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Ampliseq Version 2.11.0 #1487

Ampliseq Version 2.11.0

Ampliseq Version 2.11.0 #1487

GitHub Actions / JUnit Test Report failed Aug 5, 2024 in 0s. View latest attempt.

1 tests run, 0 passed, 0 skipped, 1 failed.


Check failure on line 1 in Single-End

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report


Assertion failed: 

11 of 22 assertions failed
Raw output
Nextflow stdout:


Caused by:
  Process `NFCORE_AMPLISEQ:AMPLISEQ:DADA2_PREPROCESSING:DADA2_FILTNTRIM (sampleID_1a)` terminated with an error exit status (125)

Command executed:

  #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
  out <- filterAndTrim("sampleID_1a.trimmed.trim.fastq.gz", "sampleID_1a.filt.fastq.gz",
      truncLen = 0,
      maxN = 0, truncQ = 2, trimRight = 0, minQ = 0, rm.lowcomplex = 0, orient.fwd = NULL, matchIDs = FALSE, id.sep = "\\s", id.field = NULL, n = 1e+05, OMP = TRUE, qualityType = "Auto",maxEE = 2,trimLeft = 0, minLen = 50, maxLen = Inf, rm.phix = TRUE,
      compress = TRUE,
      multithread = 2,
      verbose = TRUE)
  out <- cbind(out, ID = row.names(out))
  # If no reads passed the filter, write an empty GZ file
  if(out[2] == '0'){
      for(fp in c("sampleID_1a.filt.fastq.gz")){
          print(paste("Writing out an empty file:", fp))
          handle <- gzfile(fp, "w")
          write("", handle)
  write.table( out, file = "sampleID_1a.filter_stats.tsv", sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, na = '')
  write.table(paste('filterAndTrim	truncLen = 0','maxN = 0, truncQ = 2, trimRight = 0, minQ = 0, rm.lowcomplex = 0, orient.fwd = NULL, matchIDs = FALSE, id.sep = "\\s", id.field = NULL, n = 1e+05, OMP = TRUE, qualityType = "Auto",maxEE = 2,trimLeft = 0, minLen = 50, maxLen = Inf, rm.phix = TRUE',sep=","), file = "filterAndTrim.args.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, na = '')
  writeLines(c("\"NFCORE_AMPLISEQ:AMPLISEQ:DADA2_PREPROCESSING:DADA2_FILTNTRIM\":", paste0("    R: ", paste0(R.Version()[c("major","minor")], collapse = ".")),paste0("    dada2: ", packageVersion("dada2")) ), "versions.yml")

Command exit status:

Command output:

Command error:
  Unable to find image '' locally
  docker: Error response from daemon: Head "": received unexpected HTTP status: 502 Bad Gateway.
  See 'docker run --help'.

Work dir:

Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option `-resume` to the run command line

 -- Check '/home/runner/work/ampliseq/ampliseq/.nf-test/tests/c109527dc54db1247070e58b1c6bb28b/meta/nextflow.log' file for details
ERROR ~ Pipeline failed. Please refer to troubleshooting docs:

 -- Check '/home/runner/work/ampliseq/ampliseq/.nf-test/tests/c109527dc54db1247070e58b1c6bb28b/meta/nextflow.log' file for details
Nextflow stderr: