06ec27e)
- fall back to unknown silver fir area (fe75d70)
- filter location by altitudinalZoneForestEcoregion, aspect and slope (b4b0111)
- force click (cfd12e9)
- force click to avoid hidden elements (10edf60)
- group only by main and other (247880e)
- group other forest types by group (6c2571a)
- handle digit keys in CSV translation files (6a24df9)
- improve label placement (5437fc6)
- improve label placement (d223709)
- improve label placement for ecograms (0201350)
- improve label placement for grid diagrams (ee9388e)
- improve label wording (5817674)
- increase font size for other forest type label (f3c8ec1)
- increase font size on info page (7dd2334)
- info integration test (ff2e5bc)
- initial value for projectionResult (9a4c68f)
- integration tests (51835f5)
- layout improvements (58069b0)
- linting and layout bug (39c8f41)
- make permalink more robust (c80aeef)
- make ribbon smaller (466c028)
- make sure we reset empty form location fields (150c8f6)
- max with for ecogram and better label placement (55c8d51)
- move label styling to Dropdown component (2073987)
- only publish build to NPM (615c4f2)
- only show recommendation for found scenarios (35a8ec7)
- only show recommendations for last projection (b47a75d)
- prop types (53ed080)
- read ecogram data from locate result (e1c9c8f)
- read forest type from f attribute (da6a4e4)
- remove key to prevent duplicat tabs (69ac94f)
- remove remaining references to deprecated hochmontan zones (35b472e)
- remove silver fir area from checked fields, because it's coming from the map (5f15936)
- repair spatial import for non-nested ZIP files (faa02a6)
- replace lost nat_naistyp data with previous data and fix join (983a3f8)
- reset form location on map location change (933ca1c)
- reset projection result to initial state to handle unchanged locations (8287c0f)
- restore missing height for forest types (53c2156)
- select first forest type if only one is provided (c5a3529)
- select forest type only when clicking on select option (6a257a6)
- set default language to German (faae773)
- set initial locate result (f0b8cbb)
- set silverFirArea and altitudinalZone depending on projection mode and form location (9440daa)
- show attention trees (b920716)
- show forest type name in modal (e5c15bf)
- show full-size ecogram (cb25c75)
- show geolocation button only on mobile devices (bb730f4)
- show last recommendation in correct color (81b861c)
- show level 4 trees in recommendation if they appear in any scenario (42d629a)
- show location fields only in form mode (30dd31a)
- show main header only if it has main group (bde8919)
- show projection result only if forest type and panes are available (1e11dda)
- show slope field only in projectionMode form (a1db466)
- show update toast if new service worker is waiting (48e0495)
- sort and update slope labels (8c88f7d)
- sort ecogram boxes by z value (2f0d013)
- sort options for field additional (46ac7b8)
- sort recommended tree types like in list and add unit test (1601eee)
- switch marker for endangered and pioneer tree type (b910eea)
- switch symbols for endangered and pinoeer tree types (3cc85eb)
- take unknown carbonate information into account (444a489)
- trim altitudinal zone in source data to fix missing projection (1921d08)
- unregister OpenLayers events correctly (e6b006d)
- update filter data for forestType, treetype and indicator (372c8f6)
- update French data translations (9c14f01)
- update German UI strings (0a51873)
- update map position icon (5fa997c)
- update NaiS data fix encoding (90b49fd)
- update string for altitudinal zone to match projection CSV data (6b33bdd)
- update translations (e5e7ccb)
- use correct coordinate transformation (922c56c)
- use correct font size for info text (93cb0bb)
- use correct links for reports (693eb30)
- use correct projection result for recommendation (13c0dcc)
- use correct variable name for slopes (b4550ca)
- use correct variable name for treeTypes (564f74b)
- use custom history to maintain permalink (4bb68b0)
- use EPSG:2056 as default display projection (7b21b46)
- use first option to fetch projection for secondary fields (a7e358b)
- deps: pin dependency history to 4.10.1 (08b522b)
- use original location if scenario does not change (c839150)
- use simple unicode cross for endangered tree types (ecec636)
- use stable sorting (19a6932)
- use target column for silver fir area in data processing (288880d)
- use trim to join naistyp data (ab61f7d)
- deps: pin dependency lodash.get to 4.4.2 (964b913)
- add aspect and slope filter to location form (5e1f6df)
