You can download this example as a Python script: :jupyter-download:script:`angular` or Jupyter Notebook: :jupyter-download📓`angular`.
In Ch. :ref:`Orientation of Reference Frames` we learned that reference frames can be oriented relative to each other. If the relative orientation of two reference frames change with respect to time, then we can calculate the angular velocity {}^A\bar{\omega}^B of reference frame B when observed from reference frame A. If \hat{b}_x,\hat{b}_y,\hat{b}_z are right handed mutually perpendicular unit vectors fixed in B then the angular velocity of B in A is defined as ([Kane1985]_, pg. 16):
{}^A\bar{\omega}^B := \left(\frac{{}^A d\hat{b}_y}{dt} \cdot \hat{b}_z\right) \hat{b}_x + \left(\frac{{}^A d\hat{b}_z}{dt} \cdot \hat{b}_x\right) \hat{b}_y + \left(\frac{{}^A d\hat{b}_x}{dt} \cdot \hat{b}_y\right) \hat{b}_z
If B is oriented with respect to A and mutually perpendicular unit vectors \hat{a}_x,\hat{a}_y,\hat{a}_z are fixed in A then there are these general relationships among the unit vectors of each frame (see :ref:`Direction Cosine Matrix`):
\hat{b}_x & = c_{xx} \hat{a}_x + c_{xy} \hat{a}_y + c_{xz} \hat{a}_z \\ \hat{b}_y & = c_{yx} \hat{a}_x + c_{yy} \hat{a}_y + c_{yz} \hat{a}_z \\ \hat{b}_z & = c_{zx} \hat{a}_x + c_{zy} \hat{a}_y + c_{zz} \hat{a}_z
We can create these equations in SymPy to demonstrate how to work with the definition of angular velocity.
.. jupyter-execute:: import sympy as sm import sympy.physics.mechanics as me me.init_vprinting(use_latex='mathjax')
We first create the direction cosine matrix with time varying elements:
.. jupyter-execute:: cxx, cyy, czz = me.dynamicsymbols('c_{xx}, c_{yy}, c_{zz}') cxy, cxz, cyx = me.dynamicsymbols('c_{xy}, c_{xz}, c_{yx}') cyz, czx, czy = me.dynamicsymbols('c_{yz}, c_{zx}, c_{zy}') B_C_A = sm.Matrix([[cxx, cxy, cxz], [cyx, cyy, cyz], [czx, czy, czz]])
and establish the orientation using :external:py:meth:`~sympy.physics.vector.frame.ReferenceFrame.orient_explicit`:
Remember this method takes the transpose of the direction cosine matrix.
.. jupyter-execute:: A = me.ReferenceFrame('A') B = me.ReferenceFrame('B') B.orient_explicit(A, B_C_A.transpose()) B.dcm(A)
This now let's us write the B unit vectors in terms of the A unit vectors:
.. jupyter-execute::
.. jupyter-execute::
.. jupyter-execute::
Recalling the definition of angular velocity above, each of the measure numbers of the angular velocity is calculated by dotting the derivative of a B unit vector in A with a unit vector in B. \frac{{}^A \hat{b}_y}{dt} is for example:
.. jupyter-execute::
Each of the measure numbers of {}^A\bar{\omega}^B are then:
.. jupyter-execute:: mnx =, B.z) mnx
.. jupyter-execute:: mny =, B.x) mny
.. jupyter-execute:: mnz =, B.y) mnz
The angular velocity vector is then:
.. jupyter-execute:: A_w_B = mnx*B.x + mny*B.y + mnz*B.z A_w_B
For a simple orientation about the z axis through \theta the direction cosine matrix is:
.. jupyter-execute:: theta = me.dynamicsymbols('theta') B_C_A = sm.Matrix([[sm.cos(theta), sm.sin(theta), 0], [-sm.sin(theta), sm.cos(theta), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) B_C_A
Following the same pattern as before the angular velocity of B in A can be formed:
.. jupyter-execute:: A = me.ReferenceFrame('A') B = me.ReferenceFrame('B') A.orient_explicit(B, B_C_A) mnx =, B.z) mny =, B.x) mnz =, B.y) A_w_B = mnx*B.x + mny*B.y + mnz*B.z A_w_B.simplify()
Don't confuse the left and right superscripts on direction cosine matrices and angular velocities. {}^B\mathbf{C}^A describes the orientation of B rotated with respect to A and the mapping of vectors in A to vectors expressed in B. Whereas {}^A\bar{\omega}^B describes the angular velocity of B when observed from A.
The angular velocity of a simple orientation is simply the time rate of change of \theta about \hat{b}_z, the axis of the simple orientation. SymPy Mechanics offers the :external:py:meth:`~sympy.physics.vector.frame.ReferenceFrame.ang_vel_in` method for automatically calculating the angular velocity if a direction cosine matrix exists between the two reference frames:
.. jupyter-execute:: A = me.ReferenceFrame('A') B = me.ReferenceFrame('B') B.orient_axis(A, theta, A.z) B.ang_vel_in(A)
.. todo:: Should this return the angular velocity expressed in the body fixed frame?
A simple orientation and associated simple angular velocity can be formulated for any arbitrary orientation axis vector, not just one of the three mutually perpendicular unit vectors as shown above. There is a simple angular velocity between two reference frames A and B if there exists a single unit vector \hat{k} which is fixed in both A and B for some finite time. If this is the case, then {}^A\bar{\omega}^B = \omega \hat{k} where \omega is the time rate of change of the angle \theta between a line fixed in A and another line fixed in B both of which are perpendicular to the orientation axis \hat{k}. We call \omega=\dot{\theta} the angular speed of B in A.
:external:py:meth:`~sympy.physics.vector.frame.ReferenceFrame.orient_axis` can take any arbitrary vector fixed in A and B to establish the orientation:
.. jupyter-execute:: theta = me.dynamicsymbols('theta') A = me.ReferenceFrame('A') B = me.ReferenceFrame('B') B.orient_axis(A, theta, A.x + A.y) B.ang_vel_in(A)
The angular speed is then:
.. jupyter-execute:: B.ang_vel_in(A).magnitude()
This result should be |\dot{\theta}|. This is a bug in SymPy, see sympy/sympy#23173 for more info.
.. todo:: Why doesn't this simplify to theta dot? I tried ``real=True`` on theta.
If you establish a Euler z\textrm{-}x\textrm{-}z orientation with angles \psi,\theta,\varphi respectively, then the angular velocity vector is:
.. jupyter-execute:: psi, theta, phi = me.dynamicsymbols('psi, theta, varphi') A = me.ReferenceFrame('A') B = me.ReferenceFrame('B') B.orient_body_fixed(A, (psi, theta, phi), 'ZXZ') mnx =, B.z) mny =, B.x) mnz =, B.y) A_w_B = mnx*B.x + mny*B.y + mnz*B.z A_w_B.simplify()
.. todo:: ``simplify()`` shouldn't be needed here:
:external:py:meth:`~sympy.physics.vector.frame.ReferenceFrame.ang_vel_in` gives the same result:
.. jupyter-execute:: B.ang_vel_in(A).simplify()
Using the definition of angular velocity one can show ([Kane1985]_, pg. 17) that the time derivative of a unit vector fixed in B is related to B's angular velocity as so:
\frac{{}^Ad\hat{b}_x}{dt} = {}^A\bar{\omega}^B \times \hat{b}_x
This shows that the derivative is always normal to the rotating unit vector, because the magnitude of the unit vector is constant, and the derivative scales with the magnitude of the angular velocity:
\frac{{}^Ad\hat{b}_x}{dt} = \left| {}^A\bar{\omega}^B \right| \left( {}^A\hat{\omega}^B \times \hat{b}_x \right)
Now if vector \bar{v} = v\hat{b}_x and v is constant with respect to time then:
\frac{{}^A d\bar{v}}{dt} = v({}^A\bar{\omega}^B \times \hat{b}_x) = {}^A\bar{\omega}^B \times v\hat{b}_x = {}^A\bar{\omega}^B \times \bar{v}
This extends to any vector fixed in B and observed from A, making the time derivative equal to the cross product of the angular velocity of B in A with the vector.
