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Releases: vgteam/vg

v1.26.0 - Stornara

04 Aug 18:04
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.26.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • vg gbwt -a adds a path cover of components without haplotypes to an existing GBWT. This resolves the Giraffe issue with a large number of incorrect mapq 60 reads in some graphs with the full GBWT.
  • New seeding algorithm targeted at miRNA
  • More flexible build system
  • Pangenome ontology now has linkZoomLayer
  • Synchronized semantics for OVERLAP_THRESHOLD
  • Chopping with mod -X changed to run natively on handle graphs
  • vg stats -F prints graph format
  • Major vg index refactor.
  • Always build GBWT from a single graph with a single thread source (VCF, GAM, GAF, paths).
  • Index embedded paths as samples instead of contigs with vg index option --paths-as-samples.
  • Correct names for long options in vg gbwt.
  • Ignore metadata in empty indexes when merging GBWTs.
  • add vg stats -D option to print degree distribution
  • GAM/GAF I/O code moved into libvgio
  • Ability to specify contig ploidy in vg sim
  • Alignment with dozeu can now handle large full length bonuses without crashing
  • dozeu is now non-x86 compatible.
  • Made match pruning in mpmap less aggressive for very short reads
  • mpmap can now use the distance index's algorithm for rescue graph extraction
  • mpmap now can use the distance index in place of a snarl manager to guide the structure of multipath alignments
  • Better vg map error message when xg input not found
  • GBWT construction from GAM/GAF is faster and handles duplicate read names correctly.
  • vg sim can now output a table of the path positions that reads were simulated from
  • Added a subcommand gampcompare to evaluate mapping correctness of multipath alignments
  • libvgio now only tries to find Protobuf once
  • Memory should no longer blow up in mpmap on splice-abundant graphs
  • GaplessExtender returns all non-overlapping full-length extensions.

New and Updated Submodules

The gssw submodule is pointing at a different repository. Use git submodule sync to update the pointer if building from source.

The libvgio, dozeu, gbwt, libbdsg, gssw, structures, and gbwtgraph submodules have been updated.

Make sure to git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.25.0 - Apice

22 Jun 22:13
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.25.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • New development in vg mcmc
  • Graph Alignment Format (GAF) output support for vg map and vg giraffe
  • Revisions to distance index format; distance indexes will need to be rebuilt
  • STL-based multipath alignment internal format
  • Bugfixes to Integrated Snarl Finder
  • Improvements to dozeu alignment algorithm
  • Bugfixes in banded global aligner algorithm
  • CI tests rearranged into batches
  • Bugfix for slow clustering in vg giraffe
  • Parallel snarl finder in vg deconstruct
  • Bugfixes to NetGraph in the absence of unary snarls
  • Update to XG encoding
  • Transfer mapqs when converting multipath alignments
  • Bigger bins for coverage stats in vg call
  • Better write parallelism in mpmap
  • Case insensitivity for some mapper option values
  • Fix build of SNarlManager with latest Protobuf which prohibits inheriting from messages
  • Find the missing start indexes on multipath alignments
  • New default gbwt id interval value in vg rna
  • Renamed vg gaffe to vg giraffe
  • Avoid out-of-bounds CNV and inversion breakpoints when generating random test graphs
  • Bugfixes to variant caller
  • Disqualify ultrabubbles with tips
  • Fix vg rna crash when using reverse embedded paths
  • Improvements to vg sim read simulation, especially for microRNA
  • Don't enter infinite loop in vg sim when simulating from short paths
  • Reduce information copying on multipath alignments
  • Changed default vg giraffe parameters and added a fast mode
  • Fix incorrect assert in vg sim
  • Fix presets in vg mpmap
  • Made clustering distance limit adjust itself for longer read lengths for vg giraffe
  • Fix missing metadata for multipath alignments
  • Added vg call option to output traversals to gentoype with rpvg
  • Update CI to latest toil-vg
  • Better Giraffe rescue
  • Ploidy option for vg deconstruct
  • Fix annotation boundary bug in vg rna
  • Added -T option in vg call to pad traversals
  • Added overlap threshold in GaplessExtender to deduplicate nearly identical vg giraffe results
  • New seeding algorithm in vg mpmap targeted at miRNA

New and Updated Submodules

The gbwtgraph and xg, submodules have been updated.

