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2414 lines (1688 loc) · 161 KB
  1. 2d
  2. 2d-framework
  3. 2d-game
  4. 2d-game-engine
  5. 2d-game-framework
  6. 3d
  7. 3d-engine
  8. 3d-game-engine
  9. 8bit
  10. ai
  11. algorithm
  12. android
  13. animation
  14. api
  15. artemis-odb
  16. artemis-odb-contrib
  17. artificial-intelligence
  18. ascii
  19. atom
  20. augmented-reality
  21. autocomplete
  22. awesome
  23. awesome-list
  24. binding
  25. build-tool
  26. bullet-physics
  27. bundler
  28. c
  29. c-plus-plus
  30. c-plus-plus-11
  31. c-plus-plus-14
  32. c-plus-plus-17
  33. c-sharp
  34. c99
  35. canvas
  36. canvas2d
  37. cartridge
  38. cimgui
  39. cmake
  40. collision
  41. collision-detection
  42. common-lisp
  43. community
  44. component
  45. console
  46. controller
  47. cplusplus
  48. cpp
  49. cpp-library
  50. cpp11
  51. cpp14
  52. cpp17
  53. cross-platform
  54. csharp
  55. d3d11
  56. d3d12
  57. d3d9
  58. data-oriented-design
  59. dear-imgui
  60. defold-game-engine
  61. demo
  62. design
  63. desktop
  64. direct3d
  65. directx
  66. directx-11
  67. directx11
  68. docs
  69. documentation
  70. dotnet
  71. duality
  72. ecs
  73. editor
  74. emscripten
  75. enet
  76. engine
  77. engine3d
  78. entitas
  79. entitas-csharp
  80. entity
  81. entity-component
  82. entity-component-system
  83. entity-framework
  84. es6
  85. example
  86. examples
  87. fps
  88. framework
  89. functional
  90. game-2d
  91. game-ai
  92. game-dev
  93. game-engine-framework
  94. game-framework
  95. game-jam
  96. game-programming
  97. game-server
  98. gameengine
  99. gamemaker
  100. games
  101. gaming
  102. gdscript
  103. gles
  104. glfw
  105. go
  106. godot
  107. godot-engine
  108. godotengine
  109. golang
  110. gosu
  111. gradle
  112. graphics
  113. graphics-engine
  114. gui
  115. gulp
  116. haxe
  117. header-only
  118. homebrew
  119. html
  120. html5
  121. html5-game
  122. imgui
  123. indiedev
  124. indiegame
  125. input
  126. ios
  127. java
  128. javascript
  129. javascript-game
  130. job-scheduler
  131. kotlin
  132. language
  133. libgdx
  134. library
  135. lightweight
  136. linux
  137. list
  138. love2d
  139. lua
  140. lua-library
  141. ludumdare
  142. machine-learning
  143. macos
  144. magnum
  145. math
  146. minecraft
  147. mmo
  148. mmog-engine
  149. mmorpg
  150. mmorpg-game
  151. mobile
  152. mobile-game
  153. monogame
  154. multi-platform
  155. multiplayer
  156. multiplayer-game
  157. multiplayer-game-server
  158. multithreading
  159. music-game
  160. networking
  161. nintendo
  162. node-js
  163. nodejs
  164. open-source
  165. opengl
  166. opengl-es
  167. opengles
  168. osx
  169. panda3d
  170. pathfinding
  171. pcg
  172. performance
  173. phaser
  174. phaserjs
  175. physics
  176. pico-8
  177. pico8
  178. pixel-art
  179. plugin
  180. pooling
  181. procedural
  182. procedural-generation
  183. pygame
  184. python
  185. python3
  186. react
  187. rendering
  188. rendering-2d-graphics
  189. rendering-engine
  190. retro
  191. retrogaming
  192. roguelike
  193. rotation
  194. ruby
  195. rust
  196. sdl
  197. sdl2
  198. sfml
  199. shaders
  200. simulation
  201. skeletal
  202. spine
  203. sprites
  204. static
  205. template
  206. templates
  207. tetris
  208. texture-synthesis
  209. threejs
  210. threejs-webgl-game
  211. timers
  212. tiny
  213. tool
  214. tools
  215. tutorial
  216. ui
  217. unity
  218. unity-3d
  219. unity2d
  220. unity3d
  221. unity3d-plugin
  222. unreal-engine
  223. video-game
  224. virtual
  225. virtual-reality
  226. visual-basic
  227. visual-studio
  228. voxel
  229. voxel-engine
  230. voxels
  231. vr
  232. vue
  233. vuejs
  234. vulkan
  235. web
  236. webassembly
  237. webgl
  238. webgl2
  239. website
  240. windows
  241. wrapper
  242. xna


  1. spine-runtimes. 2D skeletal animation runtimes for Spine.
  2. FXGL. Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)
  3. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  4. ObEngine. 2D Game Engine with Lua Scripting made on top of SFML !
  5. trivial-gamekit. Simple cross-platform framework for making games
  6. cage. Cage (Ain't a Game Engine) - write 2D games using plain C
  7. binocle-unity. Binocle is a simple 2D code-based framework for Unity
  8. Q1N. Q1N is 2D metroidvania platformer for linux systems (in developing).
  9. d2d. A D language graphics library built on DerelictSDL2.
  10. fda-2017-gamedev-base. Materiale per il corso 'Introduzione allo Sviluppo di Progetti Videoludici'
  11. Creature_Cocos2DX. Cocos2d-x Runtimes for Creature


  1. FXGL. Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)
  2. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  3. xygine. 2D engine / framework built around SFML


  1. GD. 🎮 GDevelop is an open source HTML5 and native game creator requiring no coding skills.
  2. FXGL. Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)
  3. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  4. mini2Dx. A high-level 2D game development API built on top of LibGDX
  5. badsanta. BadSanta - Multiplayer HTML5 Game (
  6. gf. A C++14 framework for 2D games
  7. cs-engine. 2D Javascript Game Engine
  8. Driftwood. Driftwood 2D Tiling Game Engine and Development Suite
  9. moon_cheeser. Moon Cheeser is an infinite runner where the player plays as a mouse gathering cheese pieces and avoiding craters and other astronomical objects, such as comets and planets, on a moon made of cheese.
  10. canvas2d. Lib to create 2d games with Go


  1. GD. 🎮 GDevelop is an open source HTML5 and native game creator requiring no coding skills.
  2. FXGL. Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)
  3. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  4. Blue-Flame-Engine. A 3D/2D game engine that supports both DirectX11 and OpenGL 4.5
  5. ObEngine. 2D Game Engine with Lua Scripting made on top of SFML !
  6. cage. Cage (Ain't a Game Engine) - write 2D games using plain C
  7. binocle-unity. Binocle is a simple 2D code-based framework for Unity
  8. cs-engine. 2D Javascript Game Engine
  9. Jewel3D. A free C++ game development framework for Windows.


  1. FXGL. Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)
  2. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  3. d2d. A D language graphics library built on DerelictSDL2.


  1. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  2. vue-babylonjs. A ready-to-go 3d environment for Vue.js using Babylon.js
  3. AVA. A tiny 3D game engine in C; with C++ and Lua interfaces. Written in 32 random ̷d̷a̷y̷s̷ m̷o̷n̷t̷h̷s̷ years.
  4. exengine-testing. A C99 3D game engine
  5. lba2remake. A Little Big Adventure 2 / Twinsen's Odyssey reimplementation in JavaScript / Three.js / React
  6. MonoGame-SceneGraph. Nodes, Culling & Entities for basic Scene Graphs in MonoGame.
  7. nmg-vulkan. Rusty mech engine
  8. exengine-web. Based on the exengine source, a webgl/emscripten port.
  9. Iris-Web-Viewer. A lightweight 3D Model Viewer for viewing Exchange Format files (i.e *.stl and *.obj) without the need for larger packages to be preinstalled on a computer.


  1. CRYENGINE. CRYENGINE is a powerful real-time game development platform created by Crytek.
  2. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  3. tinygizmo. 📐 An immediate mode 3D gimzo (translation, rotation, scale for scene editing) in ~1200 LoC
  4. FlaxAPI. Open Source Editor and API for creating games in Flax Engine
  5. GameDevTemplates. libGDT - The C++ Game Developement Templates Library
  6. HevEn. HevEn is a small FPS/TPS game engine (for test purposes)


  1. CRYENGINE. CRYENGINE is a powerful real-time game development platform created by Crytek.
  2. Blue-Flame-Engine. A 3D/2D game engine that supports both DirectX11 and OpenGL 4.5
  3. exengine-testing. A C99 3D game engine
  4. FlaxAPI. Open Source Editor and API for creating games in Flax Engine
  5. GameDevTemplates. libGDT - The C++ Game Developement Templates Library
  6. Jewel3D. A free C++ game development framework for Windows.
  7. HevEn. HevEn is a small FPS/TPS game engine (for test purposes)
  8. exengine-web. Based on the exengine source, a webgl/emscripten port.


  1. TIC-80. TIC-80 is a fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games.
  2. DRAK-0. A fantasy console written in C++ using SFML and using ChaiScript and LuaJIT for scripting.


  1. ReGoap. Generic C# GOAP (Goal Oriented Action Planning) library with Unity3d examples
  2. good-reads. List of inspiring articles, blogs, tutorials and books. Tech stuff.


  1. WaveFunctionCollapse. Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics.
  2. SynTex. Texture synthesis from examples.
  3. ConvChain. Bitmap generation from a single example with convolutions and MCMC.
  4. constellations. Particle collision with quadtree experiment for Desktop and Android, Inspired by games like Eufloria and Auralux.


  1. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  2. FXGL. Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)
  3. DiligentEngine. Master repository for Diligent Engine project
  4. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  5. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  6. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  7. asteroids. Kotlin port of ForeignGuyMike's Asteroids project with changes, additional features and improvements
  8. BeaverAndFairies.
  9. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  10. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  11. luna2d. Cross-platform game engine for mobile platforms
  12. jngl. Easy to use game library for C++ and Python
  13. Creature_Cocos2DX. Cocos2d-x Runtimes for Creature


  1. SpriterDotNet. A pure C# Spriter implementation
  2. Blue-Flame-Engine. A 3D/2D game engine that supports both DirectX11 and OpenGL 4.5
  3. katsudo. Katsudö is an animation library for LÖVE
  4. learning-vue-through-pokemon. This repo contains the code for my tutorial series 'Learning Vue.js through pokemon'
  5. Creature_Cocos2DX. Cocos2d-x Runtimes for Creature


  1. pico8-api. Official PICO-8 API with a lovely design ! ::
  2. FlaxAPI. Open Source Editor and API for creating games in Flax Engine


  1. artemis-odb. A continuation of the popular Artemis ECS framework
  2. artemis-odb-contrib. Drop-in extensions for artemis-odb. Prefab systems, components, networking, events!
  3. libgdx-artemis-quickstart. Quickstart template for libgdx artemis projects!
  4. artemis-odb-entity-tracker. 🎲 Visual Entity Tracker for artemis-odb
  5. odb-little-fortune-planet. Little Fortune Planet LD38 Jam entry
  6. odb-artax. LD39 entry: Running out of Power Theme


  1. artemis-odb-contrib. Drop-in extensions for artemis-odb. Prefab systems, components, networking, events!
  2. libgdx-artemis-quickstart. Quickstart template for libgdx artemis projects!


  1. gdx-ai. Artificial Intelligence framework for games based on libGDX or not. Features: Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines
  2. BehaviorTree.js. An JavaScript implementation of Behavior Trees.
  3. good-reads. List of inspiring articles, blogs, tutorials and books. Tech stuff.


  1. SadConsole. A .NET ascii/ansi console engine written in C# for MonoGame and XNA. Create your own text roguelike (or other) games!
  2. LambdaHack. Haskell game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers; try out the browser version at


  1. love-atom. Smart autocompletion for the LÖVE framework in Atom.
  2. pickpocket. Asset file manager (Atom package) for games prototyping


  1. engine. JavaScript game engine built on WebGL and WebVR.
  2. utymap. Highly customizable library for procedural world generation based on real map data


  1. love-atom. Smart autocompletion for the LÖVE framework in Atom.
  2. sublime-PICO-8. PICO-8 plugin for the Sublime Text 3 editor.


  1. magictools. 🎮 📝 A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen.
  2. awesome-gbdev. A curated list of Game Boy development resources such as tools, docs, emulators, related projects and open-source ROMs.
  3. awesome-PICO-8. A curated list of awesome PICO-8 resources, carts, tools and more
  4. awesome-one-person-games. 🎮 A curated list of successul games, made (quite) entirely by a lone gamedev.
  5. Awesome-Game-Networking. Curated list of Awesome Game Networking resources
  6. awesome-gideros. A curated list of awesome Gideros resources, classes and tips.


  1. magictools. 🎮 📝 A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen.
  2. awesome-gbdev. A curated list of Game Boy development resources such as tools, docs, emulators, related projects and open-source ROMs.
  3. awesome-PICO-8. A curated list of awesome PICO-8 resources, carts, tools and more
  4. awesome-one-person-games. 🎮 A curated list of successul games, made (quite) entirely by a lone gamedev.
  5. Awesome-Game-Networking. Curated list of Awesome Game Networking resources
  6. awesome-gideros. A curated list of awesome Gideros resources, classes and tips.


  1. cimgui. c-api for imgui (
  2. odin-imgui. Odin binding for Dear ImGui


  1. phaser-node-kit. Rapid Game Development with PhaserJS and Node for Modern Browsers
  2. build. Modular build system scripts based on GENie (


  1. Directus3D. Directus3D Game Engine
  2. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine


  1. phaser-node-kit. Rapid Game Development with PhaserJS and Node for Modern Browsers
  2. Scarab. A system to patch your content files.


  1. cimgui. c-api for imgui (
  2. AVA. A tiny 3D game engine in C; with C++ and Lua interfaces. Written in 32 random ̷d̷a̷y̷s̷ m̷o̷n̷t̷h̷s̷ years.
  3. Unangband. A roguelike originally created (and developed until version 0.6.4c) by Andrew Doull.
  4. a2x. 🎮 C framework I wrote for my video games. It runs natively on Linux and FreeBSD, and can be cross-compiled for Windows, Emscripten, GP2X, Wiz, Caanoo, and Open Pandora.
  5. textureatlas. A simple, cross-platform Python-based tool and C library for creating and using a texture atlas in your application or game. Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
  6. bingehack4. A replacement for bingehack. For information about in-game features and changes:
  7. Q1N. Q1N is 2D metroidvania platformer for linux systems (in developing).


  1. CRYENGINE. CRYENGINE is a powerful real-time game development platform created by Crytek.
  2. BansheeEngine. Modern C++14 game engine with Vulkan support, fully featured editor and C# scripting
  3. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  4. panda3d. Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU
  5. GD. 🎮 GDevelop is an open source HTML5 and native game creator requiring no coding skills.
  6. libSDL2pp. C++11 bindings/wrapper for SDL2
  7. SFGUI. Simple and Fast Graphical User Interface
  8. TGUI. An easy to use cross-platform c++ GUI for SFML
  9. Directus3D. Directus3D Game Engine
  10. Blue-Flame-Engine. A 3D/2D game engine that supports both DirectX11 and OpenGL 4.5
  11. gf. A C++14 framework for 2D games
  12. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  13. bsf. Modern and fast C++14 library for the development of real-time graphical applications.
  14. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  15. Scarab. A system to patch your content files.
  16. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  17. saddy-graphics-engine-2d. Saddy is an open-source crossplatform 2D graphic engine, based on OpenGL, which can be used for creating simple games.
  18. SSVSCollision. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 AABB simple collision detection/response framework for games. Depends on SSVStart, SFML2.0. It has nice performance. Features interchangeable spatial partitioning and resolution systems, a way to prevent the "crack problem", easy to use C++11 lambda callbacks for collision events. It's not perfect, but it should work very well for any simple 2D game.
  19. OpenRhythm. Rhythm game similar to FoF, GH, or RB.
  20. SSVEntitySystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 simple entity/component system for realtime games. Simplicity of use is preferred over a real "entity-component-system" hierarchy. Components update and draw themselves (users create their own components and override the virtual methods). Fast, easy to use and to expand. Should be fine for any simple game.
  21. sdlpp. C++ wrapper for SDL2
  22. yeti. ⛄ A general-purpose data-driven game engine with tools. Attribution based licensing.
  23. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  24. AshleyCPP. A C++ clone of Ashley, a Java entity framework.
  25. Zmey. A game engine. That breathes fire and awesomeness
  26. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  27. nomlib. C++11 2D game framework using SDL2
  28. BabylonCpp. A port of Babylon.js to C++
  29. SSVMenuSystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 lambda-based library for quick creation of menus. Supports multiple nested menus (categories). Supports Single/Toggle/Slider menu item types. Useful in game development or console applications-
  30. HurricaneEngine. 💨 "Game engine" written in C++ on top of SDL2


  1. CRYENGINE. CRYENGINE is a powerful real-time game development platform created by Crytek.
  2. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  3. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  4. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  5. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  6. sdlpp. C++ wrapper for SDL2
  7. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  8. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine


  1. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  2. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  3. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  4. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  5. sdlpp. C++ wrapper for SDL2
  6. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  7. Jewel3D. A free C++ game development framework for Windows.
  8. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine


  1. sdlpp. C++ wrapper for SDL2
  2. Jewel3D. A free C++ game development framework for Windows.


  1. WaveFunctionCollapse. Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics.
  2. Entitas-CSharp. Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
  3. rant. Rant – The all-purpose procedural text generation library
  4. duality. a 2D Game Development Framework
  5. SynTex. Texture synthesis from examples.
  6. ConvChain. Bitmap generation from a single example with convolutions and MCMC.
  7. SadConsole. A .NET ascii/ansi console engine written in C# for MonoGame and XNA. Create your own text roguelike (or other) games!
  8. consolation. In-game debug console for Unity.
  9. Unity2D-Components. A constantly evolving array of Unity C# components for 2D games, including classes for pixel art cameras, events & messaging, saving & loading game data, collision handlers, object pools, and more.
  10. NoteEditor. Note editor for music game
  11. awesome-unity-plugins-assets-tools-services-games-projects-resources. A categorized collection of awesome unity3d plugins, assets, tools, services, games, projects, resources and more.
  12. unitrpg. A turn-based tactical role playing game. Written in C# using the Unity3D engine. Custom data-driven content pipeline.
  13. FakeSimCity. A Unity Game like SimCity for mobile
  14. Hero6. Hero6
  15. RaionUnityEcsFramework. Raion's Unity ECS Framework inspired by Entitas (
  16. unity-entitas-infinite-runner. Little game with unity and entitas in c#


  1. exengine-testing. A C99 3D game engine
  2. a2x. 🎮 C framework I wrote for my video games. It runs natively on Linux and FreeBSD, and can be cross-compiled for Windows, Emscripten, GP2X, Wiz, Caanoo, and Open Pandora.
  3. exengine-web. Based on the exengine source, a webgl/emscripten port.


  1. melonJS. a fresh & lightweight javascript game engine
  2. moople.js---html5-library. HTML5 library for developing games
  3. zenpad.js. GamePad for canvas game.


  1. melonJS. a fresh & lightweight javascript game engine
  2. canvas2d. Lib to create 2d games with Go


  1. awesome-gbdev. A curated list of Game Boy development resources such as tools, docs, emulators, related projects and open-source ROMs.
  2. awesome-PICO-8. A curated list of awesome PICO-8 resources, carts, tools and more


  1. cimgui. c-api for imgui (
  2. odin-imgui. Odin binding for Dear ImGui


  1. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  2. ObEngine. 2D Game Engine with Lua Scripting made on top of SFML !
  3. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  4. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  5. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  6. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  7. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  8. nomlib. C++11 2D game framework using SDL2


  1. exengine-testing. A C99 3D game engine
  2. SSVSCollision. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 AABB simple collision detection/response framework for games. Depends on SSVStart, SFML2.0. It has nice performance. Features interchangeable spatial partitioning and resolution systems, a way to prevent the "crack problem", easy to use C++11 lambda callbacks for collision events. It's not perfect, but it should work very well for any simple 2D game.


  1. exengine-testing. A C99 3D game engine
  2. exengine-web. Based on the exengine source, a webgl/emscripten port.


  1. cl-bodge. Bodacious game engine written in Common Lisp
  2. trivial-gamekit. Simple cross-platform framework for making games


  1. alakajam. Website powering the Alakajam! game making community
  2. platform. The platform that powers the community.


  1. phaser-behavior-plugin. Behavior System for Phaser games (1.8KB min+gzip)
  2. SSVEntitySystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 simple entity/component system for realtime games. Simplicity of use is preferred over a real "entity-component-system" hierarchy. Components update and draw themselves (users create their own components and override the virtual methods). Fast, easy to use and to expand. Should be fine for any simple game.


  1. SadConsole. A .NET ascii/ansi console engine written in C# for MonoGame and XNA. Create your own text roguelike (or other) games!
  2. consolation. In-game debug console for Unity.
  3. rapp. Cross-platform entry point library


  1. rapp. Cross-platform entry point library
  2. asteroids. Kotlin port of ForeignGuyMike's Asteroids project with changes, additional features and improvements


  1. LumixEngine. 3D Game Engine
  2. sdlpp. C++ wrapper for SDL2


  1. SSVOpenHexagon. C++14 FOSS clone of "Super Hexagon". Depends on SSVStart, SSVEntitySystem, SSVLuaWrapper, SSVMenuSystem, JSONcpp, SFML2.0. Features JSON/LUA customizable game files, a soundtrack by BOSSFIGHT, pseudo-3D effects.
  2. entt. Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity-component system and much more
  3. tinygizmo. 📐 An immediate mode 3D gimzo (translation, rotation, scale for scene editing) in ~1200 LoC
  4. pomdog. An open source game engine for C++17 🐶 🎮
  5. gf. A C++14 framework for 2D games
  6. Awesome-Game-Networking. Curated list of Awesome Game Networking resources
  7. SSVBloodshed. C++14 arcade game, spiritual successor to "Operation Carnage"
  8. SSVSCollision. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 AABB simple collision detection/response framework for games. Depends on SSVStart, SFML2.0. It has nice performance. Features interchangeable spatial partitioning and resolution systems, a way to prevent the "crack problem", easy to use C++11 lambda callbacks for collision events. It's not perfect, but it should work very well for any simple 2D game.
  9. SSVEntitySystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 simple entity/component system for realtime games. Simplicity of use is preferred over a real "entity-component-system" hierarchy. Components update and draw themselves (users create their own components and override the virtual methods). Fast, easy to use and to expand. Should be fine for any simple game.
  10. sdlpp. C++ wrapper for SDL2
  11. ldare. A game engine being developed from scratch for learning and practcing essential game development skills. Each and every single feature is written from scratch with absolutely no third party code or libraries.
  12. luna2d. Cross-platform game engine for mobile platforms
  13. faq. Community driven knowledge base, mainly for newbies in programming
  14. GraphicsEngine. Fast and Compact 3D Graphics and Game Engine
  15. SSVMenuSystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 lambda-based library for quick creation of menus. Supports multiple nested menus (categories). Supports Single/Toggle/Slider menu item types. Useful in game development or console applications-
  16. dcm_pool. Dynamic, Contiguous-Memory Objects Pool


  1. gf. A C++14 framework for 2D games
  2. dcm_pool. Dynamic, Contiguous-Memory Objects Pool


