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nateps edited this page Feb 2, 2012
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When you add a framework to this page, have a look at how others have done so, it should be a single item, with a link to the project's source code, and a short description (one line after formatting has been applied).
If you see a module without a description, feel free to edit the page and add it in, any contributions are appreciated.
When you edit this list, also add your module to library-compatibility so that users will know which versions of Node it was tested with.
- Web frameworks
- Database
- Templating
- CSS Engines
- Content Management Systems
- Build and Deployment
- Package Management Systems
- Module Loader
- OpenSSL / Crypto / Hashing
- TCP / IP
- Web Sockets & Ajax
- Message Queues
- Class systems
- Testing / Spec Frameworks
- Wrappers
- Parsers
- Debugging / Console Utilities
- Compression
- Graphics
- Sound
- Payment Gateways
- API clients
- Control flow / Async goodies
- I18n and L10n modules
- Boilerplates
- Continuous Integration Tools
- DDD, CQRS, EventSourcing
- Other
- barista -- A fast, flexible URL router & generator, similar to Rails / merb
- beeline -- A laughably simplistic router for node.js
- biggie-router -- Router for the biggie framework. Inspired by Sinatra and JQuery.
- Birbal -- Pretty darn simple and clever router. Work underway to turn into a microframework!
- choreographer -- Your server is my stage -- dirt simple URL routing for Node.js. Easy to use, easy to understand. Sinatra-style API.
- clutch -- no-frills web request router, supporting nested routes, regexp parameters
- connect -- Robust high performance middleware framework
- crossroads -- Powerful and Flexible routing library, works on the client-side as well and have support for advanced features.
- dispatch -- Regular expression URL dispatcher for Connect
- escort -- High-performance, advanced routing and URL generation
- filter-chain -- Java ServletFilter style request chaining
- journey -- liberal JSON-only HTTP request router
- node-router -- Simple Sinatra-like http server based on fu.js from the original node-chat demo.
- node.routes.js -- A simple url router
- nozzle -- web app/service framework
- sherpa -- HTTP router/generator with support for regex and parameters
- router -- A simple router with regex and sinatra like parameter support
- Beanpole -- Universal router with syntactic sugar
- Lightnode -- Easy to understand. Fast. Provides simple framework. (hierarchical servers, delegation, caching, virtual hosts).
- navajo - A simple web server with the ability to run PHP or Node code as well as serve static files (alpha)
- Nitrode -- A lightweight, super fast HTTP 1.1 with internal JS API
- antinode -- A simple static web server
- connect -- Connect's static() middleware provides flexible, high-performance, feature-rich static file serving
- node-paperboy -- A node.js module for delivering static files
- node-static -- A simple, rfc 2616-compliant static file server module with built-in caching
- oui -- Web service server with great static files support
- static - Static file handler using asynchronous streaming as JSGI middleware
- static-resource - Static resource handling for node.js
- Trailer -- Everyone's favorite backend.
- nodetoy -- Static JSON file server that supports GET, POST and DELETE
- statify -- A static file server to make any directory available via HTTP from the command line.
- nserve -- A local development server, allowing for adjustable file transfer rate, mock web services and live reload.
- bastard -- Automatic minification, in-memory cache, automatic fingerprinting.
- Ni -- A minimalistic Node module / framework that makes setting up an MVC project a breeze
- (fab) -- A modular and concise async web framework for node.js
- kaph -- Not framework
- Layers -- A module to help create a layered web app with Express.
- Nerve -- Microframework with simple array-based syntax for defining an app on top of node. (node.JS 0.1.30)
- restmvc.js -- A simple library to help you quickly create RESTful webservices using Express, Mongoose, and MongoDB.
- vroom -- A simple resource oriented web framework built on top of Node.js (November 2009, node.JS 0.1.16)
- Picard
- simplex (October 2009, node.JS 0.1.14)
- Pipe-Layer -- Asynchronous HTTP router.
- frank -- yet another sinatra-like microframework for node
- webservice.js -- turn node.js modules into RESTFul web-services
- zappa -- CoffeeScript minimalist interface to express, and others.
- jqNode -- Simple jQuery-esque API for small projects.
- seki -- simple front-end to an independent SPARQL server
- actionHero -- actionHero is a minimalist transactional API framework for sockets and http clients
- archetype -- A web framework leveraging Node.js
- aries -- Annotation based MVC framework
- BaseJump -- A RAD NodeJS Framework - Built on top of Connect (alpha release)
- blueprint -- Blueprint for a Startup. Middleware, & MVC routing over Node.js & Mongoose
- broke -- A porting of the most famous Django Web Framework
- chain -- An evented convention for building Node Applications (Stopped Development, for ejsgi)
- Coffeemate -- Push coffee-script into web development!
- Derby -- MVC framework making it easy to write realtime, collaborative applications that run in both Node.js and browsers
- djangode -- A framework that borrows some useful concepts from Django (March 2010, node.JS 0.1.30)
- drty -- A Django port to NodeJS. Many Django features, still under heavy development. (January, 2011, 0.2.6)
- Express -- A robust feature rich web development framework inspired by Sinatra
- Ext Core for NodeJS -- Templating and some basic tricks of ExtCore and ExtJS(XTemplate,Ext.util.format)
- node-extjs -- Run ExtJS4 data models on Node.js
- N-Ext -- Ext.core, Ext.util and packages in your NodeJS apps (includes a MongoDB proxy based on node-mongodb-native)
- Geddy -- A hackable Web-app development framework similar to Merb/Rails/Pylons/Django
- GenJi -- A low-level loosely coupled web framework for nodejs
- Grasshopper -- A feature-rich and flexible MVC framework for web applications and services, with integrated dependency injection.
- JaxServer -- Application server and framework with template and css engines
- jimi -- A framework for writing modular web applications in node.js (tutorial)
- josi -- An MVC web framework that's easy to pick up but doesn't get in the way. Also see here
- Kassit -- rapid building of client-side AJAX applications using Backbone and CoffeeScript
- Kiss.js -- Web framework for node.js in CoffeeScript. Object-oriented, simple and sexy.
- Locomotive -- Effective MVC web development for Node.js inspired by Ruby on Rails
- merlin -- Object-oriented MVC framework relying on a robust set of conventions to minimize code. Also ships with optional plugins providing basic CMS-like functionality.
- Meryl -- Minimalist web framework! See wiki
- nodemachine -- A port of WebMachine to Node.js
- nodepress -- High-level web framework for nodejs, can be used as a blog by default
- PieJS -- A rapid development MVC framework. Inspired and similar in style/convention to CakePHP. In very active development.
- pintura -- REST-based web framework/middleware stack built for Ajax-style JSON-driven applications
- RailwayJS -- An MVC web framework, similar to Ruby on Rails, Express/Connect-compatible. Also see here (en) and here (jp)
- Sayndo -- Fast and flexible web server with customized routing and authorization
- Seek -- Small Javascript Web framework - mostly for learning purpose
- SocketStream -- A fast full-stack real-time web framework for single-page apps
- spludo -- A full featured web framework. Fully Async + MVC with DI, AOP and Storages. (tutorial + user-guide)
- Stick -- A modular JSGI middleware composition layer and application framework
- webjs -- Simple HTTP / TCP development framework
- Zeppelin -- An early stage, low friction cloud development framework
- cascade -- Sequentially attempts multiple middleware apps.
- compress - Gzip compresses (using node-compress) the response when appropriate based on request headers.
- media - Performs content type negotiation (per RFC2616) delegating to appropriate media handler.
- csrf - Checks HTTP request for possible cross-site request forgery, flags dangerous requests.
- xsite - Handles JSONP,, and cross-origin XHR (CORS).
- rewriter - Rewrites defined paths to other paths.
- static - Static file handler using asynchronous streaming.
- error - Catches uncaught errors and converts to appropriate HTTP error responses.
- conditional - Handles conditional HTTP requests (If-Modified-Since, etc.)
- http-params - Converts HTTP parameters http- to headers.
- auth - Handles Authentication (HTTP and cookie based).
- commonlogger - A logger of HTTP requests.
- contentlength - Sets Content-Length header.
- head - Handles HEAD requests (stripping body).
- redirect - Redirects to other URLs
- urlmap - Maps to different apps by path/URL
- extension - Transforms .extension to a RESTful Accept header
- transporter - Share modules with browser, works RequireJS and Yabble
- routes - Simple RegExp based router
- session - Session manager with pluggable storage handling
- connect-compiler -- Development middleware to dynamically recompile derived files at serve-time.
- connect-airbrake -- Airbrake error reporting auto-setup middleware
- connect-assetmanager - Asset manager for Connect for handling CSS/JS files
- connect-assets - Compiled CSS/JS asset pipeline inspired by Rails 3.1
- connect-force-domain -- force all visitors onto a single domain
- connect-rpx - Use RPX with Node.js and Connect
- connect_facebook - Facebook session support for Connect
- facebook-wrapper -- Basic wrapper to the Facebook API, designed to work with Connect and Express
- connect_json - Support for parsing JSON requests and sending JSON responses in Connect
- gzippo -- gzip static content files with Connect/Express
- cookie-sessions -- Secure cookie-based session store
- dispatch -- Regular expression URL dispatcher
- formaline - full-featured module for handling form POSTs/PUTs (multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded ) and fast parsing of file uploads, it speaks JSON and it is also ready for use with middlewares like connect.
- form2json -- Decoder for form-urlencoded data that supports arrays of nested objects
- monomi -- Provides tools for handling tablet, touch, and mobile browsers
- node-facebook-session-cookie -- eats facebook cookies from client FB.login() and makes the session available as req.fb_session
- quip -- Chainable HTTP response API
- resource-router -- A resource-oriented router to replace the default routing in express
- session.js -- super simple session middleware for node.js, even has optional "magic" sessions which monkey patch the httpServer with one line!
- session-web-sockets -- Pass session to (Socket.IO-node) in a secure manner. Originally forked from bmeck/session-web-sockets
- trust-reverse-proxy - Trust (SSL) connections coming from (a) specific reverse prox(y)(ies)
- node_signedcookies -- Extends Express's cookieParser() to read/write signed cookies.
