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Library Rangers GameObject

Gabriel edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 5 revisions


Provides access to hh::game::GameObject from Sonic Frontiers.


  • GOComponent.Data* GetGOC(Data* in_pGameObject, string in_name) - returns a pointer to an instance of GOComponent.Data from the input game object by name.
  • T* GetGOC<T>(Data* in_pGameObject) - returns a pointer to an instance of a struct from the GOComponents library.


  • struct Data - a struct representation of hh::game::GameObject.
    • Members;
      • GameDocument.Data* pGameDocument - a pointer to an instance of app::GameDocument.
      • MoveArray<Memory.Pointer<GOComponent>> Components - an array of pointers to hh::game::GOComponent instances.
      • Helpers.UnmanagedString Name - the name of this game object.
    • Functions;
      • string ToString() - returns the Name member.
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