- 25a5ad5 Match should skip unexported fields as they won't be serialized (#201)
- 0fda85d Merge branch 'master' into 2.x.x
- 4eb1a45 Merge branch 'master' into feat/graphql-support
- f478020 Merge branch 'master' into snyk-fix-5ef386de90cc3240ee6db1dfbc0b92a6
- 8fdc5d7 Merge branch 'master' into snyk-fix-c834cba596dbd74760934a6a3a7a7b0b
- 24f29f8 Merge pull request #141 from askingcat/fix-json-tag-handling
- ae112ff Merge pull request #144 from bvwells/master
- aa6e2d2 Merge pull request #145 from mklimuk/chore/struct_regex_matcher
- fcf9111 Merge pull request #146 from cltatman/fix/bigger-pact-output-buffer
- 5b0eee4 Merge pull request #148 from jameshalsall/set-provider-tags-on-verifier-results
- 39746d2 Merge pull request #152 from pact-foundation/dependabot/go_modules/github.com/stretchr/testify-1.7.0
- bd39399 Merge pull request #154 from g1stavo/docs/add-missing-return
- b10bd32 Merge pull request #155 from dukex/patch-1
- 284f0d4 Merge pull request #157 from pact-foundation/snyk-fix-5ef386de90cc3240ee6db1dfbc0b92a6
- eb10d18 Merge pull request #158 from pact-foundation/snyk-fix-e9683ec7f1be20c0507b2ff489974207
- 398cab9 Merge pull request #159 from pact-foundation/dependabot/go_modules/github.com/hashicorp/go-version-1.3.0
- cebf48e Merge pull request #162 from pact-foundation/dependabot/add-v2-config-file
- cd5d7c5 Merge pull request #164 from pact-foundation/dependabot/go_modules/github.com/gin-gonic/gin-1.7.2
- ae1d9cd Merge pull request #166 from jameshalsall/add-messsage-consumer-version-selectors
- 5996808 Merge pull request #167 from thetrav/readme-link-to-pact-broker
- 79a461c Merge pull request #170 from bbmokus/fix/verify-provider-response
- f450f72 Merge pull request #175 from antklim/feature/new-consumer-version-selectors
- 99c243f Merge pull request #176 from antklim/fix/linter
- efb00dd Merge pull request #182 from pact-foundation/snyk-fix-616c442a9c3bac62a60383a55b59deb9
- 3dca810 Merge pull request #185 from pact-foundation/snyk-fix-a98753e9a3a6c8f764c4afcfd284c8e1
- 8fb2d36 Merge pull request #190 from dabfleming/support-provider-branch
- c32cbef Merge pull request #198 from soniah/master2
- bb90356 Merge pull request #200 from pact-foundation/feat/graphql-support
- 8bec075 Merge pull request #209 from JEFFTheDev/feat/tag-provider-with-git-branch
- 5a4257c Merge pull request #210 from pact-foundation/update-blog-link-readme
- 3ae2a4d Merge pull request #231 from pact-foundation/snyk-fix-c834cba596dbd74760934a6a3a7a7b0b
- 46a9a1d Merge pull request #232 from pact-foundation/snyk-fix-5cd93ffe8520d66298e8d860628766bf
- ac3e483 Merge pull request #242 from pact-foundation/dependabot/go_modules/github.com/hasura/go-graphql-client-0.8.1
- 063ec5c Merge pull request #245 from sata-form3/sata-remove-experimental
- dbe2b92 Merge pull request #247 from pact-foundation/dependabot/go_modules/github.com/stretchr/testify-1.8.1
- 19a62f6 Merge pull request #248 from pact-foundation/dependabot/go_modules/github.com/spf13/cobra-1.6.1
- ecbd218 Merge pull request #264 from pact-foundation/pactflow_camelcase
- 65f4304 Pass consumer version selectors in VerifyMessageProviderRaw
- fccd0c7 Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot
- 6ab2895 build(deps): bump github.com/gin-gonic/gin from 1.6.3 to 1.7.2
- 942b1a2 build(deps): bump github.com/hashicorp/go-version from 1.0.0 to 1.3.0
- 5c8e7e4 build(deps): bump github.com/hashicorp/go-version from 1.3.0 to 1.5.0 (#214)
- e9e69c7 build(deps): bump github.com/hasura/go-graphql-client
- e17fb8e build(deps): bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.1.3 to 1.6.1
