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Fast and Automatic Microsoft Recommended Driver Block Rules updates

HotCakeX edited this page Mar 10, 2023 · 20 revisions

Fast and Automatic Microsoft Recommended Driver Block Rules updates

The blocklist is updated with each new major release of Windows, typically 1-2 times per year, but you can deploy the recommended driver block rules policy more frequently.

This is the GitHub source for the XML content shown on the Microsoft document website. You can see when the last time it was changed was, read the change history and commit messages. The script below automates the required steps explained on the document to download and deploy the recommended driver block rules. Make sure you are using the latest version of Windows.

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile
Expand-Archive .\ -DestinationPath "VulnerableDriverBlockList" -Force
Rename-Item .\VulnerableDriverBlockList\SiPolicy_Enforced.p7b -NewName "SiPolicy.p7b" -Force
Copy-Item .\VulnerableDriverBlockList\SiPolicy.p7b -Destination "C:\Windows\System32\CodeIntegrity"
$job = Start-Job -Name "Job1" -ScriptBlock { CiTool.exe -r }
Start-Sleep -s 15
Stop-Job $job
Remove-Item .\VulnerableDriverBlockList -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item .\ -Force

You can use the WDAC Module I created to create a scheduled task in Windows that will automatically run the script above every 7 days.

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "WDAC-Module.ps1"
Import-Module .\WDAC-Module.ps1 -Force
New-ConfigWDAC -Create_Scheduled_Task_Auto_Driver_BlockRules_Update


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