- connect-proxy -- Retrieve originating ip/host values when proxying to your connect app
- minj -- Serve minified javascript files with Connect/Express
- connect-dojo -- Connect middleware exposing the Dojo Toolkit
- express-chromeframe -- Dead simple middleware to enable chromeframe on connect/express applications.
- connect-auth -- Connect authentication middleware, provides out-of-the-box implementations of HTTP (Basic & Digest), Twitter, Facebook, BitBucket, Janrain, Yahoo, Sina, Google, OAuth (1.0 server), Github and a couple of others....
- everyauth -- Connect authentication and authorization middleware, modular, configurable, supporting password, OpenId, Google, OAuth, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Readability, Dropbox,, Vimeo, Tumblr, OAuth2, Facebook, GitHub, Instagram, Foursquare,, LDAP
- passport -- Simple, modular, and unobtrusive authentication framework for Connect and Express.
- bundle-up -- A simple asset manager middleware for managing css and js files.
- resty -- Quickly and simply build REST APIs with this connect middleware
- express-errors -- Simple error handling
- merge-js -- Simple connect middleware for merging multiple js files and uglifying the result.
- node-file-cache - Very small file cache for node.js http server.
- protobuf_for_node -- In-process JS-to-C++ communication using protocol buffer services
- socket-logger -- JSON-parsable logs for Socket.IO that can push log messages to a client over Socket.IO.
- node-evented -- Extended EventEmitter
- http-proxy-selective -- Proxy server replace some remote static files with local ones
- proxy-tamper -- A proxy server that allows for the tampering of requests and responses.
- googleclientlogin -- Log in to Google services using CllientLogin method
- node-reverse-proxy -- A reverse proxy which forwards incoming HTTP requests to multiple back-end HTTP servers based upon HTTP Host header.
- Node-Http-Rewrite-Proxy -- This module proxies and rewrites HTTP requests of all types. For this you can, if you want, use regular expressions.
- eventpipe -- Provides an Event Pipe with the same API as node.js' EventEmitter
- express-twitter -- Twitter-specific OAuth support
- http-auth -- Node.js package for HTTP basic and digest access authentication.
- http-auth2 -- HTTP basic authentication that supports multiple logins.
- node-force-domain -- Force multiple domains to redirect (301) to a default one in your Express project.
- exedra -- Express routes & functions loader
- node-varnish -- Connector for the Varnish cache telnet management protocol
- notp -- NodeJS One Time Password authentication, compatible with Google Authenticator
- Alligator -- Application Server on top of NodeJS (JSSP and SSJS support)
- Unlimit -- chaining to JavaScript without extending objects' prototypes
- Nitrode -- A lightweight, super fast HTTP 1.1 with internal JS API
- Cluster -- Extensible multi-core server manager (spark successor)
- Common Node -- Synchronous CommonJS compatibility layer that includes JSGI, jBinary, IO, Filesystem, System and HttpClient modules
- Connect -- Middleware framework packed with high quality / performance middleware
- Spark -- A command-line tool used to manage node server processes
- Spark2 -- Fork of Spark with some improvements.
- Stereo -- A simple drop-in multi-core node application controller
- node-elf-logger -- Configurable HTTP logging library following the W3C Extended Log File Format specification
- JSGI-Node -- Asynchronous JSGI 0.3 Adapter for Node, for standards-based middleware
- node-mime -- Utility module for mime-type lookups
- mime-magic -- Proper MIME type detection library that wraps the libmagic functionality
- node-cgi -- CGI adapter kludge (replaces Node's fast and famous event-based HTTP library)
- -- A simple URL shortener (currently not available on GitHub)
- multi-node -- Launch multiple node processes for HTTP servers
- node-digest -- HTTP Digest authentication for NodeJS
- Q-Oper8 -- Scalable multi-process manager for Node.js
- solder -- Combines and minifies JavaScript and CSS at runtime and build time
- fugue -- Unicorn for Node.js - Multiple node server instance manager with Unicorn-like features
- what -- What - A Node.JS Web Container/Application Server
- mongrel2 -- mongrel2 - Mongrel2 handler for node
- node-flags -- node-flags - Flag handling library
- zen -- Robust high performance middleware engine
- js2 -- Syntactic Sugar and Object Oriented Javascript
- tsqlftw -- A Native & Asynchronous MSSQL bridge for Windows.
- node-mssql -- A node.js MS SQL Server native driver
- tedious -- A pure Javascript implementation of the TDS protocol, for connecting to SQL Server databases
- node-tds -- Pure JS client to SQL Server
- node_postgres -- Beginning of bindings to libpg
- node-postgres -- Well tested libpq binding and pure javascript PostgreSQL client
- FastLegS - PostgreSQL ORM on top of node-postgres.
- ORMnomnom - ORM that mimics Django's ORM, on top of brianc's node-postgres. Also supports SQLite via developmentseed's sqlite3.
- postgres-js -- Postgres protocol implemented in pure JS
- postgres-js -- Fork of postgres-js, adds parameterized queries and prepared statements.
- db-mysql - Binary driver for MySQL (using libmysql). Part of the Node.js DB effort
- node.dbslayer.js - Interface to DBSlayer (MySQL)
- node-poormansmysql -- Asynchronous MySQL driver for node.js using the mysql command-line tool
node-mysql -- A node.js module implementing the MySQL protocol
- node-mysql-pool -- connection pool for node.js on top of Felix Geisendörfer's MySQL client node-mysql.
- node-mysql-cache -- MySQL query cache for node.js on top of Felix Geisendörfer's MySQL client node-mysql.
- node-mysql-queues -- Wraps 'node-mysql' to provide mulitple query queues, allowing support for multiple statements and MySQL transactions.
node-mysql -- Pure JavaScript MySQL async driver[obsolete] - node-mysql-native -- Yet another pure JS async driver. Pipelining, prepared statements.
node-mysql-libmysqlclient -- MySQL asynchronous bindings based on libmysqlclient
- RDX - An object-relational mapper (ORM) for node. Backends: node-mysql-libmysqlclient.
- node-handlersocket -- Pure JavaScript client for HandlerSocket Plugin for MySQL
- persistence.js -- An object-relational mapper (ORM) for node. Backends: MySQL.
- sequelize - An easy-to-use cross-database Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM) for Node.JS. Supports currently MySQL and SQLite.
- patio - An ORM/query engine for node (Currently only MySQL). Supports MySQL
- node-sqlite -- Bindings for SQLite3. Interface conforms to the HTML5 Web SQL API
- node-sqlite -- Fast asynchronous driver: New evented Node.js look, same great SQLite3 taste
- node-sqlite3 -- Full-featured, asynchronous SQLite bindings with query serialization/parallelization and verbose stack traces
- sequelize - An easy-to-use cross-database Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM) for Node.JS. Supports currently MySQL and SQLite.
- GridFS - Simple GridFS capabilities built on node-mongodb-native.
- mongo-sync -- A synchronous MongoDB driver for use with Common Node that attempts to closely approximate the MongoDB shell.
- mongodb-viewer -- NodeJS MongoDB web-based admin/viewer tool.
- mongojs -- Simple driver that emulates the mongodb API as much as possible.
- node-mongodb -- Basic MongoDB client implementation in JS/C++
node-mongodb-native -- A pure JavaScript driver for MongoDB.
- node-mongoskin -- A future layer for node-mongodb-native.
- node-mongodb-wrapper -- As close as possible to the command-line driver. Uses node-mongodb-native.
- mongode -- Very thin wrapper around node-mongodb-native that simplifies the API a bit.
- N-Ext -- Use packages in your NodeJS apps (includes a MongoDB proxy based on node-mongodb-native)
- mongoq -- MongoDB is: mongoq('mongodb://localhost/db').collection('users').find().toArray(function(error, docs){})
- node-mongolian -- Mongolian DeadBeef is an awesome Mongo DB node.js driver that attempts to closely approximate the mongodb shell
- mongolia -- Flexible wrapper for the nodejs Mongo driver. Lighter than a ORM but easier to use than the driver.
- mongoose -- Mongoose is a JavaScript library that provides an ORM for MongoDB.
- mongoose-nested-set - A mongoose plugin implementing the nested set pattern for mongoose models
- mongoose-paginate -- Mongoose ORM (NodeJS) Document Query Pagination.
- mongous -- Mongous is a simple MongoDB driver that uses a jQuery styled syntax.
- nosql-thin - Makes easier to work with MongoDB. Not an ORM. Not production ready.
- mongoclikker - Simple MongoDB data viewer
- Official driver - Vote for it on 10gen's tracker
- node-hive -- dead simple hive client using thrift api
- node-thrift-hive -- Hive client with multi versions support and a Readable Stream API.
- redback -- a high-level Redis library with support for advanced data structures such as Social Graphs and Full-text Indexes.
- awesome -- a Redis clone in node.js
- nedis -- Redis server implementation written with node
- redis-node -- Comprehensive, high speed Redis client
- redis-node-client -- Redis Client by Fictorial (deprecated)
- node_redis -- Complete Redis client that works well with new node and new Redis
- redis2json -- Easily loads data from Redis into structured JS object
- nohm -- Redis object relational mapper (ORM)
- rdb-parser -- async streaming parser for Redis RDB dumps
- node-couchdb-api -- An easy-to-use and powerful wrapper for the CouchDB API that follows Node.JS conventions for async code.
- LazyBoy -- a CouchDB ORM thats easy to use
- node-couch -- a CouchDB connector
node-couchdb -- A full API implementation[obsolete] - node-couchdb-min -- Light-weight client with low level of abstraction and connection pooling.
- couch-ar -- a active record implementation for couchDB (uses cradle)
- couch-client -- a simple wrapper around CouchDB's http interface
- PJsonCouch -- PJs-on-Couch is a client lib for CouchDB's HTTP API
- cradle -- a high-level, caching, CouchDB client
- couchcmd -- CouchDB command line utility using cradle
- data.js -- Graph persistence for Node.js with CouchDB
- couchtato -- CouchDB document utility tool
- nano -- Minimalistic driver for CouchDB based on mikeals/request
- YACA -- custom api for your couchdb instance generated through introspection.
