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Releases: RekkasGit/E3Next


24 Nov 19:38
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  • use distance3d on bardmez/cleartargetrs/loot distance checks
  • nowcast should check for resists/fizzles
  • fix memorization issue on buffs when i had added BuffNotReady i forgot to revert a willstack change.
  • max tries missing from e3config
  • fix missing noaggro from e3config
  • check if you have your pet targeted when deciding if you should put your target back.
  • fix for spells not memed and globalgcd check infinite loop
  • fix for e3config and dynamic melodies with the tree view.
  • buff check to not swap targets constantly if not ready and memed
  • don't target mobs with empty names on cleartaregets, needed for swarm pets on a custom server
  • filter out messages we don't need to parse (crit messages/etc)


  • zone recording functionality
  • recast spell on fizzle for buffs
  • dismount on camp
  • bard manastone allowance
  • add some descriptions to commands /e3listcommands

New Feature

  • Custom Burns! You can now add custom key value pairs for your own burns or to overwrite existing burns. Epic/Swarm can be overridden for /epicburns/swarmpets

Test Whatever=Fundament: Second Spire of the Warlord/Ifs|NotTanking,HasOffHand
Test Whatever=Whatever2

usage of the command is like some

/e3burns Epic
/e3burns Swarm
/e3burns "Test Whatever" timeout=30

New Commands

  • /e3burns


13 Oct 23:46
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  • fix long standing bug with moment and spells
  • bards can now use global ifs for melodyifs
  • work around when globalif.ini doesn't exist and multiple clients try and create it at the same time.
  • allow processing of commands even if events are going fast and furious
  • if spell isn't ready don't try and target for buffs not in your network
  • fixed bug with locked timestamps, and started to pay attention to them again.
  • stackbuffrequest flags were not being written out, should be fixed now (tho haven't tested yet)
  • fix AfterCastDelay for e3config save
  • clear any queued up interrupts before we cast a spell so that nowcast doesn't show it interrupts itself.


  • only smart taunt off PC's

  • don't swap back to assist target if manual control, unless its to a PC.

  • AutoFood only notify if less than 200 units

  • don't make connections to old clients that are most likely toons they don't load often. 7 days is the current limit. This saves on threads that are being used for no reason in P2P mode.

  • Put a new option called Enchanced Rotation Speed.
    What this does is remove the 300ms delay after ever AA/Spell/Item. "
    If this is enabled, it will make everything go quite fast, however you run into situations where Buffs/Debuffs and your /CheckFors will not work quite correctly, as the server has not been given enough time for your client to get updated information on the buff. Use things like /AfterCastCompletedDelay|300 for things that create buffs/debuffs so that you give the server enough time to update the client
    A previous release removed this without me noticing that issue so I have rolled it back to a default of off, where you can turn it back on for faster processing.

  • removed dannet requirement that was added from focused paragon

  • add PctMana check in the bots api

  • you can now pass the item name to /lootkeep "item to add". This is also added to /lootsell, /lootskip

  • skip spells that are disabled before checkReady to prevent some targeting issues

New Commands

  • /e3xtargetfix on/off/toggle. puts e3n in a mode to try and unstick xtarget stuff. this was enabled by default preivous releases, now off by default.
  • /e3allowmanual on/off/toggle this can be used to make e3n treat a focused window as if it wasn't focused for internal logic. IE: you have 6 machines all running 1 MQ each. (yes we have a user doing that)


17 Sep 22:42
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  • Merge pull request #259 from blingeorkl/zestybranch_mageglovefix
  • fix for mage pet equipping when they have DSK gloves
  • allows mages to summon dispel and other non-DSK weapons for pets when they have DSK gloves
  • if 'armpet weapon|weapon' includes DSK or none in either slot then the mage will use DSK gloves and skip other weapon summoning
  • mage will cast DSK gloves on pets who already have codex (DSK weapons are better) and get the extra 2 items mentioned above
  • loot, ignore corpses too high/low on the z axsis (20 units above/below will ignore)
  • fix regexmatches for e3config
  • fix check for casting on checkready for emergency healing
  • fix issue with spells not being interrupted for healing.


