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Releases: vgteam/vg

vg 1.34.0 - Arguello

16 Aug 20:32
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.34.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • Support for the GBZ format (GBWT + GBWTGraph):
    • vg autoindex: --workflow giraffe outputs GBZ instead of GBWT and GBWTGraph.
    • vg convert: GBZ -> other graph types.
    • vg gbwt: GBWT + GBWTGraph <-> GBZ.
    • vg giraffe: GBZ as the default input format for GBWT + GBWTGraph.
    • vg index: Graph format for distance index construction.
    • vg minimizer: An alternative to GBWT + graph.
    • vg snarls: Graph format with options that do not need embedded paths.
  • vg convert outputs HashGraph instead of VG by default.
  • GBWT / GBWTGraph / GCSA2 structures are serialized as bare files for better compatibility with external tools.
  • vg convert -w can now handle separator tokens in contig names
  • Docker base images are now pulled through Google's cache
  • vg giraffe now uses IndexRegistry instead of IndexManager and demands that passed file names already exist
  • Wiki now includes a tutorial under test for Giraffe
  • vg benchmark evaluates the minimum distance index
  • Improved build out of the box on M1 Macs with Homebrew
  • vg deconstruct now writes "Allele Traversals" (AT field in INFO) for each site. The traversals map the alleles to paths in the graph.
  • IntegratedSnarlFinder properly generates single-node chains for bridge edges in the Cactus graph.
  • Allow seeding path traversals from XG path set even when we are using GBWT input for vg deconstruct.
  • vg index, vg minimizer, and vg snarls can load GBZ without a distinguishing option
  • vg mpmap now uses the RNA mapping preset (--nt-type rna) by default instead of DNA (--nt-type dna)
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused incomplete multipath alignments from vg mpmap
  • IntegratedSnarlFinder properly tracks whether cycles and bridge edge paths have been reached regardless of orientation
  • Minimizer indexes no longer incorrectly cache distances for looping chains, fixing a duplicate-alignment, low-MAPQ bug in Giraffe
  • DYNAMIC now has hopscotch-map as a sub-submodule
  • vg autoindex can create GBZ files for vg giraffe using a GFA with W-lines as input
  • The speed of vg mpmap is more robust to low-quality RNA-seq reads
  • Multipath alignments can be viewed in dot format with vg view -Kd
  • vg clip added to remove alt alleles in bed regions or low-path-depth alleles from the graph

New and Updated Submodules

DYNAMIC, gbwt, gbwtgraph, libvgio, libbdsg, gssw, and sdsl-lite have been updated.

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.33.0 - Moscona

24 May 19:14
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.33.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • vg call -a fixed to not include redundant base at beginning of alleles
  • "path end" field corrected in GAF output
  • VG now supports ARM Macs.
  • vg recalibrate has been removed (deprecated since 1.30.0).
  • vg find kmer output also lists samples/phases for the matching haplotypes.
  • vg's GAF parser now reads cg cigar strings when no cs cigars found so, for example, vg pack can now properly load a GAF from GraphAligner.
  • vg gbwt -R now removes multiple samples correctly.
  • vg deconstruct can more easily use reference paths (or subpaths) from the GBWT
  • vg mcmc now accepts non-vg::VG graphs as input
  • vg deconstruct fixed to not write sites with no alt alleles when genotyping with a gbwt

New and Updated Submodules

The DYNAMIC, gbwt, gbwtgraph, gcsa2, libhandlegraph, libvgio, and vcflibsubmodules have been updated. Thehtslibandtabixppsubmodules have been added. Thevowpal_wabbit` submodule has been removed.

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.32.0 - Sedlo

12 Apr 22:36
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.32.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • CI now tests with sequenceTubeMap
  • vg map and vg mpmap now annotate properly-paired read mappings
  • vg stats -a reports proper pairing statistics
  • Faster graph to GFA conversion with vg convert.
  • vg surject now gives a helpful warning if you try to use an unsurjectable GAF, rather than just crashing
  • GBWT index can now be used to find alt alleles in vg deconstruct with -g
  • Single nodes at the end of bridge paths in the Cactus graph won't show up twice in the snarl decomposition
  • Giraffe self-profiling is improved and a standardized speed test script is included
  • vg construct can accept multiple --region arguments for different contigs
  • Convert GBWTGraph to GFA with vg convert.
  • VCF files with * alleles are now accepted by vg construct, and only the particular variant records with * alleles are rejected and warned about
  • Uncompressed GFA files can now be directly input (or streamed via stdin) as graphs into vg commands. (previously vg convert -g was required beforehand)
  • Karger-stein min cut alogirtm and alt proposal distribution added to vg mcmc genotyper. Scripts for performance analysis are in scripts/, scripts/
  • Count the number of nodes with self-loops with vg stats.
  • vg srpe has been removed
  • vg mod options --kill-labels and --strong-connect have been removed.
  • vg stats -L counts self-loops.
  • vg stats -e lists nondeterministic edge sets.
  • vg find option --mapping enables finding nodes that map to the selected ids.
  • vg is now able to build bundled htslib on Autoconf 2.70+

New and Updated Submodules

The fermi-lite, gbwt, gbwtgraph, 'gcsa2', gfakluge, jemalloc, libvgio, and sdsl-lite submodules have been updated.