Make sure to git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.24.0 - Montieri

11 May 20:40
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.24.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • Bugfixes in vg mpmap
  • MEM finding heuristic in vg mpmap
  • Pointers to Gimbricate and Seqwish when trying to import a non-blunt GFA
  • A new IntegratedSnarlFinder that can be faster and use less memory, accessible through vg snarls --algorithm integrated
  • Use of dozeu library for vg gaffe rescue
  • Faster default mapping parameters in vg rna
  • Fix for excessive memory use bug in spliced vg surject
  • Fix for an off-by-one error in vg annotate gff parser
  • Fix for getting seed distances from distance index
  • Additional spliced vg surject bugfixes
  • Added option to prespecify topological order for dozeu
  • Top level clustering improvements for vg gaffe
  • vg add can now work with various graph formats as input
  • Made banded alignment traceback not recursive
  • Minor optimizations in vg gaffe
  • Added GBWT traversals option for vg call
  • Shook more bugs out of mpmap presets and alignment
  • Added a GBWT traversal finder
  • Improved Turtle Pangenome Ontology
  • Adjusted FTP URL where CI testing looks for its GIAB test data
  • More use of dozeu in vg mpmap
  • Support for quality-adjusted alignment in dozeu
  • Revised vg mpmap CLI for better usability
  • Added a no clustering option to vg mpmap
  • Registered magic numbers for libbdsg graph types so they can be loaded without VPKG encapsulation
  • Added node qualities to vg pack output format
  • Updated internal dozeu and X-drop alignment interface
  • Added ability to simulate from a specific sample in vg sim
  • Update handle graph API to include node ranks
  • Changed XdropAligner usage to be one per thread.
  • Removed support for reading GFAs with overlaps: please preprocess with Seqwish to squash the overlaps out
  • Cap the number of threads used in the Docker build to a reasonable number for Quay potatoes
  • Automask IUPAC codes to Ns in vg construct, because the internal data model can't use them. If you want them in the graph, make them into variants.
  • Chunk long paths when extracting paths Protobuf with vg paths
  • Bugfixes to the ODGI graph implementation
  • Boosted timeout for simulated chr21 CI mapping test
  • Tweaked error rates used for vg call
  • Substantial bugfixes in the FlowCaller
  • Prohibit empty nodes in xg graphs
  • Support for ODGI format in vg convert and as an input format more generally
  • Added libbdsg, xg, and vg's algorithms and io namespaces to vg Doxygen docs
  • Fixed excessive recursion when dealing with snarls
  • Added MAPQ support for paired-end vg gaffe.
  • Added ability to convert GFA files to other graph formats in vg convert

New and Updated Submodules

The dozeu, gbwt, gbwtgraph, gfakluge, gssw, libbdsg, libhandlegraph, pinchesAndCacti, structures, and xg submodules have been updated.

Make sure to git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.23.0 - Lavello

30 Mar 17:57
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.23.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • vg construct now rejects not-yet-implemented * allele from new VCF spec
  • vg CI now runs on Kubernetes
  • vg Docker can now be built with Kaniko
  • vg gaffe now has MAPQ capping logic to reduce the error rate at MAPQ 60
  • Default MAPQ settings in vg mpmap have been changed
  • vg CI tests now respect the core limit of the container they are running in, instead of trying to use all the host's cores
  • A variety of vg mpmap options were removed. Some short options changed their meanings.
  • Mapping real RNA data with vg mpmap is now faster
  • vg CI tests now use an updated toil-vg
  • vg circularize adds graph edges once again when circularizing paths
  • vg gaffe is now faster
  • vg mpmap MAPQs are no longer miscomputed in rare cases
  • vg gaffe's index finding has been completely redone. It can now create its own indexes or find indexes by prefix. This may lead to it picking up and using indexes that were not passed to it directly.
  • Surjection of softclips has been improved.
  • vg call now uses a better, flow-based traversal finding algorithm to generate alleles
  • vg mpmap uses new algorithms for long-read alignment
  • vg CI reports are no longer totally empty for some tests
  • The internal XdropAligner is now much simpler
  • ProtoHandleGraph is no longer needed and has been removed
  • vg concat now works via the HandleGraph API, and has a -p option be path-guided
  • HashGraph no longer crashes when incrementing node IDs
  • Machinery for haplotype-based rescue in vg gaffe has been added
  • XdropAligner now automatically finds the best pinning location

