Releases: biowdl/tasks
Releases · biowdl/tasks
version 5.1.0
- Add the
inputs to the
hmtools PURPLE task. - Add a task for fastp.
- Add a task for picard CollectInsertSizeMetrics.
- Increased the timeMinutes runtime attribute for manta (somatic and germline) to
. - Add a task for GRIDSS somatic filtering.
- Add a task to generate a panel of normals BED and BEDPE file for GRIDSS.
- Add a task to filter a GRIDSS PON.
- Add a task for delly somatic filtering.
- Delly CallSV's
inputs are not arrays of files, allowing
for multiple samples to be included. - Add
input to bcftools view to select samples included in the output vcf. - Add a separatorChar input to the tagUmi task.
- Bug fix: Add space between flag and the value provided for macs2
- Add optional inputs to macs2, aiming to allow adhering to Encode ATACs-seq. Inputs added:
- nomodel
- gensz
- extsize
- shiftsize
- pval_thres
- bdg
- keepdup
- callsummits
- Update samtools image to version 1.16.
- Add targetsFile input for samtools View.
- Mateclever's runtime attribute defaults were changed to:
- memory:
- timeMinutes:
- memory:
- Clever's Prediction task's runtime attribute defaults were changed to:
- memory:
- timeMinutes:
- memory:
- The GRIDSS AnnotateSvTypes task now also removes the second breakend of
the breakpoints and single breakends. This will prepare the output better
to be passed into survivor. - Updated SURVIVOR version to 1.0.7
- Add a combined samtools dict and samtools faidx task.
- Add a BWA index task.
- Move all memory notation to
previously. The WDL spec clearly distuingishes between SI and binary
notations. Since Java always takesK
to meanKiB
this means java tasks such as GATK, FastQC and Picard will always
receive enough memory now. - Purple's
output is now optional and included in
output as well. - Bedtools coverage's timeMinutes now defaults to
. - Gridss' runtime attribute defaults were changed to:
- jvmHeapSizeGb:
- nonJvmMemoryGb:
- threads:
- jvmHeapSizeGb:
- Virusbreakend's runtime attribute defaults were changed to:
- threads:
- timeMinutes:
- threads:
- Cobalt's timeMinutes now defaults to
. - Orange's timeMinutes now defaults to 10.
- Sage's runtime attributes were changed to:
- threads:
- javaXmx:
- memory:
- timeMinutes:
- threads:
- Sambamba's runtimeMinutes nor defaults to
. - Added a task for CupGenerateReport.
- Updated Cuppa to version 1.6.
- Added a task for Gripss.
- Fixed the HealthChecker task's determination of the
value. - Updated Linx to version 1.18.
- Added a task for LinxVisualization.
- Added a task for HMFtools Orange.
- Added a task for HMFtools Pave.
- Updated Purple to version 3.2.
- Added plot and table outputs of Sage to task outputs.
- Updated virus-interpreter to version 1.2.
- Updated Peach to version 1.5.
- Added a task to add SVTYPE annotations to GRIDSS results
). - The GRIDSS task will now run tabix separately if GRIDSS doesn't
produce a vcf index. - Add a script to subtract UMI's from the read name and add them as
a BAM tag for each BAM record. The script is in umi.BamReadNameToUmiTag. - Add fgbio.AnnotateBamWithUmis.
- Add picard.UmiAwareMarkDuplicatesWithMateCigar.
- Added a task for SnpEff.
- Adjusted runtime settings for sambamba Markdup.
- Added a task for sambamba Flagstat.
- Added a task for Picard CollectWgsMetrics.
- Added a task for Peach.
- Added tasks for HMFtools:
- Amber
- Cobalt
- Cuppa
- CuppaChart
- GripssApplicationKt
- GripssHardFilterApplicationKt
- HealthChecker
- Linx
- Protect
- Purple
- Sage
- VirusInterpreter
- Added a task for VirusBreakend.
- Added a task for GridssAnnotateVcfRepeatmasker.
- Bumped GRIDSS version to 2.12.2.
- Adjusted GRIDSS runtime settings.