  • Shaman canni was removed from LazarusManaRecovery. It should now only be called from the shaman section and pay attention fully to your /MinHPTotal. Hopefully no more dead shamans.
  • change PBAE from a class method to a advanced settings method. "check_AE" is name and should pay attention to priority. You may have to update your advanced settings.ini. This only impacts /pbaeon
  • pets on zone should also hold as well as ghold now
  • Added 1 sec cooldowns for all Abilities/Items/Discs to be similar to how we do AA 1 sec cooldown. This is to prevent spamming as the MQ/EQ cooldown timers don't update quite as fast as e3n runs.
  • bards can now use AfterCastCompletedDelay while burning
  • Fix issue with regex and raid say that has an extra space
  • With the disconnect of Spell GCD from items/AA/Abilities/Discs , a change was done for dots/debuffs/buffs to not use their time checks while in combat. The reason is because that when a spell is done, a 1.5 timeout for all spells is issued, and because nukes don't have a timeout check, they will often get cast before the full timeout happens and thus set the GCD yet again to be 1.5 sec. aka, preventing dots on command/debuffs on command and combat buffs from functioning correctly
  • change zone wait up to 15 sec from up to 30 sec.
  • can now send e3bc commands as well as nowcast while mid cast using type or buttonmaster


04 Sep 17:46
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New Features

  • Bard song refresh time added for songs longer than 18 second is now configurable with /SongRefreshTime|18 <= in seconds
    (allows you to specify how long before you allow selsos to refresh in your twist)

  • If "Pulling" is used in group/rsay it will disable healing for that toon temporarly from everyone who can read the message. It will be re-enabled with "PullingOff" or the healer is in combat or forced to assist.

  • AfterEventDelay/AfterSpellDelay/BeforeEventDelay/BeforeSpellDelay/AfterCastDelay delay params now added to all spells.
    /AfterEventDelay|1000 <= Adds 1000ms delay BEFORE the after event is fired.
    /AfterSpellDelay|1000 <= Adds 1000ms delay BEFORE the after spell is fired
    /BeforeEventDelay|1000 <= Adds 1000ms delay AFTER the before event is fired.
    /BeforeSpellDelay|1000 <= Adds 1000ms delay AFTER the before event is fired.
    /AfterCastDelay|1000 <= Adds 1000ms delay AFTER the spell is fired, but before we enter the loop to wait for the spell to complete.

    this should give you fine grained control at the spell level for certain spells to do events on. Such as shamans trying to do logic after their pet actually exists when casting.

  • Add Global Ifs
    All your Ifs in one file.
    "\config\e3 Macro Inis\GlobalIfs.ini"

  • Add Global Cursor Delete
    All your Cursor Delets in one file.
    "\config\e3 Macro Inis\GlobalCursorDelete.ini"

    This was a PR request from Chromelyke

New Feature: EventRegex (so big it gets its own section!)

RallyResist=/rsay My Rally Spell was resisted!!
RallyResist=Your target resisted the Rally spell

Note this is full blow regex, so you can use group capturing.

SomeoneSaidHi=/gsay $1 told us Hi!
SomeoneSaidHi=(.+) tells you, 'Hi'


You can have up to 9 captures. $1 - $9

Warning, with great power comes great responsiblity. you can totally screw yourself up with this :)
Note: All "points of damage" messages are auto filtered so you cannot use them.


  • Fix for /mtm if mesh is available, it should now be more reliable.
  • Ignore non PC player tells for Relay tell
  • Beg for buffs should aquire target even if group v1 (group pact of wolf should now work)
  • Pass in assist targetid for discs in combat abilities instead of whatever the current target is (Zerkers should stop hitting themselves)
  • Fix issue with melee abilities missing in createNewINIData in the e3config.
  • "Spell interrupted" now properly checked/re-enabled for dots/debuffs
  • Null check on check ready to prevent crashes.
  • Pet heal fix, now you can heal all your pets, not just the first one configured.
  • Fix issue with toon not rezing when dead and commands when dead
  • Make assist me great again (toons should be more reliable when you assist on a new target)
  • Make sure attack is really off while assist is off
  • Fix fds filters
  • Sanity check catch if bad data comes from MQ on spawn updates instead of crashing.
  • Don't cast if blocking window is open
  • Write out the local ip to general setting if created


  • New way to deal with GCD and time of insta cast spells, to not impact insta cast AA (aka faster burns)

  • MQ2Cast removed as a plugin requirement.

  • Relay Tells is now on by default. Too many people ask how to turn it on, now its on by default instead.
    Configure with

Relay Tells (On/Off)=Off

in general settings.

  • DelayAfterCast changed to AfterCastCompletedDelay, old variable still works but maps to the new one internally

  • Check for variables in after/before events, can now use custom variables in after/before events.

  • Auto food messages added, so you will know when you are running low on food for your stat food to be protected.

  • Only do assist 1 sec pause if in combat

  • Don't check for buffs, if your in manual mode and sitting and not in combat

  • Write out error if a bad int32 parse for settings files.

  • Added spell line information in e3config. Will need mq2mono 0.31 or greater.

  • E3Config code updates from Thinman9285, TY! A tree view is now added (added fixes/changes as needed)

  • Sanity double check on /destroy command for clear cursor functionality.

  • Bando buff modified to no longer need to put primary/offhand data, it only needs the Bando name, it will figure out the rest.

  • /clickit modified to only use the doors.ini in "poknowledge", "potranq", "potimeb", "potimeb","anguish","solrotower" , otherwise it uses the far simpler /doortarget /click left door
    may revisit this

  • Warn user if truetarget fails in casting

  • Emergency heal tells you what heal it used now

  • Make blocked buffs faster.(250ms now)

  • Updating all Inits to be more descriptive so that exception logging on subsystem exceptions are more descriptive.

  • Added ifs to rez spells

New Commands

  • Added camp to desktop for e3camp
/e3camp desktop
  • Added new param to clear targets to give your drivers target priority
/cleartargets usemytarget
  • Make laz symbol file a single file again, added command to force an update/merge of the file
  • Added armor types to filters
  • Added e3smarttaunt toggle
/e3smarttaunt on/off


28 Jul 12:30
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This is out a little early to deal with a bard bug.
Big changes is the bard fix, the rez code change, xtarget fix added, and some threading fix for network threads and writing to the screen.


  • update bard twisting to use the TLO correctly. Note, this won't be fully perfect till the MQ is updated as they recently fixed a bug to the TLO on live/emu.
  • fix issue with evac and items/aa
  • fix ini section typo for autolootenabled, should now work programmicaly
  • beg for buff, shouldn't send a tell to yourself now. (stop talking to yourself)
  • modified delayed writes to be more correct
  • fixing some thread issues (its complicated, but its better now!)
  • e3ui should look for the for updates instead of just a blind check for 1st attachment
  • nowcast update to deal with /ifs and report causing crash

New Commands

  • /e3bark
    this will not move your toons, it will remove invis, it will only bark once.
    the old /bark will stay for those that want the old way :)


  • normal pet hold will be issued before ghold in case you only have hold. (looking at you enchanters)
  • evac while casting should now interrupt for wizard/druid on determental spells
  • rework rez code to deal with locked up toons and simpler logic, Deals with EMU Rez bug as well by issuing /reload if it detects it.
  • xtarget emu fix added. Not perfect but seems to help.
  • cures with ifs
  • doubled the pause for NavToSpawnID before we give up

Pull request changes

  • New general Setting, "Cure While Navigating (On/Off)", from "chadw"
  • Emu feature for Lazarus for Trading Planar/Telosian symbols from "chadw" (/e3popturnin, /e3godturnin, "Lazarus_SymbolItems.ini") someone will need to make a wiki entry for this.
  • new general setting "Local IP Override" from "zactical". This allows you to specify the IP Address the E3Networking should use for local if you have a complicated setup with VPN.

Note to generate a new general settings with these features

/e3settings createdefault

find the new default file and copy over the values you want into your current general settings.


30 Jun 22:06
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Small bug fix release.

  • Removed "off" from valid assist types collection as that wasn't fully tested and contained a logic bug.