- Sag -- Gently wraps the CouchDB API, giving you power without a bunch of "stuff". The same source file works in the browser, allowing you to code against one API everywhere.
- riak-js -- Riak JavaScript client (works on node v0.1.30+)
- node-mwire -- Client for GT.M & Cache databases
- alfred -- a fast in-process key-value store for node.js that has functional indexes, streams, replication, ...
- barricane-db -- a transparent object persistence mechanism
- chaos -- Chaos is a Node.js database
- node-tokyocabinet -- Tokyo Cabinet binding
- node-tyrant -- An implementation of the Tokyo Tyrant network protocol for the Node.js
- kyoto-client -- A client for the Kyoto Tycoon key-value store
- keys -- Unified interface for key/value store clients
- neo4j -- Neo4j graph database driver for Node
- cassandra-node -- Node.js driver for CQL and Apache Cassandra
- node-dynamodb -- DynamoDb Driver for Node.js
- dynode -- A client for Amazon's DynamoDB service
- Tabler - Access relational and NoSQL database backends using a generic SQL-inspired table interface (SimpleDB, JSON file available)
- db-drizzle - Binary driver for Drizzle (using libdrizzle). Part of the Node.js DB effort
- jugglingdb - ORM for every database: redis, mysql, neo4j, mongodb, ...
- JSLINQ -- Clean and simple port of Microsoft's LINQ to node.js (and the browser)
- nconf -- A hybrid local / remote configuration storage library
- node-cask -- A 140 loc mmap-ed key/value store, based on bitcask
- node-dbmon -- Database Real-Time Monitoring Library
- node-dirty -- A key value store for node.js that is simple, fast & dirty.
- node-fleet -- a FleetDB Client
- node-firebird-libfbclient -- Firebird SQL client
- node-fsdocs -- Simple, ACID and versioned file system-based document database for quick hacks
- node-hbase -- HBase client with full API support through the REST connector
- node-mdbm -- a client for GT.M and Cache, using an HTTP interface that is based on SimpleDB
- node-orm -- ORM for multiple drivers (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB)
- memcached -- Memcached, membase client with support for memcached clusters using consistent hashing.
- node-dbi -- A database abstraction layer, which allows to work with several database engines (MySQL, SQLite) with a single handy API
- node-tiny -- An experimental in-process database similar to nStore.
- persistence -- Multi-backend database/nosql system. Backends: Sqlite3, Postgres and Memory.
- perstore -- JavaScript persistence/object store with pluggable storage based on the W3C DB API
- node-migrate -- Migrate - A database agnostic migration system for Node.js
- simpledb -- An Amazon AWS SimpleDB library for Node.js that is user-friendly and fault-tolerant
- rawhash -- Experimental in-memory key:value cache where keys are binary Buffers. Built on google-sparsehash and murmurhash3
- node-mdb -- Node.js-based clone of AWS SimpleDB, using GT.M for data storage
- ueberDB -- Transforms every database into a object key value store
- hive -- Fast in memory store for Node.
- nocr-mongo -- NoCR implementation for mongoDB
- searchjs -- Library for doing easy native JSON SQL-style querying on JS objects/arrays. Implements JSQL, native JSON query language.
- node-odbc -- unixODBC bindings for node. Query any database that has an ODBC driver.
- squel -- Light-weight SQL query string builder (works in browser too).
- node-gdbm -- GNU's GDBM wrapper library for Node.
- sequelize - An easy-to-use cross-database Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM) for Node.JS. Supports currently MySQL and SQLite.
- dynamoDB -- An Amazon AWS DynamoDB library for Node.js.
- asyncEJS -- Asynchronous implementation of embedded JavaScript
- bake -- Templating engine for static files. Supports ejs templates.
- bind-js -- a simple templating engine for node.js that smiles back.
- blue -- A streamed template engine. Support for asynchronous loading of partials
- combyne.js -- A template engine that hopefully works the way you'd expect.
- CoffeeKup -- Markup as CoffeeScript. Live demo and html2coffeekup
- CoffeeMugg -- Markup as CoffeeScript. A branch of CoffeeKup, supports closures, requires no compilation, extensible via view-helper libraries, like ActionView.
- doT.js -- Concise and super fast javascript templates with customizable delimiters, streaming and partials support
- DryKup -- CoffeeKup-compatible markup for CoffeeScript. Supports closures and requires no compilation.
- dust -- Async, streaming & composable templates for the browser and node
- Eco -- Embedded CoffeeScript templates
- ejs -- Light-weight Embedded JavaScript implementation. Express compliant
- haml.js -- Faster / more compliant implementation of Haml. Express support
- haml-js -- Server side html generation using JavaScript. Parses haml templates and renders html.
- handlebars.js -- The mustache-inspired templating library behind Ember.js
- jshtml -- Clean HTML, full JavaScript template engine. Inspired by the razor view engine used in mvc.
- jqtpl -- A port of the new jQuery template engine. Express compliant
- Jade -- Haml-like template engine, fantastic error reporting, easier to read, higher performance. Express compliant
- jazz -- A readable template language for node.
- JinJS -- A port of Jinja, a Django Template-like templating language to Javascript
- JSON Template -- Minimal but powerful template language with multiple implementations. This is the CommonJS version, tested on Node
- jm -- Another Builder/Markaby/Erectory clone in JavaScript.
- jsdom -- pure js implementation of the dom level 1 with some browser augmentation. Level 2 and 3 are being considered.
- less.js -- official port of Less to JavaScript/node. rendering process.
- Liquor -- A templating engine minus the code.
- Lite(LiteXML) -- A cross platform template engine base on xml/html and javascript expression
- minimal.js -- a fast HTML+JSON template engine (both browser and Node.js compatible)
- Mu (Mustache) -- A Mustache engine that compiles templates into very fast rendering functions. Also streams the
- nTPL -- Fast & Native extendable template system
- nodejs-meta-templates -- like php mixed with html, processed twice, 1st static data, 2nd dynamic data.
- normal-template -- Normal templates are simple, yet powerful. They are safe, usable in non XML/HTML contexts and portable to any programming language.
- nun -- Totally asynchronous non-blocking template engine for node.js
- node-dom -- Javascript fast W3C DOM generation.
- node.magic_dom -- A DSL for building HTML in node.js, similar to Python's Stan
- node-template -- Fast and light cached templates.
- node-properties -- Simple property reader, externalise your configuration through JSON
- Parrot -- A lightning fast and lightweight templating engine for Node.js (Just 33 LOC!)
- PURE -- Unobtrusive Rendering Engine. The HTML view and the JS logic remain strictly separated. Works with jsdom.
- stencil -- Renders asynchronous templates shared by server and browser
- Node-T -- A fast django-like templating engine for node.js
- plates -- A fast, non-intrusive engine (similar to weld, but faster).
- shift.js -- Standard interface to the Node.js template engines.
- Swig -- Fast and powerful Django-style templates for node.js
- Templ8 -- A fast, lightweight, yet powerful & feature rich client/ server template engine based on Django style syntax
- template.node.js -- A light, fast, cached template module for node.
- thunder -- A lighting fast template parser for node.js. Express compliant
- tmpl-node -- a feature-rich template module for node.js
- tpl -- a general purpose template cli
- TwigJS -- A port of PHP template engine ( to Javascript
- weld -- unobtrusive. portable. ANTI-TEMPLATING. Weld binds data to markup, and can generate markup based on your data.
- whiskers -- single-file, feature-sparse templating for node, express, and the browser
- xmlbuilder.js -- An xml builder in JavaScript inspired by Ruby's Builder, Markaby, and Erector.
- xmlbuilder-js -- An xml builder for node.js similar to java-xmlbuilder.
- node-tmpl -- basic templating system in node.js based on shorttag
- tob -- Template Observer, allows self-reloading templates with your template engine
- node-jst -- A pretty high performance template engine implemented with JavaScript. Express compliant
- Stylus -- Expressive, dynamic, robust CSS language written by the author of Express, Connect, Jade and more
- Stylus-Sprite -- Extension for Stylus to generate sprite images
- sass.js -- Parses Sass templates and renders css.
- scss-js -- Parses SCSS templates and renders css.
- carto -- Parses MSS templates and renders XML for Mapnik
- ccss -- Parses a JavaScript object and renders css.
- less -- Parses a LESS template and renders css.
- csslike -- Parses and compiles CSS, taking into account the most recent www-style proposals.
- CSSOM — Parses CSS into CSS Object Model.
- Csster — Write CSS in JS or Coffeescript, with macros, color math, etc.
- Nodepad -- A nice basic web-based notepad.
- Calipso -- An express based CMS, very much work in progress.
- Murray CMS -- blog platform using express and mongodb.
- AE86 - Static website generator. Easy to write custom tag as simple JavaScript function, clean and minimalistic template syntax.
- DocPad -- a static website generator which supports markdown and eco among others
- FilePad - edit your local files collaboratively in realtime inside the browser, can be used in conjunction with DocPad
- NoCR - JCR-inspired Content Repository API for Node.js which maps your content model to a tree of nodes and properties. There is a MongoDB NoCR provider available
- reed - A Markdown-based blogging core backed by Redis and the filesystem.
- MCMS - A Minimal CMS using GitHub flavored Markdown, Mustache templates and the filesystem.
- jslardo -- A Social CMS, where users are able to register to the application, create their own models (mongoose schemas), views, controllers, websites and pages. Work in progress, keep updated!
- reloader -- Reload app on it's source code change. Suitable to work both on production and development machines. Act as usual NodeJS module.
- always -- A CLI & Daemon tool to run a NodeJS process Forever, restarting on file changes & crashes with piping to stdout or log files.
- asereje -- Bundles and minifies your javascript and css files on demand. Forget about builds, hard deploys and cache forever.