  1. SSVOpenHexagon. C++14 FOSS clone of "Super Hexagon". Depends on SSVStart, SSVEntitySystem, SSVLuaWrapper, SSVMenuSystem, JSONcpp, SFML2.0. Features JSON/LUA customizable game files, a soundtrack by BOSSFIGHT, pseudo-3D effects.
  2. tinygizmo. 📐 An immediate mode 3D gimzo (translation, rotation, scale for scene editing) in ~1200 LoC
  3. libnyquist. 🎤 Cross platform C++11 library for decoding audio (wav, ogg, opus, flac, etc)
  4. SSVBloodshed. C++14 arcade game, spiritual successor to "Operation Carnage"
  5. SSVSCollision. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 AABB simple collision detection/response framework for games. Depends on SSVStart, SFML2.0. It has nice performance. Features interchangeable spatial partitioning and resolution systems, a way to prevent the "crack problem", easy to use C++11 lambda callbacks for collision events. It's not perfect, but it should work very well for any simple 2D game.
  6. SSVEntitySystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 simple entity/component system for realtime games. Simplicity of use is preferred over a real "entity-component-system" hierarchy. Components update and draw themselves (users create their own components and override the virtual methods). Fast, easy to use and to expand. Should be fine for any simple game.
  7. sdlpp. C++ wrapper for SDL2
  8. luna2d. Cross-platform game engine for mobile platforms
  9. SSVMenuSystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 lambda-based library for quick creation of menus. Supports multiple nested menus (categories). Supports Single/Toggle/Slider menu item types. Useful in game development or console applications-


  1. SSVOpenHexagon. C++14 FOSS clone of "Super Hexagon". Depends on SSVStart, SSVEntitySystem, SSVLuaWrapper, SSVMenuSystem, JSONcpp, SFML2.0. Features JSON/LUA customizable game files, a soundtrack by BOSSFIGHT, pseudo-3D effects.
  2. entt. Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity-component system and much more
  3. gf. A C++14 framework for 2D games
  4. SSVBloodshed. C++14 arcade game, spiritual successor to "Operation Carnage"
  5. SSVSCollision. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 AABB simple collision detection/response framework for games. Depends on SSVStart, SFML2.0. It has nice performance. Features interchangeable spatial partitioning and resolution systems, a way to prevent the "crack problem", easy to use C++11 lambda callbacks for collision events. It's not perfect, but it should work very well for any simple 2D game.
  6. SSVEntitySystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 simple entity/component system for realtime games. Simplicity of use is preferred over a real "entity-component-system" hierarchy. Components update and draw themselves (users create their own components and override the virtual methods). Fast, easy to use and to expand. Should be fine for any simple game.
  7. sdlpp. C++ wrapper for SDL2
  8. SSVMenuSystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 lambda-based library for quick creation of menus. Supports multiple nested menus (categories). Supports Single/Toggle/Slider menu item types. Useful in game development or console applications-


  1. pomdog. An open source game engine for C++17 🐶 🎮
  2. ObEngine. 2D Game Engine with Lua Scripting made on top of SFML !


  1. CRYENGINE. CRYENGINE is a powerful real-time game development platform created by Crytek.
  2. MonoGame. One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games.
  3. panda3d. Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU
  4. TGUI. An easy to use cross-platform c++ GUI for SFML
  5. rapp. Cross-platform entry point library
  6. build. Modular build system scripts based on GENie (
  7. Hero6. Hero6


  1. MonoGame. One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games.
  2. rant. Rant – The all-purpose procedural text generation library
  3. duality. a 2D Game Development Framework
  4. FNA. FNA - Accuracy-focused XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms
  5. Unity2D-Components. A constantly evolving array of Unity C# components for 2D games, including classes for pixel art cameras, events & messaging, saving & loading game data, collision handlers, object pools, and more.
  6. SpriterDotNet. A pure C# Spriter implementation
  7. Myra. UI Library for MonoGame
  8. octoawesome. This is the code repository for the OctoAwesome project - a collection of daily, 20 minute long game development tutorial videos, iterating over the same piece of code
  9. Awesome-Game-Networking. Curated list of Awesome Game Networking resources
  10. ReliableNetcode.NET. A pure managed C# socket-agnostic reliability layer inspired by and yojimbo
  11. 02-Newtons-Laws. Newtons laws of motion explained through Unity 3D in C# as part of
  12. StbSharp. C# port of the famous C framework
  13. BeaverAndFairies.
  14. 03-Unstable-Rotation. The code for my Game Physics course:
  15. awesome-unity-plugins-assets-tools-services-games-projects-resources. A categorized collection of awesome unity3d plugins, assets, tools, services, games, projects, resources and more.
  16. faq. Community driven knowledge base, mainly for newbies in programming
  17. RaionUnityEcsFramework. Raion's Unity ECS Framework inspired by Entitas (
  18. SilentGames. About our first person survival horror game on Unity (C#).


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. DiligentEngine. Master repository for Diligent Engine project
  3. GraphicsEngine. Fast and Compact 3D Graphics and Game Engine
  4. Stockman. 💀 🔥 🎆 Stockman är ett projekt för "Stort Spel" DV1544 av Grupp 4


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. DiligentEngine. Master repository for Diligent Engine project


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. dxwrapper. Fixes compatibility issues with older games running on Windows 10 by wrapping DirectX dlls. Also allows loading custom libraries with the file extension .asi into game processes.


  1. LumixEngine. 3D Game Engine
  2. crown. The flexible game engine.


  1. pyimgui. Cython-based Python bindings for dear imgui
  2. imgui. Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for JVM with minimal dependencies
  3. odin-imgui. Odin binding for Dear ImGui


  1. deffx. A collection of useful shader effects made ready to be used with the Defold game engine
  2. defrs. A collection of useful general resources made ready to be used with the Defold game engine
  3. defmath. A module with a set of math functions for Defold


  1. sg-engine. Modularized (hot-swapping) game engine in Rust
  2. naba-2016-labgamedesign-fungus-demos. A list of Fungus ( demos originally created for the Lab Game Design course I held at NABA in 2016/2017.


  1. magictools. 🎮 📝 A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen.
  2. good-reads. List of inspiring articles, blogs, tutorials and books. Tech stuff.


  1. minigame-rust. A simple game made in Rust that runs on desktop and mobile
  2. asteroids. Kotlin port of ForeignGuyMike's Asteroids project with changes, additional features and improvements


  1. DiligentEngine. Master repository for Diligent Engine project
  2. GraphicsEngine. Fast and Compact 3D Graphics and Game Engine


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. BansheeEngine. Modern C++14 game engine with Vulkan support, fully featured editor and C# scripting
  3. Directus3D. Directus3D Game Engine
  4. Blue-Flame-Engine. A 3D/2D game engine that supports both DirectX11 and OpenGL 4.5
  5. dxwrapper. Fixes compatibility issues with older games running on Windows 10 by wrapping DirectX dlls. Also allows loading custom libraries with the file extension .asi into game processes.
  6. bsf. Modern and fast C++14 library for the development of real-time graphical applications.
  7. EclipseOrigins. Legacy VB6 ORPG engine
  8. GraphicsEngine. Fast and Compact 3D Graphics and Game Engine
  9. Stockman. 💀 🔥 🎆 Stockman är ett projekt för "Stort Spel" DV1544 av Grupp 4
  10. Crystalshire. Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG


  1. GraphicsEngine. Fast and Compact 3D Graphics and Game Engine
  2. Stockman. 💀 🔥 🎆 Stockman är ett projekt för "Stort Spel" DV1544 av Grupp 4


  1. GraphicsEngine. Fast and Compact 3D Graphics and Game Engine
  2. Stockman. 💀 🔥 🎆 Stockman är ett projekt för "Stort Spel" DV1544 av Grupp 4


  1. pico8-api. Official PICO-8 API with a lovely design ! ::
  2. duality-docs. Home of the Duality docs website.


  1. awesome-gbdev. A curated list of Game Boy development resources such as tools, docs, emulators, related projects and open-source ROMs.
  2. pico8-api. Official PICO-8 API with a lovely design ! ::
  3. duality-docs. Home of the Duality docs website.


  1. rant. Rant – The all-purpose procedural text generation library
  2. duality. a 2D Game Development Framework
  3. SpriterDotNet. A pure C# Spriter implementation
  4. ReliableNetcode.NET. A pure managed C# socket-agnostic reliability layer inspired by and yojimbo
  5. Hero6. Hero6


  1. duality. a 2D Game Development Framework
  2. duality-docs. Home of the Duality docs website.


  1. Entitas-CSharp. Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
  2. xygine. 2D engine / framework built around SFML
  3. phaser-behavior-plugin. Behavior System for Phaser games (1.8KB min+gzip)
  4. RaionUnityEcsFramework. Raion's Unity ECS Framework inspired by Entitas (
  5. unity-entitas-infinite-runner. Little game with unity and entitas in c#
  6. datadriven. Entity component system (ECS)


  1. LumixEngine. 3D Game Engine
  2. AVA. A tiny 3D game engine in C; with C++ and Lua interfaces. Written in 32 random ̷d̷a̷y̷s̷ m̷o̷n̷t̷h̷s̷ years.
  3. FlaxAPI. Open Source Editor and API for creating games in Flax Engine
  4. GraphicsEngine. Fast and Compact 3D Graphics and Game Engine


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  3. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  4. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  5. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  6. a2x. 🎮 C framework I wrote for my video games. It runs natively on Linux and FreeBSD, and can be cross-compiled for Windows, Emscripten, GP2X, Wiz, Caanoo, and Open Pandora.
  7. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  8. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  9. exengine-web. Based on the exengine source, a webgl/emscripten port.


  1. librg. 🚀 Build simple and fast cross-platform mmo
  2. sock.lua. A Lua networking library for LÖVE games.
  3. unecht. Game Engine Framework for the D programming language


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. BansheeEngine. Modern C++14 game engine with Vulkan support, fully featured editor and C# scripting
  3. amethyst. Data-oriented game engine written in Rust
  4. crown. The flexible game engine.
  5. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  6. LambdaHack. Haskell game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers; try out the browser version at
  7. ObEngine. 2D Game Engine with Lua Scripting made on top of SFML !
  8. vue-babylonjs. A ready-to-go 3d environment for Vue.js using Babylon.js
  9. exengine-testing. A C99 3D game engine
  10. reventex. A Functional Reactive Game Engine
  11. NINAGE-Engine. 💿 Engine for interactive media & games
  12. cs-engine. 2D Javascript Game Engine
  13. yeti. ⛄ A general-purpose data-driven game engine with tools. Attribution based licensing.
  14. luna2d. Cross-platform game engine for mobile platforms
  15. Q1N. Q1N is 2D metroidvania platformer for linux systems (in developing).
  16. Creature_Cocos2DX. Cocos2d-x Runtimes for Creature
  17. exengine-web. Based on the exengine source, a webgl/emscripten port.
  18. vnjson.js. 🌵 Visual novel engine on javascript


  1. HevEn. HevEn is a small FPS/TPS game engine (for test purposes)
  2. BabylonCpp. A port of Babylon.js to C++


  1. Entitas-CSharp. Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
  2. Entitas-Java. Entity Component System (ECS) in Java 8
  3. RaionUnityEcsFramework. Raion's Unity ECS Framework inspired by Entitas (
  4. unity-entitas-infinite-runner. Little game with unity and entitas in c#


  1. Entitas-CSharp. Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
  2. unity-entitas-infinite-runner. Little game with unity and entitas in c#


  1. Entitas-CSharp. Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
  2. EntityPlus. A C++14 Entity Component System
  3. entity-system-js. ensy - A very simple Entity System for JavaScript
  4. SSVEntitySystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 simple entity/component system for realtime games. Simplicity of use is preferred over a real "entity-component-system" hierarchy. Components update and draw themselves (users create their own components and override the virtual methods). Fast, easy to use and to expand. Should be fine for any simple game.
  5. datadriven. Entity component system (ECS)


  1. Entitas-CSharp. Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
  2. entt. Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity-component system and much more
  3. EntityPlus. A C++14 Entity Component System
  4. entity-system-js. ensy - A very simple Entity System for JavaScript
  5. unity-entitas-infinite-runner. Little game with unity and entitas in c#
  6. datadriven. Entity component system (ECS)


  1. Entitas-CSharp. Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
  2. artemis-odb. A continuation of the popular Artemis ECS framework
  3. entt. Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity-component system and much more
  4. EntityPlus. A C++14 Entity Component System
  5. Jewel3D. A free C++ game development framework for Windows.
  6. Entitas-Java. Entity Component System (ECS) in Java 8
  7. RaionUnityEcsFramework. Raion's Unity ECS Framework inspired by Entitas (
  8. unity-entitas-infinite-runner. Little game with unity and entitas in c#
  9. datadriven. Entity component system (ECS)


  1. Entitas-CSharp. Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
  2. AshleyCPP. A C++ clone of Ashley, a Java entity framework.
  3. unity-entitas-infinite-runner. Little game with unity and entitas in c#


  1. melonJS. a fresh & lightweight javascript game engine
  2. bunny-funny-runner. Simple runner


  1. godot_tutorials. Code and examples for KidsCanCode Godot Tutorials.
  2. sg-engine. Modularized (hot-swapping) game engine in Rust
  3. space_rocks. Asteroids-like game made with Godot Engine 3.0.


