The source for the website "Learning Multibody Dynamics". Viewable at:
The contents of this repository are licensed under the CC-BY 4.0 license. See
Clone the repository:
git clone cd learn-multibody-dynamics
Install miniconda or Anaconda.
Create a conda environment for the book:
conda env create -f multibody-book-env.yml
Activate the environment:
conda activate multibody-book
To build once run:
make html
When complete, the website is then viewable in your browser:
<yourbrowser> _build/html/index.html
You can also run sphinx-autobuild (updates while while you edit) with:
make autobuild
If you want to build one of the branches (for example a pull request), you'll need to fetch and checkout the branch. First fetch down all the branches:
git fetch origin
Then checkout the branch (this command is only need the first time you check it out):
git checkout -b branch-name origin/branch-name
The branch name is listed on the pull request just under the title "...wants to merge X commits into master from branch-name." Or you can find all branches here:
Now run:
make clean make html
The make clean
makes sure you don't keep any remnants from prior builds
around before building the new branch.
After you have a new branch setup you can switch between the master branch and any branch name with just:
git checkout master git checkout branch-name
If the master branch or any other branch has been updated on github you can pull down the latest changes with:
git checkout branch-name git pull origin branch-name
The text is written in reStructuredText and processed with Sphinx. The Sphinx reStructuredText documentation page is a good starting point to learn the syntax:
reStructuredText doesn't enforce a specific heading order, but this should be followed for this text:
Reference styles:
:ref:`Chapter Name`
:ref:`Section Name`
.. _fig-my-figure-name:
We use jupyter-sphinx to transform each page with code cells into a Jupyter
Notebook and Python script. Any page that includes .. jupyter-execute::
directives will be processed in this way. The documentation for jupyter-sphinx
is here:
I draw the figures, one per page, in Xournal++. The I export as -> svg -> choose None for background and "current page" to get a single exported svg.
Resize Xournal++ svg exports to just the extents
seems to require gui to open (--without-gui doesn't work with verbs)
inkscape --verb=FitCanvasToDrawing --verb=FileSave --verb=FileQuit orientation-camera-gimbal.svg
sphinx-autobuild -b html . _build/html/
tmux new <Ctrl>+b % # side by side panes <Ctrl>+<arrow key> # jump between panes
create a vim slime config file for rst
<Ctrl>+cc # execute line(s) in ipython pane