Releases: ikasanEIP/ikasan
Releases · ikasanEIP/ikasan
Official 2.0.4
Release notes - Ikasan - Version 2.0.4
- [IKASAN-1480] - resubmissionEventFactory not set correctly in FlowFactory
- [IKASAN-1492] - Fix FTP component tests
- [IKASAN-1473] - Tighten the ScheduledRecoveryManager exception management when the resulting action is not supported
- [IKASAN-1474] - Next development snapshot version 2.0.4
- [IKASAN-1483] - Enable Springboot autoconfiguration for Ikasan standalone
- [IKASAN-1487] - Add support for swagger UI to provide better visibility on existing REST
- [IKASAN-1489] - Official release of 2.0.4
- [IKASAN-1491] - pom.xml cleanup to remove duplicate or deprecated entries
Official 2.0.3 Ikasan release
Release notes - Ikasan - Version 2.0.3
- [IKASAN-1461] - singleRecipientRouter transitions referring to same route are not represented correctly
- [IKASAN-1463] - Scheduled Consumer configured as eager sometimes just stops calling back on the quartz schedule
- [IKASAN-1465] - Configuration beans proxied by Spring cause reflection utils to pick up unnecessary properties
- [IKASAN-1467] - Duplicate Filter is not persisting
- [IKASAN-1471] - Official release of 2.0.3
Official release of ikasaneip-2.0.2
Official release of ikasaneip-2.0.2
- [IKASAN-1446] - FTP schedule consumer flow status showed as recovery after it was recovered.
- [IKASAN-1447] - Add missing support for component level exception management to the builder pattern
- [IKASAN-1452] - MCS import issue
- [IKASAN-1453] - Dynamic configurations dont get persisted to DB
- [IKASAN-1454] - Exception resolution to Ignore is missing the update for DynamicConfiguration components
- [IKASAN-1444] - Create new 2.0.2 bug fix branch
- [IKASAN-1459] - Official release of 2.0.2
- [IKASAN-1449] - Ikasan Discovery not handling white space in URL : REST [http://localhost:8080/sample/rest/discovery/flows/Trade Volumes Trade Event]
- [IKASAN-1456] - Cleanup database-config.xml and dependet files to use DataSourceXAConnectionFactory
Official 2.0.1 Ikasan release
- [IKASAN-1426] - Review and tidy up all archetypes
- [IKASAN-1428] - FileConsumer fails to start if the FileConsumerConfiguration isn't specified on the builder
- [IKASAN-1432] - TranslatorInvokerConfiguration not valid java bean causing configuration service error
- [IKASAN-1429] - Create new 2.0.1 bugfix branch with 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT versions in the project poms
- [IKASAN-1440] - FTP/SFTP consumer throws XID related exceptions when in recovery
- [IKASAN-1442] - Cut 2.0.1
- [IKASAN-1441] - IkasanListMessage not serialising/deserialising correctly
Official ikasan 2.0.0
Release notes - Ikasan - Version 2.0.0
- [IKASAN-1227] - Integer multiplication get overflowed when saving ReplayEvent
- [IKASAN-1319] - Ikasan 2.0.x failing to exclude / serialise by Kryo HornetQ Bytes Messages
- [IKASAN-1334] - Resubmission of events into a flow fails when the flow goes from a stopped state to start/pause
- [IKASAN-1340] - Expiry of ReplayEvents set incorrectly for large number of days
- [IKASAN-1350] - Dashboard not bootstrapping rest endpoints in standalone.
- [IKASAN-1367] - ScheduledConsumerConfiguration not conforming to javabaen spec.
- [IKASAN-1368] - EntityAgeFilter not dealing with possible race condition. It is possible for the filter to write the same clientId, criteria combination to the service when multithreaded.
- [IKASAN-1369] - Service calls from Ikasan Dashboard to standalone ikasan-2.0.x moules not working for users other than admin
- [IKASAN-1370] - Cannot set different logging levels in the ikasan standalone dashboard in the configuraiton. Just continues to log INFO.
- [IKASAN-1371] - Limit is not supported on Sybase database when using Hibernate, this is resulting on excess table locking as the result sets are not restricted at all.
