Flow control library for node.js and CoffeeScript
Features ..
- OOP support.
- Provide several scope transition functions.
{begin, def} = require 'begin.js'
fs = require 'fs'
# example 1
begin ->
@_ -> fs.readFile '/etc/passwd', @next
._ (data) ->
console.log data
# example 2
begin ->
if flg
return @throw # jump to #1
@next() # jump to #2
.catch (err) -> # 1
# if flg is true, this statement is executed.
console.log err
@next() # jump to #2
._ -> # 2
# example 3
begin ->
@_ ->
begin ->
switch state
when "ok" then @next 1 # jump to #1
when "error" then @throw "2" # jumtp to #2
when "end" then @out "3" # jumtp to #3
else @throw 4 # jumtp to #2
._ (data) -> #1
# data is 1
@next 4 # jumtp to #3
.catch (err) -> #2
# data is 2
@next 5 # jumtp to #3
._ (data) -> #3
# data is 3 or 4 or 5
# exapmple 4
f = def (file) ->
@_ -> fs.readFile file, @next
begin ->
@_ -> f()
._ (data) ->
console.log data
# exapmle 5
obj = {name: "bob"}
obj.f = def (file) ->
@_ -> fs.writeFile file, @self.name, @next
._ (err) ->
throw err if err
@_ -> fs.writeFile file, @self.age, @next
begin ->
@_ -> obj.f()
._ (err) ->
throw err if err
npm install begin.js
- begin
- _
- catch
- end
- def
- @
- @next
- @throw
- @out
begin library connect each asyncronous processing.
Connecting is done by passing @next or @throw or @out.
If @next called, process jump to next "_
" scope.
@throw called, process jump to next "catch" scope.
@out called, process jump to outer "_
" scope.
Please look at the examples above.
Note each transition functions(@next, @throw, @out) must be called end of scope.
This rule prevent that processing is made a spaghetti.
If transition functions can't call end of socpe, use @_ like example below.
# bad case
begin ->
console.log # NG!! Exception will be thrown!
._ ->
# good case
begin ->
console.log "test"
@next() # OK
._ ->
# bad case2
begin ->
fs.readFile "/etc/passwd", @next # NG!! The final processing of the scope is readFile rather than @next...
._ (data) ->
# It will not come here...
console.log data
# good case2 (use @_)
begin ->
@_ -> fs.readFile "/etc/passwd", @next # OK
._ (data) ->
console.log data
In begin scope, iterators following is available.
- @filter
- @map
- @every
- @some
- @reduce
- @reduceRight
begin library provide iterator functions for asyncronous processing. Interface of iterator is same iterator of javascript. Please look at the examples below and document of iteration methods at mdn (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array)
# @filter
begin ->
@filter [1,2,3], (v) ->
@next v % 2 is 0
._ (lst) ->
lst # [2]
# @map
begin ->
@map [1,2,3], (v) ->
@next v * 2
._ (lst) ->
lst # [2,4,6]
# @every
begin ->
@every [1,2,3], (v) ->
@next v < 4
._ (result) ->
result # true
# @some
begin ->
@some [1,2,3], (v) ->
@next v < 2
._ (result) ->
result # true
# @reduce
begin ->
@reduce [1,2,3], (pv, cv) ->
@next pv - cv
._ (result) ->
result # -4
# @reduceRight
begin ->
@reduceRight [1,2,3], (pv, cv) ->
@next pv - cv
._ (result) ->
result # 0