Releases: opendistro-for-elasticsearch/sql
Breaking Changes
- Change #414: Invalidate HTTP GET method.
SQL Features
- Feature #390: Simple Query Cursor support. (issue: #16)
- Feature #400: New SQL cluster settings endpoint.
- Change #456: Escape comma for CSV header and all queries. (issue: #455)
- Change #447: Fix CSV injection issue. (issue: #449)
- Change #419: Anonymize sensitive data in queries exposed to RestSqlAction logs. (issue: #97)
- Bugfix #452: Support using aggregation function in order by clause. (issue: #277)
- Bugfix #442: Count(distinct field) should translate to cardinality aggregation. (issue: #439)
- Bugfix #437: Enforce AVG return double data type. (issue: #408)
- Bugfix #425: Ignore the term query rewrite if there is no index found. (issue: #355)
- Bugfix #418: Support subquery in from doesn't have alias. (issue: #416)
- Bugfix #412: Add support for strict_date_optional_time. (issue: #411)
- Bugfix #381: field function name letter case preserved in select with group by. (issue: #373)
Elasticsearch Compatibility
- Feature #376: Elasticsearch 7.6.1 compatibility
- Feature #374: Integration test with external ES cluster (issue: 353)
- Feature #384: CI/CD using github Actions workflow
- Feature #366: Documentation for simple query (issue: #363)
- Feature #379: Documentation for Pagination (issue: #16)
SQL Features
Exception Handling
- Enhancement #362: Handle the elasticsearch exceptions in JDBC formatted outputs(issues: #320, 308)
- Enhancement #372: Modified the wording of exception messages and created the troubleshooting page(issue: #320)
- Bugfix #310: Add DATETIME cast support (issue: #268)
- BugFix #365: Return Correct Type Information for Fields (issue: #316)
- BugFix #377: Return object type for field which has implicit object datatype when describe the table (issue:sql-jdbc#57)
- BugFix #381: FIX field function name letter case preserved in select with group by (issue: #373)
Elasticsearch Compatibility
- Feature #312: Elasticsearch 7.4.2 compatibility
- Feature (#302, #305, #303): Documentation for basic usage of plugin & improvement of contributing docs (issues: #293, #243)
Github Actions
- Feature (#283, #287): Added github action to build and run tests. Gradle build will publish compiled plugin, that is ready to install into elastic
Lexer and Semantic
SQL Feature
- Enhancement (#346, #352): Support function over aggregation result (issues: #194, #229, #270, #292)
- Enhancement #273: Support conditional functions: IF, IFNULL, ISNULL (issues: #224, #235)
- Enhancement #274: Support JOIN without table alias (issue: #232)
- Enhancement #278: Support subquery in from with parent only has select (issue: #230)
- Enhancement #282: Support datetime functions: MONTH, DAYOFMONTH, DATE, MONTHNAME, TIMESTAMP, MAKETIME, NOW, CURDATE (issue: #235)
- Enhancement #300: Support DISTINCT feature in SELECT clause (issue: #294)
- BugFix #267: Fixed operatorReplace Integration Test (issue: #266)
- BugFix #275: Fix issue that IP type cannot pass JDBC formatter (issue: #272)
- BugFix #284: Fixed flaky test suite, that was breaking Github action build
- BugFix #295: Corrected the selected field names displayed in the schema of JDBC formatted response (issue: #290)
- BugFix #296: Fixed functions work improperly with fieldvalue/constant param for current use (issues: #279, #291, #224)
- BugFix #298: Fixed issue of log10 function gets inaccurate results (issue: #297)
- BugFix #307: Fix the issue of column alias not working for GROUP BY (issue: #299)
- BugFix #333: Fixed the issue of substring not working correctly when fieldname is put as . (issue: #330)
- BugFix #337: Fix JDBC response for delete query (issue: #131)
Notable changes
- Feature #202: Elasticsearch 7.2.1 compatibility
Notable changes
Feature #258: Elasticsearch 7.3.2 compatibility
Feature #201: Improve query verification by adding semantic analyzer
Enhancement #262: Support CASE statement in one more grammer
Enhancement #253: Support Cast function
Enhancement #260: Support string operators: ASCII, RTRIM, LTRIM, LOCATE, LENGTH, REPLACE
Enhancement #254: Support SELECT <number_literal>
Enhancement #251: Support number operators: POWER, ATAN2, COT, SIGN/SIGNUM
Enhancement #215: Support ordinal in GROUP/ORDER BY clause
Enhancement #213: Support
syntax -
Enhancement #212: Support Quoted identifiers
Enhancement #199: Support NOT operator with nested field query
Enhancement #166: Support pretty option for explain request
Enhancement #162: Support ORDER BY for 2 or more columns sorts only by last column in aggregation query
Enhancement #151: Improve query verification and exception handling
Enhancement #128: Support case-changing functions
Enhancement #120: Support aggregation function in HAVING
Enhancement #82: Pre-verification before actual execution of query
Enhancement #75: Support order by on SQL functions like SUM etc
BugFix #265: Fix the LOG function that delivered inaccurate result
BugFix #233: Function names are case-sensitive
BugFix #191: Fix new syntax check for LEFT JOIN on nested field and metadata field
BugFix #188: Having doesn't working on nested field
BugFix #187: Aggregation on Nested Array Field return unexpected value
BugFix #186: Alias of group key is not returned correctly
BugFix #176: ORDER BY expects function names written only in lowercase
BugFix #175: ORDER BY doesn't respect table aliases
BugFix #170: Some flaky test cases fail and pass after retry
BugFix #158: Aliases aren't working for ORDER BY and GROUP BY
BugFix #132: Integration Test Cluster doesn't terminated when integration test failed
BugFix #125: Parsing Exception when WHERE clause has true/false in CONDITION
BugFix #122: Query with custom-function doesn't respect LIMIT
BugFix #121: Dot/period at start of index name fails to parse
BugFix #111: JDBC format of aggregation query with date_format adds unnecessary column bug
- Feature #134: Elasticsearch 6.8.1 compatibility
Notable changes
Feature #125: Elasticsearch 7.2.0 compatibility
Feature #103: Sort on custom script based functions
BugFix #104: GROUP BY and ORDER BY for custom script based functions
generated wrong DSL -
BugFix #95: NPE thrown when selecting all in query with nested fields involved
BugFix #108: Custom script based functions weren't supported in JDBC
and other minor bugfixes
- Feature #90: Elasticsearch 7.1.1 compatibility
- Migration #17: Finished integ test migration and deprecated Maven build.
- Enhancement #34: Detached request ID from SqlRequest object.
- BugFix #46: Multi-index queries require identical mappings for indices.
- BugFix #92: Improper handling of SELECT statement
- BugFix #93: Blank query causes IndexOutOfBoundsException