- dev -- Automatically restarts the app when a source-file is modified. Autohooks on new files, so it doesn't need manual restart at all.
- forever -- A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously (i.e. forever)
- forever-webui -- A simple web UI for efficient nodejs administration
- haibu -- a node.js application server - spawn your own node.js clouds, on your own hardware
- jitsu -- Flawless command line deployment of your Node.js apps to the cloud
- nodejs-autorestart -- It is a way to watch all .js files if they have been changed and to restart nodejs. It allows easy development and stable production.
- config -- Configuration control for production node deployments - npm install config
- node-config -- Lightweight configuration engine for Node.js
- node-dev -- Automatically restarts node when a source-file is modified. Displays notifications via Growl.
- octoploy -- GitHub post-receive hook URL handler (execute script on push to repo)
run -- Rerun your js file whenever there's a change in the current directory:
npm install -g run
,runjs yourcode.js
. Never alt-tab to your terminal again. - node-settings -- Simple, hierarchical environment-based app settings.
- Jake -- JavaScript build tool similar to Make or Rake.
- muffin.js -- CoffeeScript compilation, minification, concatenation, copying, growl, and SLOC counting helpers for Cakefiles.
- Masson -- Build system and rule management similar to tools like Make, Ant or Rake
- Ready.js -- Continuous JavaScript integration using JSLint, Google Compiler, Node.js and Git
- autolint -- Autolint watches your files for jslint/jshint-errors.
- ripple -- Dynamic runtime configuration for node.js deployment based on lorenwest's config.
- nodemon -- Monitors all source files, restarts node on changes. Command-line usage, code-passive with ignore list.
- node-linter -- generic lint wrapper for JSLint, closure-linter, closure-compiler, and JavaScript Lint.
- nib.js -- package and minify JavaScript/coffeescript projects to be embedded in the browser as a single .js file
- nclosure -- Compiler, Style Checker, Utility Library, Unit Testing Framework, JSDoc Documentation Tool. Built on top of Google Closure tools.
- quickcheck -- Port of the Haskell QuickCheck unit testing framework
- buildr -- Javascript Project Builder, Compresses Images, CSS and JS, Bundles CSS and JS, Checks Javascript, Supports SubPackages/Plugins
- -- distributed shell job control with role based configuration
- inireader -- Ini file parser
- -- A simple JSDoc documenation tool that creates markdown for node.js modules
- coffee-conf -- Write your config files in coffee-script.
- Gittyup -- Application deployment library for node.js
- npkg -- Generates cross-platform installers for Node.js applications
- envious -- environment variable configuration that's too easy to pass up
- modul8 -- Extensible CommonJS browser code sharing
- coffee-toaster -- Minimalist dependency management system for coffee-script.
- watch-node -- Automatically restart Node.js server when a file changes, recompile JS/CSS. Do anything. Uses Mac FSEvents.
start-stop-daemon -- An 1-function Node.js module to easily create native
start-stop-daemon scripts. Created daemons are self-monitored and restart automatically when crashing (a custom crash handler can be attached too).
- npm -- A node package manager that uses CommonJS-compatible package.json files, written in asynchronous JavaScript.
- police -- A module dependency version policing tool. It goes through all your repositories on github which has package.json and analyzes the dependencies and reports back to you about all the outdated packages.
- nmod -- nmod is a node_modules manager. able to install from npm and git
- Ender -- A package manager built on NPM bringing micro to macro to create your own custom JavaScript library by composing modules into a cohesive and familiar interface .
- Slugr -- Wraps node.js apps into a single executable file.
- npkg -- Generates cross-platform installers/executables for Node.js applications
- Cupboard -- Reverse package manager
- directory -- require a whole directory
- nodules -- Async URL CommonJS module loader with dep resolution/downloading and hot-module reloading
- node-DJs - Restart a server after each change in main script and dependencies
- node-hot-reload - watchFile and reload modules dynamically for node.js (very useful for development, less good for production)
- remap - reroute require for mocks, wrappers, or shenanigans (useful for testing)
- a3 -- a3 module loads any folder of code into an 'API Tree'
- haba -- plugin library
- node-gpg
- node-hashring -- Hash ring provides consistent hashing based on the libketema library.
- packnode -- Obfuscate, minify and/or encrypt JS files
- hashlib -- Fast hashing module, written in C/C++, supports: md4, md5, md6, sha, sha1, sha256, sha512
- jsHashes -- A hash algorithm independent library purely JavaScript implemented for both server and client side. Support: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RIPEMD-160, HMAC including Base64 encode/decode, CRC-32 and full UTF-8 support.
- keygrip -- Key signing and verification for rotated credentials
- brainfucker's node-base64 -- C++ base64 lib
- pkrumins's node-base64 -- C++ base64 lib that actually works
- amir's node-base62 -- C++ base62 lib for representing big numbers
- MD5 -- Plain JavaScript MD5 hashing function
- node.bcrypt.js -- C/C++ bcrypt lib
- node-crypto -- OpenSSL based Hashing, Signing and Verifying
- node-oauth -- OAuth client (1 and 2)
- oauthjs -- OAuth client
- oauth-server -- OAuth server (1.0A)
- node-oauth2-provider -- OAuth 2 provider as Connect/Express middleware with custom token storage hooks
- node-openid -- OpenID 1.1/2.0 Relying Party (client)
- pass -- Validate/generate Apache htpasswd passwords (for Basic Auth)
- rbytes -- Secure random byte generator for session keys, UUIDs, etc.
- sasljs -- Gsasl wrapper to performs server-side SASL authentication.
- sha1 -- Plain JavaScript SHA-1 hashing function
- node-whirlpool -- C/C++ mhash lib wrapper providing whirlpool hash support
- NodeJS-Keychain -- A security-oriented keychain web service
- node_nibbler -- Base32/base64 encoder/decoder.
- node-cityhash -- NodeJS bindings for Google CityHash , both CityHash64 and CityHash128 are supported.
- node-phpass -- A pure JavaScript port of the portable PHP password hashing framework.
- node-sechash -- Secure password hashing using salt and key stretching.
- murmurhash3 -- Node.js bindings for MurmurHash3
- speakeasy -- Easy two-factor authentication. Time-based or counter-based one-time passwords with the HMAC One-Time Password algorithms. Supports Google Authenticator.
- Haraka -- Full Featured SMTP Server
- node-smtpclient -- Simple SMTP that uses AUTH and TLS/SSL (2.4)
- node-smtp-client -- Implementation of the SMTP protocol in Node
- node-smtp -- Implementation of an SMTP server (and soon, client)
- node_mailer -- send emails from node.js to an smtp server, simple as cake
- Nodemailer - Easy to use module to send e-mails with Node.JS, unicode friendly
- emailjs - send emails, html and attachments from node.js to any smtp server (ex: gmail)
- node-smtpevent -- Event based SMTP server
- mailcomposer - Generate e-mail messages that can be streamed to SMTP or file (unicode friendly)
- simplesmtp - Use SMTP as a first class protocol, useful for generating custom SMTP servers
- open-uri -- A very simple HTTP(S)/FTP client library similar to Rubys Open-URI lib.
- shred -- HTTP client library for Node.js and browsers. Supports gzip, cookies, https, proxies, and redirects.
- node-httpclient -- Node HTTP Client (gzip, https, cookies etc.)
- node-get -- Moderately higher-level HTTP client library.
- node-digest -- HTTP Digest authentication for NodeJS
- node-http-status -- Interact with HTTP status code (just a set of constants)
- request -- Simple HTTP client library.
- superagent -- High-level HTTP client sporting a progressive API
- fetch -- Fetch urls with ease, supports gzip content, cookies and more
- node-socksified -- HTTP SOCKS5 proxy support
- http-sync -- Synchronous http(s) client
- http-get -- Simple to use node.js HTTP / HTTPS client for downloading remote files. Supports transparent gzip decoding.
- multiparter -- multipart/form-data POST request maker for Node.js with support for streams (sending files) and plain params
- watchmen -- A simple HTTP monitor (pings sites and services with predefined parameters to make sure they are alive)
- needle -- Lightweight HTTP client with multipart support.
- jsftp -- A sane, light and concise client implementation of the FTP protocol
- node-ftp -- An FTP client module for node.js
- ftp-get -- Simple to use node.js FTP client for downloading remote files
- node-nntp -- An NNTP (usenet/newsgroups) client module for node.js
- NodeFTPd -- Node FTP Server
- node-ftpclient -- Node FTP Client
- node-imap -- A module for interacting with IMAP mail servers
- n3 -- Experimental POP3 server to send arbitrary data to e-mail clients (including e-mails)
- node-poplib -- POP3 client library for Node.js
- xmpp.js -- Library for implementing XMPP server components with Node
- node-xmpp -- Node XMPP library
- node-simple-xmpp -- Simple High Level NodeJS XMPP Client
- node-xmpp-bosh -- An XMPP BOSH server running on node.js
- node-snpp -- Node SNPP server library
- mdns -- mdns/zeroconf/bonjour service discovery add-on
- macaddr -- Obtain MAC addresses for current machine from Node
- node-icecast-stack -- An interface for connecting to, parsing metadata, and reading from SHOUTcast/Icecast radio streams
- ndns -- DNS client/server library
- jsDAV -- jsDAV allows you to easily add WebDAV and CalDAV support to a NodeJS application. jsDAV is meant to cover the entire standard, and attempts to allow integration using an easy to understand API.
- wake_on_lan -- Generate and send Wake-on-LAN magic packets
- node-tld -- for working with TLD data (registered domain name, etc)
- NodeSSH -- a lightweight SSH client
- node-snmp -- SNMP v1 client
- portscanner -- An asynchronous port scanner for Node.js
- node-ping -- Simple wrapper around fping
- nodeQuery -- nQuery.js lets you create, edit, update or delete the DOM in real-time using jQuery/Zepto style code written on the server
- nowjs -- nowjs makes realtime web apps really easy (
- rpc-socket -- Multi socket support for JSON-RPC NOTE: still under development.