- Added optional inputs to GRIDSS:
- blacklistBed
- gridssProperties
- Added a task for GRIDSS AnnotateInsertedSequence.
- Added a task for ExtractSigPredictHRD.
- Added a task for DeconstructSigs.
- Added option useSoftclippingForSupplementary (default false) to
BWA mem. - Adjusted BWA mem runtime settings.
- Added a task for bedtools coverage.
- Added a task for bcftools filter.
- Adjusted runtime settings for bcftools annotate.
- Added optional inputs to bcftools annotate:
- inputFileIndex
- annsFileIndex
- Update parameter_meta for macs2
- Add sample position in array task.
Release 5.0.1
- add runtime memory to number of tasks.
Release 5.0.0
version 5.0.0
- Update CPAT to version 3.0.4.
- Changed the
input tooutputPrefix
- Changed the
- Survivor: Change integer to string literal in boolean parameters.
- Samtools: Add mkdir line to
task. - Add new parameters from CCS version 6.0.0 and add two new outputs:
. - Change CutAdapt memory to
. - Increase multiqc base time from 5 to 10.
- Update biowdl-input-converter to version 0.3.
- Update minimap2 to version 2.20.
- Update lima to version 2.2.0.
- Update ccs to version 6.0.0.
- Update bam2fastx to version 1.3.1.
- Add memory values to GffCompare, GffRead and CPAT.
- GffCompare: Make the
input optional. - Stringtie: Add the
input. - UMI-tools: Update default dockerImage to use umitools v1.1.1 with correct
samtools version (1.10). - UMI-tools: Re-introduce samtools indexing.
- UMI-tools: Update default dockerImage to use umitools v1.1.1.
- UMI-tools dedup: Add tempdir.
- Bcftools view: Add options for filtering (include, exclude, excludeUncalled).
- Duphold: Add
. - Add new wdl file prepareShiny.wdl for creating input files for shiny app.
- mergePacBio: Rename
. - Lima: Fix copy commands.
- Fixed the
call in the default for gffread's timeMinutes, to retrieve
GBs instead of bytes. - Update stringtie to version 1.3.6.
- Update Lima to version 2.0.0.
- Update IsoSeq3 to version 3.4.0.
- Update samtools to version 1.11.
- Update Picard to version 2.23.8.
- Update NanoPlot to version 1.32.1.
- Update MultiQC to version 1.9.
Update StringTie to version 2.1.4.- Complete
for tasks missing the outputs. - DeepVariant: Add an optional input for the gvcf index.
- Samtools:
task now hasthreads
in runtime instead of1
. - Picard: Add parameter_meta to
. - pbmm2: Add parameter_meta for
. - Centrifuge: Rename output in task
to resolve
name collision with task name. - Bwa & bwa-mem2: Add parameter_meta for
. - Multiqc: Removed WDL_AID excludes of "finished" & "dependencies" inputs.
- Bam2fastx: Add localisation of input files to Bam2Fasta task.
- Lima:
input has been renamed tothreads
to match tool naming. - isoseq3:
input has been renamed tothreads
to match tool naming. - CCS:
input has been renamed tothreads
to match tool naming. - Add PacBio preprocessing specific tasks
. - CCS: Update CCS to version 5.
- deepvariant: Add task for DeepVariant.
- gatk: Make intervals optional for GenotypeGVCFs.
- isoseq3: Add required bam index input to isoseq3.
- pbbam: Add task for indexing PacBio bam files.
- picard: Add CollectHsMetrics and CollectVariantCallingMetrics.
- Samtools: Add
to parameter meta for Merge task. - bcftools: add tmpDir input to specify temporary directory when sorting.
- bcftools: remove outputType and implement indexing based on output
file extension. - NanoPack: Add parameter_meta to NanoPlot task.
- Centrifuge: Remove metrics file from classification (which causes the
summary report to be empty).
DaehwanKimLab/centrifuge#83 - Add NanoPlot and NanoQC tasks.
- Centrifuge: Add
task and remove unnecessary
downloading tasks (alternative is refseqtools). - collect-columns: updated docker image to version 1.0.0 and added the
input (defaults to false). - survivor: replace integer boolean type to logical true or false value.
