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Flow control library for node.js and CoffeeScript

Features ..

  • OOP support.
  • Provide several scope transition functions.

Quick Exmaples

{begin, def} = require 'begin.js'
fs = require 'fs'

# example 1
begin ->
	@_ -> fs.readFile '/etc/passwd', @next
._ (data) ->
	console.log data

# example 2
begin ->
	if flg
		return @throw # jump to #1
	@next() # jump to #2
.catch (err) -> # 1
	# if flg is true, this statement is executed.
	console.log err
	@next() # jump to #2
._ -> # 2

# example 3
begin ->
	@_ ->
		begin ->
			switch state
				when "ok" then @next 1 # jump to #1
				when "error" then @throw "2" # jumtp to #2
				when "end" then @out "3" # jumtp to #3
				else @throw 4 # jumtp to #2
		._ (data) -> #1
			# data is 1
			@next 4 # jumtp to #3
		.catch (err) -> #2
			# data is 2
			@next 5 # jumtp to #3
._ (data) -> #3
	# data is 3 or 4 or 5 

# exapmple 4
f = def (file) ->
		@_ -> fs.readFile file, @next

begin ->
	@_ -> f()
._ (data) ->
	console.log data

# exapmle 5
obj = {name: "bob"}
obj.f = def (file) ->
			@_ -> fs.writeFile file,, @next
		._ (err) ->
			throw err if err
			@_ -> fs.writeFile file, @self.age, @next

begin ->
	@_ -> obj.f()
._ (err) ->
	throw err if err


npm install begin.js



  • begin
  • _
  • catch
  • end
  • def
  • @_
  • @next
  • @throw
  • @out

begin library connect each asyncronous processing. Connecting is done by passing @next or @throw or @out. If @next called, process jump to next "_" scope. @throw called, process jump to next "catch" scope. @out called, process jump to outer "_" scope. Please look at the examples above. Note each transition functions(@next, @throw, @out) must be called end of scope. This rule prevent that processing is made a spaghetti. If transition functions can't call end of socpe, use @_ like example below.

# bad case
begin ->
	console.log # NG!! Exception will be thrown!
._ ->

# good case
begin ->
	console.log "test"
	@next() # OK
._ ->

# bad case2
begin ->
	fs.readFile "/etc/passwd", @next # NG!! The final processing of the scope is readFile rather than @next...
._ (data) ->
	# It will not come here...
	console.log data

# good case2 (use @_)
begin ->
	@_ -> fs.readFile "/etc/passwd", @next # OK
._ (data) ->
	console.log data


In begin scope, iterators following is available.

  • @filter
  • @map
  • @every
  • @some
  • @reduce
  • @reduceRight

begin library provide iterator functions for asyncronous processing. Interface of iterator is same iterator of javascript. Please look at the examples below and document of iteration methods at mdn (

# @filter
begin ->
	@filter [1,2,3], (v) ->
		@next v % 2 is 0
._ (lst) ->
	lst # [2]

# @map
begin ->
	@map [1,2,3], (v) ->
		@next v * 2
._ (lst) ->
	lst # [2,4,6]

# @every
begin ->
	@every [1,2,3], (v) ->
		@next v < 4
._ (result) ->
	result # true

# @some
begin ->
	@some [1,2,3], (v) ->
		@next v < 2
._ (result) ->
	result # true

# @reduce
begin ->
	@reduce [1,2,3], (pv, cv) ->
		@next pv - cv
._ (result) ->
	result # -4

# @reduceRight
begin ->
	@reduceRight [1,2,3], (pv, cv) ->
		@next pv - cv
._ (result) ->
	result # 0


Flow control library for Node.js and CoffeeScript






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