30 Jun 18:59
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New feature

  • rampage actions added to alerts
  • rampage section added to your character ini. Add the number of actions you wish to do (its the same as Main= but just named Action=) If your toon gets a rampage message they will do these spells/aa/items.
  • zoning commands are now located in your character ini. this works the same as startup commands.

New Commands

/e3print-debuffdottimers * added print out for dot timers to diagnose issue on live
/e3listcommands *will list all the commands that e3n has, this uses reflection so not super descriptive but can give you the jist of their location.
/e3broadcastwrites * local command, will tell the toon to broadcast out every MQ.Write message. Useful if you want a view of all your toons in one window. IE:/e3bca /e3broadcastwrites.


  • fix for /cleartargets and attack not being turned on sometimes for the driver
  • fix nowcast command for bards to be far faster and to resume where they left off on their song rotation
  • fix for enrage back off, extra character.
  • remove dupe check on settings collections as... well sometimes you actually DO want dupes.
  • AA that decrease bard spell cast times now are taken into account when twisting.
  • mage crash fix
  • honor loot skip in individual loot files
  • fix for damage shield parsing on live
  • fix for emergency healing group requiring an emergency heal to be configured
  • increase high water mark for limit missing of messages/commands

Pull request changes

  • adds Ifs to blocked pet buffs Pull request from Blingeorkl! Tyvm.


  • add off as valid assisttype
  • change to work around items not existing issue. Use /CastType|Item for temp items to let E3N know this is an item.
  • check for mana usage on bard songs in twists
  • print corpse updated to no longer use the old logic.
  • bards will no longer auto play a meldoy if you stop them from playing a melody then tell them to assist.
  • 1 sec delay on resuming follow between assist calls, to deal with /cleartargets and casters who are at range.
  • bards will now stand if they need to cast selos
  • don't emergency heal in safe zones
  • remove arena from safe zone.
  • Auto med stuff
  • renamed getfrombank and getfrominventory to /e3getfrombank and /e3getfrominventory to not clash with eq's /get command.
  • expose build date and version
  • expose data IsInit in core e3
  • force a target if a target is supplied to nowcast
  • removing begins to cast a spell. from filters, may be useful in alerts.
  • optimization for filtering out events
  • increase consider time to check if a corpse can be rezed or not.

Editor Changes

  • added /delay for editing.
  • making charm spell into a collection to fix the e3editor
  • add after/before event keys to config so its saved properly
  • show recast times


30 May 03:39
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this is a simple bugfix release.


Comments above headers in the config file should no longer duplicate.
Nowcast - When doing checkfors, it should work on Songs/Buffs properly if within your bot network.


28 May 01:50
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You will need MQ2Mono 0.27 or higher to use some of these features.

NOTE: This version is not compatiable with previous versions, be sure once you update you shut down all E3N instances and then start them all up again (restart eq, or issue /shutdown on all instances then use dannet to start them back up

/e3bcaa /shutdown
/dga /mono e3

New Feature: /e3config


Can listen to me talk about it and show examples on youtube.


Its a windows application that will allow you to edit your config file for a toon via a GUI. No longer do you need to type out the exact name of a spell! Rejoice those who cannot spell/type!

At its core, while it does a lot of things and required a massive rewrite of the settings class, that is the core of its functionality :) Make a backup of your ini's before you play just in case, assume its beta atm.

New Feature: E3NProxy

Youtube link explaining networking and E3NProxy.

For those that wish to read, and not listen to me prattle for 12 minutes...
This is a feature for those that wish to run many bots or have very weak machines.
It acts a lot like EQBCS (EQ Boxchat server), where you fire it up then log in your toons.

What does it do? If your 6 or under toons, not much, if you are running a 54bot army a ton!
It lowers the amount of threads used from (n^2) to (n*2 +1). This allows you to scale E3N a lot higher.

P2P mode 6 bots = 6x6 threads = 36 total. 
P2P mode 54 bots = 54x54 = 2916 total. 
Proxy mode 6 bots = 6x2+1 = 13 total.
Proxy mode 54 bots = 54x2+1 = 109 total. 

Peer to peer mode is great as you don't have to think about a server and is fine for single group setups.
Proxy mode is great for 12+ bots for raid setups.