- vt: Add option to ignore masked reference.
- bcftools: add sorting and annotation.
- Bam2fastx: Input bam and index are now arrays.
- Lima: Remove globs from outputs.
- Updated task gridss.wdl: add --jvmheap parameter.
- A bwa-mem2 task was created with the same interface (including usePostalt)
as the bwa mem task. - bwa mem and bwa kit are now one task. The usePostalt boolean can be used to
switch the postalt script on and off. - Added a task for GRIDSS.
- Add wdl file for pacbio's bam2fastx tool.
Release 4.0.0
version 4.0.0 --------------------------- + Picard MergeVcf now uses compression level 1 by default. + bwa mem, bwa mem+kit and hisat2 have their samtools sort threads tweaked. The number of threads is now related to the number of threads on the aligner. Using more threads reduces the chance of the samtools sort pipe getting blocked if it's full. + Renamed a few inputs in centrifuge.wdl, isoseq3.wdl, talon.wdl, transcriptclean.wdl to be more descriptive. + Renamed outputs of tasks used in the TALON-WDL, PacBio-subreads-processing & sequence-classification pipelines. + Reworked bcf2vcf task into bcftools view task. + Removed the redundant format flag from the htseq interface. This is autodetected in newer versions of htseq. + Update docker images for samtools, bcftools, picard, GATK, cutadapt, htseq and chunked-scatter. + Default docker images for bwa, bwakit and hisat2 updated to include samtools 1.10. + Alignment tasks (STAR, Hisat2, BWA) now produce BAM files at level 1 compression. + Hisat2 task has added controls for samtools. + Alignment tasks no longer produce BAM indexes as these are not needed by the markduplicates step. + Picard Markduplicates now uses 7G of RAM just like in GATK's best practice example pipeline. + Picard SortSam added as a task. + Md5 files are no longer created by default on Picard tasks that generate BAM files. + Changed PicardMarkduplicates to use COMPRESSION_LEVEL=1 by default with the htsjdk deflater. This makes the task finish in 32% less time at the cost of a 8% larger BAM file. + Added sambamba markdup and sambamba sort. NOTE: samtools sort is more efficient and is recommended. + Correctly represent samtools inconsistent use of the threads flag. Sometimes it means 'threads' sometimes it means 'additional threads'. BioWDL tasks now use only threads. The `threads - 1` conversion is applied where necessary for samtools tools that use additional threads. + Updated BWA MEM and BWA KIT tasks to use samtools sort version 1.10 for sorting the BAM file. + Updated memory requirements on bcftools Stats, bwa mem, bwakit, GATK ApplyBQSR, GATK BaseRecalibrator, GATK GatherBqsrReports, Gatk HaplotypeCaller, Picard CollectMultipleMetrics, Picard GatherBamFiles, samtools Flagstat, samtools sort and bcftools stats. + TALON: Update `FilterTalonTranscripts` to new version, which removes the pairingsFile and replaces this with datasetsFile. + TALON: Add `GetSpliceJunctions` & `LabelReads` tasks. + TALON: Update to version 5.0. + Add tasks for pbmm2, the PacBio wrapper for minimap2. + Update the image for chunked-scatter and make use of new features from 0.2.0. + Tuned resource requirements for GATK VariantEval, MultiQC, Picard metrics and STAR. + Added a new task for [scatter-regions]( that replaces biopet-scatterregions. + The FastQC task now talks to the Java directly instead of using the included Perl wrapper for FastQC. This has the advantage that memory and threads can be set independently. A rather high maximum heap size of 1750MB (Xmx1750M) was set, as OOM errors occurred frequently on some fastqs. + STAR: Add options regarding alignment score (regarding read length as well) for tweaking when processing rRNA depleted samples. + TALON: Update `minimumIdentity` to correct type (float, was integer) & set new default according to developers (0.8, was 0). + Added GATK VariantEval task. + Added a log output for STAR. + Added report output to Hisat2. + Added output with all reports to gffcompare. + Change MultiQC inputs. It now accepts an array of reports files. It does not need access to a folder with