version 5.0.0
Update CPAT to version 3.0.4.
Changed the outFilePath
input to outputPrefix
Survivor: Change integer to string literal in boolean parameters.
Samtools: Add mkdir line to Fastq
Add new parameters from CCS version 6.0.0 and add two new outputs:
& zmw_metrics.json.gz
Change CutAdapt memory to 5G
Increase multiqc base time from 5 to 10.
Update biowdl-input-converter to version 0.3.
Update minimap2 to version 2.20.
Update lima to version 2.2.0.
Update ccs to version 6.0.0.
Update bam2fastx to version 1.3.1.
Add memory values to GffCompare, GffRead and CPAT.
GffCompare: Make the referenceAnnotation
input optional.
Stringtie: Add the minimumCoverage
UMI-tools: Update default dockerImage to use umitools v1.1.1 with correct
samtools version (1.10).
UMI-tools: Re-introduce samtools indexing.
UMI-tools: Update default dockerImage to use umitools v1.1.1.
UMI-tools dedup: Add tempdir.
Bcftools view: Add options for filtering (include, exclude, excludeUncalled).
Duphold: Add duphold.wdl
Add new wdl file prepareShiny.wdl for creating input files for shiny app.
mergePacBio: Rename mergedReport
to outputPathMergedReport
Lima: Fix copy commands.
Fixed the size
call in the default for gffread's timeMinutes, to retrieve
GBs instead of bytes.
Update stringtie to version 1.3.6.
Update Lima to version 2.0.0.
Update IsoSeq3 to version 3.4.0.
Update samtools to version 1.11.
Update Picard to version 2.23.8.
Update NanoPlot to version 1.32.1.
Update MultiQC to version 1.9.
Update StringTie to version 2.1.4.
Complete parameter_meta
for tasks missing the outputs.
DeepVariant: Add an optional input for the gvcf index.
Samtools: Sort
task now has threads
in runtime instead of 1
Picard: Add parameter_meta to SortSam
pbmm2: Add parameter_meta for sample
Centrifuge: Rename output in task KReport
to KrakenReport
to resolve
name collision with task name.
Bwa & bwa-mem2: Add parameter_meta for outputHla
Multiqc: Removed WDL_AID excludes of "finished" & "dependencies" inputs.
Bam2fastx: Add localisation of input files to Bam2Fasta task.
Lima: cores
input has been renamed to threads
to match tool naming.
isoseq3: cores
input has been renamed to threads
to match tool naming.
CCS: cores
input has been renamed to threads
to match tool naming.
Add PacBio preprocessing specific tasks mergePacBio
& ccsChunks
CCS: Update CCS to version 5.
deepvariant: Add task for DeepVariant.
gatk: Make intervals optional for GenotypeGVCFs.
isoseq3: Add required bam index input to isoseq3.
pbbam: Add task for indexing PacBio bam files.
picard: Add CollectHsMetrics and CollectVariantCallingMetrics.
Samtools: Add threads
to parameter meta for Merge task.
bcftools: add tmpDir input to specify temporary directory when sorting.
bcftools: remove outputType and implement indexing based on output
file extension.
NanoPack: Add parameter_meta to NanoPlot task.
Centrifuge: Remove metrics file from classification (which causes the
summary report to be empty).
Add NanoPlot and NanoQC tasks.
Centrifuge: Add timeMinutes
to Classify
task and remove unnecessary
downloading tasks (alternative is refseqtools).
collect-columns: updated docker image to version 1.0.0 and added the
input (defaults to false).
survivor: replace integer boolean type to logical true or false value.
vt: Add option to ignore masked reference.
bcftools: add sorting and annotation.
Bam2fastx: Input bam and index are now arrays.
Lima: Remove globs from outputs.
Updated task gridss.wdl: add --jvmheap parameter.
A bwa-mem2 task was created with the same interface (including usePostalt)
as the bwa mem task.
bwa mem and bwa kit are now one task. The usePostalt boolean can be used to
switch the postalt script on and off.
Added a task for GRIDSS.
Add wdl file for pacbio's bam2fastx tool.
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