released this
31 Aug 10:16
Complete changelog
#27453 - Revert "Mark Quartz extension as stable"
#27449 - Make sending OIDC client id with introspection credentials optional
#27442 - [quarkus-oidc] Wrong client id sent to introspection endpoint when introspection credentials are given
#27436 - Add system properties source to CodeGenerator config sources
#27433 - Remove @Blocking from the rest client guide
#27431 - Add default config sources to codegen config
#27428 - Bump gradle version to 7.5.1
#27406 - Prevent duplicate HTTP headers when WriterInterceptor is used
#27394 - Fix rest-json.adoc
#27392 - Bump kotlinx-serialization-json from 1.3.3 to 1.4.0
#27381 - Add support for optimistic locking / check-and-set in the new Redis API
#27379 - Resume REST Client Reactive request handling on error if suspended
#27361 - Fix Redis channel subscription issue when there is no context available
#27359 - Exclude from the application BOM
#27358 - Build logs "Downloading from shibboleth-repo: .."
#27357 - Jackson: also detect class referenced by @JsonTypeIdResolver
#27351 - Make it more obvious how to do propagation
#27346 - Jackson: also detect class referenced by @JsonTypeIdResolver
#27343 - Avoid SQL Server JDBC driver to load ANTLR parsers
#27342 - Do not set 'realm=Quarkus' in Basic auth challenge
#27336 - Deprecate OidcSession#expiresIn and add new methods
#27332 - Remove useless @JsonProperty in MongoDB with Panache guide
#27325 - Resteasy Reactive duplicates headers when custom WriterInterceptor is present
#27291 - BasicAuthenticationMechanism challenge contains a Quarkus
realm property
#27206 - Bump smallrye-open-api from 2.1.23 to 2.2.0
#27122 - io.quarkus.oidc.OidcSession uses Instant to present duration
#27058 - OpenAPI UI displays incorrect values for overridden QueryParams using DefaultValue
#26848 - Build failure due to NullPointerException
, related to @Parameter(ref = ...)
#26575 - Fix Quarkiverse template build and release
#26546 - Openapi Shema annotations default value issue
#21173 - OpenAPI: auto-add-tags feature uses superclass/interface name, rather than actual class name
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