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Releases: vgteam/vg

vg 1.42.0 - Obolo

18 Jul 18:35
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.42.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • vg releases should now have their Docker containers built by our CI.
  • vg releases should now have ARM/amd64 multiarch Docker tags.
  • README now documents using Giraffe.
  • SAM/BAM alignment output and surjection now tries to use reference paths, and then generic paths, but won't use haplotype paths by default

Second DOI release for pantranscriptomics paper

28 Jun 18:09
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This is a non-versioned release created in order to make a stable DOI for the source code to support reproducibility in the VG pantranscriptomics paper.

vg 1.41.0 - Salmour

06 Jun 18:34
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.41.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • vg inject will report an error when paths don't exist in the graph, instead of doing undefined behavior.
  • vg now has metadata for paths; haplotype paths can now exist in places other than a GBWT. Try vg paths -M -x <graph> on a vg, GFA, or GBZ file to see it.
  • vg convert now has a --ref-sample option for promoting a haplotype to a reference during conversion.
  • vg gbwt and vg index no longer have --paths-as-samples; prepare input with paths of the appropriate senses instead.
  • vg will interpret W lines in input GFA files as haplotypes
  • vg will interpret W lines with * as the sample name as generic named paths.
  • vg will interpret PanSN P line names in input GFA files as haplotypes
  • vg will interpret PanSN P line names with #<number> after them as (pieces of) haplotypes
  • vg will interpret string-type RS tags in GFA headers as space-separated lists of samples whose paths are references, not haplotypes.
  • vg will generate GFA files using W lines for reference and haplotype paths, and containing RS header tags to distinguish them.
  • vg surject preserves group MAPQ annotations from vg mpmap as "GM" tag.
  • vg mpmap's secondary alignment annotations are preserved by vg surject
  • vg gbwt can now manipulate GBWT tags and change reference samples in a GBWT or GBZ, as documented on the wiki.

Updated Submodules

  • gbwtgraph
  • libvgio
  • libbdsg
  • dozeu
  • gfakluge (removed)

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.40.0 - Suardi

25 Apr 21:10
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.40.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • README now explains how to migrate to ARM Macs
  • vg mpmap now distinguishes unmapped reads from reads with MAPQ 0
  • vg mpmap is faster on very complex cyclic graphs
  • vg chunk -m no longer bothers parsing Alignments
  • vg sim will stop if there are too many Ns in the source graph instead of spinning forever

Updated Submodules

  • libzstd
  • libbdsg
  • xg

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.39.0 - Runzi

14 Mar 22:36
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.39.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • CI now uses Toil compatible with pip 22.
  • vg giraffe can now produce GAF using GFA segment name coordinates.
  • vg sim no longer annotates reads with positions along synthesized haplotype paths
  • vg sim supports --multi-position option of vg annotate, for annotating simulated reads with path positions per node.
  • vg gbwt supports --pass-paths option to use paths from a passed-in graph when computing a path cover or local haplotype cover GBWT.
  • vg sim supports simulation from a set of HSTs in a pantranscriptome from vg rna
  • vg giraffe supports annotating reads with coverage by minimizers that gave rise to correct seeds.

Updated Submodules

  • gssw
  • libvgio

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.38.0 - Canossa

31 Jan 19:10
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.38.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • JSON GAM quality string representation of base64-encoded PHRED+0 is now under test
  • vg deconstruct now uses OMP tasks instead of nested parallel sections, which caused problems keeping threads caches straight.
  • vg giraffe --output-basename is respected again
  • Multithreaded GBWT / GBZ construction from GFA in vg gbwt.
  • Multithreaded GBZ / GBWTGraph to GFA conversion in vg convert.
  • make clean now works on submodules that lack top-level Makefiles
  • vg now builds with GCC 11
  • vg giraffe --named-coordinates can produce GAM output with positions in the space of the input GFA, for indexes produced from a GFA with vg autoindex.
  • CI jobs that use Docker builder deployment now stop early if they don't see it.
  • vg autoindex supports --gbwt-buffer-size to increase the buffer size for indexing long haplotypes.
  • vg snarls now supports --named-coordinates for reporting snarls and snarl traversals in input GFA coordinates.
  • vg mpmap produces more accurate and parsimonious alignments on complex graphs

Updated Submodules

  • elfutils
  • gbwtgraph
  • gssw
  • libbdsg
  • libhandlegraph
  • libvgio
  • sdsl-lite
  • structures
  • vcflib

