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Release notes - Ikasan - eip-4.0.0


IKASAN-2318 Upgrade Ikasan to support JDK 17

IKASAN-2328 Upgrade Ikasan to Spring Boot 3.2.1

IKASAN-2329 Upgrade Ikasan to Hibernate 6.4.1.Final

IKASAN-2331 Upgrade Ikasan to H2 2.2.224

IKASAN-2339 Update swagger URL in blue console to point at correct new openapi URL.

IKASAN-2341 Update SSHD libraries to remove security alerts

IKASAN-2342 BaseFileTransfer HibernateTransactionalResourceCommandDAO needs to cope with detached entities

IKASAN-2343 Update spring core to 6.1.3

IKASAN-2354 Remediate git flagged security vulnerabilities

IKASAN-2362 Jcraft upgrade to support ECDSA

IKASAN-2363 Write Ikasan version manifest file to the persistent file system

IKASAN-2364 Add H2 database backup feature to Ikasan

IKASAN-2366 Add configurable option to Ikasan house keeping that performs house keeping on harvested records if configured to do so

IKASAN-2368 Add timeout to CompletableFuture associated with the the shutdown of processes in the Ikasan CLI

IKASAN-2369 Create a module rest service that exposes the number of rows in a database table within an ESB database

IKASAN-2370 Create module rest services that allow for the management of detached transactions in the IN_DOUBT table of the H2 database

IKASAN-2372 Confirm PID management of processes associated with Ikasan CLI are resilitent in the case that an Ikasan module is forcefully stopped

IKASAN-2373 Update Mongo Component and configuration to allow passing appName to mongo connection string

IKASAN-2380 Add indexes to the ExclusionEvent table to prevent full table scan when performing filtered query

IKASAN-2386 Add aggregate job header and filtering to active job plan dashboard, along with exposing the repeating job statuses

IKASAN-2410 Ikasan Shell issues discovered while testing Ikasan 4 features

IKASAN-2413 Parameterise the H2 database username and password for the H2 DB migration feature of the Ikasan shell.

IKASAN-2423 Ensure Scheduler Agent Windows Tasks Launch Correct Command Processor

IKASAN-2424 Change no back up manifest file logging to debug


IKASAN-2327 Ikasan JDK 17 and Library Upgrades


IKASAN-2392 H2 Database Backup Process not removing back retry manifest file on restart.

IKASAN-2394 harvest.messageHistoryHarvestingJob unbale to complete

IKASAN-2409 Ikasan Trigger Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) is not compatible with migrated data

IKASAN-2416 Exception trying to save detached autherntication method

IKASAN-2425 Issues discovered when testing maven archetypes when testing against Ikasan 4


IKASAN-2141 Expose a configuration property to be able to set the time to live on error events. Currently it is defaulted to 1 year and the only way to set the value is via builder classes.

IKASAN-2390 Make the default for H2 startup not to wait for the process startup to complete as this does not for a separate process.

IKASAN-2393 Wiretap trigger service encounters issue during module startup

IKASAN-2399 H2 Database Migration Utility to Support Possible EAI Database Upgrade

IKASAN-2414 H2 database migration utilities needs to cope with older version of change logs and only update the necessary MD5SUM records

IKASAN-2415 Clear scheduler agent monitored job pid files if an exception occurs in the job monitoring broker

IKASAN-2426 Upgrade spring boot to 3.2.7

What's Changed

Full Changelog: ikasaneip-3.3.2...ikasaneip-4.0.0