the reports anymore. MultiQC can now be used as a normal WDL task without hacks. + Picard: Make all outputs in `CollectMultipleMetrics` optional. This will make sure the task will not fail if one of the metrics is set to false. + The struct `BowtieIndex` was removed, as it has become obsolete. + The task `ReorderGlobbedScatters` was removed, as it has become obsolete. + Adjusted the memory settings of many tools, especially java tools. They should now more accurately represent actual memory usage (as opposed to virtual memory). + Added `-XX:ParallelGCThreads=1` to the java options of java tasks. + Added `timeMinutes` input to many tasks, this indicates a maximum number of minutes that the job will run. The associated runtime attribute is `time_minutes` which can be used to inform a scheduler (eg. slurm) of the run time of the job. + Added STAR GenomeGenerate task. + GATK.HaplotypeCaller: Add `--dont-use-soft-clipped-bases` and `--standard-min-confidence-threshold-for-calling` options. These are required for RNA seq variant calling according to GATK best practices. + Samtools: Fix quotations in sort command. + Samtools SortByName is now called Sort. + Generalize sort task to now also sort by position, instead of just read name. + Add CreateSequenceDictionary task to picard. + Add faidx task to samtools. + Isoseq3: Remove dirname command from output folder creation step. + Isoseq3: Requires more memory by default, is now 2G. + Isoseq3: Remove cp commands and other bash magic, file naming is now solved by pipeline. + Lima: Replace mv command with cp. + Add WDL task for smoove (lumpy) sv-caller.
Release 3.1.0
- Default threads for BWA in bwa.Kit task: 4. Samtools sort in the
same task: 1. Output BAM compression level to 1. - Lima: Add missing output to parameter_meta.
- Lima: Remove outputPrefix variable from output section.
- Isoseq3: Make sure stderr log file from Refine is unique and not overwritten.
- Isoseq3: Add workaround in Refine for glob command not locating files in output directory.
- Isoseq3: Fix --min-polya-length argument syntax.
- Lima: Add workaround for glob command not locating files in output directory.
- CCS: Add missing backslash.
- Cutadapt now explicitly calls the
flag with compression
level 1 to prevent cutadapt from using very high gzip compression level 6
that uses 400% more cpu time. - Update default docker image for cutadapt and fastqc.
- Default number of cores for cutadapt and bwamem to 4 cores.
- Update command section syntax Minimap2, Talon, TranscriptClean and Centrifuge.
- Add CCS workflow WDL files (ccs.wdl, lima.wdl, isoseq3.wdl).
- Update TALON version to 4.4.2.
- The statsPrefix input for umitools dedup is now optional.
- Allow setting the
flag for HaplotypeCaller. - Add
flag to HaplotypeCaller. - Added rtg.Format and rtg.VcfEval tasks.
- Added gatk.SelectVariants and gatk.VariantFiltration tasks.
- Fixed a bug where the output directory was not created for bwa.Kit.
- Add vt task for variants normalization and decomposition.
- Update WDL task Picard (Add task RenameSample).
- Update WDL task Samtools (Add task FilterShortReadsBam).
- Add WDL task for BCFtools (bcf to vcf).
- Add WDL task for SURVIVOR (merge).
- Update WDL task Manta (Add germline SV calling).
- Add WDL task for Delly.
- Add WDL task for Clever (and Mate-Clever).
- Add proper copyright headers to all WDL files. So the free software license
is clear to end users who wish to adapt and modify. - Add pedigree input for HaplotypeCaller and GenotypeGVCFs.
- Combined biopet.ScatterRegions and biopet.ReorderedGlobbedScatters into one.
biopet.ScatterRegions now always returns correctly ordered scatters. - Add tasks for umi-tools dedup and extract.
- Add
task for GATK. - Add
input toGenotypeGVCFs
to allow setting multiple
annotation groups. TheStandardAnnotation
group is still used as default. - GenotypeGVCFs, only allow one input GVCF file, as the tool also only allows
one input file. - Rename HaplotypeCallerGVCF to HaplotypeCaller. Add
option to set
whether output should be a GVCF. - Centrifuge: Add Krona task specific to Centrifuge.