Now, if \bar{u} is a vector that is not fixed in B we return to the product rule in Section :ref:`Product Rule`. First expressed \bar{u} in B:
\bar{u} = u_1\hat{b}_x + u_2\hat{b}_y + u_3\hat{b}_z
The derivative in another reference frame A is then:
\frac{{}^Ad\bar{u}}{dt} &= \dot{u}_1\hat{b}_x + \dot{u}_2\hat{b}_y + \dot{u}_3\hat{b}_z + u_1\frac{{}^Ad\hat{b}_x}{dt} + u_2\frac{{}^Ad\hat{b}_y}{dt} + u_3\frac{{}^Ad\hat{b}_z}{dt} \\ &= \frac{{}^Bd\bar{u}}{dt} + u_1{}^A\bar{\omega}^B\times\hat{b}_x + u_2{}^A\bar{\omega}^B\times\hat{b}_y + u_3{}^A\bar{\omega}^B\times\hat{b}_z \\ &= \frac{{}^Bd\bar{u}}{dt} + {}^A\bar{\omega}^B\times\bar{u}
We can show that Eq. :math:numref:`deriv-arb-vector` holds with an example. Take a z\textrm{-}x orientation and an arbitrary vector that is not fixed in B:
.. jupyter-execute:: A = me.ReferenceFrame('A') B = me.ReferenceFrame('B') B.orient_body_fixed(A, (psi, theta, 0), 'ZXZ') u1, u2, u3 = me.dynamicsymbols('u1, u2, u3') u = u1*B.x + u2*B.y + u3*B.z u
As we learned in the last chapter we can express the vector in A and then take the time derivative of the measure numbers to arrive at \frac{{}^Ad\bar{u}}{dt}:
.. jupyter-execute::
.. jupyter-execute::
But applying the theorem above we can find the derivative with a cross product. The nice aspect of this formulation is there is no need to express the vector in A. First \frac{{}^Bd\bar{u}}{dt}:
.. jupyter-execute:: u.dt(B)
and then {}^A\bar{\omega}^B\times\bar{u}:
.. jupyter-execute:: A_w_B = B.ang_vel_in(A) A_w_B
\frac{{}^Ad\bar{u}}{dt} is then:
.. jupyter-execute:: u.dt(B) + me.cross(A_w_B, u)
We can show that the first result is equivalent by expressing in B and simplifying:
.. jupyter-execute::
Similar to the relationship in direction cosine matrices of successive orientations (Sec. :ref:`Successive Orientations`), there is a relationship among the angular velocities of successively oriented reference frames ([Kane1985]_, pg. 24) but it is tied to the addition of vectors instead of multiplication of matrices.
{}^A\bar{\omega}^Z = {}^A\bar{\omega}^B + {}^B\bar{\omega}^C + \ldots + {}^Y\bar{\omega}^Z
We can demonstrate this by creating three simple orientations for a Euler y\textrm{-}x\textrm{-}y orientation:
.. jupyter-execute:: psi, theta, phi = me.dynamicsymbols('psi, theta, varphi') A = me.ReferenceFrame('A') B = me.ReferenceFrame('B') C = me.ReferenceFrame('C') D = me.ReferenceFrame('D') B.orient_axis(A, psi, A.y) C.orient_axis(B, theta, B.x) D.orient_axis(C, phi, C.y)
The simple angular velocity of each successive orientation is shown:
.. jupyter-execute:: A_w_B = B.ang_vel_in(A) A_w_B
.. jupyter-execute:: B_w_C = C.ang_vel_in(B) B_w_C
.. jupyter-execute:: C_w_D = D.ang_vel_in(C) C_w_D
Summing the successive angular velocities gives the compact result:
.. jupyter-execute:: A_w_D = A_w_B + B_w_C + C_w_D A_w_D
Similarly, we can skip the auxiliary frames and form the relationship between A and D directly and calculate {}^A\bar{\omega}^D:
.. jupyter-execute:: A2 = me.ReferenceFrame('A') D2 = me.ReferenceFrame('D') D2.orient_body_fixed(A2, (psi, theta, phi), 'YXY') D2.ang_vel_in(A2).simplify()
If we express our prior result in D we see the results are the same:
.. jupyter-execute::
.. todo:: I could show with three generic direction cosine matrices that the angular velocities add up, but that would be a bit messy presentation.