- f10eb78 build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.4.0 to 1.7.0
- a66652a build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.7.0 to 1.7.3 (#218)
- d4f8070 build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4 (#219)
- 2da0273 build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.7.4 to 1.8.1
- 88d6be4 build: add snyk to build
- aec1bf2 build: test golang 1.11 -> 1.14
- 519aa91 chore(release): release v1.4.4
- 337fa5d chore(release): release v1.5.0
- 8940c41 chore(release): release v1.5.1
- a9a8afe chore(release): release v1.5.2
- 6022d1c chore(release): release v1.5.3
- 86bf331 chore(release): release v1.6.3
- 60fa3ae chore(release): release v1.6.4
- 3e98523 chore(release): release v1.6.5
- 138ed97 chore(release): release v1.6.6
- bc56faa chore(release): release v1.6.7
- 2f6d45e chore(release): release v1.6.8
- 81dccce chore(release): release v1.6.8
- 8afb743 chore(release): release v1.6.9
- 1251fc2 chore(release): release v1.7.0
- ef15537 chore(release): release v2.0.0
- 6d76336 doc: small fix in golang README
- c040311 feat: add GraphQL response type
- d3abbd8 feat: allow setting of ProviderTags on VerifyMessageRequest
- dcd8e0e feat: graphql interface
- ad35b25 feat: support matching branch selector. Fixes #184
- de0bb5e feat: support release and environment consumer version selectors
- 18398ce feat: update to standalone 1.86.0 and support new verifier options: --log-level and --log-dir
- 3dc7736 feat: update to standalone 1.88.78 and support new verifier option: --provider-version-branch
- d879a4b fix(readme): update link to pact broker
- 511f144 fix: Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities
- 0975c27 fix: Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities
- c7cec48 fix: Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities
- 493f853 fix: Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities
- 1179076 fix: Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities
- bc10b4b fix: Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities
- dfc7c3a fix: Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#206)
- f82584d fix: Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#207)
- cdefdbe fix: Support for asynchronous interactions is considered stable
- 59f097f fix: add option to tag provider with git branch from Verify methods
- 1c18257 fix: address various misspellings
- 5160a01 fix: allow provider log level to be set/logged to file
- 91f2ac8 fix: build on darwin arm64 (#211)
- 5a5ef03 fix: fixed linter errors in client/service_manager
- 60ddda1 fix: fixed linter errors in dsl/client
- 01b8e81 fix: fixed linter errors in dsl/pact
- 1ccc97e fix: fixed linter errors in test files
- 4f57f48 fix: fixing linter error in dsl/pact
- 72a05bf fix: fixing linter errors in client/service_manager
- d88f9c3 fix: fixing linter errors in dsl/client
- 6bc61f4 fix: fixing linter in dsl and client packages
- 146de2c fix: handle JSON tags correctly
- 5903b70 fix: handle verification response correctly
- 2ea979c fix: increase max size of pact output buffer
- a0227bb fix: make tests fail on non-zero status
- 65822cd fix: misleading error message in certain verification scenarios
- a461ee3 fix: pass PactLogDir to verifier binary. Fixes #156
- 4fe810d fix: race in v2 client
- 18c791e fix: support struct tags for pointers
- a7d9596 fix: timeout in integration test
- 0360e55 refactor(all): Small refactor (#193)
- c8a5f24 refactor(all): small refactor (#192)
- f0d0443 refactor: remove unnecessary return