released this
12 Apr 09:24
Major changes
#24300 - Add first version of Keycloak admin client based on Reactive REST Client
Complete changelog
#24620 - Documentation - Fix artifactId in code snippet
#24610 - Restore RESTEasy codestart by default for Quarkus < 2.8
#24604 - Oracle recorder ignores shared attribute in the reactive data source configuration
#24600 - Upgrade to Agroal 1.16
#24594 - Unpin the RESTEasy * Links extensions as they have been unlisted
#24593 - Make sure quarkus-undertow is built before RESTEasy Classic
#24592 - Fixed extension name in smallrye-graphql examples
#24587 - Resolve config folder with user.dir for YAML source
#24585 - Ignore build time properties warnings coming from the build system
#24583 - Add JDBC tracing info to the OpenTelemetry guide
#24580 - Disable async Vert.x DNS resolver when for Spring Cloud Config
#24577 - Maven config with "quarkus.version" property results in WARNING log message
#24576 - Update optaplanner.adoc to optaplanner v. 8.19.0
#24570 - Upgrade mariadb-java-client from 2.7.5 to 3.0.4
#24559 - Bump Keycloak version to 17.0.1
#24556 - Update links to Hibernate Search documentation to point to 6.1
#24554 - Update Jackson BOM to
#24553 - Sample project with rest-client-codestart has test failures
#24551 - Add inject example as a comment & rm the tests in rest-client codestart
#24550 - Docs - fix extensions GAVs - quarkus-qpid-jms and quarkus-config-consul
#24549 - Properly handle char and Character parameter types in JAX-RS methods
#24548 - Guard BasicLoggingEnabler
for concurrent test execution via synchronized
#24544 - Disable QuarkusCodestartBuildIT for now
#24543 - Fix small issues in QuarkusTestProfileAwareClassOrderer
#24541 - RESTEasy Reactive: issues with char
#24538 - Add a note about info and update goals requiring at least Quarkus 2.x
#24536 - Upgrade SmallRye Health to 3.2.1
#24535 - Register Protobuf enums in the native executable
#24534 - Make sure modules are compiled in the correct order in dev mode
#24532 - SmallRye GraphQL 1.4.4
#24531 - Moved @Rollback
to its own module
#24530 - Unlist links modules
#24527 - Apply tiny fix to testing documentation
#24524 - quarkus-junit5: Running non-Quarkus unit-tests in parallel fails
#24523 - SmallRyeHealthReporter java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
#24522 - Fix SmallRye Stork extension metadata
#24520 - quarkus:info/update is Quarkus 2.x series specific, documentation doesn't mention that
#24515 - Speed up liquibase by reusing Liquibase
#24512 - Make sure correct runtime configuration is resolved before running quarkusGenerateCode
#24510 - Native gRPC application: missing method "valueOf"
#24508 - Agroal doesn't seem to throw an exception when unable to acquire connection despite acquisitionTimeout
#24500 - @Rollback
annotation is JTA-specific: should be reusable for Hibernate Reactive with Panache
#24498 - Localized validation messages for GraphQL
#24491 - Allow reflective access to Jaeger DTO classes' fields
#24490 - Use container runtime detection in @QuarkusIntegrationTest
#24485 - CLI info and update commands and basic tests
#24483 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 8.1.0 to 8.1.1
#24477 - Support large files in multipart for resteasy reactive
#24472 - RestEasy Reactive Multipart response fails with files > 2GB
#24470 - Panache EntityBase should flush on the right entity manager
#24466 - Add DevUI entry listing ParamConverterProvider classes
#24464 - List applicable param converters for resteasy reactive endpoints in dev ui
#24394 - Panache: give a flush() method that pinpoints the right PU
#24384 - Hot reload does not build multi module project in correct order
#24300 - Add first version of Keycloak admin client based on Reactive REST Client
#24260 - Gradle quarkusGenerateCode task with composite build dependency causes jar does not exist
#24104 - Kubernetes: Provide properties to remote debugging
#23871 - Print warning when is used without a container image extension
#23765 - Remote debug not working
#17581 - Configure java agent for cloud remote debugging and set env var JAVA_OPTIONS_TOOL
#16429 - gradle quarkusBuild has error : SRCFG00035: Failed to load resource
#10402 - RemoteControlledSampler fails with "No strategy present in response. Not updating sampler." in native mode
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