New and Updated Submodules

The gbwtgraph and libbdsg submodules have been updated.

Make sure to git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.22.0 - Rotella

24 Feb 20:44
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.22.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • Support for haplotype transcripts and two training FASTQs in vg sim, as well as bugfixes
  • Paired-end support in vg gaffe
  • Changes to distance index format to sspport paired-end mapping. All distance indexes will need to be rebuilt.
  • Support for all PathHandleGraph implementations in most vg commands. Many commands will now output in formats other than vg Protobuf.
  • vg combine command to do what cat does for the Protobuf format when working with graphs in all formats.
  • Ability to rename variants' contigs during vg construct
  • Updates to many submodules to respect build flags, to make packaging easier
  • GFA edge orientations in output are now more canonical
  • Removal of vg stats -S and the concept of from/to-siblings
  • Addition of new predicates to the RDF ontology
  • Addition of man page for vg gaffe
  • XG edge vectorization now works correctly, which should make vg pack output and the things that use it more correct.
  • Fixed bug with vg chunk -p -C -a when not all paths are wanted in gam chunks
  • Added missing critical section in vg chunk
  • Fixed haplotype exon break bug in vg rna
  • Fixed bugs in new vg chunk gam splitting logic
  • Now vg chunk uses all threads by default
  • VPKG tag for ODGI files has been fixed. ODGI files will need to be regenerated.
  • Now filtering N's in vg augment
  • Fixed a bug with vg augment's coverage filter
  • Fixed a crash bug in vg surject built with GCC
  • Report GQ and a real QUAL in vg call
  • Magic number prefixes in SerializableHandleGraph. HashGraph and PackedGraph output will not be readable by older vg versions.
  • Fix hash graph id sorting
  • For RNA, add option to add splice-junctions from intron bed file
  • Speed improvements in vg surject
  • Fix vg augment -s option
  • Fix rare out-of-bounds index bug in vg mpmap
  • Splice support in vg surject
  • Add a collective MAPQ option to vg mpmap
  • Fix quality string in augmented GAMs
  • Ability to simulate RNA reads from haplotype transcripts
  • Support for multiple minimizer indexes in vg gaffe
  • Addition of an internal dagification overlay HandleGraph
  • Disable parallelization of second pass in vg augment
  • Do not change names of reference transcripts in vg rna
  • Fix an off-by-one error in vg surject
  • Add mpmap tests back to CI simulation tests
  • Turn on ccache for Travis CI
  • More memory efficient vg rna
  • MinimizerMapper refactoring
  • Update calibration routine for mismapping detection in vg mpmap
  • Fully ignore single-node components when doing vg snarls
  • Use the HandleGraph API in more places
  • Changes to Homebrew usage on Mac Travis CI
  • Make filters in vg filter be fully off if not requested

New and Updated Submodules

The gbwt, gbwtgraph, gssw, htslib, libbdsg, libhandlegraph, libvgio, pinchesAndCacti, sha1, sonLib, structures, vcflib, and xg submodules have been updated.

