- Added tournament selection as an alternative selection method for EVQE ([Issue #25])
- Add the ability to initialize EVQE individuals with more than one circuit layer ([Issue #26])
- Added the ability to use the Critival Value at Risk instead of the Expectation Value ([Issue #32])
- Added JSON serialization classes to enable the serialization of EvolvingAnsatzMinimumEigensolverResults ([Issue #35])
- Added a termination criterion for qiskit_algorithm's SPSA optimizer ([Issue #37])
- Added the ability to use a qiskit PassManager for local quantum circuit transpilation ([Issue #39])
- Fix Pauli strings being in inverse bit order ([Issue #23])
- Fix erroneous interaction of penalty terms in the JSSP Hamiltonian ([Issue #23])
- Fix erroneous normalization of the early start Term in the JSSP Hamiltonian ([Issue #29])
- Made termination criteria more consistent ([Issue #31])
- Partially removed the dependence on qiskit_algorithms _DiagonalSampler ([Issue #32])
- Store the amount of expectation value evaluations per generation instead of as one number for the whole optimization ([Issue #35])
- If a circuit is prepended to the individuals for state preparation, store that circuit in the EvolvingAnsatzMinimumEigensolverResult ([Issue #35])
- Update QUEASARS to use the qiskit V2 primitives instead of the qiskit V1 primitives ([Issue #39])
- Require a ConfiguredSampler and ConfiguredEstimator wrapper as input instead of the Sampler and Estimator primitives by themselves ([Issue #39])
See PyPI for the release files.