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Eclipse GLSP VSCode Integration Changelog

2.3.0 - active


Potentially Breaking Changes


  • [diagram] Fix minor styling and behavioral issues when using GLSPProjectionView #62
  • [diagram] Removed the context menu module from the default integration as it is currently not supported in VS Code #63

Potentially Breaking Changes

  • [protocol] Fix a bug in the client-server action forwarding that prevented proper marking and handling of server received actions #58
    Following classes and methods are now deprecated:
    • VsCodeGLSPModelSource: Rebinding to a custom model source is no longer necessary. Use the default GLSPModelSource instead.
    • ExtensionAction: The concept of marking actions as locally dispatched ExtensionActions is no longer necessary and usage is discouraged.
    • GlspVscodeConnector.sendToActiveClient: Use GlspVscodeConnector.dispatchAction instead.
    • GlspVscodeConnector.setActionToClient: Use GlspVscodeConnector.dispatchAction instead.


  • [launch] Socket-based launch quickstart components now support auto-assigned ports #33
  • [diagram] Fix a bug where the context key for selected elements was not updated properly #28
  • [diagram] Implement support for MessageAction notifications #35
  • [diagram] Improve dirty state handling to also enable dirty state change evens that have not been triggered by an operation #37
  • [launch] Provide NodeGlspVscodeServer to enable direct server integration in the extension context without a dedicated server process #38
  • [diagram] Fixed a bug that prevented proper server-side disposal of diagram sessions #40
  • [API] Restructured packages to also provide a node-dependency free entry point for web-extensions ('@eclipse-glsp/vscode-integration/browser`) #39
  • [diagram] Add support for server progress reporting #47
  • [example] Add keybinding for triggering ExportSvgActions #41

Breaking Changes

  • [deps] Update to vscode-jsonrpc 8.0.2 & update minimum requirements for Node to >=16.11.0 #31
  • [launch] Refactor socket-based quickstart components to also support WebSocket connections #37
    • Renamed JavaSocketServerLaunchOptions -> SocketServerLaunchOptions and removed serverType property
    • Renamed GlspServerLauncher -> GLSPSocketServerLauncher
    • Replaced serverPort property of SocketGlspVscodeServerOptions with connectionOptions
    • Added start() and onReady to GlspVscodeServer interface
  • [API] Refactored GlspVscodeConnector.onSelectionUpdate event #40
    • Event<string[]> -> Event<{selectedElementIDs:string[], deselectedElementIDs:[]}>
  • [API] Drop dependency to sprotty-vscode-webview #36
    • Classes,Types and symbols provide by sprotty-vscode-webview are no longer exported via main index
    • SprottyDiagramIdentifier->GLSPDiagramIdentifier
    • SprottyStarter-> GLSPStarter
    • GLSPVscodeDiagramWidget-> GLSPDiagramWidget
  • [API] Refactor webview communication into a WebviewEndpoint service and use vscode-messenger protocol for webview communication #51 #52
    • Extract vscode specific diagram bindings into custom feature modules
    • Replace GLSPVscodeExtensionHandler with HostExtensionHandler


  • [example] Improved and modernized styling of the GLSP workflow example #22
  • [build] Updated Typescript to version 4.5.5 and enforced noImplicitOverride #26

Inception of the Eclipse VScode integration. This project provides the glue code to integrate a GLSP diagram editor into VSCode. This is achieved by using the VSCode extension API for creating custom editors.