Make sure to git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.21.0 - Fanano

06 Jan 19:21
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.21.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • Changes to how vg paths can be used to remove paths from a graph.
  • Use of a new toil-vg version in testing.
  • Changes to minimizer seed handling algorithms in vg gaffe.
  • Some paired-end clustering logic to be used in vg gaffe.
  • Improvements to the build system around the libsdsl build.
  • No-hit read counting and better S3 support in Giraffe Wrangler script.
  • A new subcommand, vg depth.
  • Refactoring and race condition removal in vg pack.
  • Probabilistic calling support.
  • Improvements to snarl traversal enumeration.
  • Improved ability of the build system to handle switching compilers.
  • Bugfixes to the vg RDF ontology.
  • vg augment now cuts off softclips by default.
  • vg explode functionality now subsumed by vg chunk.
  • Internal VGSet object now supports HandleGraphs.
  • Some manpages available via make man.
  • Better handling of reverse-strand cycles in vg call.
  • Better gtf/gff parsing in vg rna.
  • Snarl computation now parallel.
  • Subpaths output by vg chunk -p now contain offsets.
  • Fix a race condition when reading from the Paths object.
  • Ability to chunk non-indexed GAM files by graph component.
  • Bugfixes to kmer enumeration.
  • Deprecated some vg mod flags, with warning messages.
  • vg find can produce more information about kmers.
  • vg construct should no longer drop the end breakpoints of deletions.

New and Updated Submodules

The BBHash, libbdsg, libhandlegraph, pinchesAndCacti, and xg submodules have been updated.

Make sure to git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.20.0 - Ginestra

04 Nov 19:51
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.20.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • Faster and more efficient minimizer finding and clustering in vg gaffe
  • Memory usage optimizations in vg rna
  • vg call bugfixes for cyclic graphs
  • Improved script
  • Improvements to tail anchor synthesis in vg mpmap that should resolve some slowdowns
  • vg rna bugfixes for variants at the ends of exons
  • Better use of overlays in vg call
  • BED-based extraction in vg find
  • High-degree node removal in vg prune
  • Bugfix for vg call -b parsing issue
  • New -s option to vg augment to ignore out-of-graph alignments
  • Binaries and Dockers now built for Nehalem architecture and above; AVX1 instruction support should no longer be required
  • Faster packing with vg pack
  • Ability to build a GBWT from sampled local haplotypes rather than a whole haplotype database
  • Coverage threshold for faster vg augment
  • Distance indexing with vg index now supports any graph filetype, not just .vg.

New and Updated Submodules

The BBHash submodule has been added.

The gbwt, gbwtgraph, libbdsg, libhandlegraph, and libvgio submodules have been updated.

Make sure to git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.19.0 - Tramutola

23 Sep 18:00
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.19.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • The experimental vg mcmc command, a Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo genotyper prototype

  • Improved clustering and intermediate scoring logic in vg gaffe, and the elimination of MultipathAlignments from that pipeline

  • vg gaffe now emits MAPQ 0 for unmapped reads

  • Handle-graph-ification of vg map, phase unfolding, vg vectorize, vg find, vg chunk, vg call`, and other operations using the xg index. Many commands now support more file types as arguments.

  • Phase unfolder path verification no longer runs in parallel

  • A new and improved XG index implementation. Note that backward compatibility is available only for XG indexes created with vg 1.18 or newer

  • Giraffe Wrangler script now counts only mapped reads for identity computation, can take its inputs from Amazon S3, and binds BWA to a single NUMA node

  • GBWT accesses now cached

  • Giraffe Facts now reports statistics by filter instead of by mapping stage

  • Vendored Protobuf submodule has been removed. vg can now build with (and indeed now requires) system-installed Protobuf 3 from a package manager

  • vg call algorithm has been revised to use the much more efficient "pack" format, allowing much larger single calling operations

  • A paired-end clustering algorithm for use in vg gaffe has been added, but not yet used

  • Warnings about deprecated pointer types in lru_cache eliminated

  • A new Dockerfile for a multi-stage build has been integrated directly into the vgteam/vg repository. The vgteam/vg_docker repository should no longer be required.

  • The GBWTGraph has been moved to a submodule

  • Added a magic number system to identify bare XG files as XG files

  • Testing of builds of vg on Mac with GNU GCC has been discontinued. It is very difficult to get GNU GCC to build with the libc++ standard library, which packaged Protobuf builds for Mac use. GNU GCC should still work with Protobuf built with GNU GCC against its default libstdc++.

