Releases: slackapi/java-slack-sdk
version 1.45.1
- [bolt] #1415 Fix #1414 botMessage handler in Assistant middleware does not work when other event listeners do not exist - Thanks @rbioteau @seratch
- All issues/pull requests:
- All changes: v1.45.0...v1.45.1
version 1.45.0
AWS S3 SDK Migration
This version upgrades the underlying AWS S3 SDK to version 2. If you use the optional module, please switch to their v2 SDK. Note that AWS has changed both the groupId and artifactId for v2:
- <groupId>com.amazonaws</groupId>
- <artifactId>aws-java-sdk-s3</artifactId>
+ <groupId></groupId>
+ <artifactId>s3</artifactId>
Also, here is an example of a version range:
- <aws.s3.version>[1.12.62,1.13.0)</aws.s3.version>
+ <aws.s3.version>[2.29.24,3)</aws.s3.version>
Refer to #1402 for more details.
Long-deprecated Legacy Module Removal
This version removes the "javax.servlet-api" artifact from the slack-app-backend library. The dependency is in "provided" scope and is only used by two long-deprecated classes. Those classes will be removed too:
The reason why we've removed these classes is that having the javax.servlet dependency can be a noise for developers and admins who are examining the progress of the Jakarta Servlet migration (even though it's in "provided" scope). We believe almost zero existing apps rely on these classes, but if there is any, please consider 1) migrating to bolt-java module or 2) copying the classes to your project. Please refer to #1412 for more details.
- [bolt] #1403 Fix #1402 Migrating AWS S3 SDK to v2 - Thanks @seratch
- [bolt] #1411 Fix #1409 Socket Mode: Slow message consumption when listeners do not immediately return ack() - Thanks @Mugenor @seratch
- [slack-app-backend] #1412 Remove long-deprecated javax.servlet modules from slack-app-backend library - Thanks @seratch
- All issues/pull requests:
- All changes: v1.44.2...v1.45.0
version 1.44.2
- [slack-api-client] #1397 NumberFormatException when using conversations.history - Thanks @rasharab @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #1390 Add title to EventContext#setSuggestedPrompts argument list - Thanks @seratch
- All issues/pull requests:
- All changes: v1.44.1...v1.44.2
version 1.44.1
- [bolt] #1389 Fix a bug where parsing assistant thread message event fails for beta feature enabled apps - Thanks @seratch
- All issues/pull requests:
- All changes: v1.44.0...v1.44.1
version 1.44.0
New Features
Agents & Assistants
A better Agents & Assistants support in Bolt is now available!
While you already can implement your agents using app.event(...)
listeners for assistant_thread_started
, assistant_thread_context_changed
, and message
events, Bolt offers a simpler approach. You just need to create an Assistant
instance, attach the needed event handlers to it, and then add the assistant to your App
App app = new App();
Assistant assistant = new Assistant(app.executorService());
assistant.threadStarted((req, ctx) -> {
try {
ctx.say(r -> r.text("Hi, how can I help you today?"));
SuggestedPrompt.create("What does SLACK stand for?")
} catch (Exception e) {
ctx.logger.error("Failed to handle assistant thread started event: {e}", e);
assistant.userMessage((req, ctx) -> {
try {
ctx.setStatus("is typing...");
if (ctx.getThreadContext() != null) {
String contextChannel = ctx.getThreadContext().getChannelId();
ctx.say(r -> r.text("I am ware of the channel context: <#" + contextChannel + ">"));
} else {
ctx.say(r -> r.text("Here you are!"));
} catch (Exception e) {
ctx.logger.error("Failed to handle assistant thread started event: {e}", e);
try {
ctx.say(r -> r.text(":warning: Sorry, something went wrong during processing your request!"));
} catch (Exception ee) {
ctx.logger.error("Failed to inform the error to the end-user: {ee}", ee);
Please refer to for more details.
