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Conference Talks

dzoladz edited this page Sep 28, 2021 · 1 revision


  1. Proposal Submission
  2. Publishing Proposals
  3. Open Proposal Voting
  4. Publish Selected Talks

1. Proposal Submission

Create Proposal Form

Form Fields

  • Title
  • Absctract
  • Speaker Name
  • Speaker Affiliation (optional)
  • Speaker Email (repeat Name/Affiliation/Email for speaker 2-5)

Open Proposal Submissions

In _data/conf:

  1. add your Google Form url to the talk-proposal-form
  2. change toggles.prop-talk to true

2. Publishing Proposals

  1. Download the response sheet as a CSV
  2. Use FromSheetsToJekyll to create a jekyll data file
  • Instructions are provided on the site. You want to check "included" on items you want to include in the data file
  • Check "Text?" on Abstracts and Titles
  • You'll want some sort of identifier. We've used the Timestamp in the past. Check "Slugify?" for this value
  1. Copy the resulting text into _data/talk-proposals
  2. You may need to edit the talks/proposed-talks.html template file to account for form column changes or additional data. Or, design it however you want!

3. Open Proposal Voting

In _data/conf:

  1. add the voting url talk-voting-link
  2. change to true

4. Publish Selected Talks

  1. Make a copy of the response sheet
  2. Add columns for additional metadata:
    • day (1, 2, 3)
    • group (numerical ID linked to schedule.yml)
    • spot (number used for sorting within group)
    • length (in minutes)
    • startTime (UNIX timestamp)

(NOTE: Eric P deleted endTime & milTime in 2019. Were these used anywhere?)

You may have to do some convoluted things in the Program Talks spreadsheet to get all the data you need in one export. A couple tricks:

  • a formula such as =((date(2019,2,19+A2)-date(1970,1,1))+TIMEVALUE(C2))*86400+5*60*60 can convert day and start time into the UNIX timestamp that Jekyll needs for startTime. date(2019,2,19+A2) takes the integer "day" value (e.g. 1, 2, 3) in cell A2 and turns it into a time value (starting at day 1 = 2019-02-20 in this example), TIMEVALUE(C2) takes a human-readable time like "10:00 am" or 14:00 and also converts it to a timevalue, then subtracting January 1st, 1970 and multiplying by 86400 converts a time value to UNIX seconds, then the final +5*60*60 is a time zone adjustment.
  • if some important information is in a different tab, you can use a VLOOKUP on the title of the conference talk to get it, e.g. use =VLOOKUP(E2,'Copy of Tentative Schedule'!E:F,2, FALSE) to get start times (column F) from a schedule tab (you can copy a tab from one spreadsheet into another if you need to vlookup across sheets)
  • to get a "speakers-text" value you can concatenate all the speaker name columns like =CONCATENATE(H2, ", ",I2, ", ",J2), then perform a search-and-replace to remove excess commas

Convert sheet to _post files

use FromSheetsToJekyll

Select Templates from the three options. You can use these settings for the frontmatter


layout: presentation
day: [day]
group: [group]
spot: [spot]
length: [length]
type: talk
categories: talks
time: [time]
startTime: [starttime]
speakers-text: [speakerstext]
- [speakerone|slug]
- [speakertwo|slug]
- [speakerthree|slug]

Values in brackets [] represent Spreadsheet Column Labels. For the initial ingest, it is not necessary to have all the values (e.g. day, group, spot, length might not be known) as these will be decided later. Set the title, description, and date fields (pick the first day of the conference for all talks—again, the actual talk dates can be modified later).

Download and unzip the resulting file and put contents into /_posts.

/talks/index.html should now have all the selected talks.