This is out a little early to deal with a bard bug.
Big changes is the bard fix, the rez code change, xtarget fix added, and some threading fix for network threads and writing to the screen.
- update bard twisting to use the TLO correctly. Note, this won't be fully perfect till the MQ is updated as they recently fixed a bug to the TLO on live/emu.
- fix issue with evac and items/aa
- fix ini section typo for autolootenabled, should now work programmicaly
- beg for buff, shouldn't send a tell to yourself now. (stop talking to yourself)
- modified delayed writes to be more correct
- fixing some thread issues (its complicated, but its better now!)
- e3ui should look for the e3.zip for updates instead of just a blind check for 1st attachment
- nowcast update to deal with /ifs and report causing crash
New Commands
- /e3bark
this will not move your toons, it will remove invis, it will only bark once.
the old /bark will stay for those that want the old way :)
- normal pet hold will be issued before ghold in case you only have hold. (looking at you enchanters)
- evac while casting should now interrupt for wizard/druid on determental spells
- rework rez code to deal with locked up toons and simpler logic, Deals with EMU Rez bug as well by issuing /reload if it detects it.
- xtarget emu fix added. Not perfect but seems to help.
- cures with ifs
- doubled the pause for NavToSpawnID before we give up
Pull request changes
- New general Setting, "Cure While Navigating (On/Off)", from "chadw"
- Emu feature for Lazarus for Trading Planar/Telosian symbols from "chadw" (/e3popturnin, /e3godturnin, "Lazarus_SymbolItems.ini") someone will need to make a wiki entry for this.
- new general setting "Local IP Override" from "zactical". This allows you to specify the IP Address the E3Networking should use for local if you have a complicated setup with VPN.
Note to generate a new general settings with these features
/e3settings createdefault
find the new default file and copy over the values you want into your current general settings.