- add button to forest type PDFs (90d3730)
- add contact info (1ddd513)
- add disclaimer to info page (a89148e)
- add ecogram 10 and 12 to forest ecoregion 2b (9c344fd)
- add forest type page for testing (aceb903)
- add french translations to NAiS data (e33b881)
- add general information to forest type modal (5c86fb1)
- add German translation strings for forest type diagram (69d343a)
- add help buttons to location components (d1225dc)
- add indicator and extent foresttype information (70ede11)
- add indicators filter to location form (1fe37ad)
- add initial french translation to projection data (44fd01b)
- add initial geolocation control (45f1949)
- add legend for map vector layer (0b30ae3)
- add location filter for carbonate, geomorphology and relief type (129d74e)
- add location filter for tree type (73c6909)
- add marker for pioneer tree types (2eb2ab2)
- add more info text (a6a31d4)
- add more location filters (f05dbd1)
- add more type information (8c6f3d2)
- add pioneer to treeType info based on nat_arten_baum table (2aa321d)
- add project supervision to participants (378c043)
- add reset button to location form (2ed8379)
- add rows and silverFirArea to ecogram data and component (6b0d68a)
- add scale bar to map (0e4947a)
- add tile index file (8a8e0e2)
- add tiles service worker for offline map (4607863)
- add vegetation data and function (00ef840)
- allow user to unregister old service worker (6d23809)
- connect forest type diagram to data (9b00f24)
- filter forest types (0f0ad45)
- filter forestTypes by location groups (a592b90)
- filter treeTypes and indicators by forestType and return grouped forestTypes (59db0d0)
- for missing projections fallback to unknown secondary fields (2cc07af)
- forest type needs to include all indicators and tree types (6c6ec80)
- handle hochmontan altitudinal zones for locate function (b114ac8)
- highlight only active ecogram boxes (ff19a60)
- implement and use forest type button (556a209)
- implement and use initial language switcher component for french (705894c)
- implement initial forest type diagram (f576e9f)
- implement initial location result component to show ecogram or forest type list (1169e50)
- implement location filter for forest type hight and group (d217fc7)
- implement modal to select forest type from ecogram (890732f)
- import updated NAiS data NAT_LAGE and NAT_BODEN (f8147fa)
- import updated spatial data from map.geo.admin.ch (790fbec)
- import updated translations (8923ea4)
- import updated translations from Google Sheet (0a876d0)
- improve forest type description (da3670b)
- improve labeling in forest type diagrams (4a152c5)
- improve location result style and fix selection (deef714)
- improve mobile support for forest type description (34f05f1)
- improve styling for ecogram (506bab5)
- include location.altitudinalZone in options for targetAltitudinalZone (f5a78cc)
- initial ecogram visualisation (e5890a1)
- initial location form (e8bae89)
- make latin italic (d49296e)
- merge hochmontan into single altitudinal zone (3580a80)
- merge level 4 trees into level 3 for projection info (72f07f1)
- move forest type description into tabs (7b4e12d)
- move forest type group to location result (45a09d1)
- preselect and fall back to normal location altitudinal zone for transition (b444cde)
- remove test ribbon (c9b1b0f)
- remove treeLayerHeightMin and treeLayerHeightMax from location filter (3e79a98)
- replace forest type button with forest type modal (347150a)
- reset form location if forest type is missing in options (34cec44)
- reset form location on map location change (b2c5df9)
- respond to tiles with cached data (fc3f87c)
- run locate function on location changes (2c3ef95)
- run projection for each scenario and handle altitudinal zone hochmontan (4284c40)
- set default value to unknown (726d2ed)
- show location page by default (980fc95)
- show message if altitudinal zones do not change (c3ec2ac)
- show message if ecogram is missing (f256c5f)
- show message if user should check location fields because of missing projection (01e1dc8)
- show no data hint if data is missing in diagrams (a111fcd)
- show read-only location information in map mode (c5d2681)
- show version information in about text (8bd8961)
- store projection result for each scenario (690f8ba)
- support multiple target altitudinal zones (2c1858d)
- switch from modal to popup for ecogram forest type selection (2a85cce)
- take forest type height and group into account for location (8a13866)
- use options from locate function (953f113)
- will not include src files.