- [bolt] #1372 #1383 Add Agents & Assistants document page - Thanks @seratch
- [bolt] #1388 Fix #1348 channel_convert_to_public message events - Thanks @seratch @mgroth0
- [bolt] #1380 Remove extra double quotes from the "Add to Slack" OAuth image alt text - Thanks @zimeg
- [slack-api-client] #1382 Add conversations.requestSharedInvite.list API support - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #1376 Add RichTextBlock support to Block Kit Kotlin DSL builder - Thanks @KENNYSOFT
- All issues/pull requests:
- All changes: v1.43.1...v1.44.0
version 1.43.1
- [bolt] #1375 Fix #1147 Improve the logic to extract the requestUserId for context objects - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #1374 Fix #1373 LogsResponse in AuditClient returns "ok: false" when request was a success - Thanks @Dunkhell @seratch
- [slack-api-client] Add missing properties in web API responses - Thanks @seratch
Additionaly, while #1377 is not a change for the main code, @KENNYSOFT significantly improved the test execution time by the PR. Thank you so much for the wonderful contribution!
- All issues/pull requests:
- All changes: v1.43.0...v1.43.1
version 1.43.0
Assistant Apps in Bolt
This version includes the folllowing APIs and Events API payloads:
We're planning to add a more convenient way to develop AI assistant apps in the near future, but we can already develop such with the following primitive code:
app.event(AssistantThreadStartedEvent.class, (req, ctx) -> {
String channelId = req.getEvent().getAssistantThread().getChannelId();
String threadTs = req.getEvent().getAssistantThread().getThreadTs();
app.executorService().submit(() -> {
try {
ctx.client().assistantThreadsSetTitle(r -> r.channelId(channelId).threadTs(threadTs).title("New chat"));
ctx.client().chatPostMessage(r ->"Hi, how can I help you today?"));
ctx.client().assistantThreadsSetSuggestedPrompts(r -> r.channelId(channelId).threadTs(threadTs).title("How are you?")
.prompts(Collections.singletonList(new SuggestedPrompt("What does SLACK stand for?")))
} catch (Exception e) {
ctx.logger.error("Failed to handle assistant thread started event: {e}", e);
return ctx.ack();
app.event(AssistantThreadContextChangedEvent.class, (req, ctx) -> {
app.executorService().submit(() -> {
String channelId = req.getEvent().getAssistantThread().getChannelId();
String threadTs = req.getEvent().getAssistantThread().getThreadTs();
// TODO: Store req.getEvent().getAssistantThread() for the following conversation
return ctx.ack();
app.event(MessageEvent.class, (req, ctx) -> {
if (req.getEvent().getChannelType().equals("im") && req.getEvent().getThreadTs() != null) {
String channelId = req.getEvent().getChannel();
String threadTs = req.getEvent().getThreadTs();
app.executorService().submit(() -> {
try {
ctx.client().assistantThreadsSetStatus(r -> r.channelId(channelId).threadTs(threadTs).status("is typing..."));
ctx.client().chatPostMessage(r ->"Here you are!"));
} catch (Exception e) {
ctx.logger.error("Failed to handle assistant thread started event: {e}", e);
try {
ctx.client().chatPostMessage(r ->":warning: Sorry, something went wrong during processing your request!"));
} catch (Exception ee) {
ctx.logger.error("Failed to inform the error to the end-user: {ee}", ee);
return ctx.ack();
- [slack-api-client] #1371 Add assistant.threads.* APIs and related event payloads - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] Add missing properties in web API responses - Thanks @seratch
- All issues/pull requests:
- All changes: v1.42.1...v1.43.0
version 1.42.1
- [slack-api-client] #1365 Add conversations.requestSharedInvite.approve/deny APIs - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #1362 Add interactivity_pointer to API params - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] Add missing properties in web API responses - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-model] #1364 Fix #1363 Wrong element type for timestamp in RichTextSectionElement.Date - Thanks @jed204
- [bolt] #1355 Updating app_requested payload to include new field - Thanks @gugutagli
- All issues/pull requests:
- All changes: v1.42.0...v1.42.1
version 1.42.0
Jakarta EE compatible Socket Mode
Since this version, developers can migrate to the newer Jakarta EE compatible WebSocket interface for Socket Mode modules. To enable this, the following two optional modules are added:
- com.slack.api:slack-jakarta-socket-mode-client
- com.slack.api:bolt-jakarata-socket-mode
The Socket Mode client's default implementation uses tyrus-standalone-client 1.x, which is compatible with javax.websocket-api APIs. The Jakarta EE version of this interface is the jakarta.websocket-client-api APIs, and tyrus-standalone-client 2.x is compatible with it. Since it's not feasible to have both tyrus-standalone-client 1.x and 2.x in the same module's dependencies, I have added a new module named slack-jakarta-socket-mode-client. See #919 for more details.