New Feature: /e3ListExposedData aka Programmatic Settings Access!

Youtube link of me explaining it.

This allows you to access the settings class and exposed data elements from E3N.

To get exposed data just do




To access the settings class do it in this format



${E3N.Settings.Assist Settings.Assist Type (Melee/Ranged/Off)}

New Feature: Bard Auto Mez

AutoMezSong=Lullaby of the Forgotten/Gem|2
AutoMezSongDuration in seconds=18
/e3bct bard01 /e3bard-automez

note: this is a toggle, but on/off are also valid

Bard gets into combat, they will mez mobs that are not your current assist target, while still attacking your current target.

New Feature: /e3bcchannel


/e3bcchannel Necros /say hi

Note: the issuer of the command if in the channel will NOT execute the command. You do not have to be in the channel to issue commands to the channel.

New Feature: Added raid commands to normal /e3bc commands!

Added raid commands to /e3bc commands

/e3bcr  send to raid, but not me
/e3bcrz send to raid in zone but not me
/e3bcra send to raid, including me
/e3bcraz send to raid in zone, including me


No more tells on Wait4Rez
Don't try and mem a spell if your tanking.. thats just suicidal
Add shift as a modifier in the e3ui buttons hotkeys
Small change in mage summon code to check for mana and fizzles.
/e3varcalc functionality added
/e3varsbool functionality added
Merc dps on e3ui dps meter now
Exposed connected clients and count to be queried from e3bots.
Make rogue sneak attack great again!
Added the option of using GuildList.txt in the E3 Macro Inis\GuildList.txt to allow IsMyGuild(name) to return the correct data even if they are not in zone
added /CastType to spells, so you can specify the type if you need to override
/e3autojointasks to enable joining of tasks that guild members invite you to, useful on live. Can use the GuildList.txt for guild members not in zone
tweaks to the rez code so it doesn't quite suck as much. (No more DCs!)
Added dsk glove request from mages back
Added an option to go into timer mode if you cannot see debuffs on mobs (in character ini, true/false if you can see npc buff/debuffs)
Added /MinHPTotal for Canni spells to limit shamans killing themselves.
Display cast message when doing discs
Add before/after event for bard insta cast spells
Fix pelltank to peeltank in charm section
Added build date to the version display
Remove case sensitivity on slam
Turn off auto looting if you die, so you can get a chance to rehide corpses if you need to.
Add /Disabled to spells in character settings


Fix for bigger numbers on e3ui dps meter.
Fix for DS damage in e3ui damage parser for live
Bad loot files will now show errors and not hang e3n
Nowcast with bards is far faster.
Fix reload for personas when changing classes
Add "SearchTextEdit" to the ignored windows for hotkeys in e3ui
Fixed bug with find item and root Inventory.
Fixes to the rez code so due to changes in EMU Source.
Fix issue with looting speed when Distance3D would be inflated
Fix issue with non us operating systems being able to see mq2mono version.
Blocked pet buffs no longer say you don't have them.
Fix bug with pet buffs that are permanite. Looking at you rathe's strength.


07 Apr 20:10
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You will need MQ2Mono 0.27 to use some of these features.

With this release, Live usage is now usable

I will get to making a guide for it, but MQ2Mono 0.27 + MonoFramework64 (link from MQ2Mono) + e3n, should now fully be usable.

Changes LIVE:

Add Random bark delay for Live, to look at little less bot like
Don't change face direction on live for on assist unless its necessary. Loots Bot like.
EXP Alert updates for live, will show toons %xp gain.
E3reload for persona usage, reset aura state.
Dont try and process if we are dead (live has the 'hover' feature when dead)
Don't burn if not alive (for live)
Only bark once on live
Assist code now calls /pet swarm to the normal assist code.
200+ debuffs on live for dots, changed dot code to expect this.
Lots of safety checks added for live to be not bot-like.
Disable things on live that activate via tells.
Added /e3prez to pause rez acceptance, disabled all auto rez period on live as a GM can summon you and kill you and wait for you to auto accept a rez
Disable if gm on live for move util
Stun checks, more bard updates, clickit fix/workaround for live

