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vg 1.38.0 - Canossa

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@adamnovak adamnovak released this 31 Jan 19:10
· 2294 commits to codenames since this release

Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.38.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • JSON GAM quality string representation of base64-encoded PHRED+0 is now under test
  • vg deconstruct now uses OMP tasks instead of nested parallel sections, which caused problems keeping threads caches straight.
  • vg giraffe --output-basename is respected again
  • Multithreaded GBWT / GBZ construction from GFA in vg gbwt.
  • Multithreaded GBZ / GBWTGraph to GFA conversion in vg convert.
  • make clean now works on submodules that lack top-level Makefiles
  • vg now builds with GCC 11
  • vg giraffe --named-coordinates can produce GAM output with positions in the space of the input GFA, for indexes produced from a GFA with vg autoindex.
  • CI jobs that use Docker builder deployment now stop early if they don't see it.
  • vg autoindex supports --gbwt-buffer-size to increase the buffer size for indexing long haplotypes.
  • vg snarls now supports --named-coordinates for reporting snarls and snarl traversals in input GFA coordinates.
  • vg mpmap produces more accurate and parsimonious alignments on complex graphs

Updated Submodules

  • elfutils
  • gbwtgraph
  • gssw
  • libbdsg
  • libhandlegraph
  • libvgio
  • sdsl-lite
  • structures
  • vcflib

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.