- [IKASAN-1372] - Add setMessageConverter to JmsProducerBuilder interface
- [IKASAN-1374] - Remove usage of Jersey from DashboardNotifier
- [IKASAN-1376] - Add support for currently supported invoker configuration types in the InvokerConfigurationFactory
- [IKASAN-1378] - Solr housekeeping not firing correctly
- [IKASAN-1379] - Solr queries need to deal with escape characters.
- [IKASAN-1380] - MessageListenerVerifier can only handle MapMessage
- [IKASAN-1381] - Replay using Solr search is limited to 100 results
- [IKASAN-1383] - Dashboard loses ability to search Solr for Replay events
- [IKASAN-1386] - Getting a connection closed error when logging into a spring boot ikasan application that has been left running for several weeks
- [IKASAN-1392] - Resubmission service check when auto assigning on the builder is checking the flow element rather than the component for resub capabilities
- [IKASAN-1393] - JMS serialisation fails if the incoming jms message properties contains a null value
- [IKASAN-1395] - FTP FileTransferProtocolSSLClient should be able to support filtering duplicates
- [IKASAN-1396] - Dynamic configuration with List is not persisted correctly
- [IKASAN-1397] - The password is overridden by configuration in FtpMessageProvider
- [IKASAN-1398] - Incorrect version of xml-apis imported
- [IKASAN-1401] - flow goes to stoppedInError when ScheduledConsumer is set to eager and events are in flight when stop is issued to the flow
- [IKASAN-1402] - replayAuditEventAddEventDetails.xml missing from liquibase change log
- [IKASAN-1403] - platform configuration service not set on DashboardNotifier
- [IKASAN-1406] - Blue console configuration on component fails to save
- [IKASAN-1407] - Artifacts and spring samples have inconsisten usage of overwriteDBCreation.sql
- [IKASAN-1408] - FTPs Producer does not support SSL
- [IKASAN-1409] - flowInvocationContextListeners which can be used for metrics when using builder pattern
- [IKASAN-1410] - Ensure SimpleMessageGenerator respects requests to stop when consumer is paused
- [IKASAN-1412] - Add resubmission support to the EventGeneratingConsumer
- [IKASAN-1417] - SimpleMessageGenerator is not rolling back the event count on a transaction rollback
- [IKASAN-1418] - Context path for replays using module name instead of the context path from IkasanModule table, causing 404 exception.
- [IKASAN-1419] - Invalid setter/getter in FtpProducerConfiguration
- [IKASAN-1281] - Update archetype project to support builder pattern
- [IKASAN-1326] - Re-instate ikasan-solr and ikasan-dashboard modules into the build / release
- [IKASAN-1327] - Re-instate solr and email component tests ignored for the 2.0.0-beta release
- [IKASAN-1328] - JavaDoc generation fails on ikasan-solr module. This causes the release:prepare/perform to fail
- [IKASAN-1330] - Fix Email producer tests
- [IKASAN-1332] - Expose MultiRecipientRouterConfiguration in the multiRecipientRouter method in FlowBuilder/RouteBuilder
- [IKASAN-1333] - Ensure the monitors can be easily incorporated as part of the builder pattern
- [IKASAN-1342] - Sonotype OSS parent poms have been deprecated. This impacts ikasan oss-parent at the root pom.xml
- [IKASAN-1343] - Sonotype OSS parent poms have been deprecated. This impacts ikasan oss-parent at the root pom.xml
- [IKASAN-1344] - Move filter component to live alongside all other components in the project modules
- [IKASAN-1345] - Create Solr security project
- [IKASAN-1348] - Upgrade to latest Solr release 7.1.0
- [IKASAN-1353] - Provide simpler builder pattern interaction for default message filter
- [IKASAN-1364] - Allow Ikasan Invoker implementations to be configured in a similar manner to the POJO components.
- [IKASAN-1373] - Ikasan Dashboard update to allow both the new invoker configuration to be managed
- [IKASAN-1377] - Provide a walk through guide of creating a standalone IM from scratch
- [IKASAN-1384] - Add commons-dbcp to standard platform ikasan packaging rather than external dependency
- [IKASAN-1385] - Provide better logging messages when cancelling scheduled recovery jobs as part of recovery manager
- [IKASAN-1391] - ...