- bertrpc
- jsonrpc
- xmlrpc -- A pure JavaScript XML-RPC server and client
- dnode -- Asynchronous remote method calls with transparently wrapped callbacks. Works with regular network streams or
- node-jsonrpc -- Another JSON-RPC server
- jsonrpc2 -- A super easy to use JSON-RPC v2 server
- IPCNode -- Asynchronous RPC library based on node.js Stream object, with support for circular objects, and explicit reference counting to ensure proper garbage collection.
- msgpack-rpc -- Implementation of Msgpack-RPC (
- node-ipcbuffer -- A modified Buffer object to pass large amounts of data between processes using POSIX or System V IPC shared memory and or do fast read and writes to files. (Windows soon).
- node-pingback -- Pingbacks for node.js, conforming to the pingback and xml-rpc spec.
- node-soap -- SOAP client and service (partial support).
- nodejs-light_rpc -- Simple server/client RPC, with minimal dependencies (uuid (can be removed to use simple increment)).
- node-zeromq -- fork of zeromq.node (zeromq in npm)
- zeromq.node -- 0MQ (zeroMQ) bindings for node.js
- Abstract HTTP Request -- An HTTP Client wrapper for the browser (XHR) and node.js (http module)
- Comet LongPollingBuffer -- A Library to simplify the server side of Comet AJAX long polling
- Faye -- Bayeux protocol Comet client and server for Node.js and Rack
- Minotaur -- Long poll server using JSONP communication with clients
- -- WebSocket-compatible server and client with fallback for legacy browsers
- -- addon, add a full client/server implementation of JSON-RPC
- -- Node.js implementation of the Socket.IO client libraries
- node-XMLHttpRequest
- node.websocket.js -- WebSocket-compatible server.
- -- A basic Web Socket server with interface similar to tcp.createServer(...)
- nodejs-http-websocket -- A websocket server on top of the http server.
- node-websocket-server -- Another websocket server on top of the http server.
- Restler -- Simplified REST client for Node.js
- node-websocket-client -- An HTML5 Web Socket client.
- -- A node2node transport and client for .
- Reston -- REST client with multipart support and friendly API
- tunguska -- A comet publish/subscribe distributed hub (runs across multiple node instances).
- grappler -- A minimalistic server for handling "comet" connections that supports a variety of connection methods.
- spacesocket -- WebSocket server not invented here
- Weasel -- a command based websocket application framework
- node-wwwdude -- A simplified, flexible HTTP/REST client library for node.js
- node-bus -- A distributed pubsub engine for JSON-based events
- wave-node -- An implementation of the Google Wave Gadget API for node.js
- node-object-sync -- Transparently synchronize objects across connected clients
- easywebsocket -- WebSocket to broadcast messages to webpages
- websocket-node -- A WebSocket library that implements the most current protocol versions, 8 and 13. Version 13 is the latest version that is now the final WebSocket spec as RFC 6455
- Beseda -- Fast, well designed and featured Node.js Pub/Sub server. Beseda offers multiple platform API to develop realtime web applications.
- node-eventstream -- A server-side companion to EventSource.
- ws -- Very fast, protocol conformant WebSocket client / console.
- gearman-node -- Gearman client.
- gearnode -- Gearman client and worker.
- node-gearman -- Simple worker/client module for Gearman
- node-rqueue -- Implementation of RQueue, includes Worker and Queue
- websocket.MQ -- Reliable message queue server accessible via websockets, socket.IO, etc
- Wormhole -- Fast/High Performance message queue system using streaming deserialization with the MessagePack format.
- rabbit.js -- Idiomatic messaging using RabbitMQ from node.js
- amqp-dsl -- Fluent Interface for dealing with AMQP (RabbitMQ,...) on NodeJS
- amqp-tool -- Import & export data from/to an AMQP/RabbitMQ broker
- rabbitmq-nodejs-client -- rabbitmq client for node.js
- joose -- complete modern class system for JavaScript, based on concepts from many programming languages
- Klass -- An expressive, cross platform JavaScript Class provider with a slick, classical interface to prototypal inheritance. Includes extends, implements, and the ability to call super classes/methods
- mootools.js -- MooTools latest server library as npm package for node.js
- class-js -- Simple, Light-weight OO Class factory
- Sslac -- Basic OOP-like support in JavaScript using chaining. Supports extension, interfaces, namespacing, and static objects.
- comb -- Library with a built in OO class system, and other features(datastructures, array string and date utilities, etc..).
- UberClass -- A class framework based on John Resig's Simple JavaScript inheritance and JavaScriptMVC $.Class.
- Structr -- Library built to give JavaScript the same look and feel as other popular languages such as Java.
- N-Ext -- Use the power of the packages (from the ExtJS framework) in your NodeJS apps. Includes a MongoDB proxy based on node-mongodb-native)
- ease.js -- Classical Object-Oriented framework for JavaScript
- API Easy -- Fluent (chainable) syntax for generating Vows tests against any RESTful API.
- Benchmark.js -- A benchmarking library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms, supports high-resolution timers, and returns statistically significant results.
- Broke -- Customizable vowsjs layer for flexible unit and integration tests.
- Cucumber -- The official JavaScript implementation of the well-known BDD tool. Runs both on Node.js and browsers.
- cucumis -- A cucumber nodejs implementation. Run plain text gherkin stories with full asynchronous support in native node.js JavaScript.
- Cup of Tea? -- BBD-style Unit Testing for Async apps.
- databasecleaner -- Clean your database after each test. Supports MongoDB, Redis and CouchDB. Will support MySQL and others.
- ensure -- nodejs testing made easy with vows or node-tap
- Gently -- A node.js module that helps with mocking and behavior verification.
- gherkin -- A fast Gherkin parser in Ragel (The parser behind Cucumber)
- espionage -- A mock/stub framework using the test spy pattern.
- expresso -- TDD framework by the author of JSpec
- exemplor.js -- A port of exemplor with Node goodness.
- fakeweb -- A port of fakeweb that fakes out requests made via Mikeal's request module, or the standard HTTP module.
- foounit -- client/server side BDD testing framework
- httpmock -- A RESTful web API for stubbing out network dependencies.
- horaa -- Mocking NodeJS Modules
- jasmine-node -- integration with Pivotal's Jasmine Spec framework
- jasmine-jquery -- jQuery matchers and fixture loader for Jasmine framework for node forked from Jasmine-Jquery
- jessie -- Node runner for Jasmine JavaScript BDD testing framework
- Jody -- A descriptive BDD Testing framework
- JUTE -- A JS testing environment with built in code coverage support for Capture/Selenium/V8 backends
- jspec -- Feature Rich BDD Testing Framework (no longer supported)
- kin - Object creator using blueprints
- kyuri -- A node.js cucumber implementation with a few extra asynchronous keywords. supports 160+ languages and exports to VowsJS stubs
- maryjane -- Mock object library inspired by Mockito
- minitest.js -- Light-weight & simple testing framework designed specially for testing asynchronous code.
- mjsunit.runner -- Command line mjsunit runner which provides an easy way to hook into mjsunit and start running tests immediately.
- mocha -- simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser
- mocha-cakes -- BDD mocha test framework add-on, stories with Cucumber style Given/When/Then syntax for Node.js
- mockery -- Simplifying the use of mocks with Node.js
- nock -- HTTP mocking and expectations library.
- node-assert-extras -- Additional high level asserts
- node-assertthat -- Provides a fluent TDD style for Node.js: assert.that(actual, is.equalTo(expected));
- node-async-testing -- Simple, fast, extendable unit testing.
- node-qunit -- QUnit port for nodejs. Very simple API, async testing, good tested testing framework.
- node-replay -- When API testing slows you down: record and replay HTTP responses like a boss.
- node-stories -- Given/When/Then integration awesomeness for Node.
- node-testy -- Super simple testing script. No added sugar. 100~ LOC.
- nodemock -- Simple Yet Powerful Mocking Framework for NodeJs
- nodeunit -- Simple syntax, powerful tools. Based on the assert module. Available for node.js and the browser!
- patr -- Promise-based asynchronous test runner: lightweight & simple.
- pit -- Simple drop-in test runner with optional control tools
- platoon -- A javascript testing framework whose goals are to work gracefully with callbacks, both in node.js and the browser
- pretendr -- Yet another mocking function. Simple and lightweight, it lets you mock objects just by passing them as a single argument.
- reut -- Heavyweight unit testing framework.
- should -- expressive test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions
- sinon -- JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks for Node.js and the browser
- spectacular -- for testing
- speculum -- BDD Test Suite.
- Soda -- Selenium Node.JS adapter
- soda-runner -- Provides a command line interface, runner, and selenium ide adapter for for soda.
- stest -- A sane event driven async testing framework.
- Speks -- A specification framework for your node-code
- tbd -- A data generator for tests & UI stubbing
- TestIt -- Light-weight yet complete, shoulda style testing framework for in-browser and node.js tests.
- TestNode -- Unobtrusive BDD-style testing framework
- testosterone -- Virile testing for http servers or any nodejs application.
- Tobi -- Expressive server-side functional testing with jQuery.
- twerp -- Simple test framework which is suited to Coffeescript users. Synchronous, simple and easy.
- uubench -- A tiny asynchronous JavaScript benchmarking library
- vbench -- tiny visual benchmarking library powered by uubench and node-canvas
- Vows -- asynchronous behaviour-driven development for node.js
- whiskey -- A simple test runner for NodeJS applications.
- yeti -- The YUI Easy Testing Interface: run browser JS unit tests from the command line!
- zap -- a tiny testing tool for node.js
- zombie.js -- Insanely fast, full-stack, headless testing using node.js
- bdog-node -- haXe wrappers for node.
