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Releases: ikasanEIP/ikasan


30 Aug 18:52
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: ikasaneip-3.3.4...ikasaneip-3.3.5


08 Jul 10:45
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Release notes - Ikasan - eip-4.0.0


IKASAN-2318 Upgrade Ikasan to support JDK 17

IKASAN-2328 Upgrade Ikasan to Spring Boot 3.2.1

IKASAN-2329 Upgrade Ikasan to Hibernate 6.4.1.Final

IKASAN-2331 Upgrade Ikasan to H2 2.2.224

IKASAN-2339 Update swagger URL in blue console to point at correct new openapi URL.

IKASAN-2341 Update SSHD libraries to remove security alerts

IKASAN-2342 BaseFileTransfer HibernateTransactionalResourceCommandDAO needs to cope with detached entities

IKASAN-2343 Update spring core to 6.1.3

IKASAN-2354 Remediate git flagged security vulnerabilities

IKASAN-2362 Jcraft upgrade to support ECDSA

IKASAN-2363 Write Ikasan version manifest file to the persistent file system

IKASAN-2364 Add H2 database backup feature to Ikasan

IKASAN-2366 Add configurable option to Ikasan house keeping that performs house keeping on harvested records if configured to do so

IKASAN-2368 Add timeout to CompletableFuture associated with the the shutdown of processes in the Ikasan CLI

IKASAN-2369 Create a module rest service that exposes the number of rows in a database table within an ESB database

IKASAN-2370 Create module rest services that allow for the management of detached transactions in the IN_DOUBT table of the H2 database

IKASAN-2372 Confirm PID management of processes associated with Ikasan CLI are resilitent in the case that an Ikasan module is forcefully stopped

IKASAN-2373 Update Mongo Component and configuration to allow passing appName to mongo connection string

IKASAN-2380 Add indexes to the ExclusionEvent table to prevent full table scan when performing filtered query

IKASAN-2386 Add aggregate job header and filtering to active job plan dashboard, along with exposing the repeating job statuses

IKASAN-2410 Ikasan Shell issues discovered while testing Ikasan 4 features

IKASAN-2413 Parameterise the H2 database username and password for the H2 DB migration feature of the Ikasan shell.

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30 Aug 18:55
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: ikasaneip-3.3.3...ikasaneip-3.3.4


30 Aug 18:55
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: ikasaneip-3.3.2...ikasaneip-3.3.3


08 Nov 14:09
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Release notes - Ikasan - eip-3.3.2
IKASAN-2307 Add completed job plan view to scheduler dashboard.

IKASAN-2318 Ugrade Ikasan to support JDK 17

IKASAN-2299 BigQueueConsumer threads do not seem to be shutting down on Windows when flows are torn down when job plans are disabled

IKASAN-2300 Ikasan file consumer not working on Windows operating system

IKASAN-2305 Scheduler agent removing jobs for job plan deleting all job configurations, not just those for the job plan

IKASAN-2310 Blue Console allows local authenticated user to log in even though Dashboard user is password is different or access has been revoke

IKASAN-2311 Scheduler agent not reseting correlation identifiers on file watcher and scheduler job endpoint correctly

IKASAN-2301 Scheduler agent file filter should include correlation identifier in the filter criteria

IKASAN-2302 Scheduler Agent move file broker to broker to rename files that are archived with date time pattern appended.


08 Nov 14:08
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Release notes - Ikasan - eip-3.3.1
IKASAN-2288 Enhance the REST API for context-status-service-controller to get all failed jobs for current running instances

IKASAN-2289 ikasan scheduler agent distribution missing reference to ikasan.version

IKASAN-2290 JobMonitoringBroker error reporting exception

IKASAN-2286 Exit authentication loop when credential is authenticated successfully

IKASAN-2293 Spaces in Job names causes issues with pid persistence file on unix


08 Nov 14:04
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Release notes - Ikasan - eip-3.3.0
IKASAN-1464 Support for multiple cron schedules in the scheduled consumer based components

IKASAN-1806 Remove module ikasan-mysql-standalone-persistence

IKASAN-1872 upgrade logback from 1.2.5 to 1.2.10

IKASAN-1913 Create Context ie. Business day

IKASAN-1934 Add SSH Key Passphrase Support in SFTP Consumer and Producer

IKASAN-1935 Make Module Bootstrap Independent from Dashboard

IKASAN-1937 Document ikasan security matrix

IKASAN-1990 Ship with the required runtime configuration file for Linux systemd start/stop for Ikasan scheduler agents

IKASAN-1991 Ship with the required runtime configuration file for Windows service start/stop for Ikasan scheduler agents

IKASAN-2006 Update the OOTB Scheduler Agent to support event driven invocations as well as time (quartz) driven.

