If you have additions, please open an issue or pull-request.
- ODrive - High performance motor control
- VESC - Brushless DC Motor controller
- OpenBLDC - Open-BLDC stands for Open Source Brush Less DC Motor Controller.
- HighPower-Mechaduino - Closed Loop Stepper Servo (50V@10A)
- motor-control-board - CVRA DC-Motor Driver, using STM32F3, supports CAN Bus and was designed using KiCAD
- MotCtrl - A BLDC motor controller
- OtterControl - OtterControl BLDC motor controller
- stmbl - High-Voltage AC Servo Driver
- RCA's µMotor - control any BLDC and DC motor up to 250W
- Brushless DC motor controller board - Dan Strother's STM32f103 based BLDC controller Board
- Closed Loop Motor Controller - Step/Dir input for CNC use. Based on PSoC4.
- DC Servomotor Controller - DC-Motor driver build around an AVR.
- STM_MotorController - Of Robot Design and Control Lab @ CIT
- Mechaduino - Closed Loop Stepper Servo
- OpenTorque Actuator - Joint for legged robots
- 3D Printed Robot Actuator - Motorcontroller + BLDC + cycloidal gearbox and position feedback
- DirectServo - Robotic joint controller with BLDC driver and magnetic encoder.
- Moteus - Joint Controller and quadruped robot design
- 16 Channel Servo Controler - I²C RC-servo controller with 16 channels
- OpenMV - OpenMV, an embedded CV Module (CMOS Sensor with STM32)
- PX4Flow - PX4Flow, Optical Flow Sensor
- DieBieMS - DieBieMS (3-12S LiIon-based, 100A)
- LibreSolar Project - with different sized BMS BMS Li-Ion 5S, BMS Li-Ion 48V
- Ceech's BMS - Arduino-based 5S BMS (BQ76920)
- Battman BMS - Li-Ion BMS (LTC6803)
- LOA - Loa is a framework designed to build specialized IO subsystems.
- Snickerdoodle - Snickerdoodle is a Zynq based System-on-Module
- Logi-Bone - FPGA & Beaglebone, also some VHDL modules relevant to robotics available
- flink - Universal interface to FPGA's. Includes some IP-Cores for robotics.
- UAVCAN - Protocol on top of CAN Bus, suited for robotics and aerospace control applications
- UC4H: UAVCAN for Hobbyists (on GitHub) - UAVCAN applied to a multirotor plattform.
- SAB - Sensor Actuator Bus (SAB), also in modm.io
- OpenSimpleLidar - Open Hardware scanning laser rangefinder
- OSLRF-01 - An open source laser range sensor using time-of-flight
- MORPH on GitHub - Modular platform for open robotics development. Supports ROS and uses VESC.
- Evezor - Evezor is an open source SCARA class robotic manufacturing platform
- Octanis Rover - Octanis Rover Projects Electronics
- OAP - Open Automaton Project (Source Repo inactive since 2008)
- Linorobot - A suite of Open Source ROS compatible robots GIT
- Bobble-Bot - Demo robot for real-time control using Rpi, RT Linux, and ROS.
- StanfordDoggoProject - 8-DoF quadruped robot
- Pulurobots - Open Source mobile service robot
- Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - 8/12-Dof Walker, fast multi-axis force control, bldc-drivers
- CVRA - CVRA's Github repositories (Eurobot Team)
- RCA - RCA Github repositories (Eurobot Team)
- APBTeam - A Eurobot Team with opensource robot design
- Litter Bot - Autonomous litter collecting robot (using OpenCV, Rpi and AVR)
- Zynq + OV7670 - Student project using Zynq and image sensor (OV7670)