Merged pull requests:
- Pull in devfile/api 2.2.1 release #185 (yangcao77)
- add debugger launch file #184 (yangcao77)
- Improve tests for ParseDevfileAndValidate #183 (feloy)
- [Devtools week] Update license headers #182 (thepetk)
- [devtools week] Update OWNERS file & update release section #181 (thepetk)
- Update github actions to use NodeJS 16 #179 (thepetk)
- Add mock interface and avoid validating tokens #178 (kim-tsao)
- Gate downloading of git resources #174 (maysunfaisal)
- use git checkout instead of switch #173 (mike-hoang)
- Allow using image names as selectors #172 (rm3l)
- fix the invalid kube yaml causing panic issue #171 (yangcao77)
- pull in validation update #170 (yangcao77)
- allow bypass setting of default values #169 (kim-tsao)
- update contributing.md #168 (yangcao77)
- Add DevfileOptions to GetPodTemplateSpec #167 (feloy)
- error out if unable to resolve the path from raw content #166 (yangcao77)
- Feature: pod security admission #165 (feloy)
- Remove the error wrapping for reading K8s/OpenShift YAMLs #164 (maysunfaisal)
- fix gosec action to 2.14 to prevent breakage #163 (kim-tsao)
- Fix pod-overrides for container level #162 (valaparthvi)
- Fix GetDeployment function when Devfile SchemaVersion is less than 2.1.0 #161 (valaparthvi)
- adding support for public and private git providers #160 (mike-hoang)
- Update ingress from extension to networking api #159 (maysunfaisal)
- Add support for "pod-overrides" attribute #158 (valaparthvi)
- Add support for container-overrides attribute #157 (valaparthvi)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator