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Releases: tecladocode/rest-apis-flask-python


21 Jun 13:59
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Multiple upgrades and a new feature: docker compose.

  • Add warning about missing data.db in repo when doing first deploy via #136
  • Add metadata for publishing course on Teclado
  • Use Cloudinary for image hosting
  • Fix text rendering in top banner via #139
  • Update Python base image to bookworm via #142
  • Use __name__ in blueprint definitions via #143
  • Use emails/action.html instead of emails/registration.html via #144
  • Remove creating db when running app; instead doing it via db migrations, via #145
  • Add missing ItemSchema import on section 6 via #146
  • Remove unnecessary compare_type in Alembic config file via #147
  • Add information on running app and database with Docker Compose via #147
  • Fix JS dependencies for Docusaurus upgrade via #156
  • Add optional store_id to ItemUpdateSchema via #157
  • Add missing os import in Flask-SQLAlchemy configuration lecture (S06 L04) via #158
  • Remove unnecessary version key in docker-compose.yml files via #159
  • Add info on running arbitrary commands in a Docker Compose container via #160


10 May 14:59
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Content improvements

  • Remove unnecessary brackets after column class in SQLAlchemy
  • Update Flask version where it was pinned to the latest version

Meta improvements

  • Add Algolia search on code blocks
  • Update dependencies through dependabot for documentation application

v2.3.2 (Code for S08 and S09)

08 Feb 20:48
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Added content

  • 📝 Added lecture-by-lecture code for sections 8 and 9 via #114.

v2.3.1 (No unique tag names)

13 Jan 16:26
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Made tag names not unique so that two different stores can have tags with the same name as each other.
Also fix a small bug where we were not recommending the correct way to generate a secret key for your application.

v2.3.0 (Cascading deletes)

14 Dec 09:48
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New Content

  • #100 : add new lecture on cascading deletes (also on the Udemy course)
  • #101 : add insomnia export files so students can easily import them rather than having to create them manually for each section

Updated Content

  • 🐛 #102: fix requirements file in section 6 and remove incorrect imports

Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.3.0

v2.2.0 (Bug fixes and improvements)

21 Nov 12:36
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New Content

  • ✨ Added Insomnia export files per-section and for all sections, and e-book page to explain how to use them #92, #97

Updated Content


  • 📊 Add links to Udemy course throughout e-book and some trial videos #89
  • 📊 Use Algolia search, update style of e-book and update Docusaurus version #96

Bug fixes

  • 🐛 Added missing uuid import and fixed first few projects so code matches course #88
  • 🐛 Fix inconsistencies between video course and GitHub code #90
  • 🐛 Use db.Integer instead of db.String for foreign keys where required #91

v2.1.0 (Task queues with rq)

20 Oct 08:00
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New Content

  • Section 12 on using task queues with rq to send emails through Mailgun, #83, #85

Updated Content

  • Remove before_first_request in Flask apps, since now the recommended approach is to just do any necessary setup inside create_app(), #77
  • Remove db.create_all() from create_app() when using Flask-Migrate, since it is Flask-Migrate that creates the tables, #78
  • Add information to the e-book on how to make sure tag and item have the same store id when linking them, #79
  • Added missing required arguments in Flask-JWT-Extended callbacks, #81
  • Added missing hostname in the command to run Flask using the Flask development server in Docker, #82
  • Use FLASK_DEBUG instead of FLASK_ENV across entire ebook and all projects since FLASK_ENV is now deprecated, #84
  • Remove password's unique=True in all user models, #86


03 Oct 11:07
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  • ✨ Add search bar to e-book so it's easier to find content by heading #69
  • 📝 Add Windows command for mounting Docker volumes #70
  • 🐛 Fix typos where .value() was used instead of .values() in a dictionary method call #68, #75

v2.0.0-beta.5 (

23 Sep 09:59
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New content

  • ✨ Released section on deployments via #62

Bug fixes

  • 🐛 Fixed typo in Docker volumes through #61 (thanks @LUS24 )

v2.0.0 (Release course)

23 Sep 11:49
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The new version of the course is finally out!

Get it at!