Releases: MIERUNE/qgis-jaxa-earth-plugin
Releases · MIERUNE/qgis-jaxa-earth-plugin
What's Changed
- UI panel changed to dialog by @bordoray in #17
- Dataset details to be accessible with Details button by @bordoray in #18
- Target extent to be customizable by @bordoray in #19
- Check amount of data when loading by @bordoray in #20
- Make multilanguage (english/japanese) by @nbayashi in #21 and #26
- Show available period for each dataset by @bordoray in #23
- Update avalaible dataset list by @bordoray & @nbayashi in #24 and #29
- Add tooltips by @bordoray & @nbayashi in #27
- Update documentation by @bordoray in #30
- Add Help button redirecting to Github documentation by @bordoray in #25
Full Changelog: v1.0...v2.0.0
What's Changed
- dataset要素のglobal/local/unknownへの振り分け by @Druk-Drink in #7
- add_time_range in layer by @Druk-Drink in #8
- date_selection_Sep27 by @Druk-Drink in #9
- 年月日をdate_idからパース・1年を超える範囲は指定不可 by @Kanahiro in #10
New Contributors
- @Druk-Drink made their first contribution in #7
Full Changelog: v1.0...1.3.0