Linter doesn't implement validators - it utilizes free available quality tools. Javascript lang is too flexible and it becomes very hard to work in larger teams, especially if some of members are newbie on javascript. Linter is highly configurable, so if you don't want to use some rules, you can create your own conf file. You can easily add more quality tools.
- all rules can be defined in one configuration ".json" file
- you can create many conf. files, because you might have different rules for different environments f.e. server and client.
- it uses all available linter, if you have one more - you can add it
- unified errors reporting format
- implement generic filter, to enable linter wrappers to ignore some options, which are not customizable by original linter
- probably one generic way to turn off any option in any file using comments (jslint like)
- add html linter, e.g.
- add css linter
- somehow have javascript lint's options in the config file (currently you'd have to specify your own configuration file in javascript lint's own style.).
npm install linter
$ linter -h
var linter = require('linter');{
files: "/path/to/file" // can be an array or directory
config: "conf/server.json" // can be an object, path to a conf.json or config name e.g. "server"
confRoot: "/path/to/linter/predef/configs", per default is linter "conf" dir
recursive: false, // read dir recursively, default to false
format: false, // set to true if you want to get a string as errors argument, formatted for console output
// callback functions, which is called on complete and errors array is passed
// see ./bin/cli.js
callback: function(errors) {
- You can create a config file which contains all rules for every validator.
- See
for examples *.json
configs can have comments in it
Errors array passed to callback contains objects in this format:
linter: "validator name",
file: "file name",
message: "error message",
line: "line number"
put the linter into
write a wrapper for it and put it into
wrapper should implement one function
module.exports = function(file, options, callback){ };
wrapper should talk with validator and on complete call the callback and pass errors array in unified error format
for an example -
option for new validator in json should have name
{ "validator-name": { "some-option": true } }
- node-linter - MIT Style
- jslint - read
- closure-linter and closure-compiler - Apache License, Version 2.0
- javascript lint - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2