- bdog-redis -- haXe wrappers for Fictorial's redis client
- bdog-gtk -- haXe wrappers for node and Gtk-Server
- bdog-pstore -- haXe object server using bdog-node and bdog-redis
- bdog-mongo -- haXe wrappers for native-mongo driver
- SQLiteHaxeWrapper -- haXe wrappers for Orlandov's SQLite high level driver
- hxnodejs -- another haXe wrappers for node
- JSON.js -- easy to use but synchronous, built-in to V8 (no need to @require@)
- benejson -- Includes pure JavaScript incremental JSON parser
- json-streams -- Streamed JSON parser and stringifier
- jsonsp -- JSON stream parser for Node.js.
- node-yajl -- SAX-like evented JSON stream parser using yajl version 2 (fork of yajl-js)
- yajl-js -- SAX-like evented JSON parsing using yajl
- node-o3-xml -- W3C Standard based XML DOM with XPath and namespaces. Built on libxml2
- node-o3-fastxml -- W3C Standards based XML DOM based on fastest xml parser in the world pugiXML
- libxmljs -- Bindings to libxml2
- node-xml -- An xml parser for node.js. (The github page for this module is showing some severe performance issues. Not recommended as an "out of the box" solution.)
- xmldom -- A PURE JS W3C Standard based DOMParser and XMLSerializer (DOM Level2 CORE).
- sax-js -- SAX-like parser in pure JS
- dom-js -- A pure JS XML DOM based on sax-js
- node-expat -- Fast SAX parser binding to expat
- node-expat -- a fork of Fast SAX parser binding to expat, also includes XML to JavaScript object converter
- node-xml2js -- Simple XML to JavaScript object converter.
- libxml-to-js -- XML to JavaScript object converter based on libxmljs.
- node-plist -- Apple Plist parser for NodeJS. Convert a Plist file or string into a native JS object.
- node-halfstreamxml -- sax-js based, filter out nodes (with attributes and child nodes) from an xml stream by name
- xml2json -- Simple SAX based XML to JSON parser. It uses node-expat.
- xml-stream -- XML stream parser and editor, based on node-expat.
- aparser -- Async ARGS parser
- cli -- Rapidly build command line apps. Full featured opts/args parser + plugin support
- commander.js -- The complete solution for nodejs command-line interfaces
- argsparser -- A tiny limited arguments parser, returns a hash.
- optimist -- Light-weight option parsing without optstrings or any of that silliness. It's just a hash!
- optparse-js -- Option Parser in JS
- parseopt -- Flexible and extensible option parser in JavaScript.
- trollopjs -- Another option parser
- js-opts -- Another simple command line option parser, easily installed via NPM
- node-arguments -- Yet another simple command line option parser
- nomnom -- Option parser with generated usage, support for callbacks and commands.
- tav -- Brain-free command-line options parser for node.js
- Operetta -- A Node Option Parser That Sings!
- yanop -- Yet Another Node Option Parser
- options.js -- An inline (non-module!) options parser that is very small and yet quite complete.
- celeri.js -- Complete command line interfaces lib for node.js
- nopt -- The command line options parser npm uses.
- dreamopt -- Command-line parser with readable syntax from your sweetest dreams
- 2kenizer -- It streams, it caches and it's simple, it matches RegExp's and strings.
- bnf -- BNF parser, compiler, and interpreter framework.
- canopy -- PEG parser compiler for JavaScript
- jison -- A parser generator written in JavaScript; similar to Bison for C
- PEG.js -- Parser Generator for JavaScript
- language.js -- A fast PEG parser generator with first class errors and reasonable sized output
- PanPG -- A PEG Packrat Parser Generator for JavaScript
- jparse -- A parser combinator for JavaScript based on Packrat parsers and Parsing expression grammars
- ReParse -- A parser combinator library for JavaScript like Haskell's Parsec
- OMeta JavaScript compiler
- tokenizer -- A regex-based and streamed tokenizer
- parser -- A general purpose parser that feeds on tokens (see tokenizer)
- JSCC-NODE -- The Best and The first parser generator written in JavaScript; Use a regular expression-based lexical analyzer generator and a LALR parser generator for building a stand-alone, working parser.
- groan -- A PHP session file parser
- tldextract -- Extract domain, subdomain and tld from a url.
- mingy -- Command parser for CLI tool and adventure game needs. Works well with the optimist module.
- node-rdf2json -- A simple RDF/XML to JSON converter
- node-brainfuck -- Brainfuck interpreter
- node-discount -- C markdown parser "discount" bindings
- node-csv -- Efficient Evented CSV Parsing.
- ya-csv -- Evented CSV parser and writer with configurable separator, escape and quote characters
- lastname -- Parse text and search persons by names and surnames. Only at russian for now.
- node-csv-parser -- Full featured CSV parser with simple api and tested against large datasets.
- querystring.node.js -- Robust query string parsing for node.
- node-htmlparser -- Forgiving HTML Parser in JS for both Node and Browsers
- node-useragent -- User agent string parser with accurate browser versioning and grouping
- node-jspack -- JavaScript library to pack ints, floats, etc. to octet arrays representing C data structures
- node-msgpack -- Bindings for MessagePack, space-efficient object serialization library
- node-rfb -- Parse the RFB protocol used by VNC
- node-bufferlist -- Create linked lists of buffers and asynchronously parse binary data from these lists
- node-netstring -- Read and write netstrings
- apricot -- Hpricot inspired clone, JSDom with Sizzle Selector engine and XUI for HTML augmentation
- node-crawler -- Web crawler/spider with JSDom, jQuery & connection pooling.
- node-strtok -- A streaming tokenizer library for binary data
- omcc -- A command line tool for Alessandro Warth's OMetaJS
- ometa-js , ometajs -- A JavaScript OMeta implementation
- Platform.js -- A platform detection and user agent parsing library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms
- props -- Parse json or yaml from the beginning of text files.
- protobuf_for_node -- Protocol buffer parsing and serialization
- node-markdown -- Easy to use Markdown parser
highlight -- Code highlighter for Markdown
blocks and for automatic language detection - strscan -- Simple string tokenizer for lexical scanning operations
- iniparser -- A Simple .ini parser
- mailparser -- Parse mime encoded e-mails into structured objects
- node-browscap -- browscap.ini parser and port of PHP's get_browser function
- node_spreadsheet -- Read xls,xlsx,ods,csv spreadsheets (php based)
- carrier -- Evented stream line reader for node.js
- parser_email - Simple multi type email parser
- memcache-parser - Memcached binary protocol parser
- fastcgi-parser - FastCGI protocol parser and Writer
- node-formidable - A node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads.
- glossy - Syslog message parser and producer
- UglifyJS - JavaScript parser and compressor/beautifier
- epub - Parse EPUB electronic book files with Node.JS, load chapters, images etc.
- marked - A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
- feed-tables - a lightweight parser for Google Spreadsheet tables available as cells or list atom feeds.
- NodePie - Simple RSS/Atom parser for Node.JS
- node-musicmetadata - Get music metadata asynchronously from node streams.
- node-struct -- Parse/format binary data in buffers.
- node-feedparser - RSS, Atom, and RDF feed parsing in Node.js
- node-opmlparser - OPML parsing in Node.js
- VIE - RDFa parsing in Node.js
- butter - Butter === nodeJS Buffer + ( some hexadecimals delights )
- feedme.js -- RSS/Atom/JSON feed parser with streaming capabilities.
- JS-YAML -- Full featured YAML parser. Native PyYAML port.
- yamlish -- Minimally featured YAML parser which handles the subset of YAML used by TAP.
- tap -- Tools for the Test Anything Protocol
- yamlparser -- A JavaScript YAML parser.
- yamlprompt -- A prompt that asks for YAML input. Depends on yamlparser.
- semver -- Parser used by npm for version numbers.
- node-tldtools -- Provides domain enquiry features, whois, TLD token extraction etc.
- ret.js -- A regexp tokenizer.
- ain -- Brain-free syslog logging
- cfdump.js -- a more visually inspiring way to dump your objects to a browser
- cli-color -- colors and formatting for the console
- colors.js -- get colors in your node.js console like what
- colours.js -- Give your CLI programs some colours!
- colored.js -- Colorize terminal output.
- consolelog.js -- stylized console logging for node.js
- debug -- node core style debugging for your libraries and applications
- Eclipse debugger plugin -- Using Eclipse as Node Applications Debugger
- eyes.js -- A better, customizable value inspector for node.js
- Caterpillar -- Caterpillar is an awesome, simple, intuitive console logger for node.js. It supports grouping of messages, filtering log levels, colors, times, modules, custom formatters and custom transports.
- irc-colors.js --Color and formatting for irc bots made easy
- hexy.js -- hex pretty printing like xxd
- http-console -- A simple & intuitive HTTP console for testing APIs.
- inspect -- hierarchical object inspection displaying ancestry, properties, methods, and accessors in great detail.
- log.js -- light-weight logger that works with any writable stream, also supports a streaming parser for reading the log files generated
- log4js-node -- a port of log4js framework for node.js
- logging -- Super sexy color console logging.
- logly -- A minimal logging utility to support verbose and debug modes
- logule -- A sexy portable logging utility using colors
- nlogger -- Logging lib that can print also module names and line numbers, optionally in color
- node-logging -- Simple colorized logging for Node.js with request logger Express middleware
- monitor -- Runtime monitoring for node.js applications - npm install monitor
- node-logentries -- A winston-compatible wrapper library for the service
- Node-JavaScript-Preprocessor -- Preprocessor for JavaScript
- node-prompt -- Prompt the user for questions in cli!
- node-streamlogger -- Extensively customizable logging, with support for rotation
- node_debug -- HTTP based console and object explorer
- ndb -- traditional command line debugger (like gdb, ruby-debug, etc)
- node-profiler -- access the V8 profiler from node.js
- node-tick -- v8.log processor
- node-inspector -- browser based node debugger
- node-custom-debug -- debugger on custom port on the fly, good addition for node-inspector to inspect many instances on the one server with ease
- node-cli -- cli.clear().move(20,20).color('green').write('Node-cli').down(1).back(7).color('yellow').write('Rocks!')
- nogg -- Simple file/stdio logging for node.js
- profilejs -- profiling middleware for use with node-inspector (profiles Express handlers)
- prettyjson -- Package for formatting JSON data in a coloured YAML-style, perfect for CLI output.
