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Content Versioning

RashiLaddha edited this page Jun 29, 2017 · 5 revisions

Content Versioning is a system that tracks and provides control over changes to the content. It provides the flexibility to the contributors for working collaboratively on editing the document.The system stores all the versions of the content revision. Whenever editor makes changes in the content and saves it, the content is stored with system generated version number, along with date and time stamp. Editor can refer version control for the reference of content editing history. The editing may be in content,tags, and /or its moderation state , etc.

Drupal creates a new revision every time a node is updated. All revisions are maintained in the system in the form of logs. By default, it allows any authenticated user to publish any of the revisions maintained. Workflow mechanism described in one of the previous section, has a tight integration mechanism to the roles of the users. Thus, only preliveged users are able to revert a submission to any previous revisions. Fine grained control has been achieved by installing a Diff module. This module allows the user to see the differences between any two revisions.