QUEASARS is an open-source, qiskit-based, python package implementing quantum variational eigensolvers which use evolutionary algorithms to find a good ansatz during the optimization process, like E-VQE, MoG-VQE or QNEAT. Currently only EVQE is implemented.
QUEASARS is developed as part of a research project of the Quantum Space Operations Center (QSOC) at the German Space Operations Center (GSOC).
QUEASARS requires a python3 environment with python >= 3.9 and can be installed using the following pip command:
pip install queasars
QUEASARS' development dependencies are managed using poetry. To install QUEASARS from source follow these instructions:
- Clone the QUEASARS repository.
- Install Python 3.11
- Install poetry (installation guide).
- Run
poetry install
from within QUEASARS' project directory to install its dependencies.
A more detailed documentation is available at https://dlr-rb.github.io/QUEASARS/.
Contributions to this project are welcome. You may open issues, fix or expand documentation, provide new functionality or create more and better tests. If you have a minor contribution you can open a pull request right away. For any major contribution please open an issue first or discuss with the repository maintainer. Please also note that you need to fill out and sign a contributor license agreement
The current Maintainers of QUEASARS are Sven Prüfer (@svenpruefer) and Daniel Leidreiter (@dleidreiter). QUEASARS is currently being developed within the context of Daniel Leidreiter's master thesis.
Quantum Evolving Ansatz Variational Solver (QUEASARS)
Copyright 2023 DLR - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
This product was developed at DLR - GSOC (German Space Operations Center at the German Aerospace Center DLR, https://www.dlr.de/).
QUEASARS is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.