IKASAN-2013 scheduler agent job execution logs need to be uniquely named relating to the execution

IKASAN-2014 scheduler agent to provide housekeeping for stdout and stderr files created by jobs

IKASAN-2038 Add back sftp chunking to Ikasan

IKASAN-2039 upgrade org.thymeleaf:thymeleaf-spring5 3.0.11.RELEASE to 3.0.14.RELEASE

IKASAN-2040 upgrade jackson-databind from 2.10.5 to 2.13.1

IKASAN-2042 Generate and run the test executions of all archetypes for Ikasan on build

IKASAN-2067 Create Aspect and endpoints for dry run mode in ootb scheduler agent

IKASAN-2071 Set maven home and specific version for travis

IKASAN-2083 Add job context parameters to the process execution broker environment variables collection

IKASAN-2084 Add day of week collection to scheduler jobs to indicate which days to execute

IKASAN-2085 Add file age field to file event scheduler jobs and file job flow

IKASAN-2089 Bump spring-boot from 2.3.4.RELEASE and to 2.5.12

IKASAN-2101 Scheduler file jobs not treating * character as wildcard in filenames

IKASAN-2147 Update all scheduler events to assert that the context instance id is always set on the event and that the context machine only processes events relevant to the context intance.

IKASAN-2154 BigQueue consumer not correctly participating in point cut of on message call

IKASAN-2158 Jobs skipped due to day of week to be put in SKIPPED_COMPLETE state

IKASAN-2166 Add job start and end time search to job instance grid

IKASAN-2167 Add process execution details to scheduled process event

IKASAN-2174 jobName changes once ootb flow goes into recovery - due to trigger key is now from ikasan recovery - need to use name that is passed when component object is created

IKASAN-2175 ScheduledConsumer unable to Recovery fully after flow has recovered

IKASAN-2178 Allow for scheduler command execution jobs to be repeatable

IKASAN-2182 OOTB - Empty Context Parameters does not get set in target execution environment if they are blank

IKASAN-2183 JobMonitoringBroker -> handle process.waitFor() better so it doesn't retry if does not complete in alotted time

IKASAN-2186 Disable all quartz based scheduled jobs within a context

IKASAN-2188 Dynamic file watcher to use correlating identifier to resolve context instance

IKASAN-2191 Add TTL to context time window to replace the time window end cron expression. Add context lifecycle management.

IKASAN-2206 Scheduler tree view expand to be configurable at the context level

IKASAN-2210 Add replacement tokens to scheduler artefacts when they are exported.

IKASAN-2219 Add job statuses to context instance screen

IKASAN-2230 Make big queue page size configurable on the scheduler agent

IKASAN-2233 Allow for scheduler dashboard to be the landing screen for user with scheduler roles

IKASAN-2236 Provide attribute to Job Plans to flag them to run concurrently

IKASAN-2237 Add feature to remove trailing _context from job plan names when downloading with tokens

IKASAN-2243 Individual Jobs in Job Locks to be given job lock weighting within the Job Lock.

IKASAN-2259 Merge scheduler features onto 3.3.x branch

IKASAN-2270 Add the ability to list and download logs files from the ikasan module via a GUI in the ikasan dashboard

IKASAN-2271 Add ordinal to scheduler context jobs

IKASAN-2275 Add display name to scheduler jobs

IKASAN-1982 Within the builder pattern the "otherwise" option in the evaluation interface should be an endpoint

IKASAN-1992 Ikasan module application.log is recreated every time the JVM is started when using the CLI

IKASAN-1994 Ikasan module libs are too tightly bound to a module name. Review to see if we can split the module name out from the jar name

IKASAN-2023 StartupControl database records are repeated when spinning up flows using the FlowFactory

IKASAN-2024 Scheduler agent modules are missing the cloud config pom reference, thus preventing them to be cloud config compatible.

IKASAN-2027 Modules not associated with business streams correctly.

IKASAN-2037 Issue with HibernateReplayDaoTest

IKASAN-2045 Ikasan-mongo-endpoint changes to support connecting to mongo instances in the cloud using driver version 3.12.10

IKASAN-2048 Module de-activation not removing flows successfully.

IKASAN-2049 Module activation not deleting start up control records due to missing point cut.

IKASAN-2062 Intermittent failing test SftpToJmsFlowTest in build pipeline

IKASAN-2068 ClassNotFoundException: ch.qos.logback.core.util.FileUtil

IKASAN-2074 Business schedule triggers not being associated with job marked for scheduler crash recovery on start()

IKASAN-2092 Scheduled Consumer Persistent Recovery results in Scheduled Job Only Being Triggered Once.