  1. LOVE-Example-Browser. Example browser containing many helpful examples to get you started in Löve.
  2. godot_tutorials. Code and examples for KidsCanCode Godot Tutorials.


  1. exengine-testing. A C99 3D game engine
  2. exengine-web. Based on the exengine source, a webgl/emscripten port.


  1. duality. a 2D Game Development Framework
  2. FXGL. Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)
  3. gdx-ai. Artificial Intelligence framework for games based on libGDX or not. Features: Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines
  4. artemis-odb. A continuation of the popular Artemis ECS framework
  5. LovePotion. 💖 Lua + LÖVE + 3DS = LövePotion
  6. artemis-odb-contrib. Drop-in extensions for artemis-odb. Prefab systems, components, networking, events!
  7. phaser-node-kit. Rapid Game Development with PhaserJS and Node for Modern Browsers


  1. Carp. A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.
  2. reventex. A Functional Reactive Game Engine


  1. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  2. gf. A C++14 framework for 2D games
  3. Unangband. A roguelike originally created (and developed until version 0.6.4c) by Andrew Doull.
  4. tank_island. Top down 2D shooter game that involves blowing up tanks
  5. VTerminal. A Unicode GUI library that supports the use of many different fonts, custom fore/background colors, font sizes, and shaders. Also comes with a number of GUI components.
  6. playthos. 2D Game Engine written in Go.
  7. PICO-Tween. A small library of tweening/easing functions for use in the PICO-8 fantasy console, inspired by Robert Penner's easing functions.
  8. react-native-donkey-kong. Donkey Kong remake using react-native-game-engine 🙉
  9. BeaverAndFairies.
  10. EclipseOrigins. Legacy VB6 ORPG engine
  11. Xmas-Hell. A little 2D danmaku for Android written in C# using MonoGame with Xamarin.
  12. Q1N. Q1N is 2D metroidvania platformer for linux systems (in developing).
  13. PICO-EC. A tiny scene-entity-component library created for the PICO-8 fantasty console.
  14. scalavator. The unofficial Scala game
  15. Crystalshire. Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG
  16. Glow-Fighter. Colorful arcade shooter


  1. LuaCSP. Communicating Sequential Processes in Lua
  2. behavior-studio. BehaviorStudio is a cross-platform behavior trees editor that allows you to create, modify, view and save behavior trees in xml format. Please, see Wiki page for more information!


  1. spine-runtimes. 2D skeletal animation runtimes for Spine.
  2. pygame. pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library.
  3. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  4. PICO-Tween. A small library of tweening/easing functions for use in the PICO-8 fantasy console, inspired by Robert Penner's easing functions.
  5. ldare. A game engine being developed from scratch for learning and practcing essential game development skills. Each and every single feature is written from scratch with absolutely no third party code or libraries.
  6. awesome-unity-plugins-assets-tools-services-games-projects-resources. A categorized collection of awesome unity3d plugins, assets, tools, services, games, projects, resources and more.
  7. d2d. A D language graphics library built on DerelictSDL2.
  8. HevEn. HevEn is a small FPS/TPS game engine (for test purposes)
  9. PICO-EC. A tiny scene-entity-component library created for the PICO-8 fantasty console.
  10. unity-entitas-infinite-runner. Little game with unity and entitas in c#


  1. unecht. Game Engine Framework for the D programming language
  2. bsf. Modern and fast C++14 library for the development of real-time graphical applications.


  1. MonoGame. One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games.
  2. Excalibur. 🎮 A simple HTML5 Canvas game engine written in TypeScript
  3. cl-bodge. Bodacious game engine written in Common Lisp
  4. ctruLua. ctrµLua: Lua homebrewing for 3DS


  1. magictools. 🎮 📝 A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen.
  2. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  3. libgdx-template. Starter project for libGDX featuring easy asset loading and a scaled pixel-art effect. Perfect for Game Jams.


  1. magictools. 🎮 📝 A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen.
  2. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  3. entt. Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity-component system and much more
  4. Awesome-Game-Networking. Curated list of Awesome Game Networking resources
  5. awesome-gamedev-series. My personal collection of complete game development series.


  1. NoahGameFrame. A fast, scalable, distributed game server framework for C++, include actor library, network library,can be used as a real time multiplayer game engine ( MMO RPG/MOBA ), which support C#/Lua script/ Unity3d, Cocos2dx and plan to support Unreal.
  2. lance. Multiplayer game server based on Node.JS
  3. zero. A Lightweight Socket Service with heartbeat, Can be easily used in TCP server development.
  4. EclipseOrigins. Legacy VB6 ORPG engine
  5. Crystalshire. Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG


  1. nunuStudio. nunuStudio is a web based game engine for 3D and 2D game development with support for VR and AR
  2. TIC-80. TIC-80 is a fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games.
  3. Jewel3D. A free C++ game development framework for Windows.
  4. ldare. A game engine being developed from scratch for learning and practcing essential game development skills. Each and every single feature is written from scratch with absolutely no third party code or libraries.
  5. DRAK-0. A fantasy console written in C++ using SFML and using ChaiScript and LuaJIT for scripting.


  1. GD. 🎮 GDevelop is an open source HTML5 and native game creator requiring no coding skills.
  2. Super-Mega-Engine. Mega Man GameMaker Studio 1.4.1760 Engine


  1. magictools. 🎮 📝 A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen.
  2. Carp. A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.
  3. awesome-one-person-games. 🎮 A curated list of successul games, made (quite) entirely by a lone gamedev.
  4. PICO-Tween. A small library of tweening/easing functions for use in the PICO-8 fantasy console, inspired by Robert Penner's easing functions.
  5. BeaverAndFairies.
  6. awesome-unity-plugins-assets-tools-services-games-projects-resources. A categorized collection of awesome unity3d plugins, assets, tools, services, games, projects, resources and more.
  7. EclipseOrigins. Legacy VB6 ORPG engine
  8. Entitas-Java. Entity Component System (ECS) in Java 8
  9. moon_cheeser. Moon Cheeser is an infinite runner where the player plays as a mouse gathering cheese pieces and avoiding craters and other astronomical objects, such as comets and planets, on a moon made of cheese.
  10. GraphicsEngine. Fast and Compact 3D Graphics and Game Engine
  11. Crystalshire. Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG
  12. PICO-EC. A tiny scene-entity-component library created for the PICO-8 fantasty console.


  1. RA_1993. Development content accidentally shipped on a certain early DOS CD-ROM game from 1993
  2. awesome-one-person-games. 🎮 A curated list of successul games, made (quite) entirely by a lone gamedev.
  3. dxwrapper. Fixes compatibility issues with older games running on Windows 10 by wrapping DirectX dlls. Also allows loading custom libraries with the file extension .asi into game processes.


  1. godot_tutorials. Code and examples for KidsCanCode Godot Tutorials.
  2. godot-chip8-emulator. A CHIP-8 emulator made with Godot, written in GDScript.
  3. godot-3-tutorial-projects. Open source Godot 3 projects from GDquest and tutorials
  4. space_rocks. Asteroids-like game made with Godot Engine 3.0.


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. DiligentEngine. Master repository for Diligent Engine project


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization


  1. pixel. A hand-crafted 2D game library in Go
  2. playthos. 2D Game Engine written in Go.
  3. flappy. Execrises for "Game development for beginners" GoLab conference trainings 2017.
  4. canvas2d. Lib to create 2d games with Go


  1. godot. Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
  2. godot-nim. Nim bindings for Godot Engine
  3. godot_tutorials. Code and examples for KidsCanCode Godot Tutorials.
  4. godot-chip8-emulator. A CHIP-8 emulator made with Godot, written in GDScript.
  5. godot-3-tutorial-projects. Open source Godot 3 projects from GDquest and tutorials
  6. max. An incremental game blended with a virtual pet. Made for the Github Game Off 2017 game jam.
  7. godot-anl. Accidental Noise Library in Godot Engine
  8. space_rocks. Asteroids-like game made with Godot Engine 3.0.


  1. godot-3-tutorial-projects. Open source Godot 3 projects from GDquest and tutorials
  2. space_rocks. Asteroids-like game made with Godot Engine 3.0.


  1. godot. Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
  2. godot-nim. Nim bindings for Godot Engine
  3. godot_tutorials. Code and examples for KidsCanCode Godot Tutorials.
  4. moon_cheeser. Moon Cheeser is an infinite runner where the player plays as a mouse gathering cheese pieces and avoiding craters and other astronomical objects, such as comets and planets, on a moon made of cheese.
  5. godot-3-tutorial-projects. Open source Godot 3 projects from GDquest and tutorials
  6. space_rocks. Asteroids-like game made with Godot Engine 3.0.


  1. pixel. A hand-crafted 2D game library in Go
  2. zero. A Lightweight Socket Service with heartbeat, Can be easily used in TCP server development.
  3. playthos. 2D Game Engine written in Go.
  4. flappy. Execrises for "Game development for beginners" GoLab conference trainings 2017.
  5. go-obj. OBJ file loader for golang
  6. zelduh. A tile based adventure game!
  7. canvas2d. Lib to create 2d games with Go


  1. tank_island. Top down 2D shooter game that involves blowing up tanks
  2. simplelogica_the_game. A game developed in Ruby with the help of Gosu gem.


  1. Entitas-Java. Entity Component System (ECS) in Java 8
  2. libgdx-addons. Addons for LibGdx projet (Ashley addons, gradle plugin for Aseprite, Packr, ...)


  1. MonoGame. One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games.
  2. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  3. BansheeEngine. Modern C++14 game engine with Vulkan support, fully featured editor and C# scripting
  4. OpenLara. Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine
  5. pixel. A hand-crafted 2D game library in Go
  6. libSDL2pp. C++11 bindings/wrapper for SDL2
  7. DiligentEngine. Master repository for Diligent Engine project
  8. Directus3D. Directus3D Game Engine
  9. vue-babylonjs. A ready-to-go 3d environment for Vue.js using Babylon.js
  10. rapp. Cross-platform entry point library
  11. bsf. Modern and fast C++14 library for the development of real-time graphical applications.
  12. NINAGE-Engine. 💿 Engine for interactive media & games
  13. GraphicsEngine. Fast and Compact 3D Graphics and Game Engine
  14. Stockman. 💀 🔥 🎆 Stockman är ett projekt för "Stort Spel" DV1544 av Grupp 4
  15. nmg-vulkan. Rusty mech engine


  1. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  2. DiligentEngine. Master repository for Diligent Engine project
  3. Blue-Flame-Engine. A 3D/2D game engine that supports both DirectX11 and OpenGL 4.5
  4. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  5. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  6. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  7. saddy-graphics-engine-2d. Saddy is an open-source crossplatform 2D graphic engine, based on OpenGL, which can be used for creating simple games.
  8. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  9. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine


  1. imgui. Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
  2. cimgui. c-api for imgui (
  3. TGUI. An easy to use cross-platform c++ GUI for SFML
  4. GeonBit.UI. UI system for MonoGame projects.
  5. gooi. GOOi ~ Android-Oriented GUI Library for LÖVE
  6. imgui. Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for JVM with minimal dependencies
  7. Myra. UI Library for MonoGame
  8. Endless-Online-Awaken. Endless Online game clone.
  9. odin-imgui. Odin binding for Dear ImGui
  10. direct-gui. 🎛 Sprite-based direct rendering GUI system
  11. AtomicIMUIs.


