An affordable modular platform for open robotics development for hackers. Provides a jump start to build your own robot. For further documentation see
This is the main repository for the morph stack. All packages for the morph stack have their own repository but are linked as submodules from this main repository.
The morph stack has been tested with the ROS Indigo and Kinetic distributions. For instructions on installing ROS see the ROS wiki.
The morph stack uses the Turtlebot stack and ros_control. Follow installation instructions for the Turtlebot stack. Other dependencies are linked as submodule from the morph repository.
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-ros-control ros-indigo-ros-controllers
mkdir -p ~/morph_ws/src
cd ~/morph_ws
cd ~/morph_ws/src
git clone
cd morph
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd ~/morph_ws
If your environment is setup correctly, you shouldn't have any compilation errors. If so you are probably missing dependencies.