- Add the
inputs to the
hmtools PURPLE task. - Add a task for fastp.
- Add a task for picard CollectInsertSizeMetrics.
- Increased the timeMinutes runtime attribute for manta (somatic and germline) to
. - Add a task for GRIDSS somatic filtering.
- Add a task to generate a panel of normals BED and BEDPE file for GRIDSS.
- Add a task to filter a GRIDSS PON.
- Add a task for delly somatic filtering.
- Delly CallSV's
inputs are not arrays of files, allowing
for multiple samples to be included. - Add
input to bcftools view to select samples included in the output vcf. - Add a separatorChar input to the tagUmi task.
- Bug fix: Add space between flag and the value provided for macs2
- Add optional inputs to macs2, aiming to allow adhering to Encode ATACs-seq. Inputs added:
- nomodel
- gensz
- extsize
- shiftsize
- pval_thres
- bdg
- keepdup
- callsummits
- Update samtools image to version 1.16.
- Add targetsFile input for samtools View.
- Mateclever's runtime attribute defaults were changed to:
- memory:
- timeMinutes:
- memory:
- Clever's Prediction task's runtime attribute defaults were changed to:
- memory:
- timeMinutes:
- memory:
- The GRIDSS AnnotateSvTypes task now also removes the second breakend of
the breakpoints and single breakends. This will prepare the output better
to be passed into survivor. - Updated SURVIVOR version to 1.0.7
- Add a combined samtools dict and samtools faidx task.
- Add a BWA index task.
- Move all memory notation to
previously. The WDL spec clearly distuingishes between SI and binary
notations. Since Java always takesK
to meanKiB
this means java tasks such as GATK, FastQC and Picard will always
receive enough memory now. - Purple's
output is now optional and included in
output as well. - Bedtools coverage's timeMinutes now defaults to
. - Gridss' runtime attribute defaults were changed to:
- jvmHeapSizeGb:
- nonJvmMemoryGb:
- threads:
- jvmHeapSizeGb:
- Virusbreakend's runtime attribute defaults were changed to:
- threads:
- timeMinutes:
- threads:
- Cobalt's timeMinutes now defaults to
. - Orange's timeMinutes now defaults to 10.
- Sage's runtime attributes were changed to:
- threads:
- javaXmx:
- memory:
- timeMinutes:
- threads:
- Sambamba's runtimeMinutes nor defaults to
. - Added a task for CupGenerateReport.
- Updated Cuppa to version 1.6.
- Added a task for Gripss.
- Fixed the HealthChecker task's determination of the
value. - Updated Linx to version 1.18.
- Added a task for LinxVisualization.
- Added a task for HMFtools Orange.
- Added a task for HMFtools Pave.
- Updated Purple to version 3.2.
- Added plot and table outputs of Sage to task outputs.
- Updated virus-interpreter to version 1.2.
- Updated Peach to version 1.5.
- Added a task to add SVTYPE annotations to GRIDSS results
). - The GRIDSS task will now run tabix separately if GRIDSS doesn't
produce a vcf index. - Add a script to subtract UMI's from the read name and add them as
a BAM tag for each BAM record. The script is in umi.BamReadNameToUmiTag. - Add fgbio.AnnotateBamWithUmis.
- Add picard.UmiAwareMarkDuplicatesWithMateCigar.
- Added a task for SnpEff.
- Adjusted runtime settings for sambamba Markdup.
- Added a task for sambamba Flagstat.
- Added a task for Picard CollectWgsMetrics.
- Added a task for Peach.
- Added tasks for HMFtools:
- Amber
- Cobalt
- Cuppa
- CuppaChart
- GripssApplicationKt
- GripssHardFilterApplicationKt
- HealthChecker
- Linx
- Protect
- Purple
- Sage
- VirusInterpreter
- Added a task for VirusBreakend.
- Added a task for GridssAnnotateVcfRepeatmasker.
- Bumped GRIDSS version to 2.12.2.
- Adjusted GRIDSS runtime settings.
- Added optional inputs to GRIDSS:
- blacklistBed
- gridssProperties
- Added a task for GRIDSS AnnotateInsertedSequence.
- Added a task for ExtractSigPredictHRD.
- Added a task for DeconstructSigs.
- Added option useSoftclippingForSupplementary (default false) to
BWA mem. - Adjusted BWA mem runtime settings.
- Added a task for bedtools coverage.
- Added a task for bcftools filter.
- Adjusted runtime settings for bcftools annotate.
- Added optional inputs to bcftools annotate:
- inputFileIndex
- annsFileIndex
- Update parameter_meta for macs2
- Add sample position in array task.