IKASAN-2112 NULL context parameter throwing NPE on job start broker in scheduler agent

IKASAN-2177 Scheduler Consumer persistent recovery not working on windows

IKASAN-2211 NPE when recovering context instances with duplicate child context names

IKASAN-2240 Visual canvas regression due to work on scheduler visualisations

IKASAN-2241 Business stream notification job not resolving business stream metadata correctly

IKASAN-2283 'Save required' translation missing for business stream saves

IKASAN-2020 Security role required to allow for all read only search on all modules for error, exclusions, wiretaps and replay events.

IKASAN-2044 Configured module activation causes all jobs to start if they are configured to automatic...

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10 Apr 12:11
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What's Changed

  • [IKASAN-2062] Try and make SftpToJmsFlowTest pass every time by @johnot in #1054
  • IKASAN-2087 - Bump spring-core from 5.2.9.RELEASE to 5.3.18 by @andrzej-majewski in #1083
  • IKASAN-2089 - Springboot lib updates by @andrzej-majewski in #1085
  • IKASAN-2068 - remove use of ch.qos.logback.core.util.FileUtil. by @mitcje in #1063
  • 3.2.x IKASAN-2089 add config service additional required changes to shell by @djmarafi in #1089
  • Feature/IKASAN-26210 upgrade ikasan mongo driver 3.12.10 by @njntech in #1052
  • Feature/3.2.x ikasan 2045 mongo fix base by @andrzej-majewski in #1093
  • IKASAN-2092 - bugfix for scheduled recovery persistence to ensure the… by @mitcje in #1095

Full Changelog: ikasaneip-3.2.2...ikasaneip-3.2.3


30 Jan 14:31
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Release notes - Ikasan - Version eip-3.2.2

What's Changed

  • BugFix to ensure the application.log and h2.log are appended to rathe… by @mitcje in #997
  • Bug fix/ikasan 1992 by @mitcje in #998
  • IKASAN-1994 Allow shell to have default command lines for h2 and modu… by @mitcje in #1003
  • Ikasan 1935 decouple module startup from dashboard 3.2.1 by @mick-stewart73 in #1004
  • IKASAN-1990 Add Systemd unit and associated documentation for Linux s… by @mitcje in #1008
  • IKASAN-2005 adding scheduler notification documentation by @mick-stewart73 in #1005
  • Release/3.2.1 by @mitcje in #1009
  • IKASAN-1991 - Added Windows Service configuration and tidied docs. Up… by @mitcje in #1012
  • IKASAN-2027 updating spec for fix to business stream security by @mick-stewart73 in #1013
  • IKASAN-2031 - Fixed evalRelativePath in, added t… by @kieronedwards in #1018
  • IKASAN-2032 - Add dontUseFileRename to SftpProducerConfiguraiton, upd… by @kieronedwards in #1019
  • IKASAN-2020 adding new policies for functionality to search entities … by @mick-stewart73 in #1022
  • IKASAN-2034 add ActiveMqAutoConfiguration exclude to spring boot samp… by @kieronedwards in #1024
  • Bug fix 3.2.x/ikasan 2023 by @mitcje in #1027
  • IKASAN-2037 - make sure that each timestamp is different for ReplayEv… by @andrzej-majewski in #1030
  • IKASAN-1872- upgrade logback from 1.2.5 to 1.2.10 by @andrzej-majewski in #1032
  • Feaure/3.2.x Ikasan-2038 sftp chunking by @andrzej-majewski in #1036
  • IKASAN-2023 - BugFix to resolve NPE on startupControlDAO. by @mitcje in #1039
  • IKASAN-2044 - allow stopped flows to remain stopped when deactivate/a… by @mitcje in #1043
  • IKASAN-2048 remove the actual flow instead of the name. by @mick-stewart73 in #1046
  • IKASAN-2047 adding host name to scheduled event and extra host detail… by @mick-stewart73 in #1044
  • IKASAN-2049 adding missing start up control delete point cut. by @mick-stewart73 in #1048

Full Changelog: ikasaneip-3.2.0...ikasaneip-3.2.2

Official release of ikasaneip-3.2.1

14 Nov 22:50
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Release notes - Ikasan - Version 3.2.1


IKASAN-2009 Change exception thrown in the test to runtime rather than checked.

IKASAN-1994 Ikasan module libs are too tightly bound to a module name. Review to see if we can split the module name out from the jar name

IKASAN-1992 Ikasan module application.log is recreated every time the JVM is started when using the CLI


IKASAN-1990 Ship with the required runtime configuration file for Linux systemd start/stop for Ikasan scheduler agents

IKASAN-1935 Make Module Bootstrap Independent from Dashboard

IKASAN-1934 Add SSH Key Passphrase Support in SFTP Consumer and Producer