The angular acceleration of B when observed from A is defined as:
{}^A\bar{\alpha}^B := \frac{{}^Ad}{dt} {}^A\bar{\omega}^B
{}^A\bar{\omega}^B is simply a vector so we can time differentiate it with respect to frame A. Using Eq. :math:numref:`deriv-arb-vector` we can write:
\frac{{}^Ad}{dt} {}^A\bar{\omega}^B & = \frac{{}^Bd}{dt} {}^A\bar{\omega}^B + {}^A\bar{\omega}^B \times {}^A\bar{\omega}^B \\
and since {}^A\bar{\omega}^B \times {}^A\bar{\omega}^B=0:
\frac{{}^Ad}{dt} {}^A\bar{\omega}^B = \frac{{}^Bd}{dt} {}^A\bar{\omega}^B
which is rather convenient.
With SymPy Mechanics {}^A\bar{\alpha}^B is found automatically with :external:py:meth:`~sympy.physics.vector.frame.ReferenceFrame.ang_acc_in` if the orientations are established. For a simple orientation:
.. jupyter-execute:: theta = me.dynamicsymbols('theta') A = me.ReferenceFrame('A') B = me.ReferenceFrame('B') B.orient_axis(A, theta, A.z) B.ang_acc_in(A)
Similarly we can calcualte the derivative manually:
.. jupyter-execute:: B.ang_vel_in(A).dt(A)
and see that that Eq. :math:numref:`ang-acc-frame` holds:
.. jupyter-execute:: B.ang_vel_in(A).dt(B)
For a body fixed orientation we get:
.. jupyter-execute:: psi, theta, phi = me.dynamicsymbols('psi, theta, varphi') A = me.ReferenceFrame('A') D = me.ReferenceFrame('D') D.orient_body_fixed(A, (psi, theta, phi), 'YXY') D.ang_acc_in(A).simplify()
and with manual derivatives:
.. jupyter-execute:: D.ang_vel_in(A).dt(A).simplify()
.. jupyter-execute:: D.ang_vel_in(A).dt(D).simplify()
The calculation of angular acceleration is relatively simple, but the addition of angular velocities explained in Sec. :ref:`Addition of Angular Velocity` does not extend to angular accelerations.
{}^A\bar{\alpha}^Z \neq {}^A\bar{\alpha}^B + {}^B\bar{\alpha}^C + \ldots + {}^Y\bar{\alpha}^Z
Coming back to the successive orientations that form a y\textrm{-}x\textrm{-}y Euler rotation, we can see that the result is not the same as above:
.. jupyter-execute:: psi, theta, phi = me.dynamicsymbols('psi, theta, varphi') A = me.ReferenceFrame('A') B = me.ReferenceFrame('B') C = me.ReferenceFrame('C') D = me.ReferenceFrame('D') B.orient_axis(A, psi, A.y) C.orient_axis(B, theta, B.x) D.orient_axis(C, phi, C.y)
The simple angular acceleration of each successive orientations is shown:
.. jupyter-execute:: A_alp_B = B.ang_acc_in(A) A_alp_B
.. jupyter-execute:: B_alp_C = C.ang_acc_in(B) B_alp_C
.. jupyter-execute:: C_alp_D = D.ang_acc_in(C) C_alp_D
Summing the successive angular accelerations gives this result:
.. jupyter-execute:: A_alp_D = A_alp_B + B_alp_C + C_alp_D
which is not equal to the correct, more complex, result:
.. jupyter-execute:: D.ang_acc_in(A).express(D).simplify()
Do not sum successive angular accelerations!