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source. The jemalloc update is also known to not build over top of a previous built version; you may need to rm -Rf deps/jemalloc and git submodule update --init --recursive to fix it in your copy.

vg 1.31.0 - Caffaraccia

01 Mar 21:22
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.31.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • Large variants are now always handled as flat, and not aligned to themselves, in vg construct.
  • rGFA files (such as those output by minigraph) can now be imported into vg with vg convert -g
  • vg autoindex can now construct indexes for the vg mpmap/rpvg transcriptomic pipeline and the vg giraffe tool
  • Cigar overlaps replaced with *'s and trailing tabs removed to make GFA output more compliant with 1.0 spec.
  • GBWT and GBWTGraph construction from GFA input.
  • vg convert can convert GBWTGraph to other graph formats.
  • Fixed typo in the IntegratedSnarlFinder test case description
  • XG indexes now take somewhat less space (especially those with many paths).
  • vg convert can output vg paths (that adhere to certain naming conventions) to GFA W-lines with the -w option.
  • Build should fail less on GCC 10.2.1-1.
  • vg convert can now output GFA, with selected reference paths written to "rank 0" rGFA tags
  • vg combine no longer loads graphs as, and writes graph to, protobuf. Also fixed to join id spaces if necessary.
  • vg now uses the vgteam fork of SDSL.
  • CI now moved to Gitlab and Github Actions.
  • vg autoindex can now simplify plans with joint recipes
  • IndexRegistry uses per-instance temp directories
  • vg Docker build is now optimized for layer caching
  • vg can now build on the arm64 architecture and pass unit (but not CLI) tests
  • Updated to latest vgteam version of the DYNAMIC library
  • Converting GFA with P-lines and W-lines into GBWTGraph stores the P-lines under sample name _gbwt_ref.
  • vg convert from GBWTGraph to another graph type stores the threads for a specified sample (default _gbwt_ref) as paths.

New and Updated Submodules

  • DYNAMIC, fermi-lite, GBWT, GBWTGraph, GCSA2, gssw, libbdsg, mmmultimap, sdsl-lite, ssw, and xg have been updated.
  • mio and atomic_queue have been added.

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.30.0 - Carentino

19 Jan 22:01
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.30.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • vg paths now has -C option to list which paths are cyclic and which aren't
  • fixed vg view bug which caused outputting to GFA to use too much memory
  • Giraffe can now --show-work to explain itself.
  • Giraffe funnel plots no longer invent fake candidates
  • Giraffe now maps and caps MAPQs properly with syncmers
  • vg mpmap produces more complete multipath alignments around indels in low complexity sequences.
  • Update libvgio dependency (fixed cmake handlegraph dependency)
  • The following subcommands are now deprecated: combine, compare, explode, join, kmers, locify, msga, recalibrate, sift, sort, srpe, translate.
  • The following subcommands have been deleted: bugs, crash.
  • Crash reports now direct users directly to the new issue URL
  • rocksdb is no longer a dependency.
  • vg index no longer will produce RocksDB indexes of GAMs or graphs.
  • vg find can no longer be used to query from RocksDB indexes.
  • vg genotype no longer accepts RocksDB GAM indexes, and instead accepts only GAMs.
  • vg gamsort can no longer sort using the RocksDB order.
  • vg compare has been removed.
  • vg locify has been removed.
  • The following subcommands are now deprecated: concat, explode, join, kmers, msga, recalibrate, sift, sort, srpe, translate.
  • vg prune is now more memory efficient.
  • Giraffe mapping quality cap is now more numerically stable and fails assertions less
  • The roc plot script now runs

New and Updated Submodules

A submodule for the wiki has been added in doc/wiki.

Thelibbdsg, libhandlegraph, and libvgio submodules have been updated.

The rocksdb submodule has been removed.

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.29.0 - Sospiro

04 Dec 18:38
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.29.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • XG indexing now uses the temporary directory also for SDSL temp files.
  • New GBWT construction interface in vg gbwt.
  • vg mpmap now can perform multiple spliced alignments on one read and spliced alignments on multiple mappings.
  • Update to latest vcflib ("Configure for default, libcurl-using HTSLib config") to get non-x86 support
  • Cross building for other architectures is now easier due to the use of $PKG_CONFIG for specifying pkg-config binary
  • SAM/BAM/CRAM TLENs should now match BWA's for identical alignments
  • Remove multiple samples with vg gbwt -R.
  • Mac builds on Catalina no longer fail with a "missing separator" error.
  • CIGAR strings in SAM/BAM/CRAM should now consistently coalesce runs of adjacent insertions and deletions.
  • Readme no longer encourages using the unsupported GNU GCC build on Mac.
  • Spliced multipath alignments are strand consistent and have a more complete representation of variation near splice sites.
  • vg filter can now work on GAMP files with -M, and reads with a given subsequence can be filtered with -a and -A.
  • vg mod -n should now work properly when self loops happen at the ends of merged nodes
  • CIGAR strings for spliced surjection from GAM files now have correct intron lengths
  • CI now tests macOS 10.15
  • vg now uses (and needs!) system Boost for Vowpal Wabbit instead of bundling a subset
  • Parallel GBWT merging algorithm in vg gbwt.

