- Release: 2.1.0 (e06b60a)
- Update: Moving thumbnail page numbers (#943) (3a48a14), closes #943
- Chore: Address Security updates (#945) (98c585a), closes #945
- Chore: Downgrade annotations to 2.3.0 (#941) (1af4c75), closes #941
- Chore: Replace loading doc loading animation with a GIF (#923) (35fb9f7), closes #923
- Fix: Apply new loading GIF to presentations (#938) (f0507bb), closes #938
- Fix: Do not destroy fullscreen on viewer destroy (#935) (adca14f), closes #935
- Fix: Manually dispatch scroll event (#940) (8954639), closes #940
- Fix: Remove .bp-content outline (#933) (a523125), closes #933
- Fix: Use pointer for Thumbnails cursor (#936) (a53d450), closes #936
- Update Translations (#934) (3121a48), closes #934
- Update Translations (#942) (bf9c94f), closes #942
- Upgrade: Migrate from whatwg-fetch to axios for all requests (#939) (fb76b13), closes #939