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@raheem-cs raheem-cs released this 22 Jul 22:23
· 90 commits to master since this release
  • Removed HLDS support, From this version you must run ReHLDS so our mod works.
  • Removed AMXMODX v1.8.2 Support, Also you will need to use AMXMODX v1.8.3
  • ReAPI Engine function used, Code became more optimized.
  • Removed ze_get_release_time() native and used now pointer cvars instead.
  • Updated style of Gravity cvars, Now we can write gravity as normal: 800 or 100 ..etc.
  • Added ze_version cvar for gametracker purposes.
  • Fixed Death-Message sometimes appears the infector and victim as one team. Now using SendDeathMsg(iInfector, iVictim) stock in the core as we don't need any delay.
  • Removed empty sound and now using another good method.
  • Fixed Cvar_iInfectNotice and Cvar_LeaderMode_iGlow i was forget to add get_pcvar_num().
  • Added new native to return Escape Leader or First player in rank index: ze_get_escape_leader_id()
  • Added native ze_add_text_to_item(), To add additional text beside items.
  • Added limit in ze_register_item() native, Now you can set limit for any item, Limit is for every player in one round. Limit can be set also in ze_extraitems.ini
  • Added support if player in spectator and press M then team menu appear to him instead of normal main menu, So he can join a team.
  • Added client_cmd(id, "stopsound") in StopSound() stock this important as sometimes client_cmd(id, "spk stop") not works at least for some games.
  • Added p_model support for human knife.
  • Added missing resources.
  • New Escape Leader class inserted. When player is escape leader or first in rank instead of Class: Human it will be Class: Escape Leader
  • Fixed count down hud message sometimes appear mixed.
  • Less lag at start round, By contorl some hud messages. Score message appears after 10 seconds of starting new round. Rank message appar after humans start run and zombies appear.
  • Added new ze_ambiance3 now there is three ambiances.
  • Fixed if game not started and there is one player if round end he take escape coins, This will never come again.