- spine -- Dynamic runtime monitoring for node.js applications inspired by lorenwest's monitor.
- spruce -- configurable node.js logging module
- strack -- bug tracking/tickets system
- underscore.logger -- Cross-browser and Node.js empowered logging that can be used as an Underscore mixin.
- v8-profiler -- v8 profiler bindings with node-inspector integration
- webrepl -- Serve a repl for a node process via a simple web ui
- Replica -- Repl to exec JavaScript code on browser
- Shell -- Nice looking shell applications with pluggable middlewares
- Winston -- A multi-transport async logging library for node.js
- flume-rpc -- A flume-compatible (RPC) logging source and sink
- NodeLog -- Logging library for Node.js based on the java.util.logging library.
- UltraREPL -- Replaces Node's built-in REPL with customizable keybindings, a significantly enhanced inspector with hidden/builtin/depth toggles, simultaneous independent V8 contexts, syntax highlighting, and a full-fledged plug-in system including CoffeeScript contexts, SpiderMonkey contexts, and more.
- crsh -- merge and minify groups of js files and recompile when changes occur
- gzippo -- gzip static content files with Connect/Express using node-compress
- connect-gzip -- gzip middleware for Connect. Contains middleware for gzipping and serving static files as well as gzipping responses dynamically
- gzip -- simple compression using default linux "gzip" utility
- lzma -- A standalone JavaScript implementation of the Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain (LZMA) compression algorithm
- lzw-async -- Asynchronous Javascript implementation of Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression algorithm
- node-compress -- streaming compression / gzip library
- node-compress by egorich239 -- asynchronous streaming (de)compression library with gzip and bzip2 support, originally forked from waveto's
- node-gzbz2 -- streaming compression / gzip / bzip2 library for node.js, originally forked from waveto's
- node-compress-buffer -- single-step Buffer compression library on top of zlib
- node-snappy -- compression using Google's snappy library.
- node-zipfile -- inspect and uncompress zipfile archives (C++ around libzip)
- node-zlibstream -- Streaming zlib library using zlib
- node-zlib-sync -- rfc1950/rfc1951/rfc1952 compress/uncompress (C++ around libzlib)
- node-lzf - lzf compression library (C++ around liblzf)
- zip — .zip file unpacker (pure JavaScript, no C++)
- navcodec -- Node bindings for libavcodec (ffmpeg).
- magician -- Image manipulation for Node.js using ImageMagick.
- pdfkit -- A powerful PDF generation library for Node
- node-wkhtml -- Convert HTML to PDF or PNG using the Webkit Rendering Engine.
- drawback -- Seamless way to render 2D drawings on the client side using HTML5 technologies with a server-side backend.
- node-canvas -- High performance canvas implementation backed by the phenomenal Cairo graphics library
- node-o3-canvas -- Fast HTML5 Canvas and image processing implementation based on AGG
- node-gd -- GD graphic library bindings
- magickal-node -- GraphicsMagick wrapper for node.js
- node-magick -- rewrite of GraphicsMagick wrapper magickal-node fixing some issues
- node-imagemagick -- ImageMagick module
- node-png -- Convert an RGB or RGBA buffer to PNG fast
- node-gif -- Convert an RGB or RGBA buffer to GIF fast
- node-jpeg -- Convert an RGBA or RGB buffer to JPEG fast
- node-ogl -- OpenGL bindings
- node-webgl -- WebGL emulation
- gm -- GraphicsMagick for node
- node-video -- Create Theora/OGG videos from RGB(A) buffers (and stream them via tag)
- node-image -- Unifies node-png, node-gif, node-jpeg
- node-pango-view -- print text with pango to temporary png image, then merge it with ImageMagick.
- squeeze -- Mince and convert images on the cloud using UploadJuicer .
- alleup - Flexible way to resize and upload images to Amazon S3 or file system storages
- node-graphviz -- GraphViz for node
- node-mapnik -- Mapnik bindings for high performance rendering of map tiles.
- node-mapserver -- mapserver bindings for rendering mapserver MAP files via node
- node-exif -- Library to extract Exif metadata from images
- node-fluent-ffmpeg -- Fluent API for ffmpeg (including streaming, thumbnail-generation and custom presets)
- ffmpeg2theora -- Batch encoding with ffmpeg2theora
- ffmpeg-node -- Node.js driver for ffmpeg library
- Face.js -- Node.js module for detecting faces in images
- youtube-dl -- youtube-dl driver for node
- node-handbrake -- HandBrakeCLI wrapper to encode an entire folder of videos
- palette -- Image color palette extraction library built with node-canvas
- node-sound -- The best sound library for Node
- paynode - library for integrating with various payment gateways
- braintree -- library for integrating with Braintree
- node-fortumo -- bindings for Fortumo SMS payment API
- paypal-ipn -- library for verifying paypal IPN messages
- nodewm -- Webmoney signing module for NodeJs
- node-stripe -- library for integrating with Stripe
- dwolla -- library for integrating with Dwolla
- ADAuthFTW - Simple Active Directory authentication (Windows Only)
- alleup - Flexible way to resize and upload images to Amazon S3 or file system storages
- akismet-js -- A client for the Akismet spam detection API
- authome - A dependency-free mutli-service authentication tool
- aws2js -- Amazon Web Services APIs client implementation for node.js. Simple to use and extend.
- aws-lib -- An extensible library for Amazon Web Services including EC2, SimpleDB and the Product Advertising API
- aws-snsclient -- A client for handling Amazon AWS SNS endpoints
- awssum -- NodeJS modules for talking to lots of Web Service APIs
- calais -- Semantically analyze text using the Calais web service
- cpanel-lib -- Node.js client for the cPanel/WHM API
- discogs -- Discogs API client
- dribbble-node -- A wrapper for the Dribbble API
- dropbox-node -- A wrapper for the Dropbox API
- ec2metadata -- An API wrapper for the AWS EC2 metadata.
- evented-twitter -- asynchronous twitter client, supports streaming api
- facebook-api -- offers high level and low level calls against the facebook graph API
- facebook-js -- Easy peasy facebook client for connect.
- fbgraph -- Sexay Facebook graph api
- fitbit-js -- Simple FitBit API wrapper
- flickrnode -- A library to enable use of the flickr api (not as complete as node-flickr, but supports auth)
- flickr-reflection -- A flickr client that uses their reflection API (supports auth)
- forrst -- Simple wrapper for the API.
- gdata-js -- Simple Google Data API OAuth 2.0 wrapper
- geo -- A very basic, but simple, geocode library, currently using Google Geocode API (v3)
- gist -- A gist creator. Create GISTs and use the generated URI.
- gravatar -- Well tested Node.JS Gravatar URL generator
- hipchat-js -- Simple HipChat API wrapper
- instagram-node-lib -- Library for easy interaction with the Instagram API
- janrain-api -- Module for interfacing with Janrain Engage API
- klout-js -- Simple Klout API wrapper
- lastfm-node -- Read and write to users' recent plays on
- libravatar -- Module for generating Libravatar avatar URLs.
- linkedin-js -- Easy peasy linkedin client for connect.
- madmimi-node -- Client library for the MadMimi email api
- mixpanel-node -- A simple Mixpanel API library for server-side analytics.
- mturk -- Amazon Mechanical Turk API wrapper
- Nexmo Node API -- A module for sending and receiving SMS messages via Nexmo REST API.
- nodefm -- So far just a util for consuming recent tracks history for a user
- nodegit -- Asynchronous native Node.js libgit2 bindings with a convenient api
- nodestagram -- Instagram client for node
- nodestalker -- A beanstalkd client for node
- nodevore -- Convore API wrapper
- node-500px -- A wrapper for the API.
- node-apn -- A library to send messages using the Apple Push Notification Service.
- node-armory -- A simple wrapper around Blizzard's REST API for World of Warcraft.
- node-beaconpush -- Client for the Beaconpush REST API. A real-time push service for browsers supporting WebSockets and Comet.
- node-bitly -- A API library for node.js - provides URL shortening/expanding. Features full API.
- node-bot -- Fast and Real-time extraction of web pages information using node-dom (html,text,etc) based on given criterias
- node-c2dm -- A library to send messages using the Android Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) service.
- node-cloudfiles -- A client implementation for Rackspace CloudFiles in node.js
- node-cloudservers -- A client implementation for Rackspace CloudServers in node.js
- node-dropbox -- Node.js client for the Dropbox API
- node-foursquare -- A wrapper for the Foursquare v2 API.
- node-gadgets -- Real-time extraction from web pages of HTML gadgets and associated properties using node-dom based on given criterias
- node-gdata -- A generic Google Data API client library
- node-github -- A wrapper for the GitHub API
- node-gitteh -- Async, stable, feature-complete bindings for the libgit2 library.
- node-googleanalytics -- Google Analytics GData export library
- node-googlemaps -- A wrapper for the Google Maps API
- node-googleSearch -- Implementation of Google Search Ajax API using node-dom
- node-gravatar -- Node.js Gravatar URL generator, can be used with Node.js blogging frameworks
- node-klout -- Extremely reliable Node.js Klout API Wrapper
- node-loggly --A client implementation for Loggly in node.js
- node-mailchimp -- A wrapper for the MailChimp API, MailChimp Export API and MailChimp Webhooks
- node-mailgun -- Client library for MailGun
- node-mixpanel-api -- A simple client for the Mixpanel Data API (not event tracking! see above)
- node-neoip -- binding for neoip
- node-notifo -- Real-time notifications pushed to your mobile phone (and more).
- node-ocr -- ABBYY API wrapper.
- node-ostatus -- An implementation of the OStatus protocol (Webfinger, Push, Hcard, Salmon, etc.)
- node-pdfcrowd -- A wrapper for the Pdfcrowd API. It lets you convert web pages and raw HTML code to PDF.
- node-posterous -- Library for the Posterous API
- node-prowl -- A module that allows you to send push notifications to your iPhone through the Prowl API
- node-rapleaf -- RapLeaf API client
- node-sendgrid -- Sendgrid SMTP API headers library
- node-spore -- Node.js implementation of spore Generate api client with a json file.
