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@github-actions github-actions released this 29 Jul 19:34

⚠️ Warning notice ⚠️

This release introduced a breaking change via compose-go v1.3.0 and this PR.
Docker Compose will recreate new resources (networks, volumes, secrets, configs...) with new names, using a - instead a _ and try to connect/use to this new created resources instead of your existing ones!
Please use Compose v2.9.0 instead

What's Changed

Enhancements ✨

Fixes 🐛

Internal 🔧

  • CI(docs): use push-to-fork when creating pr by @crazy-max in #9670
  • Increase code quality by adding gocritic to the linters
  • Use env variable for golang version and updates gh actions from v2 to v3 by @glours in #9675
  • Use Google addlicense instead of kunalkushwaha/ltag by @glours in #9677


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.7.0...v2.8.0