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Auto Tagging

Karanjit Singh Gill edited this page Jun 23, 2017 · 1 revision

Auto-tagging content with Mltag:

Porter Stemmer module:

  1. Install and enable the Porter stemmer module for Drupal 7.
  2. After installation you need to rebuild the search index.
    1. Goto Configuration -> Search and Metadata -> Search Settings -> Indexing Status -> Re-index Site.
    2. Goto Configuration -> System -> Cron -> Run Cron. To start the rebuild.

MLtag module:

  1. If the tag fields are already set skip to #3.
  2. Add Tag field.
    1. Goto Structure -> Content-Types -> {any content type that needs to have tags} -> Manage Fields -> Add new fields -> {field name} -> Select field type -> Term reference -> Select a widget -> Autocomplete term widget (tagging).
    2. Open edit tab for the tags field created above -> Scroll to “Tags” field settings -> Number of values -> Unlimited (Recommended, but it can be limited to any value)
    3. Click on Enable Translation under Field Translation.(Reason for Error #1).
    4. Choose the appropriate Vocabulary for this field.
  3. Install and enable MLtag module.
  4. Goto Configuration -> MLtag settings -> Algorithm -> Select an algorithm (Word Co-occurence is Recommended) -> Check Enable Learning Algorithm -> Set a Implicit Tag count -> Add vocabulary terms to the trained model.
  5. Goto -> Configure fields for MLtag -> Select the fields for the desired content types.
  6. Goto -> Insert Values -> Perform Training to manually train the model.
  7. The MLtag module is now setup. You can use this module under the MLtag settings option while creating a content.

Suggested Terms:

  1. Install and enable the module.
  2. Goto Configuration -> Content Authoring -> Suggested Terms -> Set maximum number of links -> Set link order -> Select which terms to display -> Save configuration.