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.. jupyter-execute:: import sympy as sm import sympy.physics.mechanics as me me.init_vprinting(use_latex='mathjax')
A force is an abstraction we use to describe something that causes mass to move (i.e. accelerate from a stationary state). There are four fundamental forces of nature of which all other forces can be derived from. Moments and torques arise from forces and are abstractions useful in describing what causes distributed mass rotation. Forces, moments, and torques have magnitude and direction and thus we use vectors to describe them mathematically.
Vectors may have a line of action. A line of action is parallel to the vector and passes through a particular point. If a vector has a line of action, it is said to be bound to its line of action. If a vector is not bound to a line of action it is said to be free.
Angular velocity is an example of a free vector. It has a direction and magnitude, but is not associated with any line of action. A force vector, on the other hand, is bound. If a force is applied to a rigid body, we must know where on the body it is applied to resolve the force's effect. A force vector acting on rigid body B at point P has a line of action through P and parallel to the force vector.
If a vector is a bound vector, then we can define its moment about a point. The moment \bar{M} of bound vector \bar{v} about point P is a vector itself and is defined as ([Kane1985]_, pg 90):
\bar{M} := \bar{r}^{L/P} \times \bar{v}
\bar{r}^{L/P} is a position vector from P to any point L on the line of action of \bar{v}.
\bar{v} is bound to a line that passes through point L. The moment can be calculated based on a position vector from P to any point on the line, for example L_1,L_2 or L_3 as shown.
A moment can be the result of a set of vectors. The resultant of a set S of vectors \bar{v}_1,\ldots,\bar{v}_\nu is defined as:
\bar{R}^{S} := \sum_{i=1}^{\nu} \bar{v}_i
If each vector in the resultant is bound, the sum of the moments due to each vector about P is call the moment of \bar{R}^{S} about P. This summation can be written as:
\bar{M}^{S/P} = \sum_{i=1}^{\nu} \bar{r}^{L_i/P} \times \bar{v}_i
where L_i is a point on the line of action of the associated \bar{v}_i.
The moment of the set of bound vectors S about one point P is related to the moment of the set about another point Q by ([Kane1985_], pg. 91):
\bar{M}^{S/P} = \bar{M}^{S/Q} + \bar{r}^{P/Q} \times \bar{R}^{S/Q}
where \bar{R}^{S/Q} is the resultant of the set S bound to a line of action through point Q.
For example, take the set S of two bound vectors \bar{F}_1 and \bar{F}_2 bound to lines of action through points P_1 and P_2, respectively. Below I've given the vectors some arbitrary direction and magnitude.
.. jupyter-execute:: N = me.ReferenceFrame('N') F1 = 2*N.x + 3*N.y F2 = -4*N.x + 5*N.y r_O_P1 = 2*N.x r_O_P2 = 3*N.x
\bar{M}^{S/P} can be calculated directly using Eq. :math:numref:`eq-sum-moments`:
.. jupyter-execute:: r_O_P = -5*N.x M_S_P = me.cross(r_O_P1 - r_O_P, F1) + me.cross(r_O_P2 - r_O_P, F2) M_S_P
Or if \bar{M}^{S/Q} is known, as well as \bar{r}^{P/Q}, then the Eq. :math:numref:`eq-moment-another-point` could be used:
.. jupyter-execute:: r_O_Q = 5*N.y M_S_Q = me.cross(r_O_P1 - r_O_Q, F1) + me.cross(r_O_P2 - r_O_Q, F2) M_S_P = M_S_Q + me.cross(r_O_Q - r_O_P, F1 + F2) M_S_P
A set S of bound vectors with a resultant equal to zero is called a couple. A couple can have as many vectors as desired or needed with a minimum number being two, such that \bar{R}^{S}=0. A couple composed of two vectors is called a simple couple. :numref:`fig-force-couples` shows a few examples of couples.
.. todo:: I started this caption with "a)" and that caused docutils to error and not recognize it as a caption.
The torque of a couple, \bar{T}, is the moment of the couple about a point. Because the resultant of a couple is zero, the torque of a couple is the same about all points. The torque, being a moment, is also a vector.
Two sets of bound vectors are equivalent when they have these two properties:
- equal resultants
- equal moments about any point
If 1. and 2. are true, the sets are said to be replacements of each other. Couples that have equal torques are equivalent, because the resultants are zero and moments about any point are equal to the torque.