Developers can initialize the Jakarta-compatible SocketModeClient this way:
import com.slack.api.Slack;
import com.slack.api.jakarta_socket_mode.JakartaSocketModeClientFactory;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
var appToken = System.getenv("SLACK_APP_TOKEN");
var slack = Slack.getInstance();
// Java EE compatible Socket Mode client
// Jakarta EE compatible Socket Mode client
JakartaSocketModeClientFactory.create(slack, appToken).connect();
In the same way, I’ve added a new Jakarta-compatible module, which is equivalent to bolt-socket-mode. Here is the demo code. As you can see, just replace the dependency and imports in the code:
import com.slack.api.bolt.App;
import com.slack.api.bolt.jakarta_socket_mode.SocketModeApp;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
var app = new App();
app.command("/hi", (req, ctx) -> {
ctx.say("Hi there!");
return ctx.ack();
var appToken = System.getenv("SLACK_APP_TOKEN");
// Switch from com.slack.api.bolt.socket_mode to com.slack.api.bolt.jakarta_socket_mode
new SocketModeApp(appToken, app).start();
The reason behind this enhancement is that many Java-house companies are planning to eliminate the legacy javax.* dependencies from their project settings. I don't think the short-term risk of having a javax.websocket dependency is significant, but it seems it's about time to provide an option for migration on the developers' side.
- [slack-api-client][bot] #1352 Add Jakarta EE compatible Socket Mode client ref: #919 - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] Add missing properties in web API responses - Thanks @seratch
- All issues/pull requests:
- All changes: v1.41.0...v1.42.0
version 1.41.0
Support for custom steps
Bolt for Java now supoports the way to build custom steps in Workflow Builder. Here is a quick example demonstrating how it works:
app.function("sample_function", (req, ctx) -> {
app.executorService().submit(() -> {
try {
var userId = req.getEvent().getInputs().get("user_id").asString();
var response = ctx.client().chatPostMessage(r -> r
.channel(userId) // sending a DM
.text("Hi! Thank you for submitting the request! We'll let you know once the processing completes.")
var outputs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
outputs.put("channel_id", response.getChannel());
outputs.put("ts", response.getTs());
} catch (Exception e) {
ctx.logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
try {"Failed to handle 'sample_function' custom step execution (error: " + e.getMessage() + ")");
} catch (Exception ex) {
ctx.logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return ctx.ack();
The App Manifest for the custom step would be something like this:
"functions": {
"sample_function": {
"title": "Send a request",
"description": "Send some request to the backend",
"input_parameters": {
"user_id": {
"type": "slack#/types/user_id",
"title": "User",
"description": "Who to send it",
"is_required": true,
"hint": "Select a user in the workspace",
"name": "user_id"
"output_parameters": {
"channel_id": {
"type": "slack#/types/channel_id",
"title": "DM ID",
"description": "The DM ID",
"is_required": true,
"name": "channel_id"
"ts": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Message timestamp",
"description": "Sent message timestamp",
"is_required": true,
"name": "ts"
Please refer to for more details!
- [bolt] #1241 Add custom function support - Thanks @seratch
- [bolt][slack-app-backend] #1351 #1343 block_suggestion response does not support description in an option - Thanks @ESteanes @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #1346 Fix a bug where filename & title getting improperly defaulted in filesUploadV2 - Thanks @Cheos137
- [slack-api-client] Add missing properties in web API responses - Thanks @seratch
- All issues/pull requests:
- All changes: v1.40.3...v1.41.0