  • vg version now reports the C++ standard library used in the build

  • CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS are now honored by submodule dependencies in more (but not all) places. Some dependencies still ignore them.

  • There is now a make static-docker target which quickly builds a static vg binary in the checked-out source tree and dumps it into a Docker container

  • The build system now has its own opinion about whether the current vg binary is statically linked, as recorded by a marker file in lib/.

  • User support for vg now ought to happen on Biostars:

  • Crash bug in optimal_score_on_genome has been fixed

  • Memory leaks in vg map have been plugged

New System Dependencies

Protobuf 3.0 or greater, including libraries and compiler.

New and Updated Submodules

The protobuf submodule has been removed.

The DYNAMIC, gbwt, gcsa2, gfakluge, libbdsg, libhandlegraph, libvgio, lru_cache, and sdsl-lite submodules have been updated.

The gbwtgraph, ips4o, mmmultimap, and xg submodules have been added.

Make sure to git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.18.0 - Zungoli

12 Aug 18:02
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.18.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • Completely removed support for gPBWT's stored in XG indexes. Must now use vg gbwt.
  • vg mod -g now preserves embedded paths.
  • vg call and vg snarls can now use any HandleGraph implementation, which can significantly reduce memory usage.
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to make distance indexes using XG files.
  • Output files are now produced in uncompressed form, but bgzipped files can still be read.
  • Improved speed in experimental gaffe mapper through caching and altered alignment algorithms.
  • Introduced serialization for GBWTGraphs that can replace the XG used gaffe, significantly lowering memory usage.
  • Transitioned to generic interface for XG to facilitate alternate backend data structures.
  • Improved input checking in vg gamcompare.
  • Fixed a bug that made invalid alignments in vg mpmap.
  • Fixed a bug in path editing for VG graphs.
  • Improved logic in vg deconstruct.
  • Various build system improvements.

New System Dependencies


New and Updated Submodules

The FlameGraph submodule has been added.

The sglib submodule has been replaced by libbdsg.

The libvgio submodule has been updated.

Make sure to git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.17.0 - Candida

01 Jul 18:54
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.17.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • VG annotate edited to search further for path hits.

  • Single-ended Dijkstra algorithm factored out into its own HandleGraph algorithm.

  • HandleGraphs can be loaded from files with dynamic implementation selection

  • Fixed bugs in minimum distance clustering

  • Fixed bugs in AlignmentEmitter

  • vg gaffe improved speed and memory

  • GBWT manipulation tools in vg gbwt

  • vg mod -i deprecated, replaced by vg augment -i

  • vg edit mostly refactored into augment.cpp, except for the interface with lists of paths.

  • 'vg find -E' extracts nodes with an id range defined by a path interval.

  • vg convert allows graph type conversion between graph implementations.

  • vg gbwt now considers unphased homozygous variants as phased to prevent phase breaks. This can be disabled with option -z.

  • Improved vg compilation on MacOS with gcc 9

  • pack -q allows weighting support by mapping quality.

  • Bug fixed in split strand overlay

  • Bug fixes with compilation errors using G++ 9.1.0.

  • Bug fix in tcmalloc.

  • Speed up vg filter

  • vg call now supports pack graph format.

  • xg moved into vg namespace.

  • vg call can now call sites in parallel.

  • Names added to transcripts written to the gbwt index. Transcript naming has been simplified.

  • gam output option from gbwt is removed. Gam files can be generated from gbwt transcript index using vg paths.

  • Small speed-up for merging packer objects in vg pack.

  • Options added for adding either reference paths or non-reference paths as embedded paths in a graph.

  • vg deconstruct now works with more input graphs.

  • PackedGraph and HashGraph now moved to sglib.

  • vg paths -F now writes embedded paths in FASTA format.

  • Factored out path-to-component index from XG

  • Bug fix in rewrite_segment.