  1. html5-game-development-gulp-workflow. 🎮 A gulp workflow that is optimised for HTML5 Game Developement.
  2. website open source project


  1. nxColor. Haxe color manipulation library.
  2. kha-tutorial-series. source code from kha tutorial series


  1. entt. Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity-component system and much more
  2. librg. 🚀 Build simple and fast cross-platform mmo
  3. sdlpp. C++ wrapper for SDL2


  1. LovePotion. 💖 Lua + LÖVE + 3DS = LövePotion
  2. ctruLua. ctrµLua: Lua homebrewing for 3DS


  1. vue-babylonjs. A ready-to-go 3d environment for Vue.js using Babylon.js
  2. RPGUI. Lightweight framework for old-school RPG GUI in web!
  3. presskit-static. A Hugo template for generating static presskit()-like sites. No PHP server necessary!
  4. spritenator. An easy way to turn dom elements into animated sprites using spritesheets!


  1. melonJS. a fresh & lightweight javascript game engine
  2. GD. 🎮 GDevelop is an open source HTML5 and native game creator requiring no coding skills.
  3. LambdaHack. Haskell game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers; try out the browser version at
  4. procedural_dungeon. PhaserJS plugin for the creation of dungeon layouts procedurally.
  5. moople.js---html5-library. HTML5 library for developing games


  1. phaser-node-kit. Rapid Game Development with PhaserJS and Node for Modern Browsers
  2. html5-game-development-gulp-workflow. 🎮 A gulp workflow that is optimised for HTML5 Game Developement.


  1. imgui. Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
  2. cimgui. c-api for imgui (
  3. imgui. Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for JVM with minimal dependencies
  4. AVA. A tiny 3D game engine in C; with C++ and Lua interfaces. Written in 32 random ̷d̷a̷y̷s̷ m̷o̷n̷t̷h̷s̷ years.
  5. unecht. Game Engine Framework for the D programming language
  6. rapp. Cross-platform entry point library
  7. odin-imgui. Odin binding for Dear ImGui
  8. AtomicIMUIs.


  1. wizardwarz. WebGL Multiplayer game with NodeJS backend
  2. LambdaHack. Haskell game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers; try out the browser version at
  3. awesome-one-person-games. 🎮 A curated list of successul games, made (quite) entirely by a lone gamedev.
  4. VoxLords. VoxLords - ThreeJS WebGL game with a simple voxel engine
  5. badsanta. BadSanta - Multiplayer HTML5 Game (
  6. ParrotHunt. ParrotHunt - ThreeJS WebGL game (
  7. OpenNFS1. Remake of the original EA Need for Speed 1 using c# and Monogame
  8. DungeonGenerator. Dungeon generator for games.
  9. Qake. Qake voxel-engine demo
  10. SavingNemo. SavingNemo - ThreeJS WebGL game with nodejs backend.
  11. Stockman. 💀 🔥 🎆 Stockman är ett projekt för "Stort Spel" DV1544 av Grupp 4
  12. voxelengine_unity. Voxel engine made in C# for Unity
  13. ArduBoyJetPack. Arduboy clone of the ZX Spectrum classic Jet Pac


  1. tank_island. Top down 2D shooter game that involves blowing up tanks
  2. spaaace. An online HTML5 multiplayer space shooter built with Lance
  3. Stockman. 💀 🔥 🎆 Stockman är ett projekt för "Stort Spel" DV1544 av Grupp 4


  1. rapp. Cross-platform entry point library
  2. trivial-gamekit. Simple cross-platform framework for making games


  1. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  2. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  3. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  4. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  5. asteroids. Kotlin port of ForeignGuyMike's Asteroids project with changes, additional features and improvements
  6. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  7. BeaverAndFairies.
  8. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  9. luna2d. Cross-platform game engine for mobile platforms
  10. jngl. Easy to use game library for C++ and Python


  1. FXGL. Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)
  2. gdx-ai. Artificial Intelligence framework for games based on libGDX or not. Features: Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines
  3. mini2Dx. A high-level 2D game development API built on top of LibGDX
  4. libgdx. Туториалы по LibGDX
  5. LastTry. 🌳 LastTry is open-source game written in Java, using LibGDX library and inspired by Terraria 🌳
  6. artemis-odb-contrib. Drop-in extensions for artemis-odb. Prefab systems, components, networking, events!
  7. libgdx-artemis-quickstart. Quickstart template for libgdx artemis projects!
  8. Entitas-Java. Entity Component System (ECS) in Java 8
  9. faq. Community driven knowledge base, mainly for newbies in programming
  10. Glow-Fighter. Colorful arcade shooter


  1. engine. JavaScript game engine built on WebGL and WebVR.
  2. melonJS. a fresh & lightweight javascript game engine
  3. GD. 🎮 GDevelop is an open source HTML5 and native game creator requiring no coding skills.
  4. generator-phaser. A yeoman generator for phaser games
  5. BehaviorTree.js. An JavaScript implementation of Behavior Trees.
  6. vue-babylonjs. A ready-to-go 3d environment for Vue.js using Babylon.js
  7. entity-system-js. ensy - A very simple Entity System for JavaScript
  8. RPGUI. Lightweight framework for old-school RPG GUI in web!
  9. phaser-node-kit. Rapid Game Development with PhaserJS and Node for Modern Browsers
  10. lba2remake. A Little Big Adventure 2 / Twinsen's Odyssey reimplementation in JavaScript / Three.js / React
  11. reventex. A Functional Reactive Game Engine
  12. SavingNemo. SavingNemo - ThreeJS WebGL game with nodejs backend.
  13. Zmey. A game engine. That breathes fire and awesomeness
  14. faq. Community driven knowledge base, mainly for newbies in programming
  15. learning-vue-through-pokemon. This repo contains the code for my tutorial series 'Learning Vue.js through pokemon'


  1. wizardwarz. WebGL Multiplayer game with NodeJS backend
  2. badsanta. BadSanta - Multiplayer HTML5 Game (


  1. TaskScheduler. Multithreaded task scheduler experiments
  2. rapp. Cross-platform entry point library


  1. FXGL. Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)
  2. asteroids. Kotlin port of ForeignGuyMike's Asteroids project with changes, additional features and improvements
  3. libgdx-addons. Addons for LibGdx projet (Ashley addons, gradle plugin for Aseprite, Packr, ...)


  1. Carp. A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.
  2. rant. Rant – The all-purpose procedural text generation library


  1. gdx-ai. Artificial Intelligence framework for games based on libGDX or not. Features: Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines
  2. mini2Dx. A high-level 2D game development API built on top of LibGDX
  3. libgdx. Туториалы по LibGDX
  4. libgdx-artemis-quickstart. Quickstart template for libgdx artemis projects!
  5. asteroids. Kotlin port of ForeignGuyMike's Asteroids project with changes, additional features and improvements
  6. Entitas-Java. Entity Component System (ECS) in Java 8
  7. odb-little-fortune-planet. Little Fortune Planet LD38 Jam entry
  8. odb-artax. LD39 entry: Running out of Power Theme
  9. constellations. Particle collision with quadtree experiment for Desktop and Android, Inspired by games like Eufloria and Auralux.
  10. libgdx-template. Starter project for libGDX featuring easy asset loading and a scaled pixel-art effect. Perfect for Game Jams.
  11. libgdx-addons. Addons for LibGdx projet (Ashley addons, gradle plugin for Aseprite, Packr, ...)
  12. Glow-Fighter. Colorful arcade shooter


  1. rant. Rant – The all-purpose procedural text generation library
  2. pixel. A hand-crafted 2D game library in Go
  3. LambdaHack. Haskell game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers; try out the browser version at
  4. BehaviorTree.js. An JavaScript implementation of Behavior Trees.
  5. gooi. GOOi ~ Android-Oriented GUI Library for LÖVE
  6. librg. 🚀 Build simple and fast cross-platform mmo
  7. SSVSCollision. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 AABB simple collision detection/response framework for games. Depends on SSVStart, SFML2.0. It has nice performance. Features interchangeable spatial partitioning and resolution systems, a way to prevent the "crack problem", easy to use C++11 lambda callbacks for collision events. It's not perfect, but it should work very well for any simple 2D game.
  8. SSVEntitySystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 simple entity/component system for realtime games. Simplicity of use is preferred over a real "entity-component-system" hierarchy. Components update and draw themselves (users create their own components and override the virtual methods). Fast, easy to use and to expand. Should be fine for any simple game.
  9. NINAGE-Engine. 💿 Engine for interactive media & games
  10. RaionUnityEcsFramework. Raion's Unity ECS Framework inspired by Entitas (
  11. SSVMenuSystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 lambda-based library for quick creation of menus. Supports multiple nested menus (categories). Supports Single/Toggle/Slider menu item types. Useful in game development or console applications-


  1. librg. 🚀 Build simple and fast cross-platform mmo
  2. phaser-behavior-plugin. Behavior System for Phaser games (1.8KB min+gzip)


  1. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  2. LumixEngine. 3D Game Engine
  3. crown. The flexible game engine.
  4. FNA. FNA - Accuracy-focused XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms
  5. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  6. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  7. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  8. a2x. 🎮 C framework I wrote for my video games. It runs natively on Linux and FreeBSD, and can be cross-compiled for Windows, Emscripten, GP2X, Wiz, Caanoo, and Open Pandora.
  9. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  10. bingehack4. A replacement for bingehack. For information about in-game features and changes:
  11. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  12. jngl. Easy to use game library for C++ and Python
  13. cheatkit. CheatKit - A set of tools for linux, macos etc cheat development


  1. magictools. 🎮 📝 A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen.
  2. awesome-gbdev. A curated list of Game Boy development resources such as tools, docs, emulators, related projects and open-source ROMs.
  3. awesome-PICO-8. A curated list of awesome PICO-8 resources, carts, tools and more


  1. gooi. GOOi ~ Android-Oriented GUI Library for LÖVE
  2. sock.lua. A Lua networking library for LÖVE games.
  3. love2d_arkanoid_tutorial. Tutorial on making a full-featured arkanoid (breakout)-type game with LÖVE framework.
  4. LOVE-Example-Browser. Example browser containing many helpful examples to get you started in Löve.
  5. love-atom. Smart autocompletion for the LÖVE framework in Atom.
  6. katsudo. Katsudö is an animation library for LÖVE
  7. superfeather. SNES game engine in 65816 assembly, focusing on performance, flexibility, convenience
  8. susse. super ültra sweet sprite editor
  9. Love2D-Template. A game development template for LÖVE.
  10. dyzon. Dyzön, a LÖVE library to see your variables
  11. fda-2017-gamedev-base. Materiale per il corso 'Introduzione allo Sviluppo di Progetti Videoludici'


  1. crown. The flexible game engine.
  2. awesome-PICO-8. A curated list of awesome PICO-8 resources, carts, tools and more
  3. Jumper. Fast, lightweight and easy-to-use pathfinding library for grid-based games
  4. LovePotion. 💖 Lua + LÖVE + 3DS = LövePotion
  5. sock.lua. A Lua networking library for LÖVE games.
  6. AVA. A tiny 3D game engine in C; with C++ and Lua interfaces. Written in 32 random ̷d̷a̷y̷s̷ m̷o̷n̷t̷h̷s̷ years.
  7. LuaCSP. Communicating Sequential Processes in Lua
  8. superfeather. SNES game engine in 65816 assembly, focusing on performance, flexibility, convenience
  9. pico8-boilerplate. 🕹️ A game starter template for Pico-8 developers!
  10. ctruLua. ctrµLua: Lua homebrewing for 3DS
  11. PICO-Tween. A small library of tweening/easing functions for use in the PICO-8 fantasy console, inspired by Robert Penner's easing functions.
  12. deffx. A collection of useful shader effects made ready to be used with the Defold game engine
  13. Love2D-Template. A game development template for LÖVE.
  14. luna2d. Cross-platform game engine for mobile platforms
  15. awesome-gideros. A curated list of awesome Gideros resources, classes and tips.
  16. pico8dev. Pico-8 Development
  17. PICO-EC. A tiny scene-entity-component library created for the PICO-8 fantasty console.
  18. fda-2017-gamedev-base. Materiale per il corso 'Introduzione allo Sviluppo di Progetti Videoludici'
  19. defrs. A collection of useful general resources made ready to be used with the Defold game engine
  20. defmath. A module with a set of math functions for Defold


  1. LuaCSP. Communicating Sequential Processes in Lua
  2. PICO-Tween. A small library of tweening/easing functions for use in the PICO-8 fantasy console, inspired by Robert Penner's easing functions.
  3. PICO-EC. A tiny scene-entity-component library created for the PICO-8 fantasty console.