- Centrifuge: Fix Centrifuge tests, where sometimes the index files could still not be located.
- Update parameter_meta for TALON, Centrifuge and Minimap2.
- Centrifuge: Fix issue where Centrifuge Inspect did not get the correct index files location.
- Add
input to PlotDenoisedCopyRatios and PlotModeledSegments. - Add
input to CollectAllelicCounts. - Centrifuge: Fix issue where Centrifuge could not locate index files.
- Increase default memory of BWA mem to 32G (was 16G).
- Add
input to fastqc task. - Centrifuge: Fix issue where centrifuge would fail on incorrect paths.
- Added GATK CNV calling tasks:
- AnnotateIntervals
- CallCopyRatioSegments
- CollectAllelicCounts
- CollectReadCounts
- CreateReadCountPanelOfNormals
- DenoiseReadCounts
- ModelSegments
- PlotDenoisedCopyRatios
- PlotModeledSegments
- PreprocessIntervals
- Add common.TextToFile task.
- Add bedtools.Intersect.
- Add
-o pipefail
to bedtools.MergeBedFiles to prevent errors in BED files
from going unnoticed. - Centrifuge: Fix -1/-U options for single end data.
- Add bedtools.Complement, bedtools.Merge, and add a task to combine multiple
bed files called bedtools.MergeBedFiles. This task combines bedtools merge
and sort. - Change
parameter on bedtools.Sort togenome
. - Add
to gatk.HaplotypeCallerGvcf. - Update centrifuge tasks.
- Removed unused "cores" inputs from transcriptclean tasks.
- Removed unused "cores" inputs from talon tasks.
- Removed unused "threads" input from ModifyStrelka.
- Removed the "installDir" inputs from the somaticseq tasks.
- Removed the "installDir" input from CombineVariants.
- Removed the "extraArgs" input from FilterMutectCalls.
- Removed unused "verbose" and "quiet" inputs from multiqc.
- Added parameter_meta sections to a variety of tasks.
- Picard's BedToIntervalList outputPath input is now optional (with a default of "regions.interval_list").
- TALON: Fix SQLite error concerning database/disk space being full.
- Update htseq to default image version 0.11.2.
- Update biowdl-input-converter in common.wdl to version 0.2.1.
- Update TALON section to now include the new annotation file output, and add config file creation to the TALON task.
- Removed unused inputs (trimPrimer and format) for cutadapt.
- Various minor command tweaks to increase stability.
- Fixed unused inputs in bedtools sort (inputs are now used).
- Added miniwdl check to linting.
- Update TALON default image to version 4.4.1.
Release 2.1.0
- Make intervals optional for GATK CombineGVCFs
- Updated biowdl-input-converter version.
- GATK CombineGVCFs memory was tripled to prevent it from using a lot of CPU in
Garbage Collection mode. - Updated parameter_meta sections for Minimap2 and TranscriptClean to wdl-aid format.
- Updated cores variable for TALON, the default is now 4.
- Updated TALON to version 4.4.
- Added parameter_meta sections to the following tools:
- htseq
- cutadapt
- collect-columns
- stringtie
- fastqc
- Updated star default image to 2.7.3a.
- Hisat2 now indexes the resulting BAM file.
- Samtools index now also works without setting a path for the output.
- Bugfix: Biowdl-input-converter now makes sure the output directory exists.
Release 2.0.0
- Memory runtime attributes are now Strings indicating total memory, as opposed to Ints indicating memory per core.
- Memory inputs for most tasks are now Strings, remaining Int memory inputs are renamed to "memoryGb".
- Use the biowdl-input-converter container for JsonToYaml, to reduce the amount of containers needed.
- Add biowdl-input-converter and remove SampleConfigToSampleReadgroupLists which it replaces.
- GATK.GenotypeGVCFs: Increased memoryMultiplier from 2.0 to 3.0
- Minimap2: Add -k option to minimap2 mapping
- Added bwakit task
- Minimap2: Add the option for --MD tag
- TALON: Update average memory needs for main TALON process
Release 1.0.0
First major version release of biowdl tasks. Complete with biocontainer support.