Given a set of bound vectors S and a set of bound vectors that consist of a torque of a couple \bar{T} and vector \bar{v} bound to an arbitrary point P it is a necessary and sufficient condition that the second set is a replacement of the first if ([Kane1985]_, pg 95):
\bar{T} = \bar{M}^{S/P} \\ \bar{v} = \bar{R}^{S/P}
This means that every set of bound vectors can be replaced by an equivalent torque of a couple and a single bound vector that is the resultant of the replaced set. This replacement simplifies the description of forces acting on bodies.
Take for example the birds eye view of a four wheeled car which has front steering and motors at each wheel allowing for precise control of the propulsion forces at each wheel. A diagram of the forces acting at each wheel is shown in :numref:`fig-force-car-replacement`.
Set S of forces acting at each tire can be replaced with a resultant and a torque at a specified point, in this case B_o.
In SymPy Mechanics, first define the symbols:
.. jupyter-execute:: l, w = sm.symbols('l, w') Ffl, Ffr, Frl, Frr = me.dynamicsymbols('F_{fl}, F_{fr}, F_{rl}, F_{rr}') alphafl, alphafr = me.dynamicsymbols(r'\alpha_{fl}, \alpha_{fr}') alpharl, alpharr = me.dynamicsymbols(r'\alpha_{rl}, \alpha_{rr}') delta = me.dynamicsymbols('delta')
With the symbols defined, I use some auxiliary reference frames to establish the orientations with B behind the car body, W being the steered front wheels, and the others to establish the direction of the force at each wheel.
.. jupyter-execute:: B = me.ReferenceFrame('B') W = me.ReferenceFrame('W') FR = me.ReferenceFrame('F_R') FL = me.ReferenceFrame('F_L') RR = me.ReferenceFrame('R_R') RL = me.ReferenceFrame('R_L') W.orient_axis(B, delta, B.z) FR.orient_axis(W, alphafr, W.z) FL.orient_axis(W, alphafl, W.z) RR.orient_axis(B, alpharr, B.z) RL.orient_axis(B, alpharl, B.z)
The resultant of the forces expressed in the B frame is then:
.. jupyter-execute:: R = Ffl*FL.x + Ffr*FR.x + Frl*RL.x + Frr*RR.x
This resultant is bound to a line of action through B_o. The associated couple is then calculated as the total moment about B_o:
.. jupyter-execute:: T = (me.cross(l/2*B.x - w/2*B.y, Ffl*FL.x) + me.cross(l/2*B.x + w/2*B.y, Ffr*FR.x) + me.cross(-l/2*B.x - w/2*B.y, Frl*RL.x) + me.cross(-l/2*B.x + w/2*B.y, Frr*RR.x)) T = T
Since we can always describe the forces acting on a rigid body as a resultant force and an associate torque of a couple, we will often take advantage of this simpler form for constructing models.
Forces are bound vectors that can be considered acting on specific points, thus we will always need a vector and a point to fully describe the force. Methods and functions in SymPy Mechanics that make use of forces will typically require a tuple containing a point and a vector, for example the resultant force R^{S/B_o} acting on the mass center of the car would be specified like so:
.. jupyter-execute:: Bo = me.Point('Bo') force = (Bo, R) force
Torques of a couple are free vectors (not bound to a line of action) but represent a couple acting on a rigid body, thus a reference frame associated with a rigid body and the vector representing the torque will be used to describe the torque in SymPy Mechanics. For example:
.. jupyter-execute:: torque = (B, T) torque
We will often refer to forces and torques collectively as loads.
.. todo:: Open an issue in SymPy about these tuples not rendering as typeset math.
Both forces and torques applied to a multibody system must obey Newton's Third Law, i.e. that forces and torques act equal and opposite. Take for example a torque from a motor that causes a pinned lever B to rotate relative to the ground N shown in :numref:`fig-force-equal-opposite`. The motor torque can be modeled to occur between the stator and the rotor. We've arbitrarily selected the sign convention shown, i.e. a positive value of torque applies a positive torque to B and a negative torque to N if the torque is parallel to \hat{n}_z=\hat{b}_z.
A motor stator N fixed to ground with an arm fixed to the motor rotor B shown as one unit in a) and as seperate bodies in b) with equal and opposite torque vectors applied to the pair of bodies representing the torque of a couple generated by the motor.
The motor torque can be specified as a time varying vector:
.. jupyter-execute:: T, q = me.dynamicsymbols('T, q') N = me.ReferenceFrame('N') B = me.ReferenceFrame('B') Tm = T*N.z
Then the equal and opposite torques are captured by these two tuples:
.. jupyter-execute:: (B, Tm), (N, -Tm)
with equal and opposite torques applied to each body.
The sign conventions are really just a convention. It is also valid to choose (B, -Tm), (N, Tm) or even (B, Tm), (N, Tm) and (B, -Tm), (B, -Tm). But it is useful to choose a sign convention such that when the signs of angular velocity and torque are the same it corresponds to power into the system. So, for example, B.orient_axis(N, q, N.z) corresponds to (T*N.z, B) and power in. The key thing is that you know what your convention is so that you can interpret numerical results and signs correctly.
Contributing forces are those that do work on the multibody system. Work of a force \bar{F} acting over path S is defined as:
W = \int_S \bar{F} \cdot d\bar{s}
where d\bar{s} is the differential vector tangent to the path at the point the force is applied.
For example, the gravitational force acting on a particle moving through a unidirectional constant gravitational field (i.e. where the gravitational force is equal in magnitude, doesn't change, and always the same direction) does work on the system.
Non-contributing forces do no work on the system. For example, when a force acts between two points that have no relative motion, no work is done. Examples of non-contributing forces:
- contact forces on particles across smooth (frictionless) surfaces of rigid bodies
- any internal contact and body (distance) forces between any two points in a rigid body
- contact forces between bodies rolling without slipping on each other which is a special case of 1.
In the next chapter, we will see how the use of generalized coordinates relieve us from having to specify any non-contributing forces.
We will often be interested in a multibody system's motion when it is subject to gravitational forces. The simplest case is a constant unidirectional gravitational field, which is an appropriate model for objects moving on and near the Earth's surface. The gravitational forces can be applied solely to the mass centers of each rigid body as a resultant force. The gravitational torque on the bodies is zero because the force is equal in magnitude for each particle in the body. See [Kane1985]_ pg. 110 for the more general model of Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation where this is not the case. Studies of spacecraft dynamics often require considering both gravitational forces and moments.
In SymPy Mechanics, a gravitational force acting on a particle of mass m with acceleration due to gravity being g in the -\hat{n}_y direction would take this form:
.. jupyter-execute:: m, g = sm.symbols('m, g') Fg = -m*g*N.y Fg
Idealized springs and dampers are useful models of elements that have distance and velocity dependent forces and torques. A spring with free length q_0 and where q_1,q_2 locate the ends of the spring along a line parallel to \hat{n}_x is shown in :numref:`fig-force-spring`.
If we displace P in the positive \hat{n}_x direction the spring will apply a force in the negative \hat{n}_x direction on point P. So we chose a sign convention that the force on P from the spring is opposite the direction of the displacement.
Diagram of a spring with a sign convention that tension is positive. P is shown seperated from the end of the spring to show the equal and opposite forces.
If the spring is linear with stiffness k the spring force vector is then:
.. jupyter-execute:: q0, k = sm.symbols('q0, k') q1, q2 = me.dynamicsymbols('q1, q2') displacement = q2 - q1 - q0 displacement
Here a positive displacement represents the spring in tension and a negative displacement is compression.
.. jupyter-execute:: Fs = -k*displacement*N.x Fs
Dampers are often used in parallel or series with springs to provide an energy dissipation via viscous-like friction. Springs combined with dampers allow for classical second order under-, over-, and critically-damped motion. A linear viscous damper with damping coefficient c can be defined like so:
.. jupyter-execute:: c = sm.symbols('c') t = me.dynamicsymbols._t Fc = -c*displacement.diff(t)*N.x Fc
Coulomb's Law provides simple model of dry friction between two objects. It takes the scalar form:
F_f = \begin{cases} \mu F_N & v < 0 \\ 0 & v = 0 \\ -\mu F_N & v > 0 \end{cases}
where F_N is the normal force between the two objects, v is the relative speed between the two objects, and \mu is the coefficient of friction.