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.37.0 - Monchio

20 Dec 20:09
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.37.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • vg clip -D fixed to do a better job breaking up giant snarls.
  • Option -A added to vg call to call all snarls, including child snarls (analagous to vg deconstruct -a)
  • Options -c and -C added to vg call to restrict snarl calling to sites within specified size range
  • vg construct -a no longer generates, and other vg tools no longer expect to see, empty paths for some variants
  • The segment translation table can be extracted from a GBZ file with vg gbwt.
  • vg autoindex no longer calls out-of-scope lambdas captured by reference
  • vg call VCF output now more consistent with vg deconstruct: LV and PS tags are added (with -A), snarl names in variant IDs are written the same, and the AT tag is added. -N option added (equivalent to -T in deconstruct) to apply a node translation table.
  • vg call GAF output (-T/-G) more informative, with positional information stored in the names and (individual) read support for each allele with the AD optional tag
  • .gbz files can now be used anywhere a graph with embedded paths is expected.
  • vg autoindex will embed graph paths into Giraffe GBWT and GBZ files.
  • vg giraffe will now use the GBZ file for output on a linear reference and no longer needs an xg.
  • vg giraffe will prefer to use named paths from an XG, if available, over those in a GBZ.
  • Prevents buffer size errors in GBWT creation by vg autoindex

Updated Submodules

  • gbwt
  • gbwtgraph
  • gssw
  • libbdsg
  • libhandlegraph
  • libvgio

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

DOI release for pantranscriptomics paper

22 Dec 20:07
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This is a non-versioned release created in order to make a stable DOI for the source code to support reproducibility in the VG pantranscriptomics paper.

vg 1.36.0 - Cibottola

08 Nov 22:30
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.36.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • Builds again on Ubuntu 18.04
  • Giraffe records read and pair mapping wall clock times
  • Giraffe can no longer output fragment length annotations too large to convert from JSON to GAM
  • Giraffe no longer uses duplicate minimizers as often for seeds, potentially increasing mapping speed.
  • Giraffe --track-provenance will no longer crash when considering improperly paired mappings
  • Surjection can now prune back low-complexity or short anchors to give more-optimal alignments against the target paths (--prune-low-cplx)
  • GFA file input is now checked by the parser and not just trusted to match the spec
  • Mac CI Homebrew package installation is more robust
  • Better handling of reversing reference paths in vg call
  • Multiple -P allowed in vg clip
  • vg paths messaging cleaned up to acknowledge that vg paths -E -g does indeed need a graph.
  • vg giraffe and vg mpmap no longer crash when reads are in lowercase
  • vg map -h should now print help again
  • CI now supports secure Docker Hub mirrors
  • vg call joins deconstruct and surject in transparently supporting reference subpaths
  • vg deconstruct changed to write LV and PS tags wrt sites in the VCF (and will not longer reference un-exported sites from the graph)
  • vg clip gets -D option for clipping out big deletion edges
  • Specified --align-out parameter in vg sim as GAM-format output
  • PATH is now quoted when added to

New and Updated Submodules

  • gfakluge has been updated.

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.35.0 - Ghizzano

27 Sep 18:43
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.35.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • Multipath alignments from vg mpmap are more decomposable in tails near soft clip
  • Giraffe does not attempt rescue if it would be too slow.
  • vg gamcompare can use distances from a distance index instead of path position annotations.
  • Fix bug in vg chunk -T where input path ranges were incorrectly used to find subgraph size.
  • Fix GAF parsing bug that caused memory explosion for long paths.
  • Fix vg augment -B to not initialize packer object unnecessarily.
  • surject joins deconstruct in supporting vg subpath naming, but path lengths must come from --ref-paths in order to be valid in the output header.
  • deconstruct AT INFO field fixed to have Number=R instead of A
  • vg mpmap has improved sensitivity for detecting spliced alignments and ability to use genome-derived splicing statistics for non-humans
  • vg surject -S no longer crashes if it decides that a deleted/spliced segment is too long to realign.
  • vg autoindex can handle VCFs that list contigs for which there are no variants
  • Giraffe now shuffles tied top read mapping candidates like mpmap and map, to avoid arbitrary biases
  • vg sim now produces more realistic RNA-seq fragment length distributions.
  • libbdsg dependency should no longer sometimes fail to build on a clean checkout due to missing mio/mmap.hpp\
  • Tail alignments can no longer skip read sequence completely when alignment would be too large
  • Giraffe progress reports now include fragment length distribution information
  • Giraffe can now find .giraffe.gbz GBZ files automatically.
  • vg pack gets new -s option to ignore first and last N bases of reads. -s 5 works well in practice for SV genotyping.
  • vg call default parameters re-tuned to work a bit better on complex graphs. An extra filter for completely unsupported breakpoints is added to increase precision.
  • libvgio now uses a simpler CMake build
  • vg call -e now works again
  • CI testing now uses Toil 5.4.0
  • vg rna now supports using GBWT haploytypes as reference paths (--use-hap-ref option).
  • vg rna can now create a spliced pangenome graph and pantranscriptome with chopped nodes (--max-node-length option).
  • Spliced pangenome graphs and pantranscriptomes can be sorted and have their ids compacted in vg rna (currently only works for inputs in the PackedGraph format).
  • The transcript haplotype info table from vg rna no longer contains the "Reference" column (is part of the "Haplotypes" column now).
  • The names for the options --use-all-paths and --add-non-ref-paths in vg rna have been changed (single-letter option the same) and the option --gbwt-id-interval has been removed (not relevant anymore).

New and Updated Submodules

  • libbdsg and libvgio have been updated.

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.