- use distance3d on bardmez/cleartargetrs/loot distance checks
- nowcast should check for resists/fizzles
- fix memorization issue on buffs when i had added BuffNotReady i forgot to revert a willstack change.
- max tries missing from e3config
- fix missing noaggro from e3config
- check if you have your pet targeted when deciding if you should put your target back.
- fix for spells not memed and globalgcd check infinite loop
- fix for e3config and dynamic melodies with the tree view.
- buff check to not swap targets constantly if not ready and memed
- don't target mobs with empty names on cleartaregets, needed for swarm pets on a custom server
- filter out messages we don't need to parse (crit messages/etc)
- zone recording functionality
- recast spell on fizzle for buffs
- dismount on camp
- bard manastone allowance
- add some descriptions to commands /e3listcommands
New Feature
- Custom Burns! You can now add custom key value pairs for your own burns or to overwrite existing burns. Epic/Swarm can be overridden for /epicburns/swarmpets
Test Whatever=Fundament: Second Spire of the Warlord/Ifs|NotTanking,HasOffHand
Test Whatever=Whatever2
usage of the command is like some
/e3burns Epic
/e3burns Swarm
/e3burns "Test Whatever" timeout=30
New Commands
- /e3burns