SymPy's :external:py:class:`~sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise.Piecewise` is one way to create a symbolic representation of this function:
.. jupyter-execute:: mu, m, g = sm.symbols('mu, m, g') Fn = m*g displacement = q2 - q1 Ff = sm.Piecewise((mu*Fn, displacement.diff(t) < 0), (-mu*Fn, displacement.diff(t) > 0), (0, True))*N.x Ff
The signum function (:external:py:class:`~sympy.functions.elementary.complexes.sign`) can also be used in a similar and simpler form:
.. jupyter-execute:: Ff = -mu*Fn*sm.sign(displacement.diff(t))*N.x Ff
Aerodynamic drag of a blunt body is dominated by the frontal area drag and the magnitude of this drag force can be modeled with the following equation:
\frac{1}{2}\rho C_dAv^2
where \rho is the density of the air, C_d is the drag coefficient, A is the frontal area, and v is the air speed relative to the body.
If a body is moving in still air at an arbitrary velocity and point P is the aerodynamic center of the body then the aerodynamic drag force vector that opposes the motion can be found with such an equation:
.. jupyter-execute:: A, Cd, rho = sm.symbols('A, C_d, rho') ux, uy, uz = me.dynamicsymbols('u_x, u_y, u_z', real=True) N_v_P = ux*N.x + uy*N.y + uz*N.z Fd = -N_v_P.normalize()*Cd*A*rho/2* Fd
If the motion is only along the \hat{n}_x direction, for example, the equation for the drag force vector reduces to:
.. jupyter-execute:: Fd.xreplace({uy: 0, uz:0})
If two points, a point and a surface, or two surfaces collide the impact behavior depends on the material properties and mass of the colliding bodies. In general, elastic and inelastic momentum balances for just before and after impact can be solved for the multibody system. For a simpler but, as we will learn, often less favorable for numerical evaluation approach, impact can be captured by creating a stiff spring that only engages if one body penetrates the other body. Some viscous damping can be included to capture the inelastic aspects.
For example, if modeling a particle P that impacts a surface normal to \hat{n}_z that contains point O the penetration z_p of the particle into the surface (if positive z is out and negative z is inside the surface) can be described with:
z_p = \frac{| \bar{r}^{P/O} \cdot \hat{n}_z | - \bar{r}^{P/O} \cdot \hat{n}_z}{2}
This is equivalent to this piecewise function:
z_p = \begin{cases} 0 & \bar{r}^{P/O} \cdot \hat{n}_z > 0 \\ \bar{r}^{P/O} \cdot \hat{n}_z & \bar{r}^{P/O} \cdot \hat{n}_z \leq 0 \end{cases}
In SymPy, this can be defined like so:
.. jupyter-execute:: x, y, z = me.dynamicsymbols('x, y, z', real=True) r_O_P = x*N.x + y*N.y + z*N.z zh = zp = (sm.Abs(zh) - zh)/2 zp
A nonlinear spring that is proportional to z_p^3 will give more stiffness the more penetration. Combining with some viscous damping the vertical force on P is:
.. jupyter-execute:: k, c = sm.symbols('k, c') Fz = (k*zp**3 + c*sm.Piecewise((zh.diff(), zh < 0), (0, True)))*N.z Fz
A Coulomb friction force can slow the particle's sliding on the surface:
.. jupyter-execute:: mu = sm.symbols('mu') vx = vy = Fx = -sm.Abs(vx)/vx*mu**N.x Fx
.. jupyter-execute:: Fy = -sm.Abs(vy)/vy*mu**N.y Fy
These measure numbers for the force vector then evaluate to zero when there is no penetration z_p and evaluates to a spring and damper and Coulomb friction when there is. For example, using so numerical values to set the penetration:
.. jupyter-execute:: vz = me.dynamicsymbols('v_z', negative=True) repl = {z.diff(): vz, z: 0} Fx.xreplace(repl), Fy.xreplace(repl), Fz.xreplace(repl)
.. jupyter-execute:: repl = {z.diff(): vz, z: 2} Fx.xreplace(repl), Fy.xreplace(repl), Fz.xreplace(repl)
.. jupyter-execute:: repl = {z.diff(): vz, z: -2} Fx.xreplace(repl), Fy.xreplace(repl), Fz.xreplace(repl)
Finally, the total force on the particle can be fully described:
.. jupyter-execute:: Fc = Fx + Fy + Fz Fc