- node-sunlightapi -- A client library for the Sunlight Labs Congress API
- node-taobao -- A client library for api
- node-twilio -- A helper library for the Twilio API
- node-twitter -- Asynchronous Twitter REST/stream/search client for node.js
- node-vk -- and social network api wrapper for mobile and desktop applications.
- node-wikimapia -- Node.js wrapper for the Wikimapia API
- node-yelp -- A wrapper for the Yelp's APIv2. Let's you search for businesses and get specific business information.
- pingdom -- A module for accessing the Pingdom JSON API
- postageapp -- A module for sending emails through the PostageApp JSON API
- ranger -- A simple library which wraps Campfire's API
- sailthru-client -- A wrapper for Sailthru API
- SMSified-node -- A module for sending and receiving SMS messages (text messages) with the SMSified API.
- spotify -- Spotify api wrapper. Metadata lookup and search. Works with Spotify and http uris
- supervisord - Library for supervisord
- tropo-webapi-node -- A library for building multi-channel communication apps with the Tropo WebAPI.
- tumblr -- A wrapper for Tumblr's API v2
- tumblrrr -- A wrapper for Tumblr's API
- tweetstream -- Stream like API for twitter's HTTP streaming interface.
- TwitScript -- A port of Twython to Node.js (Twitter API Library)
- twitter-js -- Easy peasy twitter client for connect.
- twitter-search -- Twitter API Search w/ search result pagination, returning up to 1500 queried tweets with RegEx search, kSorts, Klout scoring and filters
- VIE -- Apache Stanbol and DBpedia API client for Node.js
- vimeo-client -- Vimeo API client for Node.js
- n-vimeo -- Vimeo API (for data) Integration, retrieve info about everything (video,user,activity) with ease, an extension of vimeo-client.
- virustotal.js -- VirusTotal API client for node.js
- waz-storage-js -- A simple implementation of Windows Azure Storage API for Node.js
- webmetrics -- A module for accessing the Webmetrics JSON API
- yammer-js -- Simple Yammer API wrapper
- async.js -- Async chaining and file system utilities. Async.js is to node's fs module, what jQuery is to the DOM.
- async -- Comprehensive async map/reduce and control flow (parallel, series, waterfall, auto...) module that works in node and the browser
- atbar -- Async callback manager for javascript in nodejs and browser
- begin -- Control flow library for node.js and CoffeeScript
- chainsaw -- Build chainable fluent interfaces the easy way in node.js
- channels -- Event channels for node.js
- Cinch -- Write async code in sync form.
- cloudd -- Job manager, runs set of tasks defined using a DAG definition
- deferred -- Asynchronous control-flow with deferred and promises
- each -- Chained and parallel async iterator in one elegant function
- EventProxy.js -- An implementation of task/event based asynchronous pattern. Use events to avoid dirty callbacks.
- fiberize -- Node API wrapper for use with fibers.
- fibers -- The closest thing to a thread you'll find in JavaScript
- fibers-promise -- Small yet powerful promises based on fibers.
- asyncblock -- Simple and powerful interface to fibers
- first -- A tiny control-flow library.
- flow-js -- Continuation-esque contruct for expressing multi-step asynchronous logic
- funk -- Asynchronous parallel functions made funky!
- futures - Asynchronous Method Queueing, Futures, Promises, Subscriptions, and other async goodies
- promise -- A Continuation handler (monad) with a condition system for errors
- groupie -- A simple control flow library for executing multiple functions as a group or in a chain, calling back when complete.
- Ignite -- An easy-to-use async programming framework inspired by UML2 state machines.
- jam -- Monadic continuation/callbacks/async helper.
- Jscex -- Transforms sync code into monadic, async code as the async support in F# and Scala.
- JobManager -- A really simple tool that helps you manage multiple asynchronous tasks.
- miniqueue -- A very simple in-memory queue for easy sequential processing
- $N -- Simple control flow with pretty syntax.
- nestableflow -- Asynchronous nestable flow-control (serial, parallel, repeat, wait, function) module for Node.js, RequireJS, and browser.
- node.flow -- A deadly simple flow control package for node.js
- node-fnqueue -- Functions chain utility
- node-chain -- Simple call chaining library for node.js
- node-continuables -- A library making dealing with asynchronous code easier
- node-cron -- Schedule callbacks with cron syntax
- node-crontab -- Allows reading, manipulating, and writing user crontabs from node.js
- node-inflow -- A next generation async control-flow library, with a shared object for called functions and debugging made easy.
- node_memo -- Sophisticated function memoization
- node-parallel -- Create tasks in node.js that run in parallel, or sequences that run tasks one after another.
- node-promise -- Robust promises for node.js, includes promise utilities and promise-based I/O library
- narrow -- Shrinks a given callback parallel execution concurrency in a limited number of threads, receiving a big bunch of data (array of tasks)
- neuron -- The simplest possible event driven job manager, FIFO queue, and "task based cache" in node.js
- noflo -- Flow-Based Programming system for Node.js
- observer -- An alternative observer implementation, for both ss&cs.
- poolr -- A lightweight resource pooling/serialization library
- q -- Q is a tool for making and composing asynchronous promises in JavaScript.
- read-files -- Asynchronously read a bunch of files and give a callback when reading is complete.
- Rubberduck -- Punch JavaScript objects and receive events before and after a function executes.
- SCION -- StateCharts Interpretation and Optimization eNgine (SCION) is an implementation of SCXML/Statecharts in JavaScript.
- seq -- Chainable asynchronous control flow for node.js with sequential and parallel primitives and pipeline-style error handling
- sexy -- Proxy (ES5) for writing sequential asynchronous code in a synchronous style
- Signals -- Custom Event/Messaging system which supports advanced features, doesn't rely on strings for the event publishing/subscribing and favor composition over inheritance.
- simple-schedule -- Simple scheduler for dispatching a number of batch tasks at defined intervals
- Slide -- A control flow library that fits in a slide presentation
- soda.js -- Asynchonous JavaScript module loader for client-side and Node.js
- Step -- Tool for grouping and chaining asynchronous callbacks, based on flow-js
- stepc -- A CoffeeScript-safe version of creationix' step
- streamline.js -- Tool that transforms synchronous code into asynchronous code with callbacks.
- sync -- Write simple and readable synchronous code in nodejs using fibers (based on node-fibers)
- QBox -- Quick Controller flow for NodeJS
zo.js -- Async-friendly versions of the usual list processing functions:
and friends. - pauseable -- Easily pause and resume event emitters, timeouts, and intervals.
- i18next -- express middleware, template support, clientside support
- Lingo -- Inflection, transformation and more
- cld -- A straight port of the CLD (Compact Language Detector) library embedded in Google's Chromium browser.
- dialect -- Translations for nodejs.
- dialect-http -- http client to manage your dialect translations.
- node-i18n -- node-i18n is a minimalistic internationalization module with templating
- i18n-node -- Exports common __(), __n() syntax. Stores JSON objects dynamically on code-change.
- connect-i18n -- Middleware for connect to handle i18n.
- translate.js -- translate text from one language to another on node.js and the browser. 30+ languages supported, simple as cake.
- inflect -- A port of the Rails / ActiveSupport inflector to JavaScript (node.js and browser compatible).
- node-gettext -- Use Gettext .MO files with Node.js.
- lingua -- A i18n middleware for the Express.js framework.
- node-date-diff -- Calculates date differences and allows to format it nicely to your language (Eg. In one hour)
- node-language-detect -- NodeJS language detection library using n-gram (which can identify up to 52 human languages)
- npm-boilerplate -- Boilerplate for creating NPM packages
- node-boilerplate -- Everything you need to get started on a Node.js website with express and socket.IO
- transsiberian -- [outdated] nodejs boilerplate built upon Express and Mongolia
- NodeBase -- A node base class for JavaScript and CoffeeScript (logging, options, defaults and EventEmitter)
- infigo-node-boilerplate -- nodejs boilerplate built upon Express, db-mysql/db-drizzle/Mongoose and includes user authentication and group+role authorization system.
- Skeleton -- Skeleton is a CLI module to bootstrap a Node/Express project with a skeleton template via any git repository, with an included default repo.
- Lemmy -- 49% Motherfucker | 51% Son of a Bitch Node.js + Express + Mocha flexible project boilerplate for Javascript/Coffee-Script coders written in Makefile.
- nestor -- Jenkins Node.js CLI
- Jenkins API -- An API written in Node for Jenkins, allowing you to trigger jobs, delete jobs, copy jobs, etc.
- Concrete -- Simple continuous integration server written with NodeJS and CoffeeScript
- nodeEventStore -- EventStore (Events and Snapshots) supporting MongoDb, CouchDb, Redis
- nodeEventedCommand -- provides simple command/event handling for evented systems like cqrs
- append -- Append properties from one object to another.
- audience-meter -- A simple audience meter based on Socket.IO, perfect for live events tracking
- node-browserify -- Browser-side require() for your node modules and npm packages
- nova -- Node.js libraries ported to the browser. Write once, run everywhere.
- node-talib -- Technical Analysis Library with 100+ indicators and candlestick pattern recognition
- behaviors -- A simple way to check a module's exports, useful for 3rd party plugins and extensions
- box2dnode -- Port of the box2d physics simulation library
- node-bullet -- Bullet Physics for node.js
- node-stem -- Bindings to the libstemmer library
- Amanda -- JSON Schema validator
- node.packer -- An assets combine and minify tool
- version -- NodeJS package.json version number fetcher
- node-ast-inlining -- A small library that inline and expand function call
- attache.js - Very basic AOP implementation
- randexp.js - Create random strings that match a given regular expression.
- short -- NodeJS URL Shortener backed by MongooseJS w/ Complete Example Site
- configme -- Simplest possible configuration tool. without conflict - with defaulting!
- sigar -- Node Binding to SIGAR (System Information Gatherer And Reporter)