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Agenda and Minutes October 27 2021

dzoladz edited this page Sep 28, 2021 · 1 revision


Anchor to minutes

Team Member Introductions

Obligatory introductions. Let's get to know one another.

  • Name, affiliation, title, role(s)
  • Technical skills & interests
  • Previous Code4Lib experience?
  • What do you want to get out of this experience?
  • What do you need from me to get going?

Organize & Plan

Let's build a communications and work plan.

  • Establish Meeting Schedule
    • Regular meetings every 3 weeks
    • Update progress, assign tasks, clarify issues, and set priorities
  • Preferred Communication Methods
    • Code4Lib slack (#conference-website)
    • Email
    • Zoom for scheduled meetings, or impromptu one-on-one screen sharing sessions


Not terribly interesting, but required.

  • GitHub Issues
    • Obvious mistake that needs to be corrected or amended? Open an issue.
    • Team needs to decide from multiple alternative? Open an issue.
    • Bite-sized issues are preferred ❤️
  • Contributing Code
    • IDE: create branch, make changes
      • Test: build site and review
      • Integrate: commit, push, and create a pull request
        • Another team member to review and merge
    • Or, make edits on GitHub and open a pull request
    • Or, Cary's Method
    • Supporting Documentation

Set Goals and Priorities

  • Theming the site

    • Hero image, color palette, typography/font
    • Initial ideas? Volunteer(s) to lead this effort?
    • Let's be able to make a decision on how to move forward at our next meeting
  • Content Review

    • Identify area that will need to be modified or removed for an all virtual conference.
      • Or, content areas that will need to be developed.
    • Focus: at the moment, all sections of the General Info, controlled by _data/navs/general-info.yml, are displayed to allow us to review the content.
    • Open an issue before you begin to to work on any fixes.
      • This will keep us abreast of the totality of work that needs to be distributed, as well as keep us from duplicating efforts or stepping on toes.
      • Feel free to self-assign to any issues ❤️
      • If an issues is reported, and it's interest or matches your skillset, grab it.

Cary’s comment on GitHub workflow:

  • When I work on GitHub projects that have a diverse contributor base (like us), I generally use forks and pull requests rather than branches. While this does not have the ultimate flexibility of branching and merging, I think that it is less work and less overhead than branching.

Meeting Notes Oct.27 3:00pm

  • Attendees: Derek Zoladz, Cary Gordon, Andrew Hickner, Ranti Junus, Meng Qu, and Jerry Yarnetsky.

Initial state of the site

  • will be eventual URL. DNS will be set once site is ready.
  • Temporary preview site
  • Conference dates March 22-26. Online only. Format will again be single track with lightning talks and longer presentations and some form of poster sessions. Possibly with shorter 3-4 hour days.
  • However, live virtual conference platform will be the center for 2022 Conference so this website will largely be a promotional/registration tool. It is possible it might be needed for ancillary purposes such as schedule or poster presentations
  • Need to review and modify the content of sub-sessions on the General Info page. Tailor to a virtual conference.
  • Need to include info about sponsorship.
  • Reach out to the Planning and social committees for updated info.
  • Ideally have a site that is plug and play for 2022.

Workflow and communication

  • Three week sprints
  • GitHub Issues (by tags) will be the project management platform.
  • Feel free to open or self-assign tasks in GitHub Issues. Derek will open initial issues
  • Use Branches and/or Forking for changes, then submit pull request for another committee member to review.
  • Peer-review will be preferred, but not programmed into the system.
  • Primary communication method: GitHub Slack (Website Chanel) + GitHub Wiki (for raw materials)

Upcoming sprint (goals and action items)

  • Goals: Have content updated and proposed design set for next meeting. Ideally have site active by Dec. 1 (4-5 weeks from now).
  • Initial issue creation: Derek
  • Re-Design work: Julia and Meng
  • Content review: Derek, Ranti, and Jerr
  • Hero image: Julia

Next meeting

Monday, Nov. 16, 2020 @ 3pm EST Subsequent meetings every 3 weeks