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RAVEN v. 1.1

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@alfoa alfoa released this 10 May 23:10
· 2108 commits to devel since this release

Second Official Release of the RAVEN code.
Version: 1.1
Main Added Features:

    - Full Software Quality Assurance documentation (NQ1 Lev. 2)
  • Python 3 compatibility:
    - Default Installation and usage is now in Python 3.x
  • New Windows installation procedure:
    - Removed requirement of MSYS and usage of native windows tools (PowerShell or CMD)
  • New DataObject system with support for unstructured Datasets
    - Highly customizable
    - Usage of xarray and pandas
    - Faster performances
    - Initial design for High Density fields
  • New regression test system:
    - A new Python2/3 compatible regression test system has been developed ((ROOK)).
  • ARMA enhancements with signal clustering
  • Segmented ROMs capability
  • Multi-collinearity detection in statistical analysis and addition of the computation of standard errors:
    - Detection of multi-collinearity phenomenon and warn the user in case of possible instability in the relational analysis solution (e.g. sensitivity, etc).
  • Limit Surface performance improvement:
    - Multiple enchantment for improving the speed of the limit surface creation and usage
  • RAVEN Template input system for simplified analysis flow creation:
    - A RAVEN Template consists of three main pieces: a Templated Workflow, a Template Class, and a Template Interface. The Interface is the main driver, and uses an input file to inform the Template Class on how to modify the Templated Workflow in order to create a new RAVEN input file. This system allows a internal or external developer to create simplified workflows for performing specific analysis flows (e.g. Uncertanty Quantification flow).
    - (User Manual chapter 22.2 - How to create a RAVEN Template)
  • Updated User Guide documentation
  • Probabilistic Risk Assessment Plug-in (Integration of Traditional PRA in Dynamic PRA analyses)
    - PostProcessors/Models for the integration of Classical PRA into Dynamic PRA and UQ (e.g. Event Trees, Fault Trees, etc.)
  • Variable group system enchantment:
    - Improved speed
    - Improved operations
  • New code interfaces: COBRA TF, SAPHIRE, SCALE, PHISICS, MELCOR, RAVEN (RAVEN able to drive a RAVEN inner analysis)

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