  1. odb-little-fortune-planet. Little Fortune Planet LD38 Jam entry
  2. odb-artax. LD39 entry: Running out of Power Theme


  1. WaveFunctionCollapse. Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics.
  2. SynTex. Texture synthesis from examples.
  3. ConvChain. Bitmap generation from a single example with convolutions and MCMC.


  1. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  2. FNA. FNA - Accuracy-focused XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms
  3. jngl. Easy to use game library for C++ and Python
  4. polygonist. A neat framework for making 2D and 3D applications in C++17. It's free, open source, and works on Windows and macOS.


  1. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  2. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  3. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  4. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  5. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  6. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine


  1. good-reads. List of inspiring articles, blogs, tutorials and books. Tech stuff.
  2. defmath. A module with a set of math functions for Defold


  1. LumixEngine. 3D Game Engine
  2. webgl2-voxels. WebGL2 experiment with boxels/voxels


  1. NoahGameFrame. A fast, scalable, distributed game server framework for C++, include actor library, network library,can be used as a real time multiplayer game engine ( MMO RPG/MOBA ), which support C#/Lua script/ Unity3d, Cocos2dx and plan to support Unreal.
  2. librg. 🚀 Build simple and fast cross-platform mmo
  3. EclipseOrigins. Legacy VB6 ORPG engine
  4. Crystalshire. Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG


  1. EclipseOrigins. Legacy VB6 ORPG engine
  2. Crystalshire. Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG


  1. NoahGameFrame. A fast, scalable, distributed game server framework for C++, include actor library, network library,can be used as a real time multiplayer game engine ( MMO RPG/MOBA ), which support C#/Lua script/ Unity3d, Cocos2dx and plan to support Unreal.
  2. EclipseOrigins. Legacy VB6 ORPG engine
  3. Crystalshire. Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG


  1. EclipseOrigins. Legacy VB6 ORPG engine
  2. Crystalshire. Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG


  1. FXGL. Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)
  2. minigame-rust. A simple game made in Rust that runs on desktop and mobile
  3. asteroids. Kotlin port of ForeignGuyMike's Asteroids project with changes, additional features and improvements
  4. FakeSimCity. A Unity Game like SimCity for mobile


  1. awesome-gideros. A curated list of awesome Gideros resources, classes and tips.
  2. FakeSimCity. A Unity Game like SimCity for mobile


  1. MonoGame. One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games.
  2. SadConsole. A .NET ascii/ansi console engine written in C# for MonoGame and XNA. Create your own text roguelike (or other) games!
  3. GeonBit.UI. UI system for MonoGame projects.
  4. OpenNFS1. Remake of the original EA Need for Speed 1 using c# and Monogame
  5. Myra. UI Library for MonoGame
  6. Xmas-Hell. A little 2D danmaku for Android written in C# using MonoGame with Xamarin.
  7. Hero6. Hero6
  8. MonoGame-SceneGraph. Nodes, Culling & Entities for basic Scene Graphs in MonoGame.


  1. godot. Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
  2. CRYENGINE. CRYENGINE is a powerful real-time game development platform created by Crytek.
  3. panda3d. Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU


  1. evennia. Python MUD/MUX/MUSH/MU* development system
  2. lance. Multiplayer game server based on Node.JS
  3. librg. 🚀 Build simple and fast cross-platform mmo
  4. spaaace. An online HTML5 multiplayer space shooter built with Lance
  5. EclipseOrigins. Legacy VB6 ORPG engine
  6. Crystalshire. Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG


  1. EclipseOrigins. Legacy VB6 ORPG engine
  2. Crystalshire. Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG


  1. lance. Multiplayer game server based on Node.JS
  2. spaaace. An online HTML5 multiplayer space shooter built with Lance


  1. TaskScheduler. Multithreaded task scheduler experiments
  2. rapp. Cross-platform entry point library


  1. NoteEditor. Note editor for music game
  2. OpenRhythm. Rhythm game similar to FoF, GH, or RB.


  1. lance. Multiplayer game server based on Node.JS
  2. librg. 🚀 Build simple and fast cross-platform mmo
  3. sock.lua. A Lua networking library for LÖVE games.
  4. Awesome-Game-Networking. Curated list of Awesome Game Networking resources
  5. ReliableNetcode.NET. A pure managed C# socket-agnostic reliability layer inspired by and yojimbo
  6. EclipseOrigins. Legacy VB6 ORPG engine
  7. Endless-Online-Awaken. Endless Online game clone.
  8. Crystalshire. Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG


  1. awesome-gbdev. A curated list of Game Boy development resources such as tools, docs, emulators, related projects and open-source ROMs.
  2. FlappyBird-N64. A clone of Flappy Bird for the Nintendo 64
  3. react-native-donkey-kong. Donkey Kong remake using react-native-game-engine 🙉


  1. phaser-node-kit. Rapid Game Development with PhaserJS and Node for Modern Browsers
  2. gamedev. 👾 A sandbox for trying out game development project prototypes


  1. lance. Multiplayer game server based on Node.JS
  2. wizardwarz. WebGL Multiplayer game with NodeJS backend
  3. phaser-node-kit. Rapid Game Development with PhaserJS and Node for Modern Browsers
  4. SavingNemo. SavingNemo - ThreeJS WebGL game with nodejs backend.
  5. alakajam. Website powering the Alakajam! game making community
  6. thatconf2015pong. Slides and sample project code (pong) for my talk at That Conference 2015


  1. godot. Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
  2. MonoGame. One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games.
  3. panda3d. Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU
  4. Directus3D. Directus3D Game Engine
  5. Myra. UI Library for MonoGame
  6. Hero6. Hero6


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. BansheeEngine. Modern C++14 game engine with Vulkan support, fully featured editor and C# scripting
  3. OpenLara. Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine
  4. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  5. panda3d. Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU
  6. duality. a 2D Game Development Framework
  7. tinygizmo. 📐 An immediate mode 3D gimzo (translation, rotation, scale for scene editing) in ~1200 LoC
  8. DiligentEngine. Master repository for Diligent Engine project
  9. pyimgui. Cython-based Python bindings for dear imgui
  10. imgui. Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for JVM with minimal dependencies
  11. Blue-Flame-Engine. A 3D/2D game engine that supports both DirectX11 and OpenGL 4.5
  12. AVA. A tiny 3D game engine in C; with C++ and Lua interfaces. Written in 32 random ̷d̷a̷y̷s̷ m̷o̷n̷t̷h̷s̷ years.
  13. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  14. exengine-testing. A C99 3D game engine
  15. bsf. Modern and fast C++14 library for the development of real-time graphical applications.
  16. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  17. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  18. saddy-graphics-engine-2d. Saddy is an open-source crossplatform 2D graphic engine, based on OpenGL, which can be used for creating simple games.
  19. OpenRhythm. Rhythm game similar to FoF, GH, or RB.
  20. NINAGE-Engine. 💿 Engine for interactive media & games
  21. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  22. Jewel3D. A free C++ game development framework for Windows.
  23. ldare. A game engine being developed from scratch for learning and practcing essential game development skills. Each and every single feature is written from scratch with absolutely no third party code or libraries.
  24. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  25. luna2d. Cross-platform game engine for mobile platforms
  26. jngl. Easy to use game library for C++ and Python
  27. exengine-web. Based on the exengine source, a webgl/emscripten port.
  28. BabylonCpp. A port of Babylon.js to C++
  29. HurricaneEngine. 💨 "Game engine" written in C++ on top of SDL2


  1. DiligentEngine. Master repository for Diligent Engine project
  2. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  3. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  4. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  5. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  6. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine


  1. Blue-Flame-Engine. A 3D/2D game engine that supports both DirectX11 and OpenGL 4.5
  2. luna2d. Cross-platform game engine for mobile platforms


  1. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  2. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  3. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  4. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  5. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine


  1. panda3d. Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU
  2. BlenderPanda. Blender addon for integrating Panda3D
  3. gamedev. 👾 A sandbox for trying out game development project prototypes


  1. gdx-ai. Artificial Intelligence framework for games based on libGDX or not. Features: Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines
  2. Jumper. Fast, lightweight and easy-to-use pathfinding library for grid-based games
  3. AI-Companion. Created in Unity 5 for the purposes of learning AI techniques. Features behaviour trees and A* pathfinding.


  1. rant. Rant – The all-purpose procedural text generation library
  2. LambdaHack. Haskell game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers; try out the browser version at


  1. Entitas-CSharp. Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
  2. TaskScheduler. Multithreaded task scheduler experiments
  3. SwissArmyLib. Collection of helpful utilities we use in our Unity projects.


  1. generator-phaser. A yeoman generator for phaser games
  2. badsanta. BadSanta - Multiplayer HTML5 Game (
  3. phaser-behavior-plugin. Behavior System for Phaser games (1.8KB min+gzip)
  4. phaser-node-kit. Rapid Game Development with PhaserJS and Node for Modern Browsers
  5. procedural_dungeon. PhaserJS plugin for the creation of dungeon layouts procedurally.
  6. bunny-funny-runner. Simple runner


  1. generator-phaser. A yeoman generator for phaser games
  2. phaser-node-kit. Rapid Game Development with PhaserJS and Node for Modern Browsers
  3. procedural_dungeon. PhaserJS plugin for the creation of dungeon layouts procedurally.


  1. p2.js. JavaScript 2D physics library
  2. 02-Newtons-Laws. Newtons laws of motion explained through Unity 3D in C# as part of
  3. 03-Unstable-Rotation. The code for my Game Physics course:
  4. good-reads. List of inspiring articles, blogs, tutorials and books. Tech stuff.
  5. nmg-vulkan. Rusty mech engine


  1. awesome-PICO-8. A curated list of awesome PICO-8 resources, carts, tools and more
  2. pico8-api. Official PICO-8 API with a lovely design ! ::
  3. sublime-PICO-8. PICO-8 plugin for the Sublime Text 3 editor.
  4. pico8-boilerplate. 🕹️ A game starter template for Pico-8 developers!
  5. PICO-Tween. A small library of tweening/easing functions for use in the PICO-8 fantasy console, inspired by Robert Penner's easing functions.
  6. pico8dev. Pico-8 Development
  7. PICO-EC. A tiny scene-entity-component library created for the PICO-8 fantasty console.