New and Updated Submodules

The gbwt, mmmultimap, vcflib, vowpal_wabbit, and xg submodules have been updated.

The source repository for the vowpal_wabbit submodule has moved.

The boost-subset submodule has been removed.

Make sure to git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

New dependencies

Instead of shipping a subset of Boost, vg now requires Boost to be installed on the system already in order to build.

vg v1.28.0 - Acquafredda

30 Oct 15:56
@ekg ekg
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Changes in this release:

  • vg surject now supports GAF input with -G.
  • vg surject can now take GAMP files from vg mpmap as input with -m
  • vg surject is now substantially faster
  • vg mpmap can now toggle between output formats (including single path and linear formats) with a single option. Some command line arguments have changed semantic meaning.
  • vg mpmap's spliced alignment is now significantly more accurate.
  • Divided handles with reversing self-edges no longer drop the edge.
  • New path cover GBWT defaults: n = 64 for local haplotypes and 16 otherwise.
  • Giraffe now properly sets paired end read cross-references
  • vg deconstruct includes new option -a to process every snarl (instead of just top-level snarls)
  • vg mpmap -m now correctly removes the full length bonus from reported scores
  • -lpthread and -lm can be linked dynamically again
  • Base quality-adjusted scoring now adjusts the full length bonus.
  • Updated with less-patched Raptor dependency
  • vg convert calls with -g as the last option will now convert to the correct format, not always Protobuf
  • Now vg outputs raw handle graph files readable by libbdsg without the need for vg view -x/--extract-tag.
  • vg msga handles terrible alignments better.
  • vg giraffe can now output to SAM/BAM/CRAM directly
  • Dependency retrieval no longer upgrades already-installed packages
  • vg giraffe, vg map, vg mpmap, and vg surject now take a .dict file to order HTSlib sequence headers via --ref-paths.
  • GaplessExtender no longer matches non-ACGT characters.
  • SAM header lines in dict files are now tested
  • vg add now supports overlapping reference paths, as in Cactus graphs

New and Updated Submodules

  • libvgio, raptor, dozeu, and vcflib have been updated.
  • htslib has been removed. We now use the HTSlib from vcflib.

vg 1.27.1 - Deliceto

02 Oct 17:31
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.27.1.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • No longer crashes when converting GFAs that lack a header line
  • GAF support in vg paths
  • GAF support in vg augment
  • vg mpmap can now produce spliced alignments when using the rna preset
  • vg gampcompare now handles spliced GAMP files correctly
  • Build an r-index with vg gbwt.
  • vg snarls -e will output a traversal for every embedded path through each snarl, regardless of snarl complexity
  • Refactored vg gbwt.
  • Fixed a rare GaplessExtender bug.
  • Use the same temp directory for all submodules in vg index.
  • Faster parallel GAF input streaming, especially in vg pack.

New and Updated Submodules

The gbwt, gfakluge, and libvgio submodules have been updated.

Make sure to git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.

vg 1.27.0 Deliceto

14 Sep 18:41
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Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.27.0.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • mpmap's agglomerate option fixed for paired-end reads

vg 1.26.1 - Stornara

03 Sep 23:01
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This is a patch release intended to serve as a the version of vg for the paper on the vg giraffe mapper.

Download for Linux

Don't forget to mark the static binary executable:

chmod +x vg

Docker Image:

Buildable Source Tarball: vg-v1.26.1.tar.gz

Includes source for vg and all submodules. Use this instead of Github's "Source Code" downloads; those will not build as they do not include code for bundled dependencies that the vg build process needs.

This release includes:

  • Multipath alignments have correct copy and move operators
  • vg annotate -m can annotate reads with a path position for each Mapping to a node
  • vg annotate now actually respects passed search limit (-l)
  • Align promising partial extensions in Giraffe.
  • gampcompare now returns the correct distances with the -d option
  • vg mpmap -a now agglomerates multipath alignments into a single disconnected alignment (-a no longer controls the maximum alignments through a snarl)
  • mpmaps MAPQ now incorporates multiplicities from cluster and alignment hard caps
  • vg depth now supports GAF input
  • "no sequence" mode using vg view -du where the node sequence is replaced by its size, e.g. to visualize large graphs with dot
  • vg sim -E now produces correct positions in single-end simulations
  • vg gampcompare output now includes a column to indicate if a read was mapped
  • vg surject -S no longer produces occasional malformed BAM records
  • Improved heuristic for choosing the extensions to align in Giraffe.
  • New option -a for vg call includes 0/0 calls. It can help compare and merge VCFs from multiple samples called against the same graph.
  • vg mpmap -a no longer crashes on read pairs that fail to find a consistent pair of mappings
  • Update giraffe mapping quality caps

New and Updated Submodules

The raptor submodule has been updated.

Make sure to git submodule update --init --recursive if building from source.