released this
30 Nov 21:29
761 commits
to master
since this release
- Added Testnet support for Holesky, Arbitrum Sepolia, Optimism Sepolia networks #1147
- Improved translations for Magic Menu actions, and Transaction Simulation and Decoding #1160
- Fixed dApp prompt positioning when using multiple windows and monitors #1151
- Improved keyboard navigation consistency on dApp signature requests. Press
to sign a message or transaction,esc
to reject, andtab
to navigate options #1148 - Fixed an issue with native token balance resolution where you may sometimes see an incorrect "Insufficient ETH" error when switching between multiple dApps and wallets #1157
- Fixed a rendering issue with price change estimates for Token Charts when the time window is changed #1145
- Fixed a community reported issue where Rainbow's Firebase infrastructure would be incorrectly injected into dApps and trigger unnecessary network calls #1159