  1. awesome-PICO-8. A curated list of awesome PICO-8 resources, carts, tools and more
  2. pico8-boilerplate. 🕹️ A game starter template for Pico-8 developers!
  3. PICO-Tween. A small library of tweening/easing functions for use in the PICO-8 fantasy console, inspired by Robert Penner's easing functions.
  4. PICO-EC. A tiny scene-entity-component library created for the PICO-8 fantasty console.


  1. Unity2D-Components. A constantly evolving array of Unity C# components for 2D games, including classes for pixel art cameras, events & messaging, saving & loading game data, collision handlers, object pools, and more.
  2. DeadSimple-Pixel-Perfect-Camera. An exceedingly easy-to-use pixel perfect orthographic camera script for 2D scenes in Unity. Punch in a few specs and you've got a working pixel perfect camera. It's that easy.
  3. pixel8. A collection of low-res primitives for creating art and games in React


  1. admob-unity-plugin. 👾 An extension for Unity3d to place AdMob banners in your Android games.
  2. procedural_dungeon. PhaserJS plugin for the creation of dungeon layouts procedurally.
  3. Creature_Cocos2DX. Cocos2d-x Runtimes for Creature


  1. SwissArmyLib. Collection of helpful utilities we use in our Unity projects.
  2. dcm_pool. Dynamic, Contiguous-Memory Objects Pool


  1. rant. Rant – The all-purpose procedural text generation library
  2. questgen. A procedural quest generator using Tracery


  1. WaveFunctionCollapse. Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics.
  2. rant. Rant – The all-purpose procedural text generation library
  3. utymap. Highly customizable library for procedural world generation based on real map data
  4. SynTex. Texture synthesis from examples.
  5. ConvChain. Bitmap generation from a single example with convolutions and MCMC.
  6. procedural_dungeon. PhaserJS plugin for the creation of dungeon layouts procedurally.


  1. pygame. pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library.
  2. EzPyGame. An easier way to use pygame


  1. panda3d. Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU
  2. evennia. Python MUD/MUX/MUSH/MU* development system
  3. pygame. pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library.
  4. pyimgui. Cython-based Python bindings for dear imgui
  5. EzPyGame. An easier way to use pygame
  6. BlenderPanda. Blender addon for integrating Panda3D
  7. SubstanceBridge. Blender Addons, bridge between Substance and Blender.
  8. textureatlas. A simple, cross-platform Python-based tool and C library for creating and using a texture atlas in your application or game. Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
  9. behavior-studio. BehaviorStudio is a cross-platform behavior trees editor that allows you to create, modify, view and save behavior trees in xml format. Please, see Wiki page for more information!
  10. Driftwood. Driftwood 2D Tiling Game Engine and Development Suite
  11. faq. Community driven knowledge base, mainly for newbies in programming


  1. EzPyGame. An easier way to use pygame
  2. Driftwood. Driftwood 2D Tiling Game Engine and Development Suite


  1. pixel8. A collection of low-res primitives for creating art and games in React
  2. lba2remake. A Little Big Adventure 2 / Twinsen's Odyssey reimplementation in JavaScript / Three.js / React
  3. react-native-donkey-kong. Donkey Kong remake using react-native-game-engine 🙉
  4. bunny-funny-runner. Simple runner


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. ldare. A game engine being developed from scratch for learning and practcing essential game development skills. Each and every single feature is written from scratch with absolutely no third party code or libraries.


  1. Blue-Flame-Engine. A 3D/2D game engine that supports both DirectX11 and OpenGL 4.5
  2. saddy-graphics-engine-2d. Saddy is an open-source crossplatform 2D graphic engine, based on OpenGL, which can be used for creating simple games.


  1. Blue-Flame-Engine. A 3D/2D game engine that supports both DirectX11 and OpenGL 4.5
  2. ldare. A game engine being developed from scratch for learning and practcing essential game development skills. Each and every single feature is written from scratch with absolutely no third party code or libraries.


  1. TIC-80. TIC-80 is a fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games.
  2. zelduh. A tile based adventure game!


  1. awesome-gbdev. A curated list of Game Boy development resources such as tools, docs, emulators, related projects and open-source ROMs.
  2. RA_1993. Development content accidentally shipped on a certain early DOS CD-ROM game from 1993
  3. awesome-one-person-games. 🎮 A curated list of successul games, made (quite) entirely by a lone gamedev.
  4. FlappyBird-N64. A clone of Flappy Bird for the Nintendo 64
  5. zelduh. A tile based adventure game!


  1. SadConsole. A .NET ascii/ansi console engine written in C# for MonoGame and XNA. Create your own text roguelike (or other) games!
  2. LambdaHack. Haskell game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers; try out the browser version at
  3. Unangband. A roguelike originally created (and developed until version 0.6.4c) by Andrew Doull.
  4. VTerminal. A Unicode GUI library that supports the use of many different fonts, custom fore/background colors, font sizes, and shaders. Also comes with a number of GUI components.
  5. browser-game-engine. Some sort of browser game engine


  1. Tutorials. Gamedev tutorials.
  2. 03-Unstable-Rotation. The code for my Game Physics course:


  1. tank_island. Top down 2D shooter game that involves blowing up tanks
  2. simplelogica_the_game. A game developed in Ruby with the help of Gosu gem.


  1. amethyst. Data-oriented game engine written in Rust
  2. ash. Vulkan bindings for Rust
  3. rlsl. Rust to SPIR-V compiler
  4. minigame-rust. A simple game made in Rust that runs on desktop and mobile
  5. rustris. falling-block puzzle game clone
  6. sg-engine. Modularized (hot-swapping) game engine in Rust
  7. direct-gui. 🎛 Sprite-based direct rendering GUI system


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  3. pygame. pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library.
  4. libSDL2pp. C++11 bindings/wrapper for SDL2
  5. LambdaHack. Haskell game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers; try out the browser version at
  6. a2x. 🎮 C framework I wrote for my video games. It runs natively on Linux and FreeBSD, and can be cross-compiled for Windows, Emscripten, GP2X, Wiz, Caanoo, and Open Pandora.
  7. sdlpp. C++ wrapper for SDL2
  8. Driftwood. Driftwood 2D Tiling Game Engine and Development Suite
  9. Q1N. Q1N is 2D metroidvania platformer for linux systems (in developing).
  10. d2d. A D language graphics library built on DerelictSDL2.
  11. nomlib. C++11 2D game framework using SDL2
  12. HurricaneEngine. 💨 "Game engine" written in C++ on top of SDL2


  1. pygame. pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library.
  2. libSDL2pp. C++11 bindings/wrapper for SDL2
  3. gf. A C++14 framework for 2D games
  4. a2x. 🎮 C framework I wrote for my video games. It runs natively on Linux and FreeBSD, and can be cross-compiled for Windows, Emscripten, GP2X, Wiz, Caanoo, and Open Pandora.
  5. NINAGE-Engine. 💿 Engine for interactive media & games
  6. sdlpp. C++ wrapper for SDL2
  7. Driftwood. Driftwood 2D Tiling Game Engine and Development Suite
  8. Q1N. Q1N is 2D metroidvania platformer for linux systems (in developing).
  9. d2d. A D language graphics library built on DerelictSDL2.


  1. SFGUI. Simple and Fast Graphical User Interface
  2. TGUI. An easy to use cross-platform c++ GUI for SFML
  3. ObEngine. 2D Game Engine with Lua Scripting made on top of SFML !
  4. xygine. 2D engine / framework built around SFML
  5. SFMLSwift. SFML Swift 3 binding


  1. OpenLara. Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine
  2. deffx. A collection of useful shader effects made ready to be used with the Defold game engine


  1. odb-little-fortune-planet. Little Fortune Planet LD38 Jam entry
  2. RoughWorld. RoughWorld is a platform for commonsense AI based on a game-like simulation representation of knowledge.


  1. spine-runtimes. 2D skeletal animation runtimes for Spine.
  2. Creature_Cocos2DX. Cocos2d-x Runtimes for Creature


  1. spine-runtimes. 2D skeletal animation runtimes for Spine.
  2. Creature_Cocos2DX. Cocos2d-x Runtimes for Creature


  1. DeadSimple-Pixel-Perfect-Camera. An exceedingly easy-to-use pixel perfect orthographic camera script for 2D scenes in Unity. Punch in a few specs and you've got a working pixel perfect camera. It's that easy.
  2. spritenator. An easy way to turn dom elements into animated sprites using spritesheets!


  1. Carp. A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.
  2. presskit-static. A Hugo template for generating static presskit()-like sites. No PHP server necessary!


  1. libgdx-artemis-quickstart. Quickstart template for libgdx artemis projects!
  2. Love2D-Template. A game development template for LÖVE.


  1. GameDevTemplates. libGDT - The C++ Game Developement Templates Library
  2. dcm_pool. Dynamic, Contiguous-Memory Objects Pool


  1. rustris. falling-block puzzle game clone
  2. tetris. A simple tetris made in Unity


  1. SynTex. Texture synthesis from examples.
  2. ConvChain. Bitmap generation from a single example with convolutions and MCMC.


  1. nunuStudio. nunuStudio is a web based game engine for 3D and 2D game development with support for VR and AR
  2. wizardwarz. WebGL Multiplayer game with NodeJS backend
  3. ParrotHunt. ParrotHunt - ThreeJS WebGL game (
  4. Qake. Qake voxel-engine demo
  5. lba2remake. A Little Big Adventure 2 / Twinsen's Odyssey reimplementation in JavaScript / Three.js / React
  6. SavingNemo. SavingNemo - ThreeJS WebGL game with nodejs backend.
  7. zanzarah-tools. The set of various zanzarah browsing and editing tools, written entirely in coffee and js.


  1. VoxLords. VoxLords - ThreeJS WebGL game with a simple voxel engine
  2. ParrotHunt. ParrotHunt - ThreeJS WebGL game (


  1. SwissArmyLib. Collection of helpful utilities we use in our Unity projects.
  2. timestore. Multiple timers manager, especially good for games


  1. TIC-80. TIC-80 is a fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games.
  2. AVA. A tiny 3D game engine in C; with C++ and Lua interfaces. Written in 32 random ̷d̷a̷y̷s̷ m̷o̷n̷t̷h̷s̷ years.
  3. DRAK-0. A fantasy console written in C++ using SFML and using ChaiScript and LuaJIT for scripting.


  1. cr. cr.h: A Simple C Hot Reload Header-only Library
  2. BehaviorTree.js. An JavaScript implementation of Behavior Trees.


  1. imgui. Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
  2. awesome-gbdev. A curated list of Game Boy development resources such as tools, docs, emulators, related projects and open-source ROMs.
  3. textureatlas. A simple, cross-platform Python-based tool and C library for creating and using a texture atlas in your application or game. Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
  4. awesome-unity-plugins-assets-tools-services-games-projects-resources. A categorized collection of awesome unity3d plugins, assets, tools, services, games, projects, resources and more.
  5. 2D-Volumetric-Lighting. A 2D volumetric lighting and shadowing solution for Unity


  1. love2d_arkanoid_tutorial. Tutorial on making a full-featured arkanoid (breakout)-type game with LÖVE framework.
  2. Tutorials. Gamedev tutorials.
  3. godot_tutorials. Code and examples for KidsCanCode Godot Tutorials.
  4. kha-tutorial-series. source code from kha tutorial series
  5. learning-vue-through-pokemon. This repo contains the code for my tutorial series 'Learning Vue.js through pokemon'


  1. imgui. Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
  2. TGUI. An easy to use cross-platform c++ GUI for SFML
  3. GeonBit.UI. UI system for MonoGame projects.
  4. RPGUI. Lightweight framework for old-school RPG GUI in web!