Changes BOTH:

Command /fds to include /fds all, to do all slots, but it will not broadcast to all toons.
Change to 3 seconds for malos totem check, for check_MalosTotem feature.
E3N will now pause when camping at 30 seconds, can configure in character.ini file.
Add interrupt for heals for auto canni spells, use /nointerrupt if you don't want to interrupt.
Moved auto canni to Classes/Shaman.cs
Auras are now specificed in the CharacterSettings, if you don't it uses the old method. Live has too many auras.
Moving Burn shout code out of group chat, its now a normal broadcast
Expose assist distance for cleartargets, it now pays attention to it for things like /cleartargets stick
Don't Bard Sonata if sitting
Added /e3yes /e3no Commands, to avoid clashing with commands with /yes/no already
Group linking for loot should only happen when in group now.
Set default AE threat range to 40 instead of 100, 100 was just way too big
Add no delay option for OnQuery and MQ,
Max buff slots now calculated at runtime
Bard:Reworked logic on bard songs so that checkfor could be added
Bard:can now use ifs in his songs
Small update to text if you don't have a target and you call assist to be more clear
Memorize all spells update and update memorize spell to be better. When you do an /e3reload it will memorize all spells configured in your bot ini.
Recast on fizzle for before/after spells.
Don't forage if dead
Expanded message on loot link channel
Charm updates (no i don't remember what)
/e3autocanni feature added to turn on/off at runtime
/e3resetcounters to reset resist counters in case of odd fights

New built in variables for Ifs

Pet combat buffs now available

New Features- Loot Only Stackable Character Specific

Loot only stackable character specific files
Loot stackable now has a contains type for always loot, so kinda a wild card loot feature. For character specific files only.
these exist in "config\e3 Macro Inis\Loot_Stackable_(toon01)_(server).ini"

New Feature (not really but its greatly enchanced)- AutoMed that doesn't suck.

AutoMed has been enchnaced:
Better logic for auto medding for bards in active state
Don't stand if spell book is open for automed
Stand on assist if your sitting from automed
Don't stand if camping
Don't try and med while casting
Auto med not in combat anymore

New Feature - Auto startup commands

Added startup command section. Can now run lua scripts per toon on startup or whatever other command.

[Startup Commands]
Command=/lua run buttonmaster

New Feature -Magic! Publish data MQ2Mono TLO

New MQ2Mono Feature!(0.27) Can now send queries to specific mono applications running, such as E3N!
E3N now also has the ability to send custom updates via E3Bots
Put both together and you have... magic!

[E3BotsPublishData (key/value)]
DeathBloomTimer=${Math.Calc[${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Death Bloom]}/1000]}
DeathBloomReuseTime=${Me.AltAbility[Death Bloom].ReuseTime}

then you can access it via lua or TLO

return mq.TLO.MQ2Mono.Query('e3,E3Bots(Kusara).Query(DeathBloomReuseTime)')()


/echo ${MQ2Mono.Query[e3,E3Bots(Necro01).Query(ShowClass)]}


remove delay on sing for bando and exchange, not needed. add feign check on assist.
CheckRange should return true if the spell itself has 0 range, as this usually means self (fix for death bloom AA)
Making sure all threads are in EN-US to handle numbers in non us countries. Aka 0.00 vs 0,00
One off error with bard songs
Fix issue with commandlist queued events were not being populated as the main 'pump' changed from MQ.Delay to SharedDataClient.ProcessCommands() Toons should now be more responsive.
Fix memorization of spell delay for casting a spell not memed
Fix for bard melody swapping waiting too long
Fix selos sonata for live
Make OnQuery more efficient memory wise to use a string builder
Better exception catching on errors on Setup
Update to mq2mono >0.24 to fix a serialization issue, beg for buffs logging to diagnose issue, just didn't remove it :)
Fix bug in shared client having the wrong string seperator
Fix for filters on /e3bc commands
Fix issue with debug build being possible and causing issues with e3ui.

Breaking Change:

E3UI config now requires the server name, will have to fix your "config\e3 Macro Inis\E3UI__.ini" configs. just copy the old into the new.