  1. Entitas-CSharp. Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
  2. rant. Rant – The all-purpose procedural text generation library
  3. NoahGameFrame. A fast, scalable, distributed game server framework for C++, include actor library, network library,can be used as a real time multiplayer game engine ( MMO RPG/MOBA ), which support C#/Lua script/ Unity3d, Cocos2dx and plan to support Unreal.
  4. ReGoap. Generic C# GOAP (Goal Oriented Action Planning) library with Unity3d examples
  5. consolation. In-game debug console for Unity.
  6. Unity2D-Components. A constantly evolving array of Unity C# components for 2D games, including classes for pixel art cameras, events & messaging, saving & loading game data, collision handlers, object pools, and more.
  7. Cradle. Play Twine stories in Unity.
  8. DeadSimple-Pixel-Perfect-Camera. An exceedingly easy-to-use pixel perfect orthographic camera script for 2D scenes in Unity. Punch in a few specs and you've got a working pixel perfect camera. It's that easy.
  9. SwissArmyLib. Collection of helpful utilities we use in our Unity projects.
  10. Awesome-Game-Networking. Curated list of Awesome Game Networking resources
  11. Tutorials. Gamedev tutorials.
  12. 02-Newtons-Laws. Newtons laws of motion explained through Unity 3D in C# as part of
  13. binocle-unity. Binocle is a simple 2D code-based framework for Unity
  14. BeaverAndFairies.
  15. ArkClient-Unity3D. An Unity3D client to show how to use Unity3D and ArkGameFrame to create a network game.
  16. 03-Unstable-Rotation. The code for my Game Physics course:
  17. awesome-unity-plugins-assets-tools-services-games-projects-resources. A categorized collection of awesome unity3d plugins, assets, tools, services, games, projects, resources and more.
  18. AzureSDKs-Unity. SDKs for Azure Services with Unity
  19. unitrpg. A turn-based tactical role playing game. Written in C# using the Unity3D engine. Custom data-driven content pipeline.
  20. LockPick_Unity. A Skyrim/FO4 like lock pick recreation in Unity
  21. FakeSimCity. A Unity Game like SimCity for mobile
  22. faq. Community driven knowledge base, mainly for newbies in programming
  23. 2D-Volumetric-Lighting. A 2D volumetric lighting and shadowing solution for Unity
  24. Kit25D. Creating fake 3D world with 2D colliders and sprites in Unity
  25. RaionUnityEcsFramework. Raion's Unity ECS Framework inspired by Entitas (
  26. unity-entitas-infinite-runner. Little game with unity and entitas in c#
  27. tetris. A simple tetris made in Unity
  28. voxelengine_unity. Voxel engine made in C# for Unity
  29. AI-Companion. Created in Unity 5 for the purposes of learning AI techniques. Features behaviour trees and A* pathfinding.
  30. 03_GameArtPrinciples.
  31. .Guacamole. An open source MVVM implementation for the Unity Editor.


  1. BeaverAndFairies.
  2. ArkClient-Unity3D. An Unity3D client to show how to use Unity3D and ArkGameFrame to create a network game.
  3. awesome-unity-plugins-assets-tools-services-games-projects-resources. A categorized collection of awesome unity3d plugins, assets, tools, services, games, projects, resources and more.


  1. Unity2D-Components. A constantly evolving array of Unity C# components for 2D games, including classes for pixel art cameras, events & messaging, saving & loading game data, collision handlers, object pools, and more.
  2. DeadSimple-Pixel-Perfect-Camera. An exceedingly easy-to-use pixel perfect orthographic camera script for 2D scenes in Unity. Punch in a few specs and you've got a working pixel perfect camera. It's that easy.
  3. BeaverAndFairies.
  4. Kit25D. Creating fake 3D world with 2D colliders and sprites in Unity
  5. 2D-Volumetric-Lighting. A 2D volumetric lighting and shadowing solution for Unity


  1. rant. Rant – The all-purpose procedural text generation library
  2. NoahGameFrame. A fast, scalable, distributed game server framework for C++, include actor library, network library,can be used as a real time multiplayer game engine ( MMO RPG/MOBA ), which support C#/Lua script/ Unity3d, Cocos2dx and plan to support Unreal.
  3. utymap. Highly customizable library for procedural world generation based on real map data
  4. consolation. In-game debug console for Unity.
  5. Unity2D-Components. A constantly evolving array of Unity C# components for 2D games, including classes for pixel art cameras, events & messaging, saving & loading game data, collision handlers, object pools, and more.
  6. Cradle. Play Twine stories in Unity.
  7. DeadSimple-Pixel-Perfect-Camera. An exceedingly easy-to-use pixel perfect orthographic camera script for 2D scenes in Unity. Punch in a few specs and you've got a working pixel perfect camera. It's that easy.
  8. admob-unity-plugin. 👾 An extension for Unity3d to place AdMob banners in your Android games.
  9. SwissArmyLib. Collection of helpful utilities we use in our Unity projects.
  10. NoteEditor. Note editor for music game
  11. Awesome-Game-Networking. Curated list of Awesome Game Networking resources
  12. 02-Newtons-Laws. Newtons laws of motion explained through Unity 3D in C# as part of
  13. SimpleTilemap. A fast, easy way to generate runtime tilemaps in Unity
  14. BeaverAndFairies.
  15. 03-Unstable-Rotation. The code for my Game Physics course:
  16. ArkClient-Unity3D. An Unity3D client to show how to use Unity3D and ArkGameFrame to create a network game.
  17. awesome-unity-plugins-assets-tools-services-games-projects-resources. A categorized collection of awesome unity3d plugins, assets, tools, services, games, projects, resources and more.
  18. naba-2016-labgamedesign-fungus-demos. A list of Fungus ( demos originally created for the Lab Game Design course I held at NABA in 2016/2017.
  19. LockPick_Unity. A Skyrim/FO4 like lock pick recreation in Unity
  20. FakeSimCity. A Unity Game like SimCity for mobile
  21. kcp-dotnet. A KCP C# implementation for .net core
  22. RaionUnityEcsFramework. Raion's Unity ECS Framework inspired by Entitas (
  23. unity-entitas-infinite-runner. Little game with unity and entitas in c#
  24. tetris. A simple tetris made in Unity
  25. voxelengine_unity. Voxel engine made in C# for Unity
  26. SilentGames. About our first person survival horror game on Unity (C#).
  27. AI-Companion. Created in Unity 5 for the purposes of learning AI techniques. Features behaviour trees and A* pathfinding.
  28. 03_GameArtPrinciples.
  29. .Guacamole. An open source MVVM implementation for the Unity Editor.


  1. admob-unity-plugin. 👾 An extension for Unity3d to place AdMob banners in your Android games.
  2. SwissArmyLib. Collection of helpful utilities we use in our Unity projects.
  3. awesome-unity-plugins-assets-tools-services-games-projects-resources. A categorized collection of awesome unity3d plugins, assets, tools, services, games, projects, resources and more.


  1. Awesome-Game-Networking. Curated list of Awesome Game Networking resources
  2. faq. Community driven knowledge base, mainly for newbies in programming


  1. GameDev-Resources. 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
  2. awesome-one-person-games. 🎮 A curated list of successul games, made (quite) entirely by a lone gamedev.
  3. Youtube-reference-list. A curated list of youtube channels related to gamedevelopment.


  1. vue-babylonjs. A ready-to-go 3d environment for Vue.js using Babylon.js
  2. SSVEntitySystem. [HEADER-ONLY] C++14 simple entity/component system for realtime games. Simplicity of use is preferred over a real "entity-component-system" hierarchy. Components update and draw themselves (users create their own components and override the virtual methods). Fast, easy to use and to expand. Should be fine for any simple game.


  1. engine. JavaScript game engine built on WebGL and WebVR.
  2. utymap. Highly customizable library for procedural world generation based on real map data


  1. EclipseOrigins. Legacy VB6 ORPG engine
  2. Crystalshire. Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG


  1. Hero6. Hero6
  2. nomlib. C++11 2D game framework using SDL2


  1. VoxLords. VoxLords - ThreeJS WebGL game with a simple voxel engine
  2. Qake. Qake voxel-engine demo
  3. voxelengine_unity. Voxel engine made in C# for Unity


  1. voxelengine3. Voxel-engine in Javascript
  2. VoxLords. VoxLords - ThreeJS WebGL game with a simple voxel engine
  3. Qake. Qake voxel-engine demo
  4. voxelengine_unity. Voxel engine made in C# for Unity


  1. voxelengine3. Voxel-engine in Javascript
  2. webgl2-voxels. WebGL2 experiment with boxels/voxels


  1. vue-babylonjs. A ready-to-go 3d environment for Vue.js using Babylon.js
  2. NINAGE-Engine. 💿 Engine for interactive media & games
  3. zanzarah-tools. The set of various zanzarah browsing and editing tools, written entirely in coffee and js.


  1. vue-babylonjs. A ready-to-go 3d environment for Vue.js using Babylon.js
  2. learning-vue-through-pokemon. This repo contains the code for my tutorial series 'Learning Vue.js through pokemon'


  1. vue-babylonjs. A ready-to-go 3d environment for Vue.js using Babylon.js
  2. learning-vue-through-pokemon. This repo contains the code for my tutorial series 'Learning Vue.js through pokemon'


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. BansheeEngine. Modern C++14 game engine with Vulkan support, fully featured editor and C# scripting
  3. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  4. DiligentEngine. Master repository for Diligent Engine project
  5. ash. Vulkan bindings for Rust
  6. rlsl. Rust to SPIR-V compiler
  7. bsf. Modern and fast C++14 library for the development of real-time graphical applications.
  8. Zmey. A game engine. That breathes fire and awesomeness
  9. sg-engine. Modularized (hot-swapping) game engine in Rust
  10. nmg-vulkan. Rusty mech engine


  1. FXGL. Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)
  2. faq. Community driven knowledge base, mainly for newbies in programming
  3. good-reads. List of inspiring articles, blogs, tutorials and books. Tech stuff.


  1. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  2. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  3. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  4. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  5. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine


  1. bgfx. Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  2. engine. JavaScript game engine built on WebGL and WebVR.
  3. melonJS. a fresh & lightweight javascript game engine
  4. OpenLara. Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine
  5. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  6. nunuStudio. nunuStudio is a web based game engine for 3D and 2D game development with support for VR and AR
  7. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  8. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  9. lba2remake. A Little Big Adventure 2 / Twinsen's Odyssey reimplementation in JavaScript / Three.js / React
  10. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  11. SavingNemo. SavingNemo - ThreeJS WebGL game with nodejs backend.
  12. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  13. webgl2-voxels. WebGL2 experiment with boxels/voxels
  14. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  15. exengine-web. Based on the exengine source, a webgl/emscripten port.
  16. zenpad.js. GamePad for canvas game.


  1. engine. JavaScript game engine built on WebGL and WebVR.
  2. webgl2-voxels. WebGL2 experiment with boxels/voxels
  3. exengine-web. Based on the exengine source, a webgl/emscripten port.


  1. alakajam. Website powering the Alakajam! game making community
  2. website. Project website and blog
  3. website open source project


  1. BansheeEngine. Modern C++14 game engine with Vulkan support, fully featured editor and C# scripting
  2. magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
  3. LumixEngine. 3D Game Engine
  4. FNA. FNA - Accuracy-focused XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms
  5. Directus3D. Directus3D Game Engine
  6. magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  7. magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  8. magnum-bootstrap. Bootstrap projects for Magnum graphics engine
  9. magnum-integration. Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  10. magnum-extras. Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
  11. jngl. Easy to use game library for C++ and Python
  12. polygonist. A neat framework for making 2D and 3D applications in C++17. It's free, open source, and works on Windows and macOS.


  1. dxwrapper. Fixes compatibility issues with older games running on Windows 10 by wrapping DirectX dlls. Also allows loading custom libraries with the file extension .asi into game processes.
  2. sdlpp. C++ wrapper for SDL2


  1. MonoGame. One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games.
  2. FNA. FNA - Accuracy